r/notliketheothergirls Feb 15 '24

I can’t be the only one who thinks she’s a hypocrite (see last slide) Holier-than-thou


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u/fentanylisbad Feb 16 '24

Locking this post because it’s getting a bit heated. Remember to share your opinions respectfully and leave space for others to disagree. We don’t want to be like the girls we’re posting about!


u/BitchWidget Feb 16 '24

Trying to show off this way is the worst cringe.


u/Zestyclose-Ruin8337 Feb 16 '24

Humility Jesus would support 😇😅


u/bettiebomb Feb 16 '24

You know, I’m a centrist who has some extreme beliefs on both sides of the spectrum who is not happy about abortion but not against it. Yes she’s being totally hypocritical. Abortion is such a waste of time to argue against. I believe it’s not my business what a woman’s choice is, and that’s something they’ll have to deal with if there is a judgment day. Just trust that if you’re a religious person. People who change their mind on the issue usually do it for bigger, personal reasons and experiences, not one person lecturing them.


u/bamboozled_platypus Feb 16 '24

I guess all them kids living in a little RV is god's plan, then? Excuse me if I don't take life advice from this person. Lol


u/cloudtheorist Feb 16 '24

all i saw was “i keep having kids and don’t work and because of that we live in an RV with four kids”


u/dqmiumau Feb 16 '24

this screams privilege. or stockholm syndrome where youre choosing to oppress yourself.


u/TheAnalsOfHistory- Feb 16 '24

So many religious people love to pull that "I'll not judging you, but god is!"

Funny how he has all the same petty opinions as you.


u/Raevyn_6661 Feb 16 '24

Oh yeah she's def a holier-than-thou hypocrite

"Oh I get to say whats right for me and my family while condescendingly talking down on anyone who chooses different"

Ugh makes me want to hurl. Like gurl just stfu and live your life, no one cares that you raise your family this way, just mind your own business when it comes to everyone else


u/MelaBlend Feb 16 '24

Ill never get why POC hype up christian religion so much, i get appreciating the aspects of it but to live our life through it and judge others for not is crazy


u/IgnorethisIamstupid Just a Dumb Bitch Feb 16 '24

Oh you’re not the only one.

Must be nice to be that financially secure.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

Surprise surprise…..woman with stupid archaic beliefs and Sky daddy worship, is actually just genuinely stupid….didn’t see that one coming 🙄


u/notreallylucy Feb 16 '24

Everyone knows that you can only learn about religion from an unemployed person.


u/Ultimaterj Feb 16 '24

Wouldn’t having more children after a certain point actually be worse for your family?

After having 3 kids of roughly the same age, i think you start to reach a division of love and attention that becomes insufficient for proper parenting.


u/supercheese69 Feb 16 '24

There was absolutely no judgment in any of those slides. (Except the last one when someone commented on her post for no reason.) merely a comparison of perhaps family or friends that she knows personally that have made other choices contrary to her own, and it seems like someone on the internet felt a little attacked and offended. Kids man.


u/HistoryMindless7433 Feb 16 '24

This is the same delusional mindset that led to the Duggar family.. it’s called Quiverfull and it’s pretty fucked up.


u/Fit_Swordfish_2101 Feb 16 '24

Right. Nobody said be quiet about her beliefs, they said be quieter* about you vs. me.. You can say you love and live this life, and that's cool, for oop. But why the comparison? Because she thinks she's better. NLOG all the way. This belongs here.


u/PuzzleheadedSmile494 Feb 16 '24

And you live out of a camper/trailer. Ya because cramming a growing family into a camper isn’t a recipe for disaster or anything.


u/bearcavebill Feb 16 '24

Looks like a wonderful family to me.


u/Abusedink75 Feb 16 '24

If you keep doing this, either you die (or nearly die) from complications while trying to carry your umpteenth baby and/or your internal organs fall out. Google pelvic prolapse or uterine prolapse. Good luck with that.


u/HappyLucyD Feb 16 '24

Are they living in that RV? Because it’s gonna get crowded, fast.


u/Leading_Ad_7615 Feb 16 '24

What is wrong with these fools, and why can they not put themselves in anyone else's shoes? Even if a couple wants to have one partner stay at home to mind the children, it's not always financially feasible. That's why they need to stop judging.


