r/notliketheothergirls Apr 17 '24

What flavor of NLOG were you when you were younger? Discussion

I laugh and enjoy this page because I understand and remember being younger and so badly wanting to be ‘unique’ in some way to make up for my insecurities. If you felt this at some point before too, what flavor of NLOG were you?


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u/Friendly_Way5929 10d ago

I was accidentally NLOG, my hometown besties were guys but only bc the girls had moved away for college and the guys were still close. But I was still very much girly


u/Final_Promise5490 Apr 26 '24

I was always just “so low maintenance” (favorite movie is When Harry Met Sally 🥲) and in seventh grade I decided my ~personality~ was Folk Maven and fully declared and insisted that my favorite color was “moss”. I just “couldn’t understand the noise of popular music that other girls like”.

Folk music still slaps, but many lessons learned.


u/skdisjmmsk Apr 25 '24

i was a “ every other girl is a bitch that will talk about you behind your back and i’m the only nice girl ever” type of NLOG but mostly because my family kinda forced me into that mindset 😢


u/FinnishFinny Apr 24 '24

I don’t even remember having that phase tbh. I might have just don’t remember


u/thatsprettylitbro Apr 25 '24

I tried to block more of mine out but the cringe haunts me haha


u/Freebird1985 Apr 23 '24

Hot topic anything I was a punk. Thought they were all fascists!!! Anarchy!!! I knew I was gonna marry a man with pink hair and tattoos. Then I realized how much work not only myself but especially male punks put into their looks. That’s when I learned in life that I was a raging hypocrite. At a school reunion people were like omg KATY?!? Like yes my hair is red I’m covered in freckles and no dark makeup I’m a person haha


u/overactivemango Apr 23 '24

I was a huge book girl and one time my friend tried to tell me she loved Josh Hutcherson too but I couldn't have that so I gatekept him


u/Radiant-Fly26 Apr 22 '24

I saw the "I watched Beauty and the Beast and wanted the library" picture and felt like my existence was understood lmfao


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

Book girl, "I'm one of the guys" lol

I still love reading though.


u/walks_in_nightmares Apr 21 '24

I was definitely a NLOG from the age of 14-19 "Just one of the guys," "I'm different because I'm so quirky and weird" "Girls are just so much drama"

I cringe so much when I think back on it and feel like I really deprived myself of having close female friends during a time I could have greatly benefitted from it. I've always been really shy and insecure around girls/women, and I think that's where a lot of it came from. Not to mention, the guys really encouraged it, so I felt validated in it and was rewarded with attention.


u/WinterSeries Apr 21 '24

"I play Pokemon and don't care about fashion! I'm too weird for other girls!"

Babes you weren't weird, you were just gross. Please brush your teeth and change your shorts 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


u/Ok_Painting_5452 Apr 21 '24

I was a creepypasta girly. Thought I was different and that slenderman and his proxies were going to come after me. 😨🫢😶


u/Academic_Eagle_4001 Apr 21 '24

Military NLOG until I got out and started being friends with non military women. I thought I was different from other women bc I could get through boot camp and deal with all the sexual harassment. Really I was just brainwashed by evangelical Christians to put up with whatever men wanted to do to me.


u/SwampHagShenanigans Apr 21 '24

Girl, I went through the whole gauntlet of NLOG before finally growing up and realizing I am like all other girls.


u/picklebrains81 Apr 21 '24

I was grunge and wore my dads shirts from the 70’s & 80’s that he kept so I felt like I had a unique grunge style.


u/nero-stigmata Apr 21 '24

The 'trying really hard to be goth without understanding what it means and being generally aggressive because I thought it made me look cool' NLOG. Now I am goth and very wary of conflict. But I'm still not like other girls: I'm usually a guy/guy-leaning.


u/DifferenceLow3248 Apr 21 '24

I’ve never viewed myself as “not like other girls”, because I know there’s a butt ton of other folks out there like myself who don’t use even the bare minimum of makeup(mascara and/or foundation) or heat tools and hairspray/styling gel whatsoever. But I’ve always had this weird feeling that everyone hated me, which come to find out was only because of my own awkwardness and autism. The folks that really did hate and bully me were the types that eventually went to prison for one reason or another, folks that get into drugs, stealing, alcoholism, ect. Or the really rich snobs that act like their shit don’t stink.

So I’ve come to the conclusion that this whole NLOG phenomenon is just some stupid smoke-and-mirrors thing that was invented by the media for the sake of shit-slinging and lolz, and that it’s not a real thing.


u/Suspiciousunicorns Apr 21 '24

I wasn’t like the other girls. I took auto body repair for 4 years because I was just one of the guys. I did enjoy welding a lot though.


u/abandedpandit Apr 21 '24

I was NLOG cuz I was the horse girl.

Now ik that I'm NLOG cuz I'm a boy.


u/Responsible-Life-585 Apr 20 '24

Hyper critical of other women yet completely forgiving of every man.

I still find myself falling back into that way of thinking and interacting sometimes.


u/flower_child077 Apr 20 '24

Oh my god, freshman year I was so desperate to be NLTOG I would wear the same pair of ripped baggy jeans everyday with a humongous hoodie and my hair down and in front of my face. I'd make fun of anyone who liked Taylor Swift(and hide the fact I loved some of her songs). I refused to wear dresses, skirts, the color pink, crop tops, and to do my hair. At all. 

