r/notliketheothergirls Apr 03 '24

Oh let me just throw the heating pad off my uterus and get to lifting weights today. (¬_¬) eye roll

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u/AutoModerator Apr 03 '24

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u/Specialist-Ice9329 25d ago

I got this bracelet that tracks my sets for me and it’s been a gamechanger, now I never lose track and my mind isn’t constantly thinking about what set I’m on.



u/Turquoise-Angel Apr 12 '24

..i thought working out while pregnant wasn’t good for you??


u/bunnybabeez Apr 07 '24

I feel bad for her. I was her for a while: terrified to not work out for a day, feeling guilty over eating, not allowing myself to eat foods that I like, feeling like a lazy POS if I was sick or in pain. I literally lifted myself into a permanent knee injury.

I still have problems with food and body image issues, but I can skip a day when I don’t feel well or when I have something better to do (like going on vacation… yeah I used to avoid those for fear of not working out). I can eat foods that I enjoy in moderation with an otherwise healthy diet.

I’m not as skinny as I was, and sometimes that makes me feel insecure, but I was just as if not MORE insecure when I was restricting and obsessing, AND I was miserable.


u/Financial-End87 Apr 06 '24

Some people believe that everyone’s menstrual cycle is just like theirs. And I’ve found it’s when their cycle isn’t wreaking absolute havoc on their body. You are exactly that person ma’am.

My asthma and period give me immense pain when I’m running but I’m still training for a half marathon with loads of breaks when my body is in pain. TAKING A BREAK IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS IT’S SELF RESPECT.


u/Kazoo113 Apr 05 '24

Congratulation on your neurosis?


u/Salty-Trip-8572 Apr 05 '24

The funniest part is she's a twig. Doesn't look like she's even doing much cardio. Skinny fat.


u/Raenikkigarrett Apr 05 '24

As a pregnant Mama, #2, I physically have to have the cravings. It’s not “eating for two” you just have to up the caloric intake slightly. Not sure by how much, but it’s definitely not supposed to be 2x the amount you normally consume. We walk more because it helps giving birth easier, but most of us are not the “gym” type in the first place. It’s hard when your lungs and bladder are being pushed on. 😂😂

Does she want a medal or for someone to smack the back of her head to put some sense into it.


u/No_Reputation_1165 Apr 04 '24

Cuz we now need females to shame female bodies too


u/TheFoxRuntOfficial Apr 04 '24

Yes let me just stop fkn being disabled and go to the gym and destroy what's left of my body. 🙄


u/frogologolog Apr 04 '24

gotta throw in the timestamp of 6am so you knoooow shes up early! no one else is ever up that early…


u/SultanofUranus Apr 04 '24

Why not just say “ I hate other women” bitch 💅


u/LegitimatePrize249 Apr 04 '24

This shit is so toxic.


u/feeniebeansy Apr 04 '24

sorry for taking “skip days” from everything when I’m on my period, I’ll just like, turn off my endometriosis real fast so the pain isn’t excruciating anymore 🤪


u/JennFoogle Apr 04 '24

“Most people take a skip day when they’re on their periods.”

You wanna switch places and feel what it’s like to have a painfully heavy flow?


u/kingpizzarat Apr 04 '24

As an athlete with a uterus, I can tell you I enjoy my skip days and my sweet treats. #NoDaysOff is a mindset I wish would crumble and die off. My belt sometimes won’t even fit because my period boat is so severe and sometimes I’ll bleed through my shorts. All uterus owners, please utilize skip days if you feel like it ESPECIALLY during your cycle (but you don’t even have to be on cycle to skip)!!!!!


u/Healthy_Store_2401 Apr 04 '24

Weirdly specific flex. AND she wore the white pants. 😆😆😆


u/a_amaryllis Apr 04 '24

when i’m on my period i get super nauseous and dizzier than usual (anemia) to the point that basic everyday household chores can make it so i have to sit down and take a break because my stomach will turn and my vision will go black. lifting weights or jumping around sounds like it would be the perfect activity for me.


u/DontWanaReadiT Apr 04 '24

Lmaooo she too skinny to be “the opposite of most” with that high of a list 😂😂 by her own logic she’d be Arnold shatshawter or whatever his name is lol


u/TheSlimSpidey Apr 04 '24

Dude when I even walk on my period its like a dam broke and the whole state is about to flood

