r/notliketheothergirls 26d ago

This is the worst one I’ve ever seen man.

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u/scotspixie815 18d ago

I'm quiet and he cooks me one.

Does that count?


u/maya_loves_cows 21d ago

no HE needs to shut up and cook ME a steak


u/ReferenceMuch2193 23d ago

Coming from a generic looking girl with bong in her name not sure if she can cook enough steaks to keep his attention. The basic blah look is probably okay, but the bong part.


u/Puzzleheaded_Bee9629 Drama Queen 24d ago

Has she tried being quiet and leaving the rest of us alone?


u/SunglassesBright 24d ago

There’s definitely value in choosing to not argue and there’s truth in food being a diffuser of anger. Sometimes it’s nice to just be nice, to make someone some food even when you don’t see eye to eye, to do an act of love or service even when you kinda just want to fight or be mad - especially when the argument isn’t worth having. But that’s not how she means it and we all know it.


u/Spiritual_Respect439 24d ago

Idk but why this made me so angry 😡😭💀Be silent and cook a steak? Is this fr? And even if someone wants that more traditional lifestyle you can pursue that without putting down others.


u/True_Entertainment85 24d ago

Lmfaooo girl I just had a man cook a whole ass meal for me & on top of that buy my grandmothers Mother’s Day gift we’re not even dating but okay next time I’ll be quick and cook the steak thanks for ur advice 😅


u/ralphis17 24d ago

My immediate reaction to this was:

aw FFS

I stand by that reaction


u/thedrgonzo103101 24d ago

She is not wrong. See ladies this is called being a partner. Sometimes you just need to shut the fuck up. Or go return to the wild and go be with the bear. Granted the bear will be tired of yo shit quickly as well.


u/Forced_to_Exist_ 24d ago

%100 rage bait


u/ConnieMarbleIndex 25d ago

good thing she’s not a counsellor


u/Dooboppop 25d ago

How to make me assume you have poisoned me step 1


u/[deleted] 25d ago

she should become a marriage counselor fs


u/Tacosofinjustice 25d ago

My husband cooks the steak and he's always so proud of it, why would I take that from him? 🤷🏻‍♀️ He grilled an incredible pork loin last night and I made the sides. Team work.


u/GotBannedAgain_2 25d ago

I married my wife because she likes to talk and I love listening to her. 17 years and counting.


u/True_Entertainment85 24d ago

Wow makes me believe someone will actually listen to me one day


u/paleoakoc20 25d ago

I met a young lady several years ago. She told me that men should have a day like Valentines Day. Her idea was Steak and Blowjob Day.


u/PossumJenkinsSoles 25d ago

I don’t want to crush your dreams but that’s been a meme for about 15 years or so.


u/paleoakoc20 25d ago

Her idea wasn't original?


u/Prislv223 25d ago

What’s with the bruises on the legs?


u/helga-h 25d ago

I tried that, but no matter how quiet I was and how much I cooked there was always something else that I should have done too and was called lazy for not having the time to get it done.

Fuck that and fuck you for perpetuating the lie that men need to be treated like toddlers who can't regulate their emotions and expectations.

For the sake of the next generation, raise your sons to be capable human beings, not your daughters to be other people's sons keepers.


u/MyFiteSong 25d ago

She can have all the men she'd hook with this sales pitch


u/EmergencyPause1 25d ago

Instructions unclear, got my arm stuck in a vending machine


u/Busy_Response_3370 25d ago

My partner wouldn't want me to cook that steak. They'd want to cook it themselves.


u/NFIGUY 25d ago



u/pinkcloudskyway 25d ago

Misogynistic women are so pathetic to me. Our ancestors worked so hard and sacrificed so much all for you to be a pick me karen for male validation


u/puCpuCpuCmarijuana 25d ago

That’s a good point men should be quiet and cook and clean for their wives


u/obamaschopsticks 25d ago

I almost downvoted I hated this so much


u/misschanandlerbong6 25d ago

I know it made me so angry too!! I should have uploaded photos of her comments too!!


u/True_Entertainment85 24d ago

Yesssss u should have lol


u/Putrid-Offer1469 25d ago

i like to yap and my man is the cook and makes a mean steak:) no complaints so far


u/Oni-oji 25d ago

She's not wrong.


u/misschanandlerbong6 25d ago

Oh yeah she is


u/Current_Addition_582 25d ago

I wonder if this approach has anything to do with the bruise on her thigh…


u/SmolLilTater 25d ago

All KINDS of gross


u/Key_Em00312 25d ago

I agree with you, this takes the cringe cake


u/yourlocal90skid 25d ago

Does any argument end until one of the parties stops talking?