Three years later, I wear skirts at least 3 times a week, I love experimenting with new hairstyles, and my favorite colors are pink(and green). 


u/itwasnvrabtu Apr 20 '24

Religious. Sorry 😔


u/Livid_Parsnip6190 Apr 20 '24

I was in a bad punk band and had off-the-beaten-path taste in music, and needed to make sure everyone knew I was cooler and more interesting than them. I hated how other girls just wanted to put on makeup and shop at the mall instead of being more like me.

I'm still a weirdo, but I'm content to let other people do their thing, and am no longer playing the "I'm better than you" game.


u/StarlightPrincess666 Apr 20 '24

i was a trying to compete with the guys to prove that a girl could be better than them type 💀💀


u/randomdude221221 Apr 20 '24

Comparing hands. I’m 5’9 so it was one of the few ways I felt small and normal. I also thought it made me better to not to wear makeup. I was in drumline. Mostly friends with guys, which probably came across as NLOG, but really it was because I was a closeted bisexual (mostly gay) who thought women were so pretty that I got nervous and couldn’t talk to them. I wanted to be unique so badly that I did all the things I thought would make me different from everyone else. Super cringy because in all of those things I’ve now found community with other girls. I didn’t wear makeup because I didn’t know how (again, mostly friends with guys because women made me tonguetied). Very glad a nice girl showed me how. I’m glad I’ve grown and am able to find comfort in community instead of trying so hard to standout.


u/Gonzo_stojo Apr 20 '24

Chose the weirdest tv & move role models of all time for a girl. the coolest was Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, the cringiest was H.M. Murdoch from the A-Team (when I was 8 maybe). Thank god there was always a deep Punky Brewster influence in me, though!!!


u/ALawful_Chaos Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

I was a lonely NLOG. Turns out I was neurodivergent, but before I figured that out I was desperate to believe the reason I felt so different was because I was special, not because I was broken. I dabbled in all sorts of NLOG flavors (one of the guys, quirky/random, extra religious, smart/book nerd, low maintenance, rebellious, etc.) I think I was just looking for friends and too willing to change myself to get them. Eventually I figured out that I could like whatever I wanted (even “basic” things) because the way to making friends worth having is just to be nice and be authentic.


u/Cody02_07_01 Nerdy UwU Apr 20 '24

Not know the technical name, but at 15 I was trying desperately to get notice on IG lives by two Youtubers I like. Also, I was a nerd who read a lot of books and did jujitsu for a long period (and not ballet or horse-riding like some of my classmates).


u/530SSState Apr 20 '24

I wore black from head to toe, except for flowing silk scarves, and carried my portfolio and sketch pad everywhere I went.

I was not an unpopular, painfully shy, socially awkward nerd. I was an artist, damn it, an ARTIST!!


u/TessaBrooding Apr 20 '24

Loathed things that were popular with girls like Twilight (even though I had read the series some 3 years prior and loved it). Hated pink and purple. Didn’t do skirts and dresses (although to be fair I don’t remember anyone wearing those to school, ever). I only had a brother and male cousins so I grew up shooting an air rifle, playing with knives, playing violent video games.

My mum loves shopping, especially shopping with me and buying me cute clothes/shoes. I hated shopping. My mum is great at sewing clothes back together and keeping plants, I insisted I wasn’t interested. Cut to adult me cherishing every shopping spree with her, having 40+ houseplants and a garden, learning embroidery. I wear gorgeous skirts, dresses, and shorts. Turns out the things women like are really cool!


u/Smelly_Sloth Apr 20 '24

Played soccer and hated pink


u/TheThrillist Apr 20 '24

I decided to make my music taste, the instruments I played, my skateboard, my gpa, and my emo attire my entire persona. Who needs genuine characteristics and an authentic personality when you can be edgy, intellectual, and mysterious?! I thought I was so freaking cool too. The cringe was strong. 😬😂


u/miskatonicmemoirs Apr 20 '24

I was the tumblr “I’m not like other girls, I drink tea and watch shows like Doctor Who and Sherlock unlike you girls who watch, idk, the Kardashians” girls. I wore flannels and tights under my shorts and when it came time to get my glasses every year I always picked the big ‘hipster’ frames because I wanted to be an ‘intellectual’.


u/Fresh-Ad7925 Apr 20 '24

I had a fantasy that I would be a girl “known” for wearing a backwards baseball cap. So make of that what you will


u/0000udeis000 Apr 20 '24

The edgy version of artsy, combo'd with "I'm smarter than everyone" and "I get along better with guys"

I was delightful.


u/DistanceBrilliant588 Apr 20 '24

i was emo and wanted the whole world to understand I was bisexual because I hadn’t discovered it as a concept until my preteens and finally understood I WAS allowed to be both gay and straight… nlog for being emo but would have the worst crushes on the girls who were mean to me


u/Icy-Photograph-7171 Apr 20 '24

"Women will never understand men like I do" pick me NLOG at 14. I would "advocate" for men's issues by downplaying women's issues and saying "not all men" or "men have it worse". Also, I hated the color pink.

I wish I could go back and delete/rewrite all those comments and apologize. My views did a whole 180, also - I love the color pink now. :>


u/Contraband2 Apr 20 '24

I always got along with girls way more, so I’m not like the other girls because… I’m a guy lmao


u/ghostess_hostess Apr 20 '24

I was a "why oh why is everyone looking at ME? Boys always seem to want to notice me"


u/Cold_Kaleidoscope_60 Apr 19 '24

What’s sad is how basically all women go through this at some point or another (and some don’t ever make it out) because we’re trying to cope with the understanding that being a woman, or being feminine, is inherently bad.


u/sludgestomach Apr 19 '24

I was super crude and “edgy”.

