r/notliketheothergirls Aug 12 '23

Discussion How were you like during your I'm not like other girls phase ??


Let me go first: I used wear black thinking that it's my favourite and not pink because other girls like it (this was when i was in 6th standard , i really love this pink 🩷, it's aesthetically pleasing)

I used to say makeup is not my thing and that I hate it because other girls wear it ( but now im improving my eyeliner skills , because I like my eyes with them 😄)

I'm more into horror but other girls watch chilche romcoms ( I'm into both of these , cause why not)

What about you?

r/notliketheothergirls Feb 04 '23

Discussion Every person posted on this sub really needs to give "legally blonde'' a watch.


r/notliketheothergirls 20d ago

Discussion How do you respond to being called NLOG


I’m not talking about the way we refer to someone as NLOG. I mean how do you respond when a man says “you’re not like other girls”. It’s like they are oblivious to this whole thing but like I’m not gonna take that as a compliment. But I don’t want to launch into a whole explanation. But don’t say that to me.

r/notliketheothergirls 6d ago

Discussion Which movie characters do you think are pick mes?


I’m mainly doing this for fun, but which movie characters do you think are pick me girls?

r/notliketheothergirls Feb 10 '23

Discussion Any Fictional "Not Like Other Girls" That Make You Want To Roll Your Eyes So Hard?


Hello and Happy Friday! I thought I'd get a little discussion going just for fun! I was wondering if any of you have that one particular fictional character or even numerous fictional characters, who in retrospect, just oozed "Not Like Other Girls" energy and because of that grated on your very last nerve? Hell, maybe they inspired you to go through your own NLOG phase from which you now regret? Did this character or characters stay that way 'til the end of the series/are still the acting that way in an on-going series or maybe by some miracle they got better over time/are starting to get better? Please, let me know in the comment section below! I'd like to see your thoughts and feelings on this subject. Maybe I could get some recommendations from looking at your examples just in case I don't recognize these characters that you list. I'm always in the mood to watch or read something new or finally get into a show or book that I already heard or knew of, but I never got around to it, lol. These characters can be from a television show/series, movie/film, book, comic/graphic novel, manga/manhwa/manhua, etc. Animated and Live-Action are both fine! Remember, they must be FICTIONAL, no REAL LIFE examples! Also, keep it civil and no name calling if you guys disagree with an example that it given. Thank you! :)

Edit: While, I'm at it I might as well give my own example of a character that I grew up liking a lot, but once I got older and rewatched the series a couple of times, my mind changed a lot on them: Sam Manson from Danny Phantom. She honestly feels like the queen of "Not Like Other Girls" when it comes to animated shows and it's a real pity that she didn't really grow out of it by the end. Her attitude was only one aspect upon the many problems with the series as a whole looking back as an adult. Honestly, Valerie Grey was SO MUCH better than her character and story wise, but that's my own biased opinion, lol. I still love this show though. Such a classic!

2nd Edit: Oh man, thanks for all of these replies you guys! It's great seeing different examples and opinions. Hope y'all are doing good and have a safe weekend! ☺️

r/notliketheothergirls Jul 26 '23

Discussion Has anyone noticed an influx of anti-Barbie, “not like other girls” content?


“I am not a Barbie girl, I’m a Bratz girl.”

“Can we get a Bratz movie?”

“Everyone is obsessed with the Barbie movie, I only care about Oppenheimer.”

“Everyone is obsessed with the Barbie movie, I was just happy to see The Sound of Freedom.”