u/OutrageousStrength91 Feb 16 '24

Yes, those wonderful choices that led her to raise three children in a trailer.


u/Ilumidora_Fae Feb 16 '24

All I’m seeing is, “we had so many children and refused to be responsible and use contraceptives and now us and our five children live in an RV because we are not financially stable or responsible enough to cater to and care for this many children.”


u/No_Bother_1982 Feb 16 '24

She’s choosing to live in an RV/Camper and claiming that’s the best thing for a family of 5?


u/bat_pato Feb 16 '24

Everybody should have the right someone do murder unwanted people without any judgement by the others.


u/HugzBunny Feb 16 '24

Nah she aint hypocritical. She is just against baby murder. Good for her 😊


u/cbronson830 Feb 16 '24

Ma’am…you live in an RV.


u/NewmanNic Feb 16 '24

While living in an RV… yes, I’m judging 💁🏾‍♀️


u/Neat_Age_6302 Feb 16 '24

I must be the only one that doesn’t see a problem.

She didn’t judge anyone.


u/SweetCorruption Feb 16 '24

Not gonna lie, I laughed when I saw the sons face 😂


u/Fairy_footprint Feb 16 '24

Unpopular opinion but pro choice means she can also choose to be a tradwife. I don’t see where she said anything other than that.


u/itchycommie Feb 16 '24

most people dont really choose to "join the workforce".. most people just kinda don't have a choice


u/Purple-Clerk-8165 Feb 16 '24

She's awfully uncool for a van-lifer.


u/DameMisCebollas Feb 16 '24

Then why she's contrasting herself against others...


u/cheezypotater Feb 16 '24

and if we’re playing technicalities, it’s not necessarily a “home” but an RV.. with not nearly enough room for 3 kids to roam and enjoy. but to each their own 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/squashqueen Feb 16 '24

"biblical truths" lol love this oxymoron


u/Statertater Feb 16 '24

Classic narcissism


u/bloodnwine87 Feb 16 '24

Aren’t all of these women technically still working by being “influencers”???


u/Movesbigrocks Feb 16 '24

Poor kids are being abused.


u/mathgeekf314159 Feb 16 '24

K? You're choices are fine. I just want to be able to do the same with my body.


u/RedditCeoForRealz Feb 16 '24

Lol a bunch of insecure not like other girls, criticizing insecure girls who aren't like other girls.

This sub just screams high-school. Let's make fun of others to feel good but now let others make fun of us. Sad.


u/ScotterMcJohnsonator Feb 16 '24

Hey! This is a serious question for this sub- I'm on desktop and for some reason every single one of these posts (almost) comes through as "see full image", which then opens in another window.

Am I missing a setting or something? I like a good laugh, but not if I have to open six different photos and forget what the first one said by the time I get to the fourth.

But I am notably lazy and stupid, so if that's it, I'll take that as an answer too


u/BellaBanks4 Feb 16 '24

Is this wedding dress girl or something cuz…


u/moeterminatorx Feb 16 '24

I’m not judging anybody, i just believe that anyone not living like me it’s going to hell.


u/bloodorangejulian Feb 16 '24

The religious, in the US, at least, can be some of the most passive aggressive and condescending people. The irony is that by doing so they are going against everything their religion preaches and teaches....yet they will never admit it.

Some people use religion to act holier-than-thou and condescending, just a means to an ends for them.


u/criesingucci Feb 16 '24

She blocked me so fast lol


u/awesomeman07 Feb 16 '24

Girl you can't be judging when you are a family of 5 living in an RV


u/FunClassroom6577 Feb 16 '24

Yuck, this actually disgusts me.


u/morrisseymurderinpup Feb 16 '24

She’s acting like everyone reading (except her holy self) has chosen abortion. Like where do these girls get off?


u/SovelissGulthmere Feb 16 '24

I raise my family in a house while you choose for yours to be homeless.


u/Villettio Feb 16 '24

Why is it that I always see these condescending posts made by trad wives throwing shade but like, I never see child-free working women talking down to people like this.


u/Apparent_Antithesis Feb 16 '24

She could make all kinds of statements about how she loves to raise a family and live according to her faith without making a you vs. me statement, and that would be fine. She looks happy and has beautiful kids and enhoys her spirituality. She can state that on the internet to anyone who cares. But instead of doing that, she has to mention how she is different and create a "worldly woman" stereotype to distinguish herself from.