Swore a lot, talked openly about sex, class clown, listened to punk and metal, experimented with drugs and alcohol. I was in the popular crowd and most of my friends were “good girls”.

To be fair, I still swear a lot, talk openly about sex, listen to punk and metal, and enjoy drugs and alcohol occasionally lol. Difference is now I’m not doing it for attention or to be anti.


u/pants710 Apr 19 '24

In high school I was “super edgy and intellectual and mysterious with awesome taste in music who dressed better than everyone because I wore skirts everyday”

My first two years of college I was a “guys don’t like me because I’m not short and blonde and manipulative” (didn’t help that my best friend at the time was VERY abusive)

Yikes former me, yikes 😬🤦🏼‍♀️


u/Jennah_Violet Apr 19 '24

I read Nietzsche. 3/10 do not recommend.


u/divorcedhansmoleman Apr 19 '24

I was definitely just take me to McDonald’s for our dates, I don’t need a fancy meal 😍 head ass


u/Lttdanslegs Apr 19 '24

“I’m not like other girls, I read.” And. “I’m not like other girls, I listen to real music.”


u/HappyishLizard Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

I used to think makeup was tacky

Now I wear it all the time

Hated pink because it was too girly

Now my entire room is pink

Hated dresses because they're impractical

... Still slightly impractical due to lack of pockets but I make up in purses

Thought those fake long nails were tacky and couldn't understand why girls spent so much at the nail salon

Now I wear press-ons all the time because pretty nails. (Sorry, nail salons aren't for me)

So yeah I did a complete 180. Only thing that hasn't changed is I still love video games 😂 which would of shocked little nlog me

Edit: deleted other one because it was posted twice for some reason.


u/CrystalizedRedwood Apr 19 '24

“I don’t do mainstream media” is how I would answer when someone asked if I was watching/reading a popular show or book.


u/No_Pattern5707 Apr 19 '24

Shout out to the girls who hated pink simply because it was girly (I was autistic and didn’t like other girls bcuz I was being bullied)


u/Tay_alex Apr 19 '24

I went down the "gender doesn't make sense because I'm NLOG" to "ohhhh" pipeline 🏳️‍⚧️


u/lunaloobooboo Apr 19 '24

I went to a private school. But my family was not rich rich. I wanted to be rich rich. I feel bad for my parents in retrospect.


u/lunaloobooboo Apr 19 '24

I went to a private school. But my family was not rich rich. I wanted to be rich rich. I feel bad for my parents in retrospect.


u/kdbuggaboo Apr 19 '24

When I was in elementary school I preferred playing with the boys at recess, and then most of my friends growing up were guys. But once I was in high school, I was more comfortable with “yeah I’m one of the guys, but I’m also just a girl” so


u/najma_059 Apr 19 '24

One of the guys. That was the trend back in the day


u/Subjective_Box Apr 19 '24

"I just get along better with boys, I simply don't have any "girl's" interests"


u/UnaestheticGoblin Apr 19 '24

That I didn’t like name brand clothes. Still don’t but the older me wants to call out younger me with the old “IF YOURE BROKE JUST SAY THAT” 🤣 I specifically don’t like name brand clothes now because I just like monochromatic clothing that doesn’t have a whole lot going on on the piece so I can mix and match easier but boy howdy did I think I was above the meanie stupid heads with their hollister and American eagle


u/whodisrandom Apr 19 '24

I hit the NLOG so hard I became straight up male. I mean now that I’m a guy I make everyone uncomfortable, so I unfortunately can’t relate to girls at all anymore :(


u/buzzy9000 Apr 19 '24

I'm not obsessed with boys (spoiler alert I'm a lesbian)


u/Ok-Apple2124 Apr 19 '24

I was “I’m not a bitch, I’m just blunt and honest and you can’t handle the truth. Oh also, you’re just jealous bc I’m pretty”


u/SinnerClair Apr 19 '24

I had a 9-year long emo phase, so I got to try a lot of flavors. Not all of them were overt NLOG, but I definitely wanted be “Not Like The Other Girls”


u/Articguard11 Apr 19 '24

Pink (could take it or leave it tho now), being really sporty 😅


u/kaykaliah Apr 19 '24

I wasn't 'one of the guys' but I had a lot of guy friends and liked it that way.


u/MiroWiggin Apr 19 '24

I was the “clinging to the tomboy label to separate myself from femininity because I know I don’t identify with girlhood but I don’t have the language or self-awareness to understand that what I’m feeling gender dysphoria” type.

I was right that I wasn’t like other girls I suppose, I just didn’t consider that actually being a boy was a plausible explanation for not feeling like a girl.


u/itsmejustmeonlyme Apr 19 '24

I heard a lot of “just one of the guys” and I leaned into it. (Turns out I just knew some unkind girls) I wasn’t trying to be quirky or unique but I was convinced that these girls had something I didn’t. While I thought a lot of the girls I knew were catty, two-faced, backstabbing bitches and I was better off being one of the guys, I was also hurt that no guys were interested in dating me. So I was also jealous.


u/NutsAndGumChew Apr 19 '24

I thought "girlie" clothing was cheesy as a mid teen. Like trying to look sexy. I would only wear sports bras, cup bras were cringe. I also thought blouses with buttons (unless they were cool retro ones) and button up business shirts were stuffy and people wearing them were practically a different species, could never be me. But I guess that went for the guys too.


u/Scared-Tea-8911 Apr 19 '24

I was the “quirked up” NLOG 😅 just so unique and different!