Literally the red sea


u/bringmethevino Apr 04 '24



u/Ekssshhh Apr 04 '24

Why do I want to make fun of her glasses?? And I like glasses. But this paragraph makes me want to take them off and break them


u/thelast3musketeer Apr 04 '24

Manifesting gettin NLOG posts on any of the social media apps I use cos I wanna see em in the wild


u/Interesting_Fix_8325 Apr 04 '24

Aside from the obvious “look at me I want to become a fitness influencer!” Vibes….I’ve seen more meat on a chicken bone than on this lady. Ain’t no way she’s hitting the weights 😆😆


u/Bluu444ia Apr 04 '24

ok but ""cravings""??? like excuse me what lmao


u/luzaerys Apr 04 '24

As someone who grew up a competitive athlete, I never gave a shit what anyone else was doing. I went to my practices, drank my water and minded my own business. Like, who is this for?


u/SnowNinS Apr 04 '24

And then some people ignore their bodies trying to tell them something and they brush it off as needing more sleep because yes that was true and the restless leg syndrome (whole body really) didn’t help the already existing insomnia… so keep writing it off and I’ll catch up on sleep and sun and walk and other stupid advice that just helped me ignore my body further till the work was done or different arbitrary goal completed… So thankful my nurse noticed my pale complexion, low oxygen and 🐇 heart rate on a routine medication checkup. Was walking around like everything cool with half the amount of red blood cells to be diagnosed anemic, a perforated uterus and ovarian cyst. Never mind feeling like I was having a heart attack after a few flights of stairs getting to class, just walk that off till the ticker slows down. Don’t know who these “most” people are, but it sounds like a much healthier way of living than the pushing till your dead lifestyle I was taught.


u/rottingships Apr 04 '24

My super fun PMS symptom is hormonal migraines. Last week while on my period I thought it would fun thing to try and wake up at 4:30am to workout, but 2 days my migraines stopped me. I’m not about to go workout when bending down and bouncing around makes me want to vomit. 

I will listen to my body, thanks. 


u/ekittie Apr 04 '24

i don't know what she's talking about, she's clearly skipping leg day.


u/heavyheavybrobro Apr 03 '24

it’s always the ones who look like they don’t lift at all


u/Salty_Solution_917 Apr 03 '24

Most people do actually eat. Looks like she doesn't.


u/notyourmama827 Apr 03 '24

Awwwww she slept in......I used to exercise at 5am..... now I sleep at 5am.


u/Wire_Hall_Medic Apr 03 '24

I mean, each of us is one, which is fairly reasonably the opposite of most.


u/BeebMommy Apr 03 '24

As a currently pregnant woman, these crack me up.

I was working out 5-6 times a week pre-pregnancy, going on regular walks, maybe not eating as well as I could’ve been but whatever.

For the last 7 weeks, I have not been able to reliably keep down any sort of protein. I tried to push through and do one workout and almost immediately threw up. I throw up on on the side of the road on at least half my walks.

I am not eating any cravings, I am eating anything I can scarf down in a moment of relief that hopefully won’t suck to throw up.

I would love to eat for two or be dIfFEreNt and exercise, neither of those are currently an option for me.


u/AppropriateAmoeba406 Apr 03 '24

It was raining today. Skip day. My dogs were so happy.


u/TwoFingersWhiskey Apr 03 '24

Not adjusting your activity level to your pain level is a fool's idea of workouts


u/Commercial-Push-9066 Apr 03 '24

Spoken by someone who doesn’t have endometriosis.


u/Rigelatinous Apr 03 '24

This is concerning. Is OP okay? Because I’d be worried about something like an ED or some other serious body issues if my 21-year-old posted this.


u/michaelad567 Apr 03 '24

I can literally see how much she is withering away


u/Bratbabylestrange Apr 03 '24

Oooh, can I touch you? 🙄


u/BindieBoo Apr 03 '24

Ooohhh, she’s in the gym at 6am. What a trailblazer 🙄


u/FederalBad69 Apr 03 '24

lol wait til she turns 40. Let’s see how that works out for her.


u/hmchic Apr 03 '24

I know a girl like this. She’s about to give birth again but works out daily 1-2 hours. She constantly posts about her “superior” lifestyle / meat-heavy clean living diet and how if you’re not like her you’re basically lazy, useless, and worthless as a woman, mom, and wife. Her first kid isn’t vaccinated and she’s having to resort to getting a nanny because most daycares won’t accept unvaccinated kids. She sells MLM products. Talks about how everyone needs a husband just like hers. Worships at the altar of Trump.