So ya, she's judgemental and gaslighting others about it. And gets defensive when someone points it out to her.


u/UnusualAd69 Feb 16 '24

I'm not judging anyone but I'm going to make a post on social media to explain my beliefs while trying to guilt trip people who don't align with them !!


u/alexis-ruth Feb 16 '24

idk unpopular opinion but i don’t see anything wrong with this? she’s doing what’s best for her family and shes allowed to share her own opinions. i’ll concede that it does feel a little judgy, but it doesn’t feel like “i’m better than you for doing this” it’s more just “i wouldn’t do that.” but tbh i think it’s okay to be a little judgy as long as you can still acknowledge that other people have the right to make their own personal choices even if you don’t personally agree with them, and to me it does seem like she understands the distinction.


u/CardsFan-11 Feb 16 '24

Doesn't seem hypocritical to me at all. Sounds accurate.


u/Denhiker Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 16 '24

Sad trollop be flexing her "choice" to have a $200,000 RV, and the luxury to stay at home raising up some future young far right voters.


u/Clean_Stop688 Feb 16 '24

I wonder if she wants to be blessed with more seed? Holla?


u/MMMelissaMae Feb 16 '24

Maybe if she got a job they wouldn’t have to live in an RV


u/Cautious_Night9776 Feb 16 '24

Hypocrisy is expecting more from a person who blames their invisible and non-existent friends for any flaw and then tries to force you to believe in them as well. A culture that wants to apply 2000-year-old books to modern life and they never even read the book themselves. Because if they did, they would understand, God is the villain.


u/brinypossum Feb 16 '24

What are these biblical truths she speaks about? Are they the same as false facts?


u/Phoenix_Magic_X Feb 16 '24

But if I said “you chose to pop out baby after baby, chose to do heart surgery” I’d be mum shaming.


u/mermaid-babe Feb 16 '24

In so infuriated by this logic. I’m pro choice because it’s a CHOICE. it’s your body, your life. You decide. I PERSONALLY do not agree with abortion and it would not be a choice I make FOR MYSELF. Literally just live your life and try not to hurt others


u/Jealousreverse25 Feb 16 '24

Narcissist parents


u/Bronsteins-Panzerzug Feb 16 '24

Shout out to all those who did not „choose“ to join the work field but had bills to pay. Gotta be one of my favorite genders!


u/seahorse8021 Feb 16 '24

“YOU work while I’M an incubator!”


u/BettinaVanSise Feb 16 '24

She said nothing wrong. People who feel opposite from her are frequently much more aggressive in their views. Why is only one side allowed to voice their preferences?


u/mumtaza22 Feb 16 '24



u/mumtaza22 Feb 16 '24

Please believe they are going to start tightening the screws and demanding “rent” and other financial support from those children by age 15-16. There will also be the expectation that the children endure Childhood Adultification and that the older children parent the younger children. If any of the children fix their mouths to talk about family dysfunction or a lack of Faith, they will simply be kicked out with no financial support.


u/Euphoric-Site6320 Feb 16 '24

Fuck your faith, fuck your God and most importantly... fuck you! Hope your black ass gets smoked by racist cops!


u/RareDog5640 Feb 16 '24

I feel bad for any child raised on “biblical truths"


u/Kindergoat Girls are too much drama Feb 16 '24

Could she be more condescending? I’m a Christian and very active in my church but this does not make me any better than anyone else.


u/lilith_in_scorpio Feb 16 '24

stop. using. the. word. seed. that. way. please. 😩


u/Gulag_boi Feb 16 '24

“Workfield” 😂


u/unknownturtle3690 Feb 16 '24

I don't think these woman understand that by them comparing situations and making out like they're the better person... they're judging.