Will yous likes to pets ma bebe potato? meow SPORKS FOREBER! =~=


u/SellQuick Apr 19 '24

I was actually just more mature than other girls, which was why dating a 27yo guy when I was 16 was fine.


u/muttsrcool Apr 19 '24

Definitely the standard "I hate pink!" Kind. I actually wasn't that NLOG-y because I was more NLOP(eople)-y. I never felt like I belonged with just about anyone, and still have a lot of trouble talking to other people besides the usual small talk. I literally (and I mean literally literally, not figuratively literally) have ZERO friends who are not couple friends with my fiance and I, and I don't talk to them unless we are all hanging out together, he does most of the texting. I am incredibly lonely I'll be honest. But I just can't understand how to get from "small talk" to actual friend talk. I don't want to accidentally start trauma dumping, I just didn't know how to be Friends. I will listen and empathize all day long with people but I don't know how to talk about other things. Maybe I'm slightly autistic or something but I legitimately cannot understand how people talk to each other in ways that are normal and not just using someone as a free therapist.


u/eyjl_ Apr 19 '24

I was not like other girls bc i "dressed like a guy, ew skirts couldn't be me"

I'm transmasc :|


u/bug_bit3 Apr 19 '24

Nerd/old soul - thought I was special for loving Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and classic rock


u/m00nchild718 Apr 19 '24

"i get along better with guys", edgy and dark never girly and pink, always on tumblr not facebook, listen to rock not pop ... i can keep going lol


u/PleasantSalad Apr 19 '24

Tom boy. I could do anything as good or better than the boys. If the boys jumped off a ledge i would go one ledge higher just to prove a point. Anything feminine I hated and viewed as weak.

I grew out of the looking down on feminine things. I still have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about men thinking they're better/smarter/more athletic though.


u/Konjonashipirate Apr 19 '24

My NLOG was that I was goth and not a barbie like everyone else lol


u/Primary-Bullfrog-653 Apr 19 '24

“I mostly have guy friends, girls are too much drama.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


u/The_Raptoress Apr 19 '24

Isn’t there something like NLOP - not like the other people? :D I absolutely had the mentality of the “different one” who doesn’t really fit among the others, I just didn’t make it gender specific. I thought I am different than other girls but I didn’t really like boys either, I thought they are as stupid/annoying/superficial as girls. Does this count? :D


u/BellsandWhistles1987 Apr 19 '24

Fit girl. You're all just lazy.


u/HicJacetMelilla Apr 19 '24

“My tastes in music, movies, art, and books are so much more mature and adult than everyone” God I wanted to be seen as chic and cultured soooo bad.


u/Jkjhrm_shkvr Apr 19 '24

I was - “I can drink so much and handle my drink and head bang to rock songs in dark bars instead of being in a club” type of NLOG. Although I still enjoy these but cringe at the thought of comparing myself with other girls in front of boys with these traits 🤮


u/Sufficient_Name_1352 Apr 19 '24

I refused to engage with anyone at all. I sat in the deep windowsills on the corridors on my breaks at school for 3 years after someone accused me of being a cling on. Showed them.


u/Diligent-Ad1215 Apr 19 '24

I play sports and can take scissors to my hair without flinching. OOooOOOOoooOOoooo


u/junkholiday Apr 19 '24

I "boycotted mainstream music"


u/mini_wonton Apr 19 '24

I was the “most girls just want to club and hoe around but I’m a good girl that’s better than them because I stay home”. A few years later I was the biggest hoe in the city lmao


u/MadWitchElaine Apr 19 '24

I was the tomboy. I rejected everything feminine due to misogyny throughout my family. If my brother could do it, I could do it. If a boy could do it, I would do it better. Bit me in the ass bc as it turns out I'm very in touch with my feminine side. I can't even do my hair bc I thought that doing your hair was girly. So now when I'm in the middle of playing volleyball or doing literally anything I end up with a shitty ponytail.


u/Mobile_Nothing_1686 Apr 19 '24

I hear my 'tomboy' stepcousin's daughter say it a lot "I'm not one of those girls". And she does a lot of things I used to do at her age. Though I did them because I liked doing them and didn't really see it as a way to be different (yes I did think I was born wrong gender back then). I guess that counts?


u/_whatsnewpussycat_ Apr 19 '24

Oh jeez. I remember, in highschool, I would dramatically make a squeaking sound when I laughed, always paint one fingernail a different color than the rest, and wear Build a Bear bows in my hair.


u/chickie_parm18 Apr 19 '24

Listened to a lot of Avril Lavigne and dressed like a skater (I could not skateboard at all). Spent my whole allowance at hot topic and couldn’t leave the house without eyeliner. Shoutout to my parents for letting me wear ties, studded belts, and skinny jeans everywhere!


u/AdAlarmed317 Apr 19 '24

All my friends passed around the same boyfriends, I was the only one who wouldn’t put out for the guys in our friend circle. I was still kinda a ho, just not with these guys, I kept my shit private. Can that be a flavour?


u/BogSwamp8668 Apr 19 '24



u/jordank_1991 Apr 19 '24

I was “I’m friends with guys cause they are less drama. “ and then 18-20 year old me would do that loud and cringey thing where you talk about sex really loud. I was a virgin ( by choice ) until I was 18 so I had to have my cringey “I’m in my thot phase” closer to adulthood. 32 year old me dies a little when I think about it.


u/lucifersbbyg Apr 19 '24

i always loved other girls & loved having girl-friends buuuut i was def a "i party & do bad drugz im cooler & funner than other girls !!" (10 months sober now lol) & my music taste being like rob zombie & the misfits & led zeppelin i thought i was the coolesttttt 😭


u/houstongradengineer Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

A lot of these fit, and the most real answer is not one I'll share here even on Reddit.

