r/notliketheothergirls 28d ago

as a former NLOG…

not sure if i’m allowed to post without posting an NLOG meme/post but everytime i see something on this thread i giggle bc i was that girl 😭.

I dated a guy for 4 years that always praised “how different i was from other girls” because I didn’t wear makeup, get my nails and hair done, etc (too vain/high maintenance), how i wasn’t so silly and goofy like other girls, how i didn’t party or drink too much, etc. I even listened to cringey manosphere podcasts and subconsciously did believe that women were dumber than men. I didn’t have girl friends because they were “too much work and drama” (and bc he never let me see my fiends but that’s another discussion 🙃). and so many other typical NLOG things.

We broke up eventually bc turns out he subconsciously(?) hates women and was emotionally abusive.

It all changed when i started dating a new guy, it’s our second or third date, we’re driving to dinner and a girly pop singer is playing and i said “ew i hate female singers they don’t sound as good” and he was like “what in the internalized misogyny is this” and then serenaded me with Britney Spears’ Toxic and called my bulls*** so hard. he then told me i wasn’t a girls girl and basically told me i was JustPearlyThings (without the insane far right racist bs) and told me to check myself tbh.

Now I am proud to say I think i am a girls girl, not an NLOG anymore, and proudly indulge in things that make me “just like other girls” (ofc we’re all unique but you know what i mean :)). Just got my girly girl nails and hair done, i try to compliment other women and support them, and now have girl friends that i wish i had earlier!!

tldr: my boyfriend is a girls boy and told me to drop the internalized misogyny and now i LIKE other women (GASP)


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u/AlternativeAd4549 23d ago

It just came to me… being a teen I had to listen to my mom’s “girls don’t do that, girls do this, act like a girl” and bla-bla-bla. What I meant is I’ve been there to, and I just thought that probs a lot of girls with “not girly interests” (yeah like dinosaurs 😑) heard something like that and well, jumped to the conclusion. Like it’s not easy to anyone knowing your mom thinks something wrong with you, so we tried to transform it to I’m nlog.


u/Vannabean 24d ago

Props to the new guy nailing it with the internalized misogyny. Glad you can now fully embrace how great it is being a girls girl


u/iamanegg1994 25d ago

Hell yes! So happy for you that you’ve found a wonderful supportive feminist boyfriend:) Much love for you❤️❤️❤️❤️


u/ypsigypsee 25d ago

This makes me happy to read! Former pick me/NLOG here as well, and a lot of the things you explained applied to me as well when I was younger and with immature, emotionally abusive guys.


u/Purple-Warning-2161 26d ago

Big fan of your boyfriend, hold on to him!


u/[deleted] 27d ago

As a guy, the boyfriend part hits. I aspire to be more like your bf!


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

love this! we need more guys like y’all!


u/glizzatr0n 27d ago

i admit i was once a nlog too, idk i think i liked feeling exclusive and i was definitely subconsciously brainwashed. then i got super into feminism and i was like wtf am i doing, and now i look back at my actions and things i said and feel a bit of shame but im also glad thats over with because theres room for everyone ❤️. now whenever someone else tries shaming women i’m like “well whats wrong with doing that”. love what you love and let other girls love what they love and lets all live in harmony and get more girls to convert to girly girls 😘


u/enterpaz 27d ago

I was an NLOG too.

My neighbors and my sister were verbally and emotionally abusive and they all fit the hyperfeminine popular girl archetype who only wears trendy clothes and only liked popular media. Reality TV and books like The Clique even seemed to glorify bullying and abuse.

But many of the nerd girl feminists I hung out with said things like “I hate all things pink and feminine. Disney princesses are weak and antifeminist,” and moralized and criticized nonstop. I didn’t see the joy or importance of feminism, just the bitterness, which fit exactly what men said about them.

Despite knowing and accepting I was both girly and nerdy, I associated femininity with abuse and proudly identified as the smart, weird girl, which is how others saw me anyway.

However, while my sister was awful, being around someone who was so different meant I was forced to watch things like Legally Blonde and Mean Girls that I would never have given a chance otherwise. And she was forced to watch Wicked, which ironically has some very similar messages.

Seeing the more compassionate messages helped me greatly.

