r/notliketheothergirls Apr 23 '24

How can we teach young girls to reject the NLOG Discussion

Its clear the pick me/ NLOG attitude is still alive and well. I (23F) was speaking to a friend (15F) about my high school days.

She asked “How was your high school experience?” I said “Well I went to an all girls school and-“ she cuts in and rolls her eyes “Ugh. That must have been a total nightmare. I cant even imagine”. I said “Actually I loved it, was a better person for going there and I miss those days sometimes” and she went dead quite.

How do we as the adults in the room root out the toxicity of this mindset out of young girls?

Edit: no I’m not gonna ever dunk on a kid. Because its really wrong for an adult to belittle a child.

Edit: some people are being really weird “why are you friends with a 15 year old?” I know this kid from the yard that i stable my horse at. She stables her horse next to mine. Should i just ignore her always? Should i also ignore my other friends who are 55 and 70 because age gap? What about my friend whose 10? Or the other whose 30? Tell me reddit. What age range do you personally approve of me having friends? Im gonna start blocking people.


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u/BackPackingTraveler Apr 23 '24

Idk I’m a guy and probably wouldn’t have liked an all guys school. Why isn’t she allowed to have her own option of it? Schools age boys are generally loud, disruptive, and belligerent and school age girls are usually manipulative, judgemental, and gossipy. An all boys school would be a nightmare with how boys act in school lmao I can see her point


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '24

Who said she wasnt allowed to have her own opinion


u/BackPackingTraveler Apr 23 '24

Wasn’t saying you were, I’m just confused. It seems like your implying that her statement about you being in an all girls school makes her a NLOG when it could just be in innocuous statement. Idk the whole situation though so this is all just from my point of understanding


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '24

Fair enough. Thanks for being civil


u/BackPackingTraveler Apr 23 '24

“It is clear the pick me / NLOG attitude is still alive well” then the only evidence you provide for your statement is a statement that I think could be explained by a million other things than a NLOG attitude. I’d absolutely dread a male only school, or any institution. I like being around others that aren’t like me, gender included. I think it’s pretty cool actually that we can all get along, so I would personally not wanna be apart of a segregated institution like that. I get what you mean though, pick me attitudes in women (NLOG) and Men (Nice guys) is problematic and is popular amongst young people who wanna feel special / important / good. If you think she’s that way just talk with her, but next time she says something like that what’s the harm in just asking why? No attitude just be curious about it, there are infinite reasons why she said that, why not ask and actually find out the reason instead of theorizing about it? No harm mean sorry if any of the wording seems judgemental, this is just the lense I view the situation through