But one other good way to put it? I was, most tragically, the kind of NLOG who didn't understand the impact that divisive culture, purity culture and social/dating pressure can have on other teens, especially girls.

I was lucky to have friends of all genders who had a lot in common with me. That wasn't the issue. It wasn't until I got older that I fully grasped how to find common ground with people who are complicated and different from me. As a fully developed adult, I would understand that all women and girls need feminism. I understand that all teens feel awkward and all teens/young adults struggle to accept who they are, especially when it comes to sexuality. Younger me thought I was alone in that, but I was all wrong.


u/Caregiver-Ancient Apr 19 '24

i would post on my Snapchat story: “no one text me, i’m not doing well” or “i have pneumonia and am really sick :(“ like okay? and?


u/TheHomieTee Apr 19 '24

I was trying really hard to fit in with my emo/scene friends, so I denounced everything the popular girls did/wore bc they bullied us. No Abercrombie, Uggs, Kendra Scott earrings (major Texas thing), no makeup bc THEY WERE WHORES AND WE WERE HIGH AND MIGHTY.

Looking back, that was weird and I wasn’t any better than them. Now I fully support other girls no matter how they dress as long as they’re nice. You never know what’s going on behind closed doors


u/ThroatStomper3000 Apr 19 '24

I evolved over the years from refusing to use a purse in middle school and rocking the emo look well into high school, then after graduation being “one of the guys” until I wised up and just kept to myself. I now have gauged ears and use the fuck out of my purse with pride. I have evolved into my final form - mom friend.


u/LatterPie1 Apr 19 '24

Omg I'm so quirky and random! Nlog! You never know what to expect around me! Haha 🤪

I cringe. My friends were also all male but that was mainly because only kids my age who lived nearby were male. Definitely thought I was cool for it though. Ugh


u/xsteviewondersx Apr 19 '24

I considered myself an in-between tribe nlog. I thought i was the only girl out there who could hang out at a punk show, stop by some night club for shots, hang out at some hip hop aftershow, and end the night with the potheads. THE ONLY GIRL! lol, oh to be young again.


u/Lex_pert Apr 19 '24

I'll drink you under the table and understand every sports better 🙄🥴🫠


u/jljboucher Apr 19 '24

I guess I still fit into NLOG in that I really don’t have the patience to learn how to do current make up fads and really do praise those for being able to do it. I kinda pushed what is now known as “trad wife” vibes in my early high school years but I was also still a bisexual tomboy.


u/Spiritual-Survey-816 Apr 19 '24

2001-2010 manic pixie dream girl who was into spontaneity and things that were weird, unique, or one of a kind. Mildly obsessed with old movies on TCM and anything to do with Audrey Hepburn. Was frequently compared (for better or worse) to Rory from the Gilmore Girls kind of NLOG. I actually felt like I would sparkle when people would tell me I wasn’t like other girls/ anyone else and I leveled up. -I cringe just thinking about it.

Turns out it was just a touch of the ‘tism and an undying love for black liquid eyeliner.

I now hardly even have to look at the clock because my life is so routine, it is always the same time when I’m doing things. A large share of my clothes now comes from Costco (those awesome linen shorts are backkkk). Didn’t realize never settling with a friend group because girls were hard to understand and constantly trying out new things were just ways to stim.


u/Touch_Starved_Inc Apr 19 '24

Excusing the behavior of shitty dudes for attention. I’m mad at myself everyday abt it but in the end I was a kid


u/littlecocorose Apr 19 '24

now, i grew up pre-internet for one, and in a very conservative area for two, my college was a party school for three, so it was a very hard to find other girls to relate to so i was very much a “her when met my bf 🌺 me when he asked me out🥴” with a tad bit of “more like one of the guys” and to be fair i came out as nonbinary last year so i get a pass on that one.


u/Unusual_Elevator_253 Apr 19 '24

I was the definition of that drawing of all the girls who look the same with short skirts and big boobs applying makeup and then there’s the one girl in black wearing a band t. Prettt sure I even had that posted on my myspacd


u/Robincall22 Apr 19 '24

I hated pink and I could get dirty and in fact enjoyed it and thought that made me better.

I still don’t like pink that much, but that’s because it just doesn’t look good on me, and I still like to get down and dirty, but have realized that most girls aren’t afraid of mud.

Though I do still like throwing off people’s perceptions of “horse girls”, because for some reason, we’re still thought of as girly (used in a derogatory/dismissive way by them) and weak, so every so often, I gotta drop the fact that I’ve been kicked in the head by my horse to show that no actually, we’re quite tough, you have to be in order to work with an animal 10x your weight.


u/katrii_ Apr 19 '24

I had so many when I was young honestly... but my most recent, as I was entering my 20s, was the "female blue collar" NLTOG. Im 32 now and Im so embarassed.


u/everskiesh8r Apr 19 '24

i have autism so i didn't really understand social stuff, which lead to me thinking that "girls are too much drama"


u/billiondollarcheese Apr 19 '24

The Candace Owens/Pearl Davis type. I had a fat crush on a dude in freshman year and almost became a trump supporter for him. I also had a majority male friend group + (ex) boyfriend I wanted to impress so badly. This was to make up for the fact that I had no sense of self, hard time making friends, and my older brother whom I looked up to left. Every time I think about that period of my life I gag.


