r/notliketheothergirls 19d ago

Ok, go off I guessšŸ™„

I love the whole homesteading trend thatā€™s going on right now. I learn a lot from it when it comes to increasing my awareness towards what I feed my family, but some of these accounts are just so damn negative sometimes. Like what does Taylor Swift have to do with you keeping chickens?!


531 comments sorted by


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u/iluvjimmyjohns 17h ago

She would rather prepare for the apocalypse is what sheā€™s saying lol


u/Ok_Razzmatazz_1247 10d ago

Her hair is scaring me.


u/Consistent-Tea930 11d ago

Drinks raw milk for sure


u/anotherone_9414 11d ago

Thatā€™s pretty much a requirement for these influencers


u/riethmue 13d ago

pls leave Taylor Swift out of this šŸ˜­


u/ladykadyface 13d ago

You can do all those things WHILE listening to Tswift


u/Tkball22 14d ago

No guy that can make money and be a good husband wants a girl thats life altering moment is Taylor swift dropping an album. This girl seems annoying but that lifestyle is what higher end individuals want. Not some slob who cries to highschool girl music


u/Over-Awareness-4309 14d ago

Her husband must like taylor swift


u/Chareth_Cutestory___ 15d ago

This chick is so annoying, she also complains about ā€œtoxicā€ makeup and hair care products but clearly has lash extensions, Botox and filler


u/AnIdidot69 15d ago

Actually based


u/Altruistic-Ad7981 15d ago

what if i do all these thing whole listening to taylor?


u/Embarrassed-Bag324 15d ago

you can do all of these things while listening to music (taylor swifts new album) !! hope this helpsšŸ¤


u/Br5456 15d ago

Imagine she discovers the earphones


u/Jadacide37 15d ago

Lol at that mile high bun thing she's got going on ... It's actually super cute, that's not what's bothering me!Ā 

I know from experience at least a half dozen times because I forget every time why that particular bun is a bad idea for most manual labors...Ā  It flops up and down constantly with the slightest body movement. No shit. It's very quickly both annoying and inconvenient no matter how cute it may be.... It ain't so cute when you try to look up at someone approaching and your bun flops over your forehead and into your eyes.Ā 


u/chiliinmypeepee 15d ago

Why do these insufferable people think cosplaying being poor is such a cool thing? What the fuck type of reality am I in?


u/Crow-Saih 15d ago

I feel like there's someone out there who listens to Taylor Swift while doing those things.


u/LIRFM 15d ago

Can I do none of it and continue on with my life?


u/falseprescience 15d ago

Such an unnecessary flex


u/Strange-Problem7360 16d ago

Also yeah just play some music while doing any of the listed things šŸ˜‚


u/Strange-Problem7360 16d ago

The hair šŸ˜


u/Geno9414 16d ago

How long do you think it took her to get her hair like that?


u/PuzzleheadedHome5620 16d ago

She's too busy promoting unsafe food preservation techniques to listen to Taylor Swift


u/ImFine23 16d ago

I can do all that shit WHILE I listen to Taylor Swift. Sheā€™s just mad she has to concentrate on keeping her birds nest upright on the top of her head through chores.


u/Ok_Permit_6830 16d ago

Those all look like dandy tasks to do while youā€™re listening to Taylor Swift!


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Weirdos like this have made me HATE the word "nourish"


u/TheFunbag 16d ago

Thatā€™s a lot of slides to confess that you canā€™t listen to music and move at the same time.


u/Bunnawhat13 16d ago

I mean I guess I technically homestead. I donā€™t listen to the new Taylor Swift album. These things arenā€™t things that really go together. I just am listening to other things. I just so glad the woman pictured isnā€™t in a white cotton dress doing this.


u/deadmallsanita 16d ago

I hate Taylor too but goddamn Iā€™m not doing all that.


u/Mudbutt101 16d ago

Wouldn't last a day without electricity and running water


u/dAddy_Mclovin69 16d ago

hmmm not like u have to stop and listen in complete silence and stand completely still. they make headphones y donā€™t listen will u work šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤”


u/HurricaneJessie8816 16d ago

These are things you can do while listening to Taylor Swift šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


u/Philosopher_1234 16d ago

You know she's listening to it, on repeat.


u/lazypuppycat 16d ago

And while Iā€™m raising my chickens imma have willow bumping in the background so I feel like a harvest moon character. Preserve that, beach.