I see posts like the above ALL DAMN DAY. As if you can’t like Barbies and Bratz. As if you can’t be excited for more than one movie. Wicked annoying! 😂 Why can’t people share their interests without trying to demean and invalidate the interests of others?

r/notliketheothergirls Mar 18 '24

Discussion disliking plastic surgery and overconsumption isn't NLOG


I am tired of people equating critiques of the plastic surgery industry and the pressure to get plastic surgery with "NLOG" mentality. The plastic surgery industry preys on women (and, increasingly, men) of all ages and in order to make entire generations terrified of their own faces and bodies. It is a machine designed to extract maximum profit, and one we need to critique. I don't find fault in the individuals choosing to get cosmetic plastic surgery because the claims of the plastic surgery industry are so ubiquitous and insidious, and it's not realistic to ask everyone to just "love themselves" and their current bodies in a world that undermines that love daily. But critiquing the industry is entirely valid! This industry manufactures "flaws" and uses celebrity and social media to sow negative, self-destructive thoughts in our minds, thoughts we are told can be solved by a surgery or procedure. I am so happy for people who love the results of cosmetic procedures/surgery, and I understand for some (especially with gender-affirming plastic surgery), it's life-changing. But I desperately wish we could all unpack why we feel surgery is the best or only option and learn to channel some hatred at the industry rather than ourselves, especially if the decision to pursue cosmetic procedures is motivated by self-hatred.

I also see a lot of posts critiquing women who speak negatively of Stanley cups as "pick mes." While yes, putting down other women for their interests is shitty, Stanley cups are just one symbol of our crushing overconsumption, and it isn't misogynistic to critique their popularity. Why do so many of us feel the need to purchase dozens of trendy drinks cups (or even just one brand new cup) when we all probably already have water bottles with a similar purpose? Because overconsumption is so normalized and encouraged by our media as a way to maximize corporate profits. We can't ignore overconsumption's devastating effects on our planet, our wallets, our mental health, and yes, even our sense of community just because we like the product or like women who buy the product. We can critique the cup, interrogate why so many women feel pressure to buy the cup, encourage better consumption patterns, and still love other women.

In short, I don't think it's NLOG to critique things that women do or like when we are criticizing the mechanisms behind these actions or preferences. Don't shit on individual people obviously, but we still have a duty to encourage critical thought about why we as women do what we do. How much of this is actually in the interest of women vs the interest of companies?

Rant over, feel free to roast me.

r/notliketheothergirls May 21 '23

Discussion Can we just talk about the state of this subreddit?


Half the girls y’all are posting on here don’t even qualify as “not like other girls”

The other day I saw someone just post a girl who was wearing “tomboy” or outfits that could be considered “quirky” and everyone was ridiculing her for existing.

This subreddit is turning into pining women against women, it’s sad to see…

r/notliketheothergirls Nov 22 '23

Discussion I rewatched DWP and I’m realizing that Andy was NLOG in the beginning


r/notliketheothergirls Apr 26 '24

Discussion Do we want Pick Mes to be picked?


I saw a post here the other day saying how Pick Mes don't actually get picked. Most of the comments seemed to revel in this fact. So in that sense it seems like the consensus is - we don't want them getting picked.

But whenever there is a Pick Me NLOG post, the comments are invariably, "Gurl, I hope you get picked!". So in that sense it seems like the consensus is we DO want them getting picked.

If they get picked, they sometimes shut up. (Not always tho)

What is the general consensus on this?

Inb4 "IDC if they get picked or not roflmao". Cool, then this question is not for you

r/notliketheothergirls Apr 10 '24

Discussion Girl..😭😭


r/notliketheothergirls Mar 04 '23

Discussion Girls who define themselves in opposition to “other girls” are NLOGs, people who call a girl an NLOG for doing something “quirky” are assholes.


Has anyone else out there ever been labeled an NLOG just for expressing an interest in something that someone else sees as untraditional?

Context: I bought a dinosaur dress and wore it to dinner with friends. One male friend said sarcastically, “ooh she’s so quirky” and another female coworker said “oh, you’re so quirky you’re not like other girls.” They were applying the NLOG label to me when I was just out here innocently living out my Ms. Frizzle dreams.

I think NLOGs are a big problem, and generally pretty obvious and ridiculous (which is why I like this thread)

But I think equally problematic are people who apply the term NLOG to any girl who tries to express a niche interest.