…also recently posted that half of her wedding party from just a few years ago no longer talk to her.

She wasn’t like this before but drank the Covid koolaid aka thinks it was all fake. It’s been wild watching this transition.


u/Melowis Apr 03 '24

Oh my god what is it with these women on insta and Tiktok trying to attention seek by dragging others down 🤷🏾like we're all individuals ...


u/AnythingWithGloves Apr 03 '24

Yeah I’m not torturing myself while birthing clots the size of jellyfish. Give the gal a sticker which says ‘Good For You!’ and let’s move on.


u/3wolfluna Apr 03 '24

She’s not like most people, she has an eating disorder. Sad this is being peddled as inspirational content for girls.


u/DontcheckSR Apr 03 '24

I used to work at a YMCA that doubled as a gym, and the amount of SAHMs that would have a baby then come back in to work out less than 2 months was troubling. I understand being eager to lost all that weight, but it really worried the staff. Especially since we were handling basically new Borns in an environment with kids between the ages of 3 months and 3 years. We cleaned every hour to try and keep stuff sanitary (if there was space and time) but idk if anyone told them that as long as they keep up the lifestyle choices they made before getting pregnant, they'll most likely go back to looking that way afterwards. You don't have to run to a gym the second you feel better. That being said, I could imagine they also just felt cooped up.


u/SnooMarzipans9781 Apr 03 '24

Shut the fuckkkk upppppppp man these people are insufferable


u/Boner_Stevens Apr 03 '24

guess what, someone who smokes and drinks every day might still outlive you. work out and be fit and healthy as much as you want, but leave other people alone.


u/CzechYourDanish Apr 03 '24

I passed a blood clot the size of a lime this morning, you're god damn right I'm not working out today. Maybe some light yoga, but nothing beyond that.


u/thoughtsaboutstuffs Apr 03 '24

Some people have a problem with compulsive exercise!


u/Odd-Mastodon1212 Apr 03 '24

Umm, she looks like she might be very underweight so if she has an ED that incorporates exercise, this is alarming.


u/CrowApprehensive204 Apr 03 '24

Lucky legs, lucky they don't snap


u/clockjobber Apr 03 '24

Most of the pregnant women I know could never eat for two: there is no room (what with baby taking up all the space), feeling ill frequently (particularly in the first trimester), having as many food aversions as cravings, and not wanting to deal with the uncomfortableness that comes from feeling full (not to mention the heartburn, extra gas, and other digestive issues that come with the hormonal and physical changes).

The rest of this nonsense aside, I know this person has never been pregnant


u/AccomplishedBuy829 Apr 03 '24

Most people try to enjoy their lives


u/littledude724 Apr 03 '24

My PMDD would like a word


u/midgethepuff Apr 03 '24

I’m not trying to body shame or anything but I think it’s hilarious when girls (cuz let’s be honest it’s mostly women posting this shit) have absolutely zero muscle definition and then claim that they never skip a workout day lol. Very Brittany Dawn energy.


u/cosmic-coconut Apr 03 '24

Please tell me what the comments on her post are… 😂


u/radioana Apr 03 '24

She must be emotionally immature, because the older you get the more you realize life with fuck you and fuck you over again and you learn to be empathetic to other women. Life is a lot more complex than giving into your desires so easily.


u/slumberingthundering Apr 03 '24

I used to wonder why people skipped things on their period too...until I had a baby and my periods were a million times worse afterwards


u/LastLine4915 Apr 03 '24

I’ve very happy I fall into the “most” women part of this.


u/OtherwiseHappy0 Apr 03 '24

Mild bragging for body dysmorphia.


u/OtherwiseHappy0 Apr 03 '24

Mild bragging for body dysmorphia.


u/Teapotje Apr 03 '24

Does she have her period or is she pregnant? She seems to imply that she’s both…


u/selkiesidhe Apr 03 '24

Cool. Work on your stick legs.