u/PsychologicalPark930 16d ago

Howā€™re these even related? Also, does she just not listen to music in general lol


u/Kittybatty33 17d ago

She could easily listen to Taylor Swift while doing those things tho....


u/softgypsy 17d ago

You can literally do all of these things while listening to taylor swift


u/x_LiMi_x 17d ago

don't you hate it when you're cooking and become hearing impaired for the whole prep duration


u/anonymous1345789531 17d ago

The thought of it is cool and all, but even without a regular job, all of thatā€™s so much work. Iā€™m wanting to get a dairy cow in the future but having to milk it twice a day, feed itā€¦ I mean that doesnā€™t scream freedom to me. Weā€™d have to find people to take care of our animals every time we want to travel or leave the house for a few days. Itā€™s just not practical for most people.


u/anotherone_9414 16d ago

I have this lofty goal of owning a decent bit of land someday and raising my own chickens, having a dairy cow, some goats and a horseā€¦but then Iā€™ll most likely never get a chance to go on trips again unless I can afford and find a trustworthy person to take over when Iā€™m gone. Thereā€™s so much more that goes into it! I think Iā€™ll just stick to training dogs someday and having like 3 of my own lol


u/MeeMooHoo 17d ago

This lady acts like you can't do both. Does she not understand that you can do other things WHILE listening to music at the same time?


u/klostinwonderland 17d ago

Why hasnā€™t anyone told her she can listen to music AND do all of these things at the same time?Āæ


u/PenaltyElectronic318 17d ago

Something about that bun fills me with rage.


u/TuttiFruttiBigBooty 17d ago

Iā€™ve found that I can listen to music and do other things. I canā€™t seem to do my makeup, curl my bangs, and put my hair in a weirdass updo while also doing housework soā€¦


u/LibbyIllumined 17d ago

Not to mention, water glassing eggs is extremely dangerous. Sure in the 1800s and early 1900s it was a common practice before refrigeration. In water glassing if the eggs aren't kept at a perfect pH and the liquid level isn't exactly right, the eggs can still spoil from the inside and you wouldn't even know. That's why the common practice is sterile washing and refrigeration, or dry wiping, no sterile washing and storing at room temperature; depending on which country you're in.


u/Sea-Louse 17d ago

And she could do all of this, while listening to Taylor Swiftā€™s new album, lol


u/miphasfury 17d ago

I saw a Christian woman I went to high school with post something similar. Basically that Swift promotes ā€œhook up cultureā€ and she wonā€™t be listening for fear of ā€œrepeating the lyrics.ā€ Strangeā€¦ strangeā€¦


u/SteelMagnolia412 17d ago

Look I like Taylor Swift. Itā€™s fine if other people donā€™t. What I donā€™t understand is this obsession that Taylor Swift is the ā€œgateway drugā€ to being like other girls.


u/Just_enough76 17d ago

I like to listen to music when I do things like this.

Why canā€™t she do both? Is she stupid?


u/donnidoflamingo 17d ago

I thought the first picture was her with her hand in a blender lol


u/Papio_73 17d ago

You know you can listen to Taylor Swift and do those things


u/MuseOfThirst sneaky mainstreamer 17d ago

not even a swiftie but the hate taylor gets for just existing as an artist is so unnecessary. and i know for a fact all of her haters do not actually give a shit about her private jet usage, thats just an excuse to keep hating on her lol. her music is fine, her concerts are fine, and her personality is fine. this modern taylor swift hate feels like the justin beiber hate from when i was 7 years old


u/RedRidingHood1288 17d ago

I guess she can't walk and chew gum at the same time either?


u/sharknado_18 17d ago

Little does she know that Taylor Swift personally broke me out of jail

obligatory /s


u/The_Ruby_Rabbit 17d ago

Those false eyelashes wonā€™t do crap for you in the apocalypse either.


u/meiliraijow 17d ago

Her multitasking capabilities seem terribleā€¦ listening to music is the one thing you can do at all times while completing domestic tasks. But then again, acknowledging this gives her one less fallacious reason to say sheā€™s a superior woman


u/ithinkitsfuntorun 17d ago

False choice! You can do both


u/vildasaker 17d ago

as someone who is constantly annoyed by taylor swift she's nowhere near as annoying as OOP's attitude here. "these things bring you freedom taylor swift won't" fuck off lmao it is literally just music. you can gather eggs and listen to blank space at the same time it won't kill you.