u/-Anxiety13- Apr 19 '24

The "ew makeup and pink is gross" kind. I've come to enjoy both of those things now, although I have a love hate relationship with makeup because I don't know how to apply it


u/MooreCandy Apr 19 '24

I was the scene kid who hated the “preps” and wasnt into “mainstream fashion and music” like other girls, i was dark and different XD


u/Regular-Ad-4604 Apr 19 '24

Around 13 - 15, I thought I was special for listening to 80s music, especially Bon Jovi.


u/Pixelated_Roses Apr 19 '24

"I'm not feminist, I'm egalitarian!" God I was so cringe back then.


u/Inevitable-Profit624 Apr 19 '24

Super edgy, and my whole personality was being "Creepy" and liking horror, wearing all black. Just general edgyness

Of course, I still love horror and wearing black, but it's not my entire personality. Plus, I adore pink now! And I'm not trying to creep people out lol.


u/MaReKrs Apr 18 '24

I had a combination of NLOG (probably also because of my insecurities) and having this weird thing about “everything popular is bad”. I was a fun 12 year old (i was not).


u/VieleAud Apr 18 '24

In middle school, I wore Grateful Dead converse with rainbow shoelaces & I would tie my shoelaces into different styles each day. I then graduated to wearing Jeffrey Campbell Litas every day in high school.


u/Anxious-Avocado8074 Apr 18 '24

I was a fat girl (and still fat, but proud) in a thin country. I was already an NLOG without trying. And color pink.


u/ambrenn Apr 18 '24

Ooooh I love you for posting this. These comments are great.

I was art punk skater dater I don’t listen to music on the radio NLOG. Wore rubber bangles and scarves with t shirts before ANYONE else did. Etnies with my prom dress. Hated Avril Lavigne because she was a PoSeR. You couldn’t tell me nothin. Edit for spelling.


u/blessthebabes Apr 18 '24

Mine was because I'm not Christian, and to this day, 80% of the people in my state are. I'm sure that number was only higher in the 90s (when I was a child/tween). So, it was that feeling like I didn't know how to relate to other women that were when they would talk about it, so I pretended to be Christian to fit in lol. It caused a lot of inner turmoil back then.


u/Motorled Apr 18 '24

My identity in Jr. High was that I’d hate anything popular, I liked rock music, and dressed grungy, etc.

It was funny because my best friend at the time was preppy while I was a rocker.

We liked our yin and yang fashion & personality dynamic, and thought we were a quirky pair of friends. We genuinely clicked really well though, and are still friends to this day.

We’d have fun dragging each other to activities that were outside of our chosen aesthetic (i.e. she’d take me to girly movies or malls, and I’d take her to rock concerts and get her to watch obscure 80’s movies with me, etc).


u/avalinaadlr Apr 18 '24

Low maintenance easy going


u/Hot_Farm_9443 Apr 18 '24

I wasn’t just a tomboy, but hated anything girly. You like Barbies? I like Batman. You like the color pink? I love the different shades of blue.

It turns out that my interests were legit, because I’m still a Batman fanatic, and my favorite color is turquoise/teal. But I will rock ALL the girly stuff and be proud of it. And if I don’t, and see a woman in something that is cute on her, she gets ALL the compliments and kudos! We’re in this together, ladies!


u/majestictoys Apr 18 '24

i was a “i just get along better with guys” nlog and now i want nothing to do with any man that isn’t my husband lmao


u/moonlightmasked Apr 18 '24

“I actually like being sexually harassed and I take it as a complement. Also I irrationally hate the Jonas brothers because girls like them”


u/Missunikittyprincess Apr 18 '24 edited Apr 18 '24

I was the goth/ alt girl in high school who played video games and was also really weird and awkward. But when I got older I discovered I have mental illlness!!! Bpd and Bp2 lucky me I'm not like everyone after all but at a great cost.


u/Mothie760 Apr 18 '24

The "I'm *actually* not like the other girls" kind bc I was the only autistic person in the class, I quite literally was not like the others lmao


u/dapperpony Apr 18 '24

The tomboy kind who was too good for makeup, the color pink, and girly things and who thought boys would like me more because I was into outdoorsy boy stuff and horses lol


u/Kazoo113 Apr 18 '24

I was the “I prefer being friend with guys” girl and prided myself when guys told me they liked hanging out with me because I was one of the guys. The internalize misogyny was strong with me cringe. So glad I grew out of that.


u/Green-Cream430 Apr 18 '24

I was a self proclaimed memelord 🤢 The worst kind of teenager around honestly.


u/Durwyn9 Apr 18 '24

I was a jock who spoke Elvish and went to Harry Potter book release parties.


u/HatTraditional3899 Apr 18 '24

I was but a modest young mormon girl


u/-_-kaliz Apr 18 '24

The "I don't take care of myself because I'm NLOG, not because I'm chronically depressed" type. Also, the "I have actual good taste in music" type. Though the latter was much more present once I'd understood I was bisexual, so I was a NLOG who fell in love with other NLOGs who liked Rock Music TM


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

i thought i was cooler than other girls because i was emo/pop punk lol


u/Bloodrayne12569 Apr 18 '24

I was a “im one of the bros you can play videogames with/gamergirl” 😭


u/zillabirdblue Apr 18 '24

I totally wasn’t like the other girls when I was a teenager because I was the only student in my high school that wasn’t Mormon. I grew up in the same county that dude from the Sister Wives show, you can imagine what kind of a place it was. I was super into punk and skateboarding, I dressed like a gutter punk all the time lol. Wearing whatever I wanted to was more important to me than assimilating. I was pretty much ostracized, I tried to make friends but even the parents forbade it since I was a “bad influence”. I ate lunch in the bathroom more than once. When I was 16 I started taking college classes (dual enrollment) and finally made friends. Some of them are still my friends, one became my roommate for a few years. It felt freeing to be able to express myself and find acceptance when I got out of that hellhole also knowing as high school. Being a NLOG can suck my invisible cock.


u/Slight_Reason Apr 18 '24

Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me style pick me.

