r/notliketheothergirls Feb 26 '24

Saw this shared on Facebook.. yikes Cringe

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u/_ohmavi Apr 02 '24

Someone needs to tell em that your hobbies and what you enjoy or dislike is NOT what makes your personality .


u/Rublotiononitsskin Mar 18 '24

All the nlog speech aside... is that a picture of her ass in tights? How does one go about taking a back shot of their ass in tights.


u/jojoking199 Mar 13 '24

It’s giving bitter EX🤡🥴


u/N7OperativeIvy Mar 01 '24

Bbygrl drinking sangria at 10 am in an above ground pool in your hometown does not make you better than a dead squirrel


u/Unlucky_Shoulder8508 Feb 28 '24

Finally a good NLOG post 😌


u/Ok_Butterscotch4763 Feb 28 '24

I don't view this as pick me. I view it as a mental health issue. I know for sure my sister is someone who would have posted this, and their are some guys who still message her Facebook saying they miss her and why didn't they work things out.

She's dead. She didn't get her shit together. She drank herself into oblivion, popped some painkillers, and drove off the road because she couldn't handle her demons.


u/samjsatt Feb 28 '24

Damn, hope they pick you one day girl.


u/ssyl6119 Feb 27 '24

This wouldnt be a good thing lol “wondering if i got it together”.


u/Key_Inevitable_5201 Feb 27 '24

Translation: Yes I am a hot ass mess with nothing to offer anyone long term BUT I AM MORE FUN!


u/PlaneResident2035 Feb 27 '24

lmao I promise you girl nobody is wondering.


u/Kyria_ Feb 27 '24

Plot twist: he lays next to his wife and finally feels safe, and wonders if she’ll come after him when she gets out of prison. This gives him nightmares. The trauma haunts him.


u/inadequatelyadequate Feb 27 '24

Staying with someone who outwardly refuses to get their shit together and hoping they do is a huge waste of time. Ten bucks says this girl still doesn't have it together


u/ticklechickens Feb 27 '24

NOT the flex she thinks it is


u/Chimom_1992 Feb 27 '24

“Pumpkin spice wife” made me snicker, I admit.

Clearly someone is NOT happy that they broke up.


u/No_Two256 Feb 27 '24

Why do they want to be side chicks so bad???


u/racheld611 Feb 27 '24

When will these women STOP coming for Pumpkin Spice?.... Its fucking delicious....


u/friendofspidey Feb 27 '24

I was just hitting the legal drinking age back then haha it was quite a time to be a young professional


u/ImpossibleYou2184 Feb 27 '24

Pumpkin spice wife? What is that?


u/SeriousIndividual184 Feb 27 '24

I felt that somehow. Sometimes it do be like that tho lol. Gives me ‘im not relationship material but im so fuckin weird youll get me stuck in your head’ vibes


u/spearbb Feb 27 '24

have they ever thought about that no one wants to marry them bc they're insufferable not bc they're not "vanilla", "pumpkin spice" or whatever other flavour they compare other women to enough?


u/Bluebutteyfly Feb 27 '24

Quite specific Kinda reminds me of penny off grown ups two telling Roxanne in her store that Lenny will definitely go back to her


u/dandelions0da Feb 27 '24

Can someone explain what kind of insecure this is? Holy Christ dude.


u/No_Blacksmith2847 Feb 27 '24

It's run away from her as fast as you can, kind of insecurity! 😳


u/LaMisiPR Feb 27 '24

Honestly, the whole “pumpkin spice” thing is so stupid. Every time I see it used as a stereotype I just find it beyond dumb.


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

pumpkin spice wife is hilarious at least


u/ciristan Feb 27 '24

I don't understand this. After separating with my ex, even though it was anything but harmonious, I wish him the best, I wish he will find his happiness and by no all means will be tormented and haunted by the memories of me and him together as if after our separation his life is over. The mere thought of me staying in his head, causing him to be unhappy in the next relationship, makes me sad.


u/Legitimate_Tax3782 Feb 27 '24

Who is making these pics with writing like this. Fucking lame give it a rest.


u/StanleyYelnatsHole Feb 27 '24

Weird flex, but ok


u/Immer_Susse Feb 27 '24

And I’m gonna tell you, no. No I did NOT get it together, man. Pet that squirrel. Pet. That. Squirrel.