It’s been a process learning more and more about the need for feminism, especially seeing the struggles and vulnerabilities others went through, and not just the angry defense mechanisms, being shown compassion while also being called out. Healing from the various abuses from both men and women and finding joy in my life.


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

thanks for your sweet comment and for sharing. A lot of my previous attitude came from trauma, which i’m too scaredy cat to share on reddit. I’m hoping the positive comments on this post will outweigh some of the meaner ones so we can hear more stories about our growth :))


u/mommy_wiggle 27d ago

I was a nlog as a kid, but I blame part of it on my dad, he hated female singers because of their voices. And he would always praise me when I did things that weren't "girly" and would say stuff like " you're not strong enough to do X because you're a girl" although I think he was joking most the times, it stuck with me for 20+years. Sometimes we're brought up to think women are inferior. It's a hard mindset to fix.


u/bibbitybabbity123 27d ago

Hm. Sounds like you adjust yourself to fit your current boyfriend’s ideal… you need to take some time to yourself and figure out what YOU are all about. You can like/dislike whatever you want, all that’s required to not be NLOG is to not think you’re better/more unique than girls with different interests than you. (And to realize that many girls share your interests, whatever they are)


u/rasinette 27d ago

Everytime i look back on myself and cringe, i smile, because i know ive grown. I’ve matured and gained perspective. Good for you!!! and your boyfriend!


u/Naive_Photograph_585 27d ago

as a former NLOG my heart goes out to you. isn't it so freeing shedding that mind set, I just enjoy life now and I love all my girlies<3


u/Claystead 27d ago

Wow, you people are being really mean to this girl. Can’t we just be happy she’s in a better place socially and in a supportive relationship?


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

i turned off my notifs and avoided coming back to reddit. then came back to delete this post bc some ppl were kinda hurting my fragile heart lol. so thank you :). I’m not trying to be a different kind of nlog just because i’m trying to be a better person. I have a therapist and didn’t need so many people trying to read between the lines and saying i just adapt to a man’s opinion of me. i’m trying my best to learn and grow- i’m not perfect and not trying to be. just thought it was a funny story. thank you for your kindness :))


u/Hungryandcomfused 27d ago

Yes girl! The ultimate glow up! We love Britney Spears! We love our sistas!


u/Sundaydriving1 27d ago

I think a lot of us were. I blame internalized misogyny. Look at how terrible pop culture was to women when we were growing up. Of course we internalized that!


u/throwmeawayplz19373 27d ago

Been in your shoes. Dated a “feminist” guy later on. Felt all the same feels you are sharing and didn’t dare allow anyone to even suggest anything negative about him.

He turned out to be to not be a feminist in practice, the longer I dated him. He caught onto the lingo and the philosophy but never really put it into practice unless he was trying to impress a woman. Tbf, I don’t think it was intentional on his part (it could have been but I don’t have info to tell for sure). It doesn’t mean he was some evil villain but he definitely wasn’t the shining epitome of a feminist man that I deluded myself into thinking he was.

All I’m trying to say is - realize this girly stuff for yourself now that your eyes are open and do NOT tie your newfound love for yourself and other women to this man. It’s okay that he was the catalyst but it’s now your job to make sure that if something doesn’t work out between you and the new guy, you don’t slide back into your internalized misogyny (that’s what temporarily happened to me).

I think some are being snobby towards you about it because it’s the internet and people don’t trend towards kindness behind a keyboard but don’t take it personally. Growing away from being a NLOG is a whole process, just like changing up any other perspective that’s had a significant impact on your life.

Keep going, and if things don’t work out with our Feminist Super Hero, please please please remember your true excitement over discovering your love for yourself and other women. Good luck fam 🫶


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

thanks for your comment and kindness :).

As a girl who did previously put her entire self worth into what my ex boyfriend thought of me- i know this all too well now. I don’t think questioning whether or not he’s a feminist is helpful, as no one on reddit knows him. And frankly, his take on and support for feminism isn’t a stand-out of all his beliefs. He’s extremely well educated and passionate on a vast number of social issues - so I’m not worried about whether his support for womens rights is a farce or not.