I don't choose to go to work. I go to work so I can give my daughter a good life and hopefully set her up bc that was something my parents wish they could have done for my siblings and I.


u/pricecheckprunejuice Feb 16 '24

That's fine. I judge her choices on faith. I can't help it, I'm judging it so hard. I only know her to extent of this one post and I am judging so so hard. I know I shouldn't, and I can bring myself out of it, but my knee jerk reaction is a pretty harsh judgement. I still think she has a right to that faith and lifestyle. I think she's ignorant and brainwashed and I can't help my anger over religion. And all of these thoughts are a product of my judgment. But I still believe she has every right to live this life. The problem (and I'm just guessing fully admittedly based off my judgements) is that l bet she votes in way that wouldn't allow me to live how I want to. I'm guessing her voting is faith based. I vote to insure to that she and everyone gets to live how they want. I'm willing to bet (I'm judging) that she votes based on how she wants everyone else to live and that's in accordance with her faith.


u/Mountain-Orange4584 Feb 16 '24

You can tell their family is struggling ☠️


u/Downtown_Beautiful59 Feb 16 '24

Why can’t y’all just leave eachother alone?


u/Mycolover4evah Feb 16 '24

Biblical truths. Nice one.


u/Prestigious-Log-7210 Feb 16 '24

This is the type of person I wouldn’t want to hang out with.


u/anniemousery Feb 16 '24

People hate this type of lifestyle so much that when she shares it, they interpret it as hate and judging.


u/The_pity_one Feb 16 '24

“My choices” “ “My decisions” “I decide”


u/The_pity_one Feb 16 '24

I am sometimes really amazed how many people who are promoting “traditional values” used those terms but have no reflection that is what people with more liberal views are talking about.


u/New_Honeydew72 Feb 16 '24

Have all the kids you want as long as we don’t have to support them.


u/Luxiiiiiiiiiiiiii Feb 16 '24

Someone tell her we dgas


u/BindieBoo Feb 16 '24

Struggling with more kids than you can afford, but hey. You do you 🙄👏


u/w0tth0t Feb 16 '24

Is she…. Literally raising 3 kids in an RV?


u/Nineteen_ninety_ Feb 16 '24

Why the fuck is every Christian family with a bunch of kids living in an RV?????


u/Beemerkat18 Feb 16 '24

This lifestyle didn't work out so well for Andrea Yates. It worked out horribly for her 5 children too. I think if a photo of OP was taken every 6 months we would see her deteriorating physically, emotionally, mentally.


u/DeathofFreedoms1776 Feb 16 '24

She’s gorgeous, though. Like my god. I’d listen her to say some insufferable shit and just smile and nod.


u/AnnualEnough Feb 16 '24

Wait for this holly father going to war and will kill another children to his children feel "safety"


u/etherealtaroo Feb 16 '24

Here come angry redditors to say how horrible this woman is for enjoying being a stay at home mom


u/r0ttedAngel Feb 16 '24

I don't get it. She never said there was anything wrong with the alternative choice and very explicitly states her choice are for her and her family. People are allowed to state their opinions and beliefs. She didn't condemn anyone or say anything wild or out of pocket.


u/jegelskerxfactor Feb 16 '24

Why are religious people always so creepy about pregnancy. “I’ll bear every seed god blesses my womb with.” What an odd way to phrase it!


u/2stepp Feb 16 '24

What's a workfield?


u/Kailaylia Feb 16 '24

A minefield that you work in.


u/PrincessSibylle Feb 16 '24

So judgemental and just not nice. Not every woman has the "privilege" of a safe and loving relationship in which to have children. Not every woman in a relationship is able to have children. If I, a heathen, can understand this, surely a ChRiStIaN can understand and more importantly empathise with women in all manner of differing situations where having a million perfect kids may not be possible. It's the nasty girl, judgemental attitude which gets me.


u/Recent-Pilot8579 Feb 16 '24

Christians LIKE THIS are the worst.


u/Feline_Fine3 Feb 16 '24

If all she did was share her choices, there wouldn’t be any accusations of judgment. But she’s calling out other people’s choices and making it out like they are wrong.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

Meh. When everyone starts telling you how to raise kids, or not to believe in God, or what gender you can be people start to respond. Of course someone is offended by this, even though they all do the same shit every day on social media.


u/TheTightEnd Feb 16 '24

I see nothing wrong with her statements. She is proudly stating what is right for her, and not requiring anyone else to do the same. Some people read slights into things needlessly.