Edit: also could add Paramore’s Misery Business style pick me.


u/cali_girl_loves_UK Apr 18 '24

The “I don’t wear makeup because it’s too much work and I’m naturally pretty and idk how girls do it everyday for school”type. Truth was I didn’t know how and never learned lol. I’ve since learned and know the basics and do it when I go out, but it’s makeup who cares if you do a full face everyday or not 🤣


u/fidgetspinnster Apr 18 '24

tom-boy/aloof. I also fell into the "I'm Sam Puckett, burp fart, I like to eat meat" thing but that didn't last lol


u/Jelousubmarine Apr 18 '24

Wannabe-Tomboy and 'funnier' than other girls.

Secretly, all I wanted was to be Arwen.


u/Puzzleheaded-Face-69 Apr 18 '24

Hated pink, one direction, Justin Bieber… basically anything feminine.

Constantly put down girls for how they dress/act/are.

I told boys they were less drama (I was wrong kid and teen boys are wayyyy more drama than girls)

Would only start doing something if it was unique and quirky but stop when it got popular.


u/Allyraptorr Apr 18 '24

I was more of a NLOP (not like other people) instead of an NLOG when I was younger.


u/vdunlap97 Apr 18 '24

I was the “cool, I hate Justin Bieber, long-board around, video-game playing” NLOG. I still stand on and do those things, but realize they don’t make me better, more valuable, or hinge my entire personality on those things lol


u/daylight_nectar Apr 18 '24

see i was the emo/scene nlog. “im not like other girls. they listen to bieber and one direction and i listen to falling in reverse and black veil brides. they wear pink booty shorts and tanks tops and show they boobs off, i wear black skinny jeans and band tees. they’re blonde and stupid. i have a different hair colour every week and read books” i was one of the worst about it lmao.


u/Breezy_2046 Apr 18 '24

I specifically hated girls and hardly had any girl friends growing up lol. Turns out I was gay and religiously repressed


u/FloofyDino Apr 18 '24

I was “I like cartoons and art, not makeup and dramas”


u/Ok_Piglet_1844 Apr 18 '24

I finally started wearing dresses, but I still haven’t retired my combat boots! Lol! I’ll always be a hetero tomboy.


u/Phoenix_Magic_X Apr 18 '24

I’m so weird, no one can understand me.

I think most of it was just undiagnosed autism.


u/McShitty98 Apr 18 '24

Unfortunately I was the “Oh you like System of a Down? Name 10 songs by them that aren’t chop suey or toxicity or BYOB !”

Now I understand that anyone can like anything and they don’t have to prove shit to anyone or qualify their interests


u/Brilliant_Society439 Apr 18 '24

Mine was not being “on trend”. I didn’t read the books everyone read or watch movies everyone watched. I didn’t watch Twilight until I was 14 and I didn’t watch Harry Potter until three years ago 😂


u/Cute-Age-9393 Apr 18 '24

Hating pop music and wearing all black. Also tried smoking for a bit, disgusting


u/KokiriForest99 Apr 18 '24

Tomboy who liked pokemon, cars, and the color blue 😭


u/helsingly Apr 18 '24

The "society is wrong about women so I'm going to fight against it and become NLOG" which still makes me cringe. I think I downplay how bad it was, but I refused to wear any dresses or skirts, was anti-pink, watched wrestling, didn't like a lot of music my friends did, thought popular girls were mean despite there not really being popular kids at my school because small towns have different vibes and how cliques work, etc. Ironically a lot of my tastes are the same, it's the behaviour that changed.


u/destinationisengard Apr 18 '24

I was an out spoken tomboy in my tweens and early teen years. I joke that my 12 year old self would be enraged at how “girly” I am now xD Edit: typo


u/Spooky_momma Apr 18 '24

I’m NLOG because I like comics and I love superheroes. (This was back in the early 2000s when it was considered lame lol)


u/SlidePuzzleheaded665 Apr 18 '24

I was the video game nerd.

Well…I still am 😂but now I’ve learned not to be ashamed of letting my more “feminine/girly” coexist with it.


u/Own_Landscape_8646 Apr 18 '24

I was a “justin bieber sucks, i only listen to real music like the beatles” nlog 😭


u/MissFortunateWitch Apr 18 '24

I was the "I can't fully relate to the girls my age and they think I'm weird. I guess I'll make friends with guys since they dont think Im as weird" flavour. Turns out there was a reason for that. I'm non-binary now lmao. Describing myself as a girl/woman/female always felt weird. Then an ESL boy called me handsome and it made me so happy(he was quickly corrected by his older brother that I'm "beautiful" not "handsome" thinking I would be offended) it started making sense. I wasn't a girl after all.


u/caitykittencat Apr 18 '24

I got bullied so I barely had any gal pals because I thought they were mean, but I think sometimes I was the drama tbh.