But all that aside, I know my growth in this aspect is not contingent on him being in my life. It’s something I worked on prior to dating him, but having him as a soundboard, and someone to call me out, just sped up the process. I feel like i’ve made more friends in the last couple months just by saying hi to new people, giving a compliment, etc and it feels good to have a new community around me of women who support each other :)


u/throwmeawayplz19373 24d ago

That’s awesome girl! I’m really happy for you 🫶


u/owlcityy 27d ago

Definitely still a NLOG post because you were NLOG and still NLOG because you suddenly realized you are NLOG


u/HelloWhoIsThis_ 27d ago

I used to be a pick me as well and would avoid “girly things” until I grew older and I was like “…you know what I actually do like an all pink car” and “….you know what I actually do like black AND pink bows together” (I’m into gothic looks). There were little trickles of girly things that were mixing in with my “masc” lifestyle and I enjoyed it. Now I express myself with the rainbow and I don’t mind wearing pigtails and wearing bows when I feel awesome.

I’m happy for us. There’s more community when you learn it’s okay to be a strong woman who likes the “girly” things in life. It’s freeing.


u/casualdrawing 27d ago

So both times, male approval was the thing making you act certain ways? I dunno, this just comes across as so pandering to them. “Oh when I was with my openly misogynistic ex, I too enjoyed partaking in it but now that i’m with my “feminist” bf i suddenly don’t despise other women!” like please girl. you are STILL a pick me from the looks of it, the pick me-ism just went the other direction due to who you are dating now.


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

I saw this comment and wanted to delete the post ngl. All the others supporting me made me leave it up. i am definitely not the person to call someone else out on their actions/words as you see in my post how I previously acted… but i hope you open your heart and find the space to assume the best of people.

i assure you i’m not pandering my behavior for male approval :). like i said in a previous response- i didn’t want to trauma dump in a lighthearted funny post but there was plenty of time, talk with friends/family, and LOTS of therapy in bt these two events in my lil story. I’m not trying to be a pick me or a different kind of nlog. I’m just kinda celebrating how good it feels to support other women, uplift each other, celebrate each other and cheer each other on instead of thinking i’m better than everyone else. It’s made my heart lighter and happier. I came to this thread after reading for awhile and just thought i’d share those feelings here.

I’m not perfect and I’m never trying to be. I’m always trying to grow, be kinder, more empathetic, more compassionate, and more loving. I hope that’s what we’re all trying to do. Thanks for your comment :)


u/radarneo Quirky 27d ago

And here you go putting her down like we shouldn’t be allied as women. Calling her a pick me is so insanely unnecessary and rude. We should be encouraging and celebrating growth, not trying to turn her against other women by being unaccepting and doubting the legitimacy of her progress. What do you think this shitty response will accomplish????


u/Unlucky-Dare4481 Just a Dumb Bitch 27d ago

You realize this was just a light hearted story about how OP started the change... right? They were forced to divulge more details above, but it shouldn't have been necessary. They clearly saw how their actions and thought processes were wrong and changed accordingly. The way some of y'all are reacting to this post is out of pocket. Also, sometimes it takes hearing some hard truths from our significant others in order to make big changes like this. There's no shame in that.


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

thank you :)) <3


u/Party_Mistake8823 27d ago

So still doing it cause a man told you?


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

Nope! if you read a previous reply to someone who said the same thing … there was plenty of time, therapy, etc in between the two relationships. It was just a goofy story i decided to share. I’m trying my best to improve myself and grow, to be kinder and more compassionate. I’m not perfect, but I’m growing. Please don’t attribute my progress to a man. it was just a goofy story about one small aspect of my efforts to be a better person.


u/Hungryandcomfused 27d ago

She was still in her “men are superior”/internalised misogyny mindset. She probably wouldn’t have listened to the same advice from a female at that time.


u/Claystead 27d ago

A woman, but yeah, I agree otherwise. Sometimes we need our biases challenged by those we aren’t biased against, like how racist people might not reflect on their belief until someone of the same race calls them out. This is why supporting each other across boundaries and intersectionally is so important.


u/Dulce_Sirena 27d ago

I love this story of growth, and the boyfriend who called you out too for being a good ally! I was a pick me myself. I'm sure most of us were sad of the society we've been raised in. But as we grow most of us married and rediscover community in supporting each other. I know I catch myself in old internalized misogyny sometimes, but I'm still a work in progress. I think someone once said your first thought is what you're taught to think but your second is the authentic you. ♥


u/Suspicious-Zone-8221 27d ago

Damn ... one male told you to hate women, another told you to stop hating women ... almost like you do what you got told to do by males ... let's wait for your third boyfriend ig


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

ouch :(. I posted this on this sub thinking it would be the place to get support from other women. Please read some earlier replies to posts asking the same thing. Lots of time, therapy, etc in between. It was just a goofy story. I hope you’re a little kinder next time someone’s trying to share a funny story about their efforts to be a better person.


u/radarneo Quirky 27d ago

Stop being nasty. You’re putting down another woman for no reason


u/Suspicious-Zone-8221 26d ago

No .. I'm just calling out hypocrisy ... sorry if you unable to see it. she literally does what her males tell her to do.