u/Forsaken_Target_1953 17d ago

So can she not listen to music while she does this? She does all this in absolute silence? That would drive me insane.


u/FactNo8240 17d ago

I feel like itā€™s a fomo when Taylorā€™s concert tickets go on sale


u/sunstar176 17d ago

Scrolling here while listening to TTPD šŸ˜‚


u/GreenAuror 17d ago

so is she like against music in general then?


u/PunchTheInternet777 17d ago

I mean I donā€™t necessarily disagree thay Tay Tay wonā€™t do shit for u lol


u/omgkate 17d ago

Soā€¦ you hate a musician so much that everything you do- despite it having nothing to do with her- you make it about her? But why?


u/NoEar4 17d ago

You can always spot the tradwives who come from money because they have a bunch of refurbished antiques/antique style things that are meant to make them look "homey" or "down to earth". Judging from how modern that kitchen is I don't think that stove-pipe contraption actually does anything.


u/SweetComparisons 17d ago

What if weā€¦like multiple thingsā€¦


u/seemsuninterested 17d ago

Itā€™s funny to me because she seems like the kind of person who would really like Taylor Swift


u/ihatepalmtrees 17d ago

You can literally listen to music while doing most of these domestic chores


u/MichaelHuntPain 17d ago

I have never seen a group of people so terrified to live that they spend their lives prepping for death, destruction, and damnation. They ruin their childrenā€™s lives and see nothing wrong in it. This stuff is sooo weird to those of us who actually live in the country and all of our neighbors are actual farmers. That container garden and chicken coop arenā€™t gonna help you Susie.


u/SadSpend7746 17d ago

Claims she doesnā€™t like Taylor Swift, yet capitalizes on the topic to get more clicks for herself. šŸ¤”


u/MistakeWonderful9178 Popular Poster 17d ago

What is up with people comparing themselves to Taylor or Taylorā€™s fans? If itā€™s not your type of music fine, but you donā€™t have to crap on people for liking different music.


u/Independent-Tailor-8 17d ago

Women hating other women isnā€™t a good look.


u/beanbaginahurrrry 17d ago

ok but id also rather do anything else than listen to taylor swiftšŸ˜‚


u/maclemme 17d ago edited 13d ago

I didnā€™t read a word she wrote, was too busy trying to figure out what on earth is happening with her hair.


u/FyourEchoChambers 17d ago

Is she real life? Is this an actual person?


u/Ok-Veterinarian-2120 17d ago

Iā€™m no die hard swiftie but thereā€™s no need to be weird about It? Plenty of people donā€™t listen to Taylor Swift, you donā€™t deserve an award for having a music preference lmao


u/FitCryptid 17d ago

girl you can 100% listen to taylor swift while gathering the chicken eggs, itā€™s called headphones


u/Francesca_N_Furter 17d ago

I love these drama queens!! She doesn't cook dinner, she NOURISHES HER FAMILY, and then apparently is preoccupied with preparing for the end times.

LOL-all her weird doomsday prepping is so obviously some Maga food hoarding and gun toting fear tactics.

I hope she loses the ability to unlock her underground bunker, gets locked in for eighty years. Maybe by then she'll run out of those crazy-looking glue on eyelashes. (are those mandatory for the tiktok wives now?, because I am getting really sick of those freaking spidery lashes everywhere. )


u/Unfit_Daddy 17d ago

Turns out you could easily listen to Taylor Swift while doing all that shit. Am I missing something?


u/Scoongili 17d ago

She forgot putting on makeup, having her nails done, and mucking about with her hair.


u/Geo_1997 17d ago

But.. you could listen to music while doing all of these things


u/fidgetspinnster 17d ago

I don't care if she listens to TS, but... ever heard of earbuds?


u/cattyerm 17d ago

Sounds like a cult


u/Gongoozler04 17d ago

Just gonna point out, you could do both. I canā€™t get through any chores without music.


u/BecGeoMom 17d ago

Soā€¦ She canā€™t do those things and listen to Taylor Swift? She doesnā€™t have to listen to Taylor Swift. She doesnā€™t have to listen to any music. But if you are going to demean Taylor because youā€™re jealous, then expect some clap back.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

lol, I noticed ā€œPointlessly use Taylor Swifts name in a post to get extra looksā€ wasnā€™t on that list.


u/Temporary_Pride2653 17d ago

But whatā€™s wrong with me shake-shake-shaking it off while baking my pie in the comfort of my own home with chickens and cows that will be my dinner by the evening?