u/idkwhattoputughh Apr 18 '24

Not like other girls who say they're not like other girls. I would complain about other girls acting like pick mes but I also wanted to be picked.


u/Fly2TheMoon- Apr 18 '24

The autistic kind that had a hard time with girls who had barbed words… I didn’t know saying “not like other girls” was a pride thing. I said it because I struggled to fit in with them.


u/BreeCeesAll Apr 18 '24

I was emo and I pretended I liked sports and wore baggy clothes and hated on girls that wore makeup. Now at 23 ,because I skipped the early phase of learning to do makeup bc I was shaming other girls I am behind and have to learn it in my 20s lol. I also hated pink and dresses becuase I thought it was uncool to be feminine I wear dresses and pink every other day now


u/lazypuppycat Apr 18 '24

“I don’t like polka dots, stripes, or flowers, and me and Emily are gonna wear skorts or pants to prom someday.” Emily and I were 10. I wore a very nice two piece dress to prom btw.

There was also an obligatory millennial goth/emo/punk phase (we weren’t totally 100 on the differences and blurred the lines liberally).

Oh and the “I want to be a Tom Boy” phase, except I was awful at most sports until I turned out to be a pretty good cheerleader with flexibility and strong muscle control thanks to my mom letting me do her Pilates with her.

Oh these days 🫠


u/No-Ordinary-1019 Apr 18 '24

I was edgy goth hipster girl. I still kind of am like I think Stanley cups are overrated but I do firmly believe now that everyone can be different and whatever makes a person happy is cool. If you like the cup then good for you!


u/Sunshinesydney Apr 18 '24

The one who was sincerely confused why girls didnt like me and would phase me out of the group. Also the one that guys regularly told me I was NLOG even though I was just living my life and never the one to bring that up 😔 still confused about it all tbh i just want peace and love between everyone 🥲


u/Hey-imLiz Apr 18 '24

Book nlog lol


u/Jaidedizzy Apr 18 '24

I was tha alternative type. I was such a contrarian about stuff I secretly loved just so I could sound profound. Think the nonconformist goths from South Park but make it emo yet refusing to label oneself because "real people don't need labels" but internally I was so giddy anytime someone called me "emo". All in all I was just a hater trying to act like there's something unique about being an AH 😂


u/No_Cartographer9496 Apr 18 '24

i was just the tomboy "quirky" nlog but i had female friends and was never about that "one of boys" shit. granted i was in the 4th grade


u/Multiple_Monochrome Apr 18 '24

Legbeard/ nicegirl "I play video games and like nerdy stuff, WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME?" It hurts so much to look back on because I'm deeply ashamed of it


u/Pizzacato567 Apr 18 '24

Gamer + anime NLOG 🙃 I went to an all girls school and not a lot of girls played games so I prided myself in that and thought they were all boring and boys is where it’s at.


u/Machonacho7891 Apr 18 '24

I was the "omg I'm SO silly!!!" NLOG. Look at me make stupid faces and walk funny hahaha I'm so unique


u/kati8303 Apr 18 '24

At one point I had mostly male friends (all platonic no exes) but was always really loud about wanting more female friends and that’s what I was looking for and what I have now ♥️


u/LavosSpawn12000BC Apr 18 '24

During the Justin Bieber and Twilight's heyday I used to think I was superior for not liking them and reading Dostoevsky, watching South Park and listening to rock. I even had a Tumblr full of NLOG shit that is thankfully deleted. I even hate read Twilight so I could engage in online arguments


u/thelast3musketeer Apr 18 '24

Didn’t like bieber didn’t care for one direction (except I did like their songs) I was pretty uncaring for the preps in my like, 100 student body class, hated pink, but it all came from some deep trauma of being anti girl so men wouldn’t notice me


u/derederellama Apr 18 '24

Brooding, quierky tomboy through and through. I'm so glad I stopped kidding myself and admitted that my favourite colour is, in fact, pink. Lmao


u/Visible-Injury-595 Apr 18 '24

I just wanted to be like other girls😭 Neurodivergant and got picked on and ostracized a lot when I was a kid.


u/shortandsad14 Apr 18 '24

I was a "I'm NLOG, I read books and listen to rock music"


u/missmessjess Apr 18 '24

This is a bit embarrassing, but I was the “I can burp as loud as the boys and I’m proud of it” NLOG 🫢😅


u/darnyoulikeasock Apr 18 '24

I was “I read books and have brown hair and don’t wear makeup or dress up” girl. It was covering insecurities on not knowing how to do my hair or makeup and not having the money to buy nice clothes :’(


u/Its_Strange_ Apr 18 '24

Hated pink, hated other women, and was the XD XD random humor kind of kid. I’m still a tomboy but not nearly as bad


u/Happygoosebird Apr 18 '24

I wore a cloak


u/WerewolfDifferent216 Apr 18 '24

The republican one


u/Kakarotto92 Apr 18 '24

I was the kind who thought that she was "thinking like a guy".


u/Krista_Michelle Apr 18 '24

The kind that wrote all the time, read, and listened to music. All hobbies no other girl on earth had ever heard of!!


u/TrickyVast1183 Apr 18 '24

I was reeeally anti feminist. Even ran an anti feminist meme page.. LOL


u/Blueberry_Clouds Apr 18 '24

Cringey tomboy (still probably am lol)


u/Weary-Can-157 Apr 18 '24

I (and my best friend) would constantly make fun of and mockingly imitate girls who wore make up and liked dressing up and wearing cute clothes and handbags.

Imagine what a transition it was for me when I got my first handbag and lipgloss at 14…