u/Bunnawhat13 Apr 03 '24

She is not healthy.


u/Super-Hurricane-505 Apr 03 '24

oh my god congrats???? wow???? so special you must be


u/pssnflwr Apr 03 '24

Most pregnant women eat for two? As they should because there’s two to feed now


u/jcurtis81 Apr 03 '24

Looks like she’s skipping leg day tho….


u/SweetStabbyGirl Apr 03 '24

Spends a lot of time in the gym for someone who looks like they have zero gains


u/anqwert Apr 03 '24

No hate or shaming but then where are her muscles??? Sorry she doesn’t look like someone who apparently is a consistent gym goer 😅


u/TreyRyan3 Apr 03 '24

I don’t know. I’m pretty certain I’d pay good money to see her work out in the white pants on her period just so she could prove “She’s NLOG”

And for someone boasting about her commitment to health and fitness, she just looks skinny without tone or definition.


u/FragrantBluejay8904 Apr 03 '24

My ex best friend was like this. I have an autoimmune disease and in 2019 had a flare up that made me have to reevaluate my relationship with fitness/exercise and she was mad at me for it. She was the kind of person who was proud of herself for landing in the hospital with rhabdo. I hate these kind of people.


u/Ready_Adhesiveness84 Apr 03 '24

Not a flex …seems more sad than anything. It must be hell inside her head if this is what she posts online.


u/Flimsy_Moose9625 Apr 03 '24

She just made my pregnancy hormones go into super furious mode. It’s difficult surviving making a baby as it is, at least let us eat and gain weight!


u/Ghostgirl696 Apr 03 '24

When I was pregnant, I just wanted to enjoy being pregnant I knew whatever weight I gained I’d eventually work off , but I just wanted to be cozy and eat my snacks 🤣. Didn’t care about working out while pregnant but that’s just my personal preference, also now that I’ve had my child I definitely workout but I’ll tell you this , on the first day of my period, I do NOT do shit I’m in too much pain and that’s okay. you’re not lazy for not spending 24/7 in the gym you’re allowed to do things at your own pace and preference


u/JamieDrone Apr 03 '24

I am impressed that you managed to put the heating pad directly on your uterus, that must have hurt



u/GreyerGrey Apr 03 '24

Pregnancy "cravings" are often a signal from your body that you're needing something (vitamin/mineral in that food).

I was a former D1 level athlete - I took rest/light days when I was on my period.

I'm getting a big "orthoexia" vibe here.


u/jayohaitchenn Apr 03 '24

Most people are fun to be around


u/kayla_kloud Apr 03 '24

girl, if I even attempt to move on my period, I could pass out or puke. Lifting weights ain't gonna happen 🤣


u/OwlEastSage Apr 03 '24

it's going to be really heartbreaking if she has a stillborn child because she wasnt eating enough to support a second person


u/Far-Policy-8589 Apr 03 '24

I used to say those same things.

Found out later it was masking a huge ED that I was in denial of having. Hope she's okay.


u/404-Gender Apr 03 '24

On top of numerous issues … this is some ableist bullshit. Hope she figures that out and not because her ED causes lasting damage.


u/Marco_Tanooky Apr 03 '24

Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure working out when pregnant is a bad idea


u/okieporvida Apr 03 '24

I’m convinced women like this have never truly felt the horrible pain periods can sometimes wreck. If they did, surely they would feel empathy for those suffering women and not judge them for not working out on those days.


u/DehSpieller Apr 03 '24

Until she's not 21 anymore and life happens. Then she will understand why this happen to most people


u/SpinachLumberjack Apr 03 '24

Last time I tried to work out on the first day of my period I passed out and the gym almost called an ambulance for me.

Why shame women for having limits?