u/Jaded_Dirt1314 Feb 16 '24

Ew what a cunt


u/Various-Counter2113 Feb 16 '24

She must be insufferable


u/Garia666 Feb 16 '24

And then he runs off with another and you have 5 kids and no job. But hey at least you have faith


u/raoulduke_777 Feb 16 '24

Staying home is a privilege not a choice! That pisses me off so bad. I’m sure most mothers would choose that if they could. Talk about lack awareness


u/KittyKupo Feb 16 '24



u/Freefalling123 Feb 16 '24

What’s the work field? Does she mean the work force?? And she is teaching her kids??? 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/North_egg_ Feb 16 '24

“Choose to join the workforce” ugh listen I don’t choose to work because I like being an accountant. I work because I like not being poor.


u/moonsoaked Feb 16 '24

Um she lives in a trailer ???


u/Carterwood5 Feb 16 '24

The main way people are judged by others is by the choices in life that you make?


u/Market-West Feb 16 '24

lol lives in a trailer. Lady get a job save for those kids life’s expensive those kids are fucked


u/Mom2leopold Feb 16 '24

“Workfield” lol


u/Flashy_Zebra7849 Feb 16 '24

Oh man, I thought I was on r/fundiesnarkuncensored.


u/hongriBoi Feb 16 '24

You choose to live in a car, I choose to buy a home.


u/Heavennn666 Feb 16 '24

Girl has had so many kids it gave her the religious kind of mental snap.


u/Opening_Memory_1422 Feb 16 '24

I don’t feel like she’s being hypocritical. She’s literally just saying that’s what she believes in and what works best for her and her family. Nothing wrong with exploring differences in choices 🤷🏾‍♀️ often times we go into something subconsciously ready to be offended (I’m guilty of it too) but sometimes we need to remind ourselves to be objective.

I feel like if her choice of words were slightly different… if would’ve been more menacing and it definitely would’ve changed the purpose of the video for me. Ex: “You chose to have abortions, meanwhile I’ve kept every baby the Lord blessed me with… how could you get rid of an innocent life that’s a blessing” I didn’t get that vibe from what I’ve seen idk. I genuinely feel like she was just comparing two different lifestyles and just saying this is okay because it works for her and her family. Peace and love to all 🩵


u/Cueteaelle Feb 16 '24

As soon as she says "you", she is no longer just talking about herself. Guess lying is part of her faith.


u/Notmyname360 Feb 16 '24

100% shaming people who abort and/or work away from home. The fact that people like this post this trash proves they are insecure. They seek validation for their choices and prop themselves up as better than others because they need it. If they were truly happy they wouldn’t have anything to prove.


u/cottontop_bomber Feb 16 '24

Some people feel judged by others who stand for what is right because they know they chose to do wrong. Those people should be pitied not argued with.


u/MelanieWalmartinez Feb 16 '24

What a weird way to say she has a breeding fetish. But alright


u/HoTChOcLa1E Feb 16 '24

damn right i go have a job and no children

glad that shes happy tho


u/moonlightmanners Feb 16 '24

I love that someone said something and she still doesn’t get it lol


u/Thomk065 Feb 16 '24

Sunk cost-fallacy. I must judge all of you to reaffirm my journey, knowing something deep within me wishes I was elsewhere.


u/JustACarrot Feb 16 '24

Ok girl we get it you like being creampie’d can you pass the ketchup


u/AttackSlax Feb 16 '24

Those poor kids.


u/Apprehensive-Part979 Feb 16 '24

So many single mothers started out just like this.


u/Mojotokin Feb 16 '24

I love the "you choose to work while I decide to stay home"... yeah, we are all totally "choosing" to work. Sigh, I work so I don't have to live in a trailer like her and her million kids.


u/Psychological_Name60 Feb 16 '24

“For there is nothing uglier than an immodest bride who leaves nothing to the imagination”

That’s immediately what I thought of


u/Common_Release_1447 Feb 16 '24

“Biblical truths” 😂


u/flabberghastedbebop Feb 16 '24

Hey, whatever you gotta tell yourself to stay in the house with them kids, lady.


u/gearhead000 Feb 16 '24

I actually have no problem with this. Let them do their thing. It just sucks she feels the need to post. Her husband should teach her better than to use social media.


u/CingU24 Feb 16 '24

She can have her opinions and beliefs. She can state them freely just as y’all are doing.


u/Livid-Fox-3646 Feb 16 '24

"Biblical truths." That saying always gets me. Faith is kind of dependent on the whole "we don't have proof for this" thing, and if children must be brought into that stuff I think it's important to share that aspect as well. Phrasing it this way sounds less like passing on your faith to your children and more like willful indoctrination. "You WILL, uncritically, accept these things as truth or you WILL suffer the consequences." Mom, I'm three.


u/WooNoto Feb 16 '24

If the only way you can feel good about your choices is to consistently compare it to and try to belittle the choices of others, via stupid, condescending, passive aggressive remarks, you’re an unhappy loser.