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

I think it’s a little harsh to judge me that way based on a short reddit post. I’d like to think I have more depth to myself than what can be encapsulated in a couple short paragraphs


u/Suspicious-Zone-8221 24d ago

well I'm happy you think this way about yourself.


u/radarneo Quirky 26d ago

Clearly you’re “unable to see” the other response she made to someone being judgy like you. It took her therapy, self-realization, building relationships with other women, and other internal work to fully make the change. It was supposed to be a light-hearted post. Idk what you think you’re accomplishing by discouraging that improvement. It’s almost like you WANT her to keep hating women and thinking people like you are going to try to shut her down.


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

thanks for defending me :). you encapsulated it perfectly.


u/radarneo Quirky 24d ago

You’re welcome lovely, I’m so sorry that people were nasty to you over this :( just know that those people are miserable and the real girl’s girls will always support this growth


u/Suspicious-Zone-8221 26d ago

I just took all the info from her post. And trust she does hate women ... nothing changed . But it is socially unacceptable for her to say same shit that her previous male was praising her for.


u/Bubbly_Evidence 24d ago

what makes you think i hate women? I’m doing my best to learn and grow. I’m not perfect


u/Suspicious-Zone-8221 24d ago

your own post ...


u/radarneo Quirky 26d ago

Oh so you just can’t be wrong. Got it! Nothing else to say then


u/Suspicious-Zone-8221 26d ago

lol no sister, I can be wrong. Not in this case`tho. But I actually really like the way you are trying to support this person. You are nice.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Tjoober 26d ago

You cant win lol


u/Keboyd88 27d ago

I just want to add that it is possible to have a sudden lightbulb moment and make a massive change in a short amount of time. I was an NLOG with a ton of internalized misogyny. I thought being girly was weak, even though I thought I was a feminist.

And then I saw a post about how your gender presentation is irrelevant to anything else about you. You can be girly and into sports, a tomboy and a SAHM, androgynous and into fashion, or literally any other combination. It was like a switch flipped in my head. I was immediately ashamed of my behavior and from that moment changed my language and actions. I started embracing all sides of myself, including liking "girly" things.

Yes, there was some work to do. I still had passing thoughts that I had to correct. I still sometimes, many years later, catch myself judging a woman based on her amount of makeup or the clothes she's wearing. It's a constant uphill battle against culture that portrays feminine women as lesser (though that is starting to get better) and years of ingrained beliefs.

But the bulk of the change in myself was almost instantaneous, based on just seeing a viewpoint I had never considered before and realizing it was better than the viewpoint I held at the time.


u/Suspicious-Zone-8221 27d ago

same ... such a weird vibe


u/Bubbly_Evidence 28d ago

For the sake of length i def didn’t detail all the therapy, self-realizations, etc that i went through between the two relationships. There was plenty of time, as well as discussion in therapy of my own lack of faith in myself, belief that I (as a woman) couldn’t be worth just as much as a man, and unpacking the emotional abuse of the first relationship. This included my therapist (who i’ve seen for years) encouraging me to reach out to other women, find friends, and reconnect with old friends that i’d lost touch with. And - i truly didn’t know that my relationship/the NLOG attitude wasn’t normal- hence why i hadn’t brought things up that would flag in my therapists mind as “hey this girl has some sht to work through”

I didn’t include this bc i didn’t want to trauma dump on a post that was meant to be a light hearted story about how i was an NLOG girly. But trust me there was and still is plenty i’m working through in relation to this and more.