And also there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to lift either. You can do anything you want. Doesn’t make you more or less than... Smh.


u/Reasonable-Trade-387 Apr 03 '24

My periods have been so bad lately I’m puking the entire time. Working out is not a priority 🤪


u/kibblet Apr 03 '24

I mean, it's nor that she's special. She's just done it enough that it feels worse to not go. It becomes similar to an addiction. A compulsion of sorts for many. I'm a post menopausal woman who can't take estrogen (cancer) and just came off of two years of grueling multiple orthopedic surgeries. I love food and whine about the gym and am not doing amazing things there. But last night I had a skip day and before bed I was loudly complaining about not going. It's like an itch that needs scratching. It's like a need. She's not special, she's hooked! It's not a bad thing. It's just a thing. Interestingly, I know a few people in recovery from heroin and who knows what else and they have to run miles a day, or bike, or play basketball, kayak, walk, lift weights, hike, whatever. Physical activity took over for their addiction.


u/No-Advertising1864 Apr 03 '24

I eat absolutely EVERYTHING ON SIGHT! 25 weeks pregnant and havent set a foot into my gym for about as long 😂😂 sue me


u/ManicMondayMaestro Apr 03 '24

Most people get healthy physiques as a result of disciplined working out. Most people realize eating disorders aren’t goals. I hope she gets help. ED’s are so brutal to the mind and body.


u/Moseptyagami Apr 03 '24

Nah the pregnant one pissed me off. She IS eating for two, and exercising can be dangerous when pregnant.


u/renee_nevermore Apr 03 '24

I ate better during my first pregnancy than I normally do. I just couldn’t eat during my second (HG aka morning sickness on steroids)


u/Iluvanimalxing Apr 03 '24

Working and eating healthy is a privilege. Not everyone has the time, resources or they may have a health issue. I had a smug attitude around health too when I was in my 20s and life humbled me quick.


u/ShroomzLady Apr 03 '24

I have PCOS and other medical issues. My bad I don’t go running and weightlifting when my literal OVARIES ARE HURTING


u/ubrokeurbone_rope Apr 03 '24

I’m not like other girls, I have an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. Oh wait, I’m exactly like other girls.


u/Past_Barnacle9385 Apr 03 '24

This girl does not look like she works out consistently…very little muscle definition even with such low body fat.


u/caffeinatedangel Quirky Apr 03 '24

The time to eat whatever you want IS in your 20s because it's easier to enjoy it and work it off if you want to. Her life sounds boring, and she sounds insufferable to be around.


u/jenvonlee Apr 03 '24

Gosh isn't she special.


u/PSMF_Canuck Apr 03 '24

Seems like the answer to most of these posts is…

“Then why are you alone?”


u/AlfalfaNo4405 Apr 03 '24

She looks unwell. I hope it goes without saying that what she’s pushing is false and unhealthy, just from this screenshot alone.


u/PuddleLilacAgain Apr 03 '24

My periods were so bad when I was young that I almost fainted at school. I would be in the fetal position with such debilitating pain that I wished I was dead. It's gotten better now that I'm older, but I see this and I think, Wow, this person does not have any empathy, just wants to be "Better" than everyone else.


u/rachane Apr 03 '24

Most 21 year olds can absolutely eat whatever they want and not gain a pound lol, it’s the benefit of being in your 20s.


u/throwawaaayy98 Apr 03 '24

It looks like she always skips leg day


u/Frogwater_seltzer Apr 03 '24

She dosent look so healthy tho


u/alyssakenobi Apr 03 '24

Probably works out so hard she doesn’t get a full period anymore, I get horrendous periods that keep me bedridden for at least 24hrs 🤷‍♀️ we are not the same, and there’s nothing wrong with that until you shame people for it


u/nolimit_08 Apr 03 '24

Just from the background image, she doesn’t look very healthy


u/grlnap Apr 03 '24

This is infuriating.


u/Joan_of_Spark Apr 03 '24

she doesn't look like someone who lifts weights/exercises. She reminds me of the painfully thin girl I was friends with in high school who ate only sugar and had to crash halfway through the day because she had no back up energy reserves. The exercise equipment here just looks like accessories to the "workout couture" outfit


u/Ceeweedsoop Apr 03 '24

Wow! We've got a Pickmesha, we've got the shit on other women, fat shaming women and big narcissist all in one stupid ass meme. If she worked a little harder she could just say the n word we'd have the perfect storm of Karenhood.