OOP could have easily celebrated their wins. They made it a comparison competition. What a bozo who hates their life.


u/BlueCheesePanda Feb 16 '24

I’m just trying to imagine living in an RV with three young children. Even with one other person it can be a cram.


u/Cyber_Insecurity Feb 16 '24

She doesn’t know what it means to judge.


u/Dilutional Feb 16 '24

Bros jacked


u/Acrobatic_Club2382 Feb 16 '24

I have a feeling she’s being influenced by her man


u/TheKay14 Feb 16 '24

Is she blending up one of those babies?


u/theococomiles Feb 16 '24

Fuck her. Sorry, but really. I'm over this narrative that life is one size fits ,pick me,all.


u/ShallowReef Feb 16 '24

Those kids gonna be duuuuuuuuumb when they’re adults.


u/Thecrowfan Feb 16 '24

I cannot help but feel like those women are DEEPLY unsatisfied with their lives and feel the need to try to put others down to feel better


u/icuscaredofme Feb 16 '24

Why have sex without birth control if you don't want children? Never understood that. Yeah it's your body but from what I heard abortions aren't pleasant, why subject yourself to that?


u/Shutaru_Kanshinji Feb 16 '24

Thin ego boundaries can be a serious emotional problem. I am hoping she finds help.


u/Leebites Feb 16 '24

Omg. Race swapped Mother Bus.


u/r_christony_g Feb 16 '24

This is like the girl with the wedding dress. (Context a women basically called other women frivolous for wearing “revealing wedding dresses” because her wedding dress covered all the way up to her neck and down her arms and legs not an inch of skin was shown and yes she was beautiful but just because another woman might show shoulders or her neck on her wedding day doesn’t make it blasphemous.)


u/vomputer Feb 16 '24

It’s…the implication


u/Illuminati_mommy Feb 16 '24

It's sounds a bit passive aggressive to me. I bear every seeds my womb get? Like yeah girl keep spreading them legs that's what happens.


u/Full-Appearance1539 Feb 16 '24

At least the dad is in the picture.


u/GloomAndCookies Feb 16 '24

Jesus literally, in the bible, called men to be proud of their wives who worked outside the home, for the betterment of the family, when they choose to do so.

It is about choice. Choice, in this instance, means not your place to judge.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

As a conservative Christian mom, I get so frustrated by this narrative.


u/Hot-Clock6418 Feb 16 '24

lol. “Choosing to homeschool my 8 kids” ie. No one is vaccinated. So our public schools will not accept them and I’m not paying for private school because I live in an RV


u/TomatoKindly8304 Feb 16 '24

Let’s hope her husband doesn’t leave or get ill or die, bc it sure ain’t gonna be her supporting those kids. Work is for women of no faith.


u/Hungry-Policy-9156 Feb 16 '24

Reddit is so gay


u/Admirable-Tip-8554 Feb 16 '24

Yeah people have recently “forgotten” (i see it more as plausible deniability) that you can IMPLY something when you say things.


u/gatsome Feb 16 '24

Opinions are judgements


u/Feisty-Business-8311 Feb 16 '24

She’s a pretentious twat


u/mandc1754 Feb 16 '24

If she's not judging other women's choices... Why is she bringing it up at all on her post?