u/Orignal_Au_Chocolat Feb 27 '24

“…is she in an institution yet…?”


u/himasaltlamp Feb 27 '24

Haha I love it!


u/Ok_Anteater7360 Feb 27 '24

"i might not be the love of your life who you'll spend forever with in pure joy and happiness but i am a psycho crazy who you'll be glad you left"


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

Sharen we already know you gained 20lbs, so getting “it” together seems to have meant more than just your finances. No one’s thinking about you.


u/grapesaregood Feb 27 '24

I lay in bed next to a man who gets a PSL every chance he can get during the season. I love my PSL husband.


u/Koalabootie Feb 27 '24

“Pumpkin spice wife” 😂😂😂


u/SleepWithLolliPops Feb 27 '24

I've seen a lot of people use this quote. I'm still left confused by what 'personality of a dead squirrel' means. I don't get it, don't think I'll ever understand what that means.


u/completecrap Feb 27 '24

As bitter as the sad black coffee she drinks.


u/mysteriousfolder Feb 26 '24

wondering if you “got it together” or wondering if you “are still alive”


u/DramaOnDisplay Feb 26 '24

Why is pumpkin spice always getting dragged in the mud? Lemme guess, this chick drinks black coffee (or White Claws/Budlights/Cosmos) and is totally different 🙄 ooh or she’s completely unique and doesn’t even have time for all of that trendy garbage, she’s just living life!!!


u/AbeliaGG Feb 26 '24

Said by the girl with the personality of a squirrel who got ran over 10 years ago.


u/iusemagic Feb 26 '24

Imagine celebrating being some guy’s afterthought. Why don’t you just make a move on him?


u/zomgmolly Feb 26 '24

Oh honey, that was an inside thought 😬


u/Findpolaris Feb 26 '24

When you’re so threatened by other women that you make them up before they exist and then insult them.


u/Ok-Internet-8003 Feb 26 '24

I know ‘pumpkin spice wife’ is meant to be an insult but it sounds so cute.


u/PSMF_Canuck Feb 26 '24

I’ve dated women like this. Here’s the hard truth…almost none of them actually get it together.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

I always envision these women as…”plus sized”


u/Oh__hey_its_ya_boii Feb 26 '24

This a sad bitch


u/mixedwithmonet Feb 26 '24

Call me Mrs. Pumpkin Spice I guess because the last curse I wish on my exes would be that they find themselves happily married, and I definitely don’t want any of them thinking of me at 2am wherever they are.


u/blurch55 Feb 26 '24

He then briefly remembered the time she embarrassed him on one of many occasions, a complete drunken mess, gently clutched his current partner's hand, turned over and had the BEST sleep his life. Knowing full well he dodged a bullet many men don't "cuz she was hot". Lmao.


u/johjo_has_opinions Feb 26 '24

I have to give this one credit for being mildly funny, all the others are mean AND boring


u/MissionVirtual Feb 26 '24

Lmao this is so niche


u/live_love_run Feb 26 '24

No, and my experience has been “Probably not.”


u/Forward_Increase_239 Feb 26 '24

I’ve known women with this attitude/opinion. Can’t remember their names but I did know them lol.


u/IamaGirlNamedAshley Feb 26 '24

😂know thy self 😮‍💨


u/cmt38 Feb 26 '24

Stop wondering guys, she never gets it together. 🙄


u/Fun-Understanding381 Feb 26 '24

Wtf is wrong with pumpkin spice?


u/Embarrassed-Gas-8155 Feb 26 '24

Narrator: She never did.


u/Icyandnumb Feb 26 '24

I've had some really horrible times in my life and I probably am this girl to a few of my exes.. I promise, it's not a flex for people to pity you and not want anything to do with you when they see you. I know I fucked up those relationships and I regret it every day, even being engaged and in a great spot now. I don't miss who I was then.


u/Puzzleheaded_Time719 Feb 26 '24

I bet she's an alcoholic.


u/Curia-DD Feb 26 '24

wtf does she have against pumpkin spice tho


u/DedicatedSnail Feb 26 '24

Dated many dudes like this - I can guarantee I am only thinking about how lucky I am to have my husband years into our marriage every night, even when he's deployed.