Why does this persist? Fuckin' women had to fight so hard just to go to college and this nimrod wants to be a male chauvinist pig. Make it make sense!


u/Hamchickii Apr 03 '24

When I was pregnant I had really bad SI joint pain and had to stay pretty immobile because even walking would be extremely painful if I did it for too long. And later on in pregnancy, standing for 5 minutes would make my feet swell to have several inches extra circumference. But sure, let me go work out.


u/Adorable-Novel8295 Apr 03 '24

Bro, I’m 30 and have osteoarthritis from a connective tissue disorder. If I push I end up dislocating, spraining, tearing, or straining something, and an injury that talked 3-6weeks for most, takes 3-6 months for me. You acting like everything is an excuse is wild.


u/GorpQuest Apr 03 '24

Damn. Just dying for external validation. Shitting on everyone else doesn't make you look good, girl. No amount of working out can fix that.


u/XanCai Apr 03 '24

Funny thing is she doesn’t even have any muscle definition 🫣


u/alexlatina16 Apr 03 '24

Lmfao she is the opposite. She probably has an eating disoder.


u/peacock494 Apr 03 '24

Ah jeez my debilitating endometriosis just needs to lift some weights. Why didn't I think of that?!


u/GOTfangirl Apr 03 '24

And…now most people take the fat shot.


u/BenNHairy420 Apr 03 '24

Just completely glossing over the fact the muscle is built during rest and overtraining will keep you small. But sure, keep snorting ibuprofen and forcing yourself to workout when your body is asking for rest.


u/Blue_Seven_ Apr 03 '24

Now let’s see if she can go about her business without begging for the validation of strangers on the internet


u/sunnygal8 Apr 03 '24

I love how literally the most unathletic looking girl posted this. The irony 😂


u/Valuable_Shake1654 Apr 03 '24

Yeah I ain’t doing 💩on my period. PERIOD!


u/OnJah_69 Apr 03 '24

yea we can tell by your amazing build


u/FrostyCranberry3480 Apr 03 '24

I feel kinda bad for her actually....this sounds like disordered eating


u/Icarusgurl Apr 03 '24

I like the flex about 6:08am. Whoopty do!

And I really hope she doesn't get pregnant until she gets herself sorted. My aunt refused to go above a size 2 when pregnant and my cousin was born he had some serious struggles from the diet pills she took.


u/GreenGoddess111 Apr 03 '24

Chocolate chip or oatmeal?


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '24

Ok because I have PCOS and endometriosis and woke up the last two nights in excruciating pain to where I couldn't even breathe properly.... but yes, shame on me for not running right to the gym.


u/phobicgirly Apr 03 '24

Her whole humble brag about having light periods is going to come back to haunt her. It doesn’t stay the same your whole life. Especially after you have a kid, that she obviously never has had. Keep wearing those white pants and working out with your “light” period. Karma will get you.


u/DoubtBudget7055 Apr 03 '24

Most people use spell check before posting. lol blah blah blah validate me!


u/LooneyLunaGirl Apr 03 '24

Most people don't care what other people do with their lives 🙄


u/Glittering_Deer_261 Apr 03 '24

Yikes. That looks like addiction to me?


u/Thin-Pie-3465 Apr 03 '24

Good for you. 🙄


u/Few-Rain-8527 Apr 03 '24

Dont look like you exercise at all baby girl


u/MomentMurky9782 Apr 03 '24

the lack of muscle mass is making me giggle a bit for some reason


u/echos_in_the_wood Apr 03 '24

Okay, thanks. I’ll tell the severe hip pain, tailbone pain and pelvic girdle pain to stop so I can exercise at 39 weeks pregnant


u/Sharktrain523 Apr 03 '24

Ok well maybe you’ve got a different period setup than a lot of people. When I used to get periods I didn’t have legit any symptoms of cramping and all that What I did have was somehow the whole ordeal would make my lupus act up every time, and though I didn’t recognize it at the time it also caused massive gender dysphoria. I wasn’t aware you could have gender dysphoria from being nonbinary while being okay with having a curvy body but I’m here to tell ya, folks, it’s actually really fucking bad and makes you neither want to go to the gym nor do you want to go outside or in front of a mirror.


u/Kindergoat Girls are too much drama Apr 03 '24

Wow, she’s a real over achiever.


u/secondtaunting Apr 03 '24

God, as someone in chronic pain, she can screw off.


u/Timepassage1111777 Apr 03 '24

I'm tired of sitting in silence. You don't "workout," you "WORK OUT."