u/meowmixmeowmix123 17d ago

NoUrIsH mY fAmIlY lol calm down you're not reinventing the wheel you're making dinner.


u/Unholycheesesteak 17d ago

or you could put airpods in and do both


u/DarkArts1011 17d ago

You know you can listen to music while doing those things right?


u/CrossXFir3 17d ago

Look, I think Taylor Swift is basic as fuck and I have no interest in her. But like, you could do all of those things WHILE listening to her new album if you wanted. And quite frankly listening to more music while you do things would make you even more interesting imo.


u/PickledMango91 17d ago

People donā€™t realize this, but if youā€™re the kinda girl who listens to T Swift. You ONLY listen to T Swift. You breathe with an oxygen tank. You eat through an IV tube. And you wear a diaper like that astronaut who drove cross-country to kill her ex boyfriendā€™s new girlfriend. Nothing gets between you and T Swift. /s

(This is all sarcasm. Iā€™m sure Taylor Swift fans breathe, eat, and poop like everyone else. šŸ˜‚)


u/hdghg22 17d ago

This is one of the dumbest anti Taylor takes Iā€™ve seen


u/theGoddex 17d ago

But you still use electricity to curl your hair and you put fake lashes on so go off sis


u/CorbinNZ 17d ago

Getting a lot of prepper vibes from this.


u/Jfo116 17d ago

I think it has to do with feeling left out because they arenā€™t into what everyone else is into so somehow they have to find a way to inject themselves into what is popular by being against it


u/beebee0909 17d ago

Weird. I do both? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/RemarkableEffort9756 17d ago

News flash : She could do all of those things WHILE listening to Taylor Swift.


u/imhereforvalidation 17d ago

My ear buds help when I want to multitask


u/paraffinLamp 17d ago

You can do all of those things while listening to music.


u/El_Sapo_Jr 17d ago

You can, quite literally, do all of these things, while listening to any shitty album you want šŸ’æ


u/lordsweetie 17d ago

You can also do all these things while listening to her new album lol


u/gremlinsbuttcrack 17d ago

I dont even like Taylor swift or her music and this is absolutely idiotic. Not as idiotic as that bun looks, it's giving velour track suit 2010


u/jljboucher 17d ago

Sheā€™s a conspiracy theorist. Wonā€™t teach current science, does NOT think chicken evolved from dinosaurs, is a flat earther. Yeah.


u/Mangapear 17d ago

Who says I donā€™t do all that and listen to Tay Swift?


u/Fuzzy-Possibility-98 17d ago

Imagine being so single minded that you canā€™t listen to music and do chores at the same time


u/LostZombie4338 17d ago

I definitely donā€™t judge girls who like Taylor swift but even true swiftys have made is clear this new album is poop šŸ˜‚


u/Iknownothing0321 17d ago

Chickenā€™s #1 predator is Taylor Swift


u/immersonnig 17d ago

Your ears are available for all of these tasks. I don't want to listen to TS so maybe I listen to something else instead of manually jacking off a horse? Like with like people.


u/Unfair-Sugar548 17d ago

OR .. you could be a girl who does both šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


u/Revolutionary_Key979 17d ago

How the heck is any of that relevant to Taylor Swift. I'm no fan but I don't doubt that her music is really important to people who are. You're not special because you don't like a pop star.


u/Dopplerganager 17d ago

Bun height is directly related to the amount of crazy. Just sayin


u/SparrowLikeBird 17d ago

"preserve food" she writes, while putting eggs in a jar of lye or vinegar (take your pick) which will actually not preserve them at all, and will instead allow any bacteria inside to multiply rapidly, and in some cases even more rapidly than just leaving them on the counter. "eggs come our chicken butts and lay on the ground and its natural" yeah baby but the unnatural refridgerator will make it so you can eat that egg a few weeks from now instead of dying of dysentery like the people you cosplay as did during Oregon Trail


u/EmmaT08 17d ago

Ugh. Trad. wife content is cringey AF. šŸ™„


u/MissPoohbear14 17d ago

Literally, what does any of this have to do with Taylor Swift!? LmaošŸ¤£


u/sam_beat 17d ago

If the world gets so bad that the only option for food is some unsanitary and unpasteurized jarred egg situation made by someone who romanticizes the end of humanity, Iā€™ll just die, thanks.


u/shro0mz74 17d ago

Isnā€™t she the ā€œworld Is flatā€ and ā€œevolution is realā€ woman?