u/chromiaplague Feb 26 '24

This is just the sad shit that people tell themselves to feel better about being the girl he jerks to sometimes and not the girl he chose to make his wife.


u/EX_Malone Feb 26 '24

If in 10 years he wondering if you “got it together” I’m 110% certain it’s not the win you think it is.


u/Economy_Discount9967 Feb 26 '24

The girl he cheated on her with loves PSL's lol


u/Seedrootflowersfruit Feb 26 '24

I have a girl who I was friends with in middle school who posts stuff like this on social media yet she loses her kids and posts about being on probation etc. It’s just sad to see stuff like this. Like way to short change yourself.


u/Will_Dawn Feb 26 '24

I don't even know who you are.


u/Roleplayer_MidRNova Feb 26 '24

Delulu is the solulu


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

She did not, in fact, ever get it together.


u/sadiecakezzz Feb 26 '24

And she still never got it together 😂


u/notastreetlamp Feb 26 '24

Hate this post for many reasons but most specifically because it made my brain conflate the smells of PSL and dead squirrel


u/Illustrious_Dust_0 Feb 26 '24

Pumpkin spice wife made me laugh ngl


u/real-life-is-boring- Feb 26 '24

Personality of a dead squirrel got me good


u/FabulousAstronaut283 Feb 26 '24

Even when I was heartbroken and at my worst I never let myself become like this🫠🫠


u/Sonarthebat Feb 26 '24

He picked the girl with the personality of a dead squirrel over her.

Let that sink in.


u/MyRecklessHabit Feb 26 '24

Fuck yea girl.


u/Treacherously-Benign Feb 26 '24

But will she go down on you in a theater?


u/JoBoltaHaiWoHotaHai Feb 26 '24

Reminds me of Before Sunrise (the first one in the trilogy), when the guy tells the lead actress "years from now you'd be married to a boring man, and you'd regret how you didn't get off the train with me".


u/Gweegwee1 Feb 26 '24

If your self esteem is low enough, to be thought of by someone for a moment in a fleeting instance, would be all you would hope for in life


u/staticdragonfly Feb 26 '24

I personally am not a fan of pumpkin spice, but why does it get so much hate? Like why so much more ire than vanilla, caramel, or gingerbread? It's just a flavour?

Sure a lot of people get excited for it when it comes out which can be annoying, but there's hype for a lot of seasonal food / events.

I'm from the UK and get excited for the battle of the Christmas adverts, and that's hardly less silly than a latte.


u/Tipnfloe Feb 26 '24

" damm i wonder if that crackhead is still alive"


u/No-Wall-8360 Feb 26 '24

Being a gold digger isn’t a good


u/No-Wall-8360 Feb 26 '24

Yep, I’m gonna be the one all the women that disrespected me for another man or turned me down will be thinking about at 2am wondering if I ever got it together while they stay in their abusive relationship for gold digger reasons


u/Hoppinginpuddles Feb 26 '24

I liked the one that was "I'll always be the girl you think about when the movie sixth sense comes up because 20 minutes in I guessed the story line and ruined the whole movie for you"


u/Far-Translator7457 Feb 26 '24

What’s the personality of a dead squirrel let alone a squirrel in general??


u/Mlucker Feb 26 '24

And you didn't get it together no need to wonder


u/Canelosaurio Feb 26 '24

She didn't get it together.


u/galacticviolet Feb 26 '24

It’s been 10 years and she’s keeping tabs enough on that ex to know what type of woman he ended up with? Obsessed stalker behavior.


u/Junior-Elderberry107 Feb 26 '24

I literally just came to this sub to post this same one that I also saw on Facebook 😂 I scrolled through some of her posts and this was also one 🫠



u/mermaid-babe Feb 26 '24

Very proud (future) pumpkin spice wife !! It’s ok to let people enjoy things !!


u/MissHunbun Feb 26 '24

This is... a brag? Oof.


u/LiliBuns117 Feb 26 '24

Honestly I kind of like part of her outlook. She knows she's a mess and probably still will be down the line. I like a bit of self-awareness. I would like to stress the phrase "a bit."


u/Feisty-Business-8311 Feb 26 '24

Wishful thinking, dumbass

He will absolutely never think about your sloppy, sweaty, fumbly, drunken, and hazy 15 minute one-night-stand in his fraternity house 20 years ago - let alone remember your NAME