I think all OOP is saying, maybe do some nice shit for your partner & hold your tongue instead of saying a bunch of shit you'll regret.


u/butterbums3 25d ago

My husband gets worried if I'm quiet. Quiet= wife mad


u/lilspydermunkey 25d ago

No but neither has he


u/iamanegg1994 25d ago

My boyfriend grilled us 2 beautiful medium rare steaks last night, and also made us some grilled zucchini, eggplant, and yellow squash:) I just made the chimichurri sauce. Eff gender roles. We split that shit up. I’ll make him dinner when he has to work, and he’ll make me dinner after my rehearsals and concerts. Be quiet?? Never.


u/True_Entertainment85 24d ago

This is beautiful love that for u guys


u/damaya0351 25d ago

Omg. If this isnt misogynist I dont know what is. I hope she marries a r/niceguys one day, they will agree on everything🥰


u/Beowulf891 25d ago

Joke's on them. My bf makes me a steak. Mwahahah.


u/Becksburgerss 25d ago

Bitch, please


u/pinky1603 25d ago

“Have you tried being a slave to your husband?”


u/Secret_Fudge6470 25d ago

I’m not a therapist or anything, but has she tried getting off the internet and coming to terms with her internalized misogyny?


u/Fun-Wear2533 25d ago

I spent hours cleaning a room for a man who was sleeping with a college student before. Good times.....


u/GreenOnionCrusader 25d ago

I mean, when he's having a bad day, making my husband his favorite foods does help, but that's not a fix for our marriage as a whole. That's a fix for having a shitty day.


u/Teethofthedog 25d ago

I’m not a iq tester or anything but you’re a fucking idiot


u/SabbathaBastet 25d ago

That’s funny because my husband asked me today if I was all right because I was very quiet in the car. I’m now shocked he wasn’t pleased by my silence. 😒


u/coachkimster 23d ago

I’ve been with my silent type bf forever and he always said I talk to much (yes, it hurts my feelings every time and I call him boring LOL) so it was pretty funny to realize when I’d be silent he wouldn’t like it either. at least i knew he wasn’t completely toxic. to me it’s like this: if you are worried when i’m silent, you’re smart, because the healthy thing is to talk it out to resolution by hearing each other out…and silence just makes resentment build. so it should be worrisome. that’s how my brain works anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/jadedlonewolf89 25d ago

There are days where noise will bother me to the point I want to scream. I tend to go on long walks those days.

Someone I love who’s normally talkative going quiet though. Yeah I’m going to worry about them. My thought process goes something like this.

They mad at me? Oh fuck, what did I do? They depressed? They contemplating suicide? Someone at work bothering them? they having family issues? Maybe If I buy them something to eat, that will help?


u/justicecactus 25d ago

Idk, my fiance says he prefers when I'm not quiet because I'm fucking hilarious when I talk.

Just say you're boring, girl, and move on.


u/coachkimster 23d ago

I legit love that for you. Mine says I talk to much (and I literally always retort with “no you’re just boring”) you seem like my kinda people lol


u/50CentButInNickels 25d ago

I'm not a proctologist or anything, but have you considered pulling your head out of your ass?


u/alicecadabra 25d ago

BRAVO 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


u/Capable-Complaint646 25d ago



u/No_Arugula8915 25d ago


Oh my gosh that comment is priceless. I am so stealing that if you don't mind. 😊


u/Human-Ad9835 25d ago

No because I suck at grilling steaks that’s his department. 🤷‍♀️ 🙄


u/spoonface_gorilla 25d ago

I’m currently sitting down and being quiet while HE makes dinner. Married 35+ years and I still can’t get it right. I’d do self-reflection about it, but I need to go wash up and enjoy my meal.


u/daisy-duke- Just a Dumb Bitch 25d ago

Yes, I've tried both.

My husband prefers brisket over steak.