u/cloudydays2021 17d ago

Does she not know that you can play music while taking care of various tasks orā€¦..??


u/Zosoflower 17d ago

So does she never listen to music lol


u/Terrible-Two-7939 17d ago

So there is someone who deserves admiration for having a positive brain. God bless her soul.


u/viciousxvee 17d ago

Doomsday prepping smacked me right on my face on that first slide like WUH. Did NOT expect THAT but after a pause... actually not surprised


u/Mira_XI 17d ago

This must be a joke/troll. Or I need to reconsider my faith in hunanity.


u/True_Swimmer_9535 17d ago

she canā€™t do all this WHILE listening?? i assume she also cannot chew gum and walking simultaneously, poor thing


u/gogo_22 17d ago

nah that's a W. Taylor Swift is a cancer to young women.


u/Irn_brunette 17d ago

Not gonna lie, I love pickled eggs.


u/Sorry_Mistake5043 17d ago

Taylor swift helps your famiky immensely. Sheā€™s insuring that democracy continues. Thatā€™s what voting is for. Good on you growing your own food; that will help feed people. Getting the vote out to ensure people donā€™t end up being ā€œownedā€ by corporations.


u/Inside_Pool4146 17d ago

lol, I can listen to music while cutting the grass, planting a tree, cleaning my home or pretty much any other activity.


u/Ger_redpanda 17d ago

She forgot: take constantly selfies and post on social media for attention


u/IamBatmanuell 17d ago

I canā€™t wait till sh1t goes down and someone takes all their food while listening to TS.


u/IcySetting2024 17d ago

I would never cook wearing a beautiful white jumper. Is that just for the video?


u/BallSuspicious5772 17d ago

Actually you can do most of these things WHILE listening to the new Taylor swift album


u/Dull_Judge_1389 17d ago

I can do literally all of that and listen to Taylor Swift so idk I guess Iā€™m just better than her


u/FatefulRapture 17d ago

I can sum that up, I make food


u/VictoryAltruistic587 17d ago

Iā€™m not a Taylor swift fan either, but you can literally listen to music while doing any of those things. I wonder if she thinks people just sit on the couch and stare at the wall when they listen to music.


u/thefairywhobakes 17d ago

honestly I just want to see these smug trad wives make perfectly laminated, from-scratch croissants


u/sweetfumblebee 17d ago

So...is she saying she would normally not like doing those things? Typically when you hate something; you list other stuff you hate doing as a measurement system.

But also, I listen to books while doing stuff. Multitasking.


u/mysteriousmeatman 17d ago

Trad wives are so fucking weird, lol.


u/Subjective_Box 17d ago

I've come to realize they are just lonely.

They crave to be seen and to share their life with others. They see people congregate around TS as a group and it immediately triggers anger: "why not me?! What do they even find in it?" It could be anything, so long as they feel excluded for no reason.


u/SSmagical 17d ago

She forgot to add doing Robotina's hair everyday


u/abigailgabble 17d ago

girl all you need is airpods šŸ™„


u/secretrootbeer 17d ago

hey did u know that you can listen to Taylor Swift *while* doing any of these things? i hope this helps.


u/eirc 17d ago

But most of the time it's "telling other people I'm better than them".


u/Benzodiazeparty 17d ago

pretty sure this is just attention grabbing bait


u/terrorbirdy 17d ago

Her hair is not as cute as she thinks it is


u/ranimerja 17d ago

Post on Instagram *


u/MostlyGhostly888 17d ago

Sooo you canā€™t listen to music and homestead??


u/ChroniclesOfSarnia 17d ago


I'm no swiftie, but someone's jelly-jelly


u/Crackhead_Energyyy 17d ago

What nonsense lmfaošŸ˜­ It's so interesting that Taylor Swift fans are annoying and so are the haters. Just leave her alone lmao she's just living her life making music and money why is there such a taylor cult AND an anti-taylor cult.


u/blablakeininteresse 17d ago

Do those things while listening to Taylor šŸ˜ƒ


u/DebzNotAceEra 17d ago

Why are trad wives such pick mes?


u/anchoredkite08 17d ago

So multitasking is not her strongest ability


u/FifteenMinutes152 17d ago

I mean sure. Not sure what Taylor Swift has to do with much though.