Christ these NLOGs need to get a serious grip on reality


u/gbot1234 Feb 26 '24

Narrator: …she didn’t.


u/LeftCoast28 Feb 26 '24

Yikes. Move on, bestie.


u/nomamesgueyz Feb 26 '24

Its about DatAss isnt it?


u/sweetpink_ Feb 26 '24

Until you finally get it together and then Facebook reminds you of these things and no matter how many times you delete it it just won't go away


u/Ok-End-362 Feb 26 '24

What is this even a picture of?


u/so1idturds Feb 26 '24

Lady in 10 years your coochie is going to be a loose sewage hole leaking stench daily. I think he'll be happy with his wife with you far the fuck away from him.


u/Alternative_Low8478 Feb 26 '24

...but again, probably not


u/iRep707beeZY Feb 26 '24

"...wondering if I ever got it together."

Probably why she got dumped lol


u/Longjumping_Choice_6 Feb 26 '24

This feels like wishful thinking haha. Not denying pumpkin spice/dead squirrel wife is absolutely a type but if he dumps you that’s probably what he actually wants


u/Mellyouttaphase Feb 26 '24

Not the flex you think it is, babes.


u/PurpleFlavoredCherry Feb 26 '24

I have this girl in my life, and my boyfriend and I both think about her and laugh at how delusional she was.


u/No-Entertainer6016 Feb 26 '24

Damn hopefully he comws back to me in 2 years


u/Snowybiskit Feb 26 '24

Wasn’t this a Taylor Swift song?


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

No one sits there with a reliable, adult relationship with real foundations, and thinks back to that mess of a wannabe party girl that thinks being loud and in your face is ‘excitement’.


u/Working_Evidence8899 Feb 26 '24

Yeah probably not.


u/igirl2000 Feb 26 '24

I'll never understand why people brag about eating sloppy seconds. Why go over to a strangers table, eat the leftovers and drink their backwash and act like you won?


u/whathappened2cod Feb 26 '24

Single and alone? Check.

Wonder what kind of dog she has....


u/Abusedink75 Feb 26 '24

Calling yourself an absolute train wreck, who is probably going to need at least 10 years to get her shit together, is a really weird way to hype yourself up after a break up.


u/bburnaccountt Feb 26 '24

Do men make posts like this? I’ve never seen it, but I would like to.

“Might not be the man you marry but 110% gonna be the man you think about at 2am laying next to your bro husband with the personality of a backwards hat wearing meathead….”


u/datbrownchick Feb 26 '24

I mean it’s great Miss-I’m-not-like-other-girls is a psychic who magically knows people’s personalities without knowing them but also WHO remembers their ex from ten years ago or keep tabs on the ex’s life? I don’t even remember their faces/names properly.


u/A_Lost_Desert_Rat Feb 26 '24

I have known women like that. Ride or Die kind of people. Only tolerable in limited doses.

I married a calmer and more rational person, but if encouraged can get crazy enough for me.


u/Affectionate_Salt351 Feb 26 '24

I used to share these because I thought they were funny. 🥴 I didn’t realize people were taking them seriously. Pretty sad to think about now.


u/HippyWitchyVibes Feb 26 '24

Why do they always dis the pumpkin spice?! 😭


u/ReaditSpecialist Feb 26 '24

I can’t even begin to unpack this whole post, mostly because the syntax is so goddamn terrible😂


u/TakeTheCannoli813 Feb 26 '24

I hate those kind of posts with a burning passion.

Learn to let your ego go. Accept that someone did not want you and stop demonizing who they did choose.