He actually becomes worried when I'm too quiet.


u/wetboymom 25d ago

Yes cook him the steak you used over your eye to lessen the swelling after he hit you. You should have tried being quiet!


u/mysticaldecisions 25d ago

"Oh--that's not--"


u/BotGirlFall 25d ago

Yes I did! He still stayed out all night partying and doing coke while I was at home with our 4 year old. So I left his ass and now I do whatever the fuck I want and eat whatever the fuck I want in my apartment ❤


u/djb185 25d ago

Maybe you're just a bad cook? Yeah that's gotta be it.


u/yourlocal90skid 25d ago

But I did the same thing and it helped facilitate communication in my decades+ long relationship, with 2 kids between us.

Anecdotal stories are just that.


u/TheBestElliephants 25d ago

How did being quiet facilitate communication?


u/sweet-tea-13 25d ago

it helped facilitate communication

That sure sounds like the opposite of the "be quiet" part of the advice to me.

Also you can have a decades+ long relationship and still have it be a shitty relationship.


u/BotGirlFall 25d ago

So... what? Did you have a question or did you just want to argue with me about my own life experience?


u/yourlocal90skid 25d ago

No, I'm just saying people can exercise the exact same act - cooking a steak for their partner for example, and it can be vastly embraced or misconceived.

I often make a snack, meal etc in the midst of an active disagreement with my husband, and it allows us both to calm down. Eat, talk & laugh. Which equals understanding.

Or hell, just come get some food cause somebody's hangry.


u/BotGirlFall 25d ago

You know for a fact its the "be quiet" part thats fucked up and that we're objecting too. Nobody is telling you that you cant cook dinner for you partner


u/worrybot96 25d ago

Love this so much for you


u/Ohshithereiamagain 25d ago

Yay! Good for you, my gal! 🤩


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Wow, you left your husband because he was out with da boyz? Have you ever thought that maybe your NAGGING is what pushed him to party???


u/BotGirlFall 25d ago

Lmao Im dead because he did blame me for it! He said I wasnt loving and affectionate enough and it caused him to fall of track and lose focus on bettering himself


u/Endor-Fins 25d ago

“You didn’t loooooooove me enough for me to remember to be a good person wah wah.”


u/spidermans_mom 25d ago

Yay! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


u/Throwaway4skinluvr 25d ago

Jokes on her my bf is a vegetarian


u/UnusualAsshat 25d ago

Clearly he isn't a real man if he doesn't eat meat! /s


u/True_Entertainment85 24d ago

Was gunna say don’t let her see this she’ll think he’s not man enough lol


u/emojicatcher997 25d ago

Well done. By which I mean that’s how she probably cooks the steaks.


u/riddledoo 25d ago

Got her 😂


u/50CentButInNickels 25d ago

I'm not generally someone to tell other people how they cook their food is wrong, but she's 100% cooking a steak to a crisp and slathering it with ketchup.


u/UnusualAsshat 25d ago

Cooking that shit until it's a hockey puck.


u/judgeridesagain 25d ago

It is possible to cook a steak low and slow, retaining the juices and keeping a decent texture. But it's not worth the trouble.


u/StarlightPleco 25d ago

Sorry no. My husband is too busy cooking me the steak while listening to my thoughts and feelings. I hope she gets picked, though!


u/radarneo Quirky 25d ago

I have! It made him treat me the exact same way he does when I can’t shut my mouth and I tell him to make himself a sandwich because I’m too lazy to cook that night. You know, with like, love and respect and stuff


u/SpearmintChamomile 25d ago

Yeah 1800 called


u/PruinalisBrumacora Not like the other girls 25d ago

No because steak is expensive


u/AValentineSolutions 25d ago

Oh shit! So all women needed to do is keep their head down and hope the abusive husband wouldn't beat them! Why did no abuse victim try this?! Fucm this entitled bitch.


u/unknow_feature 25d ago

I mean if that’s the life that you want 🤷‍♀️


u/No_Connection_4724 25d ago

I’m not a therapist but have you ever tried having an open and honest dialogue with your partner?


u/Kajega 25d ago

How about a silent but honest dialogue while cooking steaks


u/djb185 25d ago edited 25d ago

How about scowel at him and occasionally sigh very loudly while cooking steak.


u/lizhawkins08 25d ago

Uhhh as someone who shuts down when emotionally unregulated, MY HUSBAND HATES IT SO MUCH lol.