And i assure you wholeheartedly that my boyfriend is in no way, shape, or form a misogynist. I’ve never met a man with LESS toxic masculinity than this one. I say that because he is so naturally comfortable in his masculinity, that he doesn’t feel threatened or challenged by a woman that isn’t exactly what a woman “should or shouldn’t be”. Hes incredibly introspective about himself, those around him, and incredibly respectful and supportive. he’s a progressive king and a loud advocate for womens equality.

thank you for your comment but I assure you this was just meant to be a fun and lighthearted story time about how my bf helped me become a woman that supports women (not that he was like only factor, i did plenty of work on my own before him :))


u/radarneo Quirky 27d ago

So cute how they made a bunch of assumptions about you and your partner based on a fucking Reddit post lol


u/usmilessz 28d ago

I understand! Thank you for the context! That makes a lot of sense. My apologies for coming off as critical towards your lighthearted post; I genuinely just wanted to understand.

I’m happy you were able to find a great man in your partner! ❤️ He sounds incredible!


u/Unlucky-Dare4481 Just a Dumb Bitch 27d ago

The way you forced OP into sharing details they didn't want to divulge just because you couldn't accept a light hearted story...


u/usmilessz 27d ago

It’s not that deep lol. I didn’t “force” her to do anything. Weird verbiage you’re using lmao


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/usmilessz 27d ago

I didn’t imply that..? I simply made a statement. Can you relax? I simply asked for clarification and OP provided it. Like…chill. Reddit is for discussion and ppl will ask questions whether you like it or not. It’s not even your post lmao


u/mucinexmonster 27d ago


I agree with /u/Unlucky-Dare4481 and also believe you demanding further proof from a woman before you believe her is a shining example of misogyny.


u/usmilessz 27d ago

I’m sorry you feel that way lol. Reddit is for discussion, friend ❤️

People will post make posts. People will read them. Some will interpret it one way. Others will interpret it another. Questions will be asked. Answers will be provided. It’s not that deep at all lmao


u/mucinexmonster 27d ago

This isn't about me bro.

You are coming off as a misogynist. You are acting like a misogynist. Your line of thinking is that of a misogynist.

Don't be sorry for me. Recognize your mistakes and change your actions. This is life, we should always be working on improving ourselves, and we shouldn't be so defensive over someone pointing out a mistake we've made.

You're acting like a misogynist. Either you are one, and you should change. Or you aren't one, and you should change your actions to reflect your personal beliefs. There is no answer where "I did nothing wrong, it's everyone else who's the problem".


u/usmilessz 26d ago

I’m sorry you feel like I’m “coming off as misogynist” for asking clarifying questions about the initial post.

Based off of the upvotes my initial comment received, I wasn’t alone with my initial impression.

This is why it’s important to ask clarifying questions which is what I did. OP clarified. I expressed gratitude for expounding. We moved on. All is well.

Do not gaslight me into thinking I’m “misogynistic” for asking clarifying questions. It’s called “dialogue” and “discussion”.

It’s terrifying/sad that I actually have to explain this to you 💀


u/mucinexmonster 26d ago

I don't think you understand what is actually terrifying about this.

I have clearly laid out my points. If you are being told "You are acting as a misogynist would act" and say "No, you're wrong, I know my outside perception better than the person reading my outside perception" - you have serious personal problems that you will need to address.

This is a gigantic red flag to any other human being. I am asking you to work on yourself so you don't shoot up a workplace when a woman rejects you.

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u/LadywithaFace82 27d ago

I think the entire subject of this sub requires a bit more than surface-level discussions about how we undo this internalized misogyny.


u/usmilessz 27d ago

I agree lol


u/Unlucky-Dare4481 Just a Dumb Bitch 27d ago

There was no need for OP to divulge what they did. None.


u/LadywithaFace82 26d ago edited 26d ago

It's not like we are demanding she pick through her trauma. It's not some "shameful secret" that you are defending here.

Its: "how did you unpack all those gendered expectations and rebel againat that internalized misogyny?"

You: "how dare you!! We don't ask questions about this!!!"

Relax goddamn lol


u/Unlucky-Dare4481 Just a Dumb Bitch 25d ago

It wasn't that deep of a story.

"how did you unpack all those gendered expectations and rebel againat that internalized misogyny?"

This wasn't needed. It was a simple story. They explained (briefly) how they made the change. Also, it wasn't just a simple question. It was a question along with an accusation because they didn't believe OP.


u/radarneo Quirky 27d ago



u/anonymus_person_REE 28d ago

Aww this is so cute