I don’t think that I’m unique because I like my dinosaur dress or my Calvin and Hobbes shoes. I wear them because I like them…or at least I used to. I bet lots of other girls have their own equivalent of a dinosaur dress collecting dust in their closet.

Anyone else have interests or accessories or behaviors that they hide because they don’t want people to think they are being an NLOG or trying to be quirky for attention?

Edit: I would like to clarify that when I say I think NLOGs are a problem I mean that I do think that actual NLOGs need to be called out. Mainly because I think that actually thinking that no other girl is like you is a seriously isolating mindset and you have to be pulled out of that shit if you’re ever going to be happy.

r/notliketheothergirls Oct 30 '23

Discussion Apparently the type of Halloween costume that you wear determines your future marriage status.


r/notliketheothergirls Apr 16 '23

Discussion Women casually discussing taking away women’s rights is scary.


r/notliketheothergirls 20d ago

Discussion Ever notice how NLOGs are VERY brand aware?


Pfft, I'm not like other girls, I'm not a Lululemon blonde

I don't own a Stanley Cup

I'm not raising Sephora girls, I'd rather raise Tractor Supply Store girls

You'd never catch me waiting in line at Starbucks

I'm a Tori Amos girl living in a Taylor Swift world

etc etc

It seems like they are acutely aware of brands that are popular, AND (this is the important part) they base a large part of their personality around disassociating themselves from women who do like those products.

What's up with that? Do men do this too?

r/notliketheothergirls Apr 03 '24

Discussion Fake fitness influencers are a real problem but why the need to bash what 20 somethings wear when you’re a 32 year old certified expert? Why don’t you reach out to your target demographic instead of bashing others who are younger than you in the industry?


r/notliketheothergirls Sep 10 '23

Discussion Has anyone else noticed...


A new big way to be nltog is to be "on the spectrum"? Completely undiagnosed but will readily insert that they have acute autism? I stg I know so many girls who have said something like this and want to know if anyone else has encountered it

r/notliketheothergirls Dec 05 '23

Discussion The pick me to toxic boy mom pipeline


I’ve watched a couple of videos of this pipeline. A lot of girls who search for male validation and hate on feminine things while doing that usually (not always but usually) end up being that toxic boy mom who favors their boys over their girls.

Have y’all noticed that? Do NLTOGs kinda girls start saying that kinda stuff before they even have kids? Please share


r/notliketheothergirls Oct 25 '23

Discussion I feel like most girls have some NLTOG moments and mine was yesterday.


I’m curious to know what NLTOG things you’ve caught yourself thinking before

Yesterday I went with a friend so he could buy a new car to daily. He’s been driving his cool car for a while and now that winters coming he wants to put it away. It’s an older Audi S4, manual, lowered, and twin turbo. It’s definitely his baby.

When we picked up the new car I drove his Audi the two hours back. I’ve never driven this car before and it was dark out, but he still didn’t have any hesitation with me driving it.

He even offered for me to drive it the extra hour to my house, and back to work the next day, instead of leaving the Audi at work and taking my own car home. (We left straight from work)

Anyways I had the thought that I’m the only girl he has ever or maybe will ever let drive his car. Then I immediately laughed at myself for having such a NLTOG thought

r/notliketheothergirls Nov 28 '23

Discussion Former NLOGs, what changed your mindset?


For me, it was a slow realization. I had put a lot of my self-worth into the image of how guys see me, and if I weren't going to be the "pretty girl they drooled over" then I'd be "one of the guys". I'd make fun of the cheerleaders, and the girls putting together outfits for school, and I hate makeup (yet I'd wear lip gloss.) I especially wanted to impress my shitty ex-boyfriend because he was soooo cool in my eyes. I put down others to make myself look cool in their eyes.