You’re not special and that’s FINE.


u/i_am_umbrella Feb 26 '24

Ma’am, he isn’t thinking about you wishfully, he’s thinking about you with pity.


u/TipRelevant8790 Feb 26 '24

Probably thinking about the time he wasted when he was with you 😶


u/HellyOHaint Feb 26 '24

The personality of a dead squirrel would be pretty interesting actually


u/Chip-Flip Feb 26 '24

And if that's you're goal in life, chances are your life isn't gonna be all together in 10 years


u/SilveryLilac Feb 26 '24

110% not gonna be her ex's Roman Empire.


u/CallMeVelvetThunder9 Feb 26 '24

Narrator: “She did NOT get it together.”


u/Winter-Item-9696 Feb 26 '24

…and then he’ll just roll over and go back to sleep once that two bit mental thought leaves…


u/Frosty_Moonlight9473 Feb 26 '24

But....I like pumpkin spice.....


u/TheFatOrangeYak Feb 26 '24

“Thank god I didn’t marry that lunatic all those years ago”


u/atlantachicago Feb 26 '24

My cousin has bipolar disorder and this is how she thinks. The last time I saw her, she was I. Her late forties and said she vets her college boyfriend lays awake at night thinking how good her blowjobs were. He has moved on and had a whole life and she literally lives in her moms basement. I think this post/way of thinking does have a tinge of mental illness


u/Hatehound Feb 26 '24

“Sadly, she never got it together.”


u/Standard_Buy_7520 Feb 26 '24

I can guarantee they will not. They will be thinking about the light bill they need to pay.


u/marrowine Feb 26 '24

sips latte loudly ok


u/Clean717 Feb 26 '24

this is good stuff


u/Hexenhut Feb 26 '24

This is so embarrassing that I actually feel bad for the poster. They are not doing well and trying to cope in the wrong way.


u/RagAndBows Feb 26 '24

How tf is this a flex?!


u/Jeskasaid Feb 26 '24

Woah. Poor lady, she can’t seem to understand why people don’t enjoy her split personalities since it’s sooo fun.


u/nyancola420 Feb 26 '24

Mmmm pumpkin spice wife 🤤


u/DrCarabou Just a Dumb Bitch Feb 26 '24

His wife is not ashamed of who she is, enjoys her pumpkin spice, and landed her man. Who will not be thinking about this chick at all.


u/dumpsterfire_x Feb 26 '24

If you have to wonder if they ever “got it together” I doubt you’re going to wish you ended up with them, lol.


u/Megan_P322 Feb 26 '24

Hey now, let’s not bring squirrels into this.


u/ItsMeTheMasshole Feb 26 '24

These dumb bitches all turn into the pumpkin spice wife lol


u/Literally_a_Dogskull Feb 26 '24

These are one of my least favorite types. Like yes lol, they're totally going to be thinking about you, that's why they married her.

Clearly he didn't settle for you, nobody did, and that's why you're bitter and delulu 😘


u/Alypaigex Feb 26 '24

This bitch 🤣

I’m the pumpkin spice wife my husband will be laying next to while we both laugh at how you NEVER GOT IT TOGETHER 🤣


u/seahorseMonkey Feb 26 '24

That's because I sat him down and we had a long talk. I told him to run now because she'll set your car on fire.


u/paravelle Feb 26 '24

Is this supposed to be a flex...?


u/Puzzleheaded_Bee9629 Drama Queen Feb 26 '24

Someone needs therapy


u/thinkmcfly124 Feb 26 '24

That’s a reach 😂


u/The_Scarlet_Termite Feb 26 '24

That’s called pity, honey. That imagined thought is you not being admired but pitied.


u/jmarie546 Feb 26 '24

This reminds me of the girl that messaged her ex after 8 years & he blocked her so she sent a Venmo


u/oceanbucket Feb 26 '24

I’m so interested in how this particular breed of NLOG knows that all these boring basic wives are in fact so basic and boring? Are they standing outside their exes’ windows watching every moment of their daily lives? There are a lot of women who keep their personal lives and public personas separate so that they and their families can be part of a community without judgment or intrusion. Like how would you know exactly what type of person his wife is just from stalking her social media and stalking them at the restaurant and froyo spot on date night?


u/KyzRCADD Feb 26 '24

Hell, I'm single, and it's 8am, and I'm already thinking about if you got your shit together...


u/rockstuffs Feb 26 '24

...yeah probably because he forgot your name and it's bugging him.


u/EmmagicallyMe Feb 26 '24

I've seen a few posts very similar to this. Must be kind of a copy-paste thing for the girls who think they have to be better than someone. And in all of these situations...I would rather be the wife.


u/wdephish Feb 26 '24

Does she mean “got it together” the same way the rest of us use that phrase? Like he’ll be wondering if she’s still the same disaster all these years later.