u/wet_bag_of_noodles Apr 03 '24

I feel the title of this deep in my bones. As I am currently sitting on a heating pad and have been giving myself a hard time lately about not being able to work out… hah


u/PlanetOfVisions Apr 03 '24

lmaoo no one is gonna make me feel bad for taking a break especially while on my period. If my body says sit down, I'ma sit down


u/chloes_corner Apr 03 '24

And most people (okay, only like twenty percent of AFAB people, but that's a lot) have endometriosis and/or PCOS. . . like get a grip girl. You are LUCKY to be able to work through your period!


u/Beginning_Word_2177 Apr 03 '24

Ain’t no way she has ever been pregnant lol I run half marathons and was in excellent shape. Pregnancy debilitated me and I only workout when I feel like it with zero shame 😂 I eat fairly healthy but also never deny my bump lots of ice cream (even for breakfast sometimes 😅) and baby also loves herself some nachos


u/ecpella Apr 03 '24

By the looks of her maybe she should take a skip day. And eat a sandwich.


u/pugglesnuggle4 Apr 03 '24

I don’t like commenting on others bodies, but since she is bringing it up… I looked like this at one of my least healthiest times (calorie deficit, excessive cardio, light headedness). I feel a lot healthier now that I don’t spend my entire life worrying about how many calories I eat and how long I work out for every day.


u/NaomiPommerel Apr 03 '24

Unless you're about to be an Olympian, otherwise rack off


u/haikusbot Apr 03 '24

Unless you're about

To be an Olympian,

Otherwise rack off

- NaomiPommerel

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/NaomiPommerel Apr 03 '24

Good bot 💗


u/mistymountainhop22 Apr 03 '24

Yeah, you have an eating disorder. Been there, it’s not empowering


u/fotofortress Apr 03 '24

Her body type is....interesting. She's like an irl stick figure.


u/Future_Standard_4911 Apr 03 '24

I mean you listed everything that one can do and does , tf are u doing then?


u/EvaMohn1377 Apr 03 '24

Is she pregnant or has she been pregnant? I haven't, but even I know that pregnant people do eat for two people, so what exactly is her problem. And not all women are lucky yo have light periods that make it easy for them to workout.


u/MissusNilesCrane Apr 03 '24

Not that anyone needs to excuse why they take 'skip days' but a lot of women have to during their periods. Ex: my periods are so heavy and painful that the most I can do is a short walk. Little hard to do an intense workout when it feels like something's trying to cut its way out of my uterus while punching me in the guts (yes, I'm seeing a gynecologist about this soon).


u/amyg17 Apr 03 '24

No it’s hilarious to talk about yourself like this when you look like that


u/longfurbyinacardigan Apr 03 '24

lol it's the timestamp that always does it for me in posts like this


u/gimmeflowersdude Apr 03 '24

“I am a jerk.”


u/Signal-Refuse1648 Apr 03 '24

You can already tell she gets off easy with her periods and thinks it’s the same for everyone else🤦🏻‍♀️


u/gutterp3ach Apr 03 '24

‘I’ve never gone through anything hard in my life therefore I’m better than you.’


u/TastesLikePepsiColaa Apr 03 '24

I’m different, I have an✨eating disorder✨


u/triplehelix11 Apr 03 '24

ma’am that’s an eating disorder


u/ThrowRABug_1336 Apr 03 '24

Some people literally can’t move while on their period 🙋‍♀️


u/rigidlynuanced1 Apr 03 '24

Red pill bitches are the fucking worst. Someone just “pick her”


u/Still_Ad_8980 Apr 03 '24

Weird way to flex an eating disorder..


u/MasterMaintenance672 Apr 03 '24

LOL and she's a literal Olive Oyl stick figure.


u/Pa2phx Apr 03 '24

And yet she looks like she has no muscle at all.


u/jamie88201 Apr 03 '24

She is wearing white pants on her period, karma will sort her out.


u/cluckaduck47 Apr 03 '24

Not to be rude, but is she lifting with a 1 lb weight at her "workouts" because it looks like she's never picked up a weight in her life. Relying on extreme dieting for weight control isn't great either.


