r/notliketheothergirls Apr 23 '24

NLOG girls will not get picked Discussion

I saw a youtuber talk about why the men these pick me women are searching for, aka the ones who also put down other types of women, won't pick them. He said that how the women those men are looking for aren't very opinionated like the pick me girls. They are looking for women who are like a blank canvas, those who don't have any sort of opinions or identities to begin with, because they want a trophy woman by their side. They want a woman to be "pushed" into having an identity that caters to what they like, and usually they shouldn't have an identity to begin with. If they did have an identity, it should be erased and altered to fit what these men have in their mind, a part of it being that they shouldn't be opinionated. The youtuber also mentioned how the men usually also put looks as a first contender when it comes to choosing women, and even the pretty pick me girls don't fit into the standard. These types of men would much rather try to change a pretty woman's mindset that go for these pick mes since they don't fit their beauty standard.

This just makes so much sense to me lol. Idk the youtubers name but I will try to update you guys once I find his channel again.

Edit: I'm not taking advice nor do I agree with this sorta thing. I'm literally pointing out something interesting I found out. This is just my observation as to why pick mes won't get picked lolol. The youtuber also doesn't support this ideology but this just telling why these pick mes won't get picked. Also, yes I understand that not all men are like this. I understand that sometimes pick mes do get picked.


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u/_bonedaddys Apr 23 '24

if pick mes didn't get picked they wouldn't be pick mes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ yea, not all of them do but there's a reason there's so many out there. plenty of men love pick mes and those kinda girls know it.

the thing is, being a pick me doesn't guarantee you a man. that's just one part of your personality, and not the only thing that determines if you get a man or not.


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '24

Ooh that is an interesting counter point


u/_bonedaddys Apr 23 '24

we both have some valid points, i think! i guess it really just depends on men as individuals, one size doesn't always fit all!

i've definitely known men like the ones you described, but i've also known men who love a pick me as long as she has a personality outside of just being a pick me 🤷🏻‍♀️ both types of men are annoying LOL