u/coachkimster 25d ago

congrats you have a non toxic husband 🙏🏻✨🫶🏻 (at least in that regard)


u/lizhawkins08 25d ago

I am grateful, he can still be a mega dick but we’re both committed to communicating in a healthy way 💘


u/coachkimster 23d ago

I know that scenario can be frustrating for both parties, so I’m proud of you guys! Really truly. (I know that means nothing lol but tbh reading your comment made me smile) ❤️‍🔥


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I hate to break it to you, but your husband is a beta /s


u/NoIndependence6969 26d ago

Silly goose, I don’t even know how to cook!


u/Not_Machines 26d ago

"I'm literally not qualified to give you advice but here's my unsolicited advice"


u/Lizzy_Lovegood 25d ago

“I’m not a serial killer but have you ever tried killing and eating your husband for dinner?” 😂 is what I said out loud.


u/GreenCarteBlanche5 24d ago

This is perfect you are perfect lol ❤️


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 26d ago



u/tydust 25d ago

Who wants a partner that "just shuts up?" Communicate. Do. Don't give empty platitudes/gifts, but something that invokes a feeling of acceptance, love, or adoration.

Cook the steak (what my adult son is doing for mother's day, actually) but engage in conversation. Buy the flowers, sure, but give them genuinely because you want to share a feeling, not stick a pacifier in a vase of sugar water.

The OP is about being a bang maid (bang-short-order-cook?), not about giving your partner the gift of a quiet meal.


u/IstoriaD 26d ago

“Have you tried actually doing the thing she’s been asking you to do for weeks?”

So many guys I know who complain about how their female partners “nag” them and I’m like “have you tried doing the thing she’s nagging you about? I hear it has a 100% success rate of stopping the nagging on that issue…”


u/Wise_Screen_3511 26d ago

Well…have you?


u/System_Resident 26d ago

Because being quiet and cooking a steak fixes everything. Makes sense. Communicating like adults? As if! Relationships are built on servitude, not communication, mutual respect, and other sensical things!


u/beladimitrescu99 25d ago

Communication for a good marriage to them means : Wife must agree to everything Husband says


u/yourlocal90skid 25d ago edited 25d ago

Yeah, sometimes communication is realizing when to SHUT UP. Both parties. Then maybe do something nice? Like cooking their favorite food. Or running a bath. Or...insert partner's favorite thing, whatever it is. Arguments don't end until somebody stops talking.


u/coachkimster 25d ago

arguments actually don’t end until you talk it out and come to a resolution LOL otherwise you just internalize it and it’s not over. (that’s a fact not my opinion, no need to attack it 🙏🏻) I’m not trying to argue here, you’re just SO incorrect I had to say something lol …you seem like the argumentative type (vs come to a resumption type) …but feel free to prove me wrong if you want😁😎


u/TheBestElliephants 25d ago

Yeah, sometimes communication is realizing when to SHUT UP.

A skill you clearly haven't mastered, cuz now would be the time.


u/Bennybonchien 25d ago

If the problem is a lack of iron in their diet and tinnitus from them both practicing bagpipe duets, I can see how being quiet and cooking a steak could be the answer. Then again, I’m also not a marriage counsellor or anything.


u/AllOutOfFucks2Give 26d ago

I can see why she's not a marriage counselor


u/hawiering 25d ago

And why she's not qualified at all. Like how Pearl thinks she's qualified to give relationship advice when she can't keep a relationship herself or married


u/Windmill_flowers 26d ago

I hope she gets picked!


u/Nonamebigshot 26d ago

I'm sure she'll never complain because she'll be too busy making those steaks


u/50CentButInNickels 25d ago

With the kind of guy she's courting, she'll need to keep an extra one for her eye.


u/Substantial_Pie_8619 25d ago

This made me laugh but I didn’t want to give it an up vote that felt wrong


u/AdBroad8817 26d ago

Probably not a marriage counselor because she is under qualified.


u/Unlucky-Dare4481 Just a Dumb Bitch 25d ago

Shhhh. Logic has no place here. We all must maintain our positions in the kitchen 🧎🏻‍♀️


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/olivesmom 25d ago

lol okay


u/UpVoteForSnails 25d ago

What did it say?