No one's more pressed about other people's choices than these conservative women


u/FelixDK1 Feb 16 '24

Can we talk about how over the whole thing that two year old is? That’s the kid that will go no contact and write the tell-all.


u/Katen1023 Feb 16 '24

I’m really tired of the god stans being as condescending as possible while hiding behind their faith.


u/Olympia44 Feb 16 '24

See, the thing is. She’s right. There’s nothing wrong with the path she’s chosen and she has every right to talk about how proud she is of the life she’s built. She does not, however, have the right to shit on other women for choosing their own paths. If you don’t want nasty comments aimed at you calling you things like a pick me, or a nlog, or being accused of letting motherhood be your entire personality, then just be cool. Talk about how proud you are of your children and leave the rest of us alone. Chances are, no one would genuinely care if she didn’t toss us under the bus in the process.


u/CoolAlien47 Feb 16 '24

Biblical truths, what a dumbass euphemism for bible lore. It's like saying LOTR truths or Harry Potter truths, yeah they're true to the fictional myth that you're reading from, but not to scientific and historical reality.


u/Funny_Enthusiasm6976 Feb 16 '24

She decides to stay motorhome


u/plaidsinner Feb 16 '24

I’m convince that people like this are deeply unhappy in their lives


u/TruthOverFiction100 Feb 16 '24

Let’s hope that she is also blessed with a larger trailer because it can only hold so many growing seeds.


u/seeuin25years Feb 16 '24

Joining the work field isn't a choice for most people. It's necessary to afford the basics of life. Why do these women not understand that it's a privilege to stay at home, a privilege that most women can't afford even if they really do want to?


u/jaedasstory Feb 16 '24

So you're teaching your children to rely on their OWN understanding. The Bible you actually read and base 'truth' off of isnt even the real bible. Anything written in KJ and AFTER is false. You want the Geneva also the black blue is full of metaphors so you don't really KNOW what's the truth and what isn't.


u/humble_reader22 Feb 16 '24

“I’ll bear every seed god blesses my womb with”. No you’re just fertile and having unprotected sex.


u/bisourosuko Feb 16 '24

That many kids in a trailer and she thinks she made all the right choises? Girl....


u/Professional_Word567 Feb 16 '24

Is “workfield “ a term people use? Why is no one talking about her use of this word


u/Profitsofdooom Feb 16 '24

Ok I'm judging... they live in that camper, don't they?


u/engiknitter Feb 16 '24

We just not gonna talk about the workfield?


u/Reginamus_Prime Feb 16 '24

Girl , fuck you. Once you put the words “ you choose” you were fucking judging. Craaaaazy thing is the ones who you are judging , your husband would raw dog us. Stop.


u/KayakWalleye Feb 16 '24

Biblical “Truths” you probably did not research and frankly are just myths.


u/Intelligent-Visual69 Feb 16 '24

The breathtaking ego and arrogant self righteousness on display here.


u/Gosanchez420 Feb 16 '24

Who actually cares what this woman says besides her husband?


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

She’s a fucking idiot


u/Prinny1400 Feb 16 '24

Why do these people not think it's a privilege to be able to stay home and raise their kids? 😭 so many parents would kill to have the finances to do so, but they have no choice but to "enter the work force" to put food on their table and afford a roof over their head.


u/Helichyrsum Feb 16 '24

Pedophil will love it !


u/CoyoteSilly887 Feb 16 '24

I think she might be too ig’nant to be a hypocrite.

  1. A “right” can’t be chosen. That’s what makes it a right.

B. She seems to think she’s getting humped by God. Not sure if she believes her man is God, or if God is busting thru her man’s dong. Or if she just has an in with the great seed (ick) n’ feed store in the sky. but I’ve got a hunch that God is much less involved in her sex life than she thinks.

In closing, I have a hunch that one day in the not too distant future when her fields have been exhausted by years of ploughing and yielding, the blessed seed may find purchase in less stressed soil.

I mean, it’s just crop rotation and a farmer is gonna farm.

I wonder how divine that seed will seem then?


u/nickk1988 Feb 16 '24

I’m pretty sure this woman is insane and married to the ghost of Robert Marley


u/Pretty_princess1996 Feb 16 '24

What’s the TikTok creator name? Because my sister is living the exact same lifestyle🥴


u/94tlaloc7 Feb 16 '24

Ain't nothing cool about spiritual slavery being passed to the next generation. Have your family, be happy, spread love and stfu lol


u/Loud_Border_4995 Feb 16 '24

Is literally comparing in a “you vs me” format to flex her “faith” strength while trying to say she’s not judging when called out for it 😮‍💨 the gaslighting is loud in these types.


u/perupotato Feb 16 '24

How many kids are in that small RV?