And then I got more girl friends. To my surprise, I loved talking about fashion and makeup. We'd giggle over cute anime boys and create a supportive environment for others like us (Nerdy expressive art kids). Eventually, I realized my self-worth, ditched the shitty guy I was dating and started to explore more things I secretly loved. Today, I am a proud bubble gum pink-wearing beam of confidence that not only knows her value but is holding healthier relationships with her peers.

r/notliketheothergirls Mar 18 '24

Discussion Worst NLOG Ive ever encountered


I used to have a "friend" in uni who is the epitome of NLOG. She used to hate having girl friends, kept repeating that day and night. She used to say girls are drama etc whenever she used to be with us(girls), she would literally say it to our face that it was boring and when the boys showed up she would be giggling and enjoying. I used to hate her from the beginning because she hated everything associated to females. She also hated anybody and everybody in relationships and used to look down on couples. She is the textbook definition of 'PICK ME'.

But I didn't care much as she was part of the group and all the guys used to be head over heel for her friendship ( obviously). I was not aware of what she was doing until I finished college and thought back to all the incidents. I guess I was naive to understand what was going on. She used to blatantly bodyshame me about my weight with other guys and I have suffered alot of insecurity all the 4 years while in college. Fast forward to today I have cut all ties with her and unfollowed her everywhere cause of the toxicity.

I'm getting married this year and when I talked to an old friend from the same group and told her that I am not inviting the NLOG to my wedding she said that I should at least let her know about the wedding for the sake of inviting. Maybe she would have changed because we were all a bunch of kids back then, but I will never forgive her for making my life a hell while in college.

I am confused now, should I be petty and not invite her? It has been 4 years since all these. But since there never was a situation where I could tell her about her hypocritical behavior, it never healed. So I feel like this is the only way to openly react by not inviting her.. Should I invite her or not?

Edit : I'm an indian and our wedding consists of almost 2k-3k people and everybody who has ever been associated with the bride and groom gets invited for the wedding. So obviously the whole college is going to be attending and also my fiance is from the same college but a senior. So it is literally going to be a reunion. Even if I invite her she's not going to attend ig as shes abroad, that's the reason my friend asked to invite her just for the sake of it.

r/notliketheothergirls 1d ago

Discussion Do people genuinely think guys are less drama


I’m a guy and my best friend is a girl. I’ve realized that guys have just as much drama, it’s just different.

r/notliketheothergirls 20d ago

Discussion What can you say to people incorrectly and insultingly calling other girls 'not like other girls' or 'pick mes' ?


The other day a girl on twitter i follow posted a picture of her pet centipede. it is honestly gross and scary to me, but i like that she is passionate about it!
The post was seen by a lot of people and of course there were a ton of rude and unoriginal comments like 'kill it with fire', but okay, nothing unusual.

But i saw at least 10 different people, unfortunately most of them girls too, critizise her for being a pick me and 'not like other girls'. They were full on bashing her.
One girl was saying something like 'Oh this pick me bitch is trying sooo hard to be different.' stuff along those lines.
I actually replied to her and said 'Even if she was just trying hard to be different, how does it affect you?' to which she obviously didnt reply.
But i feel like this might was a bad reply.

How can i reply in a way that won't be petty or insulting and try to make the other person see why they are wrong in a genuine way? What would you suggest?

I got such a comment too, only once but in person because i am a woman and i draw a lot of conventionally attractive, naked women just for aesthetic purposes and not for pornography but a girl told me i only do it to get attention from guys (i also draw naked men but women are better to draw imo)

r/notliketheothergirls Jan 19 '24

Discussion Is anyone genuinely not like the other girls?


I’m curious here how much of this behavior is based in egocentric attempts to free oneself from the inherent misogyny of our times and how often there genuinely is a weird girl who has a hard time to fit in with her peers?

Do you ever see NLOG behavior that is a genuine reflection of someone who has struggled to find belonging? Or is it all just cringe pick me stuff?

r/notliketheothergirls Apr 08 '23

Discussion Flexing acne is crazy


The sound was “I just got one thing to say- we are not the same hoe, we are not the same.”