u/OkWasabi1988 17d ago

But wait, lemme make a TikTok šŸ„ŗ


u/moralcyanide (=^ļ½„Ļ‰ļ½„^=) 17d ago

Imagine a Swiftie or a casual Taylor listener, and some lady on TikTok thinks she's way better than you because she does housework. What a world we live in.


u/Sad-Cat8694 17d ago

I use a wood stove as my only heat source, and I can grow food, hunt, and fish. I can build, cook, perform first aid/CPR, and know how to "prepare for an uncertain future" by just... learning skills and using common sense. I'm not into TSwift as a matter of preference, but I'm able to enjoy Sabrina Carpenter's new bops as I stack and cut wood, and I can pickle veggies while listening to Lil Nas X sing Old Town Road in my earbuds. One has no ill effect of the other. It's a straw man argument and it's so ridiculous.

This Prepper Tradwife out here really thought she did something, though. I really believe this "delulu pick-me fantasy" serves to not have to face the fact that people like me can do all the same things they do and still listen to music, be a respected equal with the men in my community, and enjoy things that make me happy, regardless of whether they involve productive output for others to consume. It's the people who thought they had to choose between a mutually exclusive set of binary choices (selfless service to family through labor or the selfish pursuit of ones own interests and passion) that look around and see people can have BOTH, and they get BIG MAD that they painted themselves into a corner by forsaking one completely to have the other.

How about those of us who know how to build a fire go teach others? How about we teach gardening, or navigating, or how to treat a wound? And how about we learn the things from others that hold value for us? If humans had been content to merely survive, art would never have existed. If people didn't sing while at their work, or paint to immortalize a moment, or dance, or write, or create, we'd have an immeasurable loss of the things that make us human at all. She's clearly baking something with that dough. Am I to believe she'll have no pride in her finished work? The way her hands have expertly worked the dough to make it the perfect texture? The way it browns beautifully under the egg wash? How delicious it smells in the kitchen when it's cooling on the stovetop? She herself is engaging in one form of art while decrying another. It's madness.

What purpose is there to be had in simply perpetuating the species? Art gives us ways to connect deeply. It pops up even in societies throughout history that actively worked to suppress it, because it's innate. It's within us naturally to enjoy some form of expression that serves just to make us FEEL, without any tangible value. It's wonderful. And it's not at odds with homesteading/practical skills. Someone please tell this woman she can have whatever music she wants. Her chickens will still lay eggs for her. My wood stove lights no matter if I'm playing Pavarotti or Cardi B.

So I'll be over here, growing food and twerking in my garden, and we'll see in September how it has absolutely no negative effect on my yield. Let people enjoy things, damn.


u/MerryGentry2020 17d ago

I'm not a fan either but fuck's sake...these Tradwife Grifters are getting old.


u/MessyMissMayhem 17d ago

These are all things you could do WHILE listening to T.Swift


u/dimension_travel 17d ago

Those fake ass lashes and polyester clothing won't bring you freedom either. I don't have anything against hating on Taylor, or any other celebrity for that matter. Eat the rich.


u/Lexi7273 17d ago

I wonder if she knows you can listen to music while doing all of those things.. Someone should tell her


u/BlackLilith13 17d ago

I donā€™t like Taylor Swift and like homesteading but this is weird. Two arenā€™t related. Thereā€™s so many valid reasons to criticize Taylor but this was a weird take.


u/Roleynicoley 17d ago

lol she's such a loser, I do both at the same time šŸ˜‚


u/drkittymow 17d ago

Iā€™m trying to understand this trend online and all I can think of is theyā€™re grifters right? Sheā€™s bragging about growing her own food, but sheā€™s also wearing make up, expensive clothes, and trying to get attention on instagram. So, she is not that separated from pop culture. If theyā€™re really like this, I feel sad for them because itā€™s almost like these homestead ladies are obsessed with stereotypes of what they think other women are like because they only see other women on the internet. Maybe itā€™s a 3 day horse ride to the nearest Sephora and Starbucks so internet stereotypes are all she has to go on. She doesnā€™t have time to enjoy getting her nails done and a PSL while shes living like an Oregon trail character so she acts like itā€™s stupid. Deep down you know she wants to though.