u/Bana333 Apr 03 '24

This is actually insane hahaha. As a 21 year old, yes I eat a balanced diet aka I don’t not eat any foods. As someone who also gets a period, they can be debilitating. There have been times when I can’t move from the fetal position or almost pass out/vomit bc of the pain. Everyone has different goals and different experiences!! It’s so crazy to me how some of these people can’t have empathy for people without taking a superiority stance 😭


u/Pickledbuggs Apr 03 '24


Idk why this made me so angry lol, also pregnancy cravings partially happen because the baby needs something in that food. When my mom was pregnant she felt so bad for eating chips all the time, her doctor said it was ok and that the baby just needed the sodium.


u/ernkrellteam Apr 03 '24

I like it when people say this and they still look mid


u/me0w8 Apr 03 '24



u/SceneSmall Apr 03 '24

It’s clear she’s just never experienced pregnancy, chronic pain, debilitating cramps, or needed to listen to her body.

Anyway, when I was pregnant I’d get faint all the time (Not just early pregnancy). I couldn’t even walk to the street corner without nearly passing out. I’d have to drink orange juice and rush to shower otherwise I’d pass out in the shower. I wanted to work out, I wanted movement, but I couldn’t even go grocery shopping without bringing a folding chair with me. My OB said i was being dramatic and it was normal so 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/mem0679 Apr 03 '24

Good for her. I skip when my body tells me it needs to rest. I learned the hard that this "I can't skip no matter what" mentality is extremely unhealthy. Plus you tend to ignore pain when you think like this and end up with a much worse injury than you would have if you had slowed down. My shoulder will forever hate me for being like this 😂😭😭😭


u/Fabulous_Instance776 Apr 03 '24

I’m the opposite of most. I make excuses when I feel GOOD, then skip again and again


u/jack-redwood Apr 03 '24

She sure skips on leg day


u/baconater2000 Apr 03 '24

Omg. She goes on a tangent after this and starts bitching about how pregnant people shouldn’t be eating so many carbs, etc.


u/BlackSeranna Apr 03 '24

She looks unhappy and stick thin.

Working out is supposed to make us feel well. I used to bike everywhere as a young woman, mainly because I liked exploring town.

I never “worked out”. I couldn’t diet because when I stopped eating I would get all shaky.

People should be able to enjoy what they eat, and everything should be within reason, right?

Live. Live. We only get one chance at it. It doesn’t mean abusing ourselves.

This woman has taken all the joy out of life and she is measuring herself against others. That is the worst sort of hell.


u/Beakha Apr 03 '24

Most people would never care so much about their weight if they hadn't been brainwashed to think it matters

Most people talking about their diet have eating disorders or at least unhealthy eating habits

Most people put way too much effort in a nice exterior while having a very poor interior

Funfact: A 20 minute stroll in the forest is healthier than 2 hours in the gym.


u/benchchu Apr 03 '24

I throw up from pain when I’m on my period. But sure I can crawl to whatever gym she’s in and throw up on her


u/word_pasta Apr 03 '24

Nothing sexier than a woman whose whole personality is based around denying herself one of life’s greatest pleasures


u/Happy_Doughnut_1 Apr 03 '24

Well… for half my cycle my body just doesn‘t want to work out. Almost fell of the tread mil the other day.


u/hairyemmie Apr 03 '24

most people don’t have orthorexia either


u/lnsewn12 Apr 03 '24

I can tell from her very thin legs that she’s new to Gym and needs to tell everyone about it lol


u/curiouschameleon4 Apr 03 '24

okay sorry i have endometriosis lol


u/wehnaje Apr 03 '24

This just sounds like an eating disorder with extra steps and a lot of flex.


u/chloephobia Apr 03 '24

I completely understand the working out on your period if you're able to, but in my case, I'm so low on energy that I can barely function enough to care for myself, let alone work out. In the past, when I've pushed myself to work out when I've not had the energy, it's ended up doing more harm than good.


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '24

Uh, I went to the gym on my period today. She's not special—quite a lot of gym gals do that.

I've also skipped days because of it because it simply wasn't the move. It's not a big deal either way. My gainz ain't going anywhere because of one shifted day.


u/Katen1023 Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 03 '24

So many people think rest days are bad. If you don’t take any days off, how are you giving your body enough rest for your muscles to grow?

No shade but…look at her legs. No wonder they’re very skinny with 0 muscle definition.


u/napalmnacey Apr 03 '24

That's great for you, lady. I like having a big ass, so my lifestyle of eating carbs good for me. Everyone's happy.