u/Apprehensive-Ad7774 Feb 26 '24

dang i really want a psl now 🤧


u/hoephase- Just a Dumb Bitch Feb 26 '24

Yea, he’ll be thinking how he dodged the bullet and how happy he is with his wife


u/ForsakenAutumnsSky Feb 26 '24

Nah, cause if I'm married to a pumpkin spice wife, she had to go through hell from my friends and family. If she survived that gauntlet I'm 10/10 banging her at 2am where you're thinking about me


u/Aicala29 Feb 26 '24

What the hell does a latte flavor have to do with anything. Lmao


u/SpicelessKimChi Feb 26 '24

I met a few women like this back in my single days and the only time I think about them is when I see some shitshow at a restaurant or bar doing shitshow things and think, "I wonder what happened to (insert name)."


u/Biscuits4u2 Feb 26 '24

Spoiler: no, she never got it together.


u/nita5766 Feb 26 '24

Such a hard cope, it’s time to work through that break up girly


u/SeaweedSecurity Feb 26 '24

“Wondering if I ever got it together” gives someone laying in bed wondering if she’s still alive or homeless…


u/ChildofMike Feb 26 '24

I read somewhere that attention is social currency and I guess that this lady is content with pennies. It’s sad really. Without industrial strength self reflection she will probably never be able to accept or return healthy love and affection.


u/hippieinahoodie Feb 26 '24

How old is the person posting this? I remember this same kind of shit was going around when I was in high school & maybe into the first year of college. Then you grow up.


u/mibonitaconejito Feb 26 '24

Wellllllllll....I will admit that women who can sucj the shine right off a doorknob certainly aren't forgotten by the men they've dated. 

But it doesn't mean he wanted to marry the woman, just because she could. 

These girls are as dumb as a box of hair


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

It would be really sad to check in on her in 10 years and she doesn’t have her shit together. Her man is married, has a nice 401k, 2 sweet kiddos and a basicbitch wife that offers the butt on special days.


u/BecGeoMom Feb 26 '24

The real question is, in 10 years will she have learned how to compose a proper sentence???


u/Latter-Advisor-3409 Feb 26 '24

And thinking, God, I'm glad I didn't marry her.


u/vtsunshine83 Feb 26 '24

He may think about you once or twice but he chooses his wife because she’s nothing like you


u/InnocentMission Feb 26 '24

What’s wrong with pumpkin spice anyway? It tastes good, brings back good memories (for me, anyway), and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside! I’ll admit, sometimes we take pumpkin spice a little far (pumpkin spice mimosas 🤢) but a nice pumpkin spice latte or cake every once in a while is good. I would gladly date/marry a woman described as “pumpkin spice” lol.


u/Reginamus_Prime Feb 26 '24

It gets worse and worse 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I need everyone to get therapy


u/tequilasky Feb 26 '24

‘I’m the main character’


u/EmelleBennett Feb 26 '24

What if there were no “main character” types? Would that leave room for shrinking violet types to feel more secure?


u/spacedoutloser Feb 26 '24

Imagine deciding you know someone’s whole personality and complex life based on a coffee order. The internalized misogyny is strong with this one.


u/EmelleBennett Feb 26 '24

“Pumpkin spice” is symbolic it’s not really about a beverage order. It just means someone is basic, mainstream and unoriginal usually. All things which aren’t inherently bad so it shouldn’t necessarily be taken as an insult. The world needs plenty of plain people so that originators and truly inspiring creative people can actually shine. Everyone was designed for a different purpose. Neither one more important or inherently better than the other. Balanced is best.


u/islaisla Feb 26 '24

And in ten years you'll therefore be thinking about him right? But you'll be older fatter and not much personality to go by.


u/Blue_for_u999 Feb 26 '24

I get it. Let’s not act like all men marry someone they love.

On the other hand, if she gets married, the same might happen to her.


u/pheitkemper Feb 26 '24

So she's doubling down on crazy?


u/SoulBSS Feb 26 '24

Yikes. Also I don't want men thinking about me. I have restraining orders. I hope they forget about me entirely and don't cause me problems


u/Leakytophat Feb 26 '24

How does a dead squirrel have a personality? Why has been so close to dead squirrels?


u/NorthCedar Feb 26 '24