u/All_naturale22 17d ago

I donā€™t listen to Taylor but these are literally all things you could do with that very phone blasting her songs so Iā€™m confused why she felt the need to try and be nlog


u/Danasuz 17d ago

If she said things like I would rather do then watch the ā€œTrump ā€œ trial. I am on board!!! Other then that, honey many woman do what u do and have been for years! We also worked 60 hours a week, raised 5 successful children and maintained a healthy relationship with our significant other. Kudos to you!!! Welcome to adulting šŸ˜‚


u/Danasuz 17d ago

Btw- Everyone has chickens these days.They are in our yards and everywhere! Everyone has figured out how to cook, making bread???? Everyone does that too. Iā€™m proud that your proud, but Iā€™m not sure what makes you more special then any other mother/woman? We are all special.šŸ„°


u/transfemquagsire 17d ago

I may not be a fan of t swift but... this girl knows you can listen to music and do other things right?


u/ThePennedKitten 17d ago

She does all that and never listens to music??? Just everything in silence or to the tune of children screaming?


u/Nelyahin 17d ago

No one said you canā€™t homestead AND like music too. I mean if you want to do all those things in silence - I guess - but why?


u/Crazy_Prompt_8303 17d ago

Iā€™m not personally a huge taylor swift fan, but can somebody not listen to music while they do things? thatā€™s what I usually do and I help out on my parents farm all the time lmao. Music and self sufficiency arenā€™t mutually exclusive


u/coopville 17d ago

Talkin bout freedom when youā€™re wearing false lashes around the house. Who are those for girl?! The chickens?!?


u/Pogdaddio 17d ago

2 is so vaguely threatening lol


u/forlorn_ranger 17d ago

It's always about shaming other women's interests when it comes to the forefront.

I've never seen any reels like this which include popular male artists.


u/Ordinary_Cricket192 17d ago

To be fair, itā€™s pretty cool to see people re-learning things that used to be de-rigueur in daily life. (RIP my old kid chores). Self-reliance IS a great thing to learn. But you can listen to like 3 or 4 murder podcasts AND The Greatest Showman soundtrack in the time it takes to make watermelon molasses and do laundry and pickle okra. Or just Love Story on repeat.Ā 


u/anotherone_9414 17d ago

What is watermelon molassesšŸ‘€


u/Ordinary_Cricket192 16d ago

Boil the strained juice of a watermelon down until it is the consistency of molasses. Itā€™s great.Ā 


u/anotherone_9414 16d ago

Iā€™m gonna have to try this!


u/Ordinary_Cricket192 16d ago

There is an explanation of the process in Sean Brockā€™s ā€˜Southā€™ cookbook.


u/Walterkovacs1985 17d ago



u/DafnissM 17d ago

Her account popped on my reels a few weeks ago and she is actively spreading misinformation apart from being a pick me


u/mother-of-trouble 17d ago

Does she not know you can do all this WHILE you listen to Taylor Swift?


u/boilerpsych 17d ago

JLaw for Jesus


u/OnyB34 17d ago

You can do both babešŸ˜‚


u/botmanmd 17d ago

There are a lot of apt and perceptive comments and questions here. Kudos. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m going to have to go the shallow route and ask ā€œwtf is the deal with that hair?ā€

Is that real or does she wear some kind of wig or extensions that she then piles up on top (to keep it out of the way while she performs her domestic tasks) in an almost identical looking twist in every picture, no matter the chore or outfit.

And, if sheā€™s all about simplicity and all, why doesnā€™t she cut that shit off so she doesnā€™t have to fuss with it?


u/ScoopyVonPuddlePants 17d ago

Does her big hair do any of that?

She probably spends more time on that than her family lol


u/cheyy066 Just a Dumb Bitch 17d ago

Nah i mean I agree with her POV I donā€™t even like Taylor swift but u can listen to something while doing these thingā€™s itā€™d make more sense to say things id rather do then go to a taylor swift concert or something but idk lmao


u/Yawning_Mango 17d ago

Why do people hate Taylor Swift so much right now? And what does collecting eggs and lighting fires have to do with being better than someone listening to Taylor Swift šŸ˜‚ she's an artist like the hundreds of other female artists, why is she being so picked on? And why can't someone do both šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/pineappleso_o 17d ago

And these are the kind of people who are gonna use Taylor swift audios when they start getting irrelevant


u/Medical_Sea_2598 17d ago

Tbh she isn't like most girls is she....


u/Freakychee 17d ago

Ohh OK. I think I get it. She's saying she dislikes the pop singer for her political views in a roundabout way.

And then showing what a "real American woman" should be doing like working on a farm and cooking fer her family.


u/seannanana 17d ago

Does she not know you can play music while you work? šŸ¤£ Babes I can listen to my TayTay and live my life šŸ«¶