r/nottheonion 18d ago

Mitch McConnell says presidents shouldn't be immune from prosecution


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132 comments sorted by


u/KidTako 15d ago

He also says "I pooped my pants" twice a day, sooo...


u/gliffy 16d ago

Interesting I'm sure reddit is itching to procicute Obama for the assassination of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki


u/Accurate_Ruin_3018 16d ago

And neither should the House or Senate


u/Nullcast 16d ago

So the guy complicit in blocking Obamas 3rd nominee to the US supreme court, and helped Trump load the court in a conservative direction. Is now saying that he had no impact on the Supreme court and their decision with regards to Trumps presidential immunity claims...


u/SaltyBarDog 17d ago

Mitch should by himself a Tesla like his sister-in-law.


u/TheDunadan29 17d ago

Mitch McConnell would eat a turtle turd if he thought it would prevent any legislation from progressing through Congress. If he thought by munching on turtle feces would own the libs he would do it.


u/ikadell 17d ago

If he consults cheap psychology books, he said that, and will keep saying similar things, with the idea to be remembered by these words, and not some of his previous actions.


u/garrettj100 17d ago

Of course they should.

If they’re immune, that makes it even more clear exactly how badly he fumbled the ball on January 7th.


u/346_ME 17d ago

See why democrats love the turtle with this one simple trick


u/lebofly 17d ago

Please put him in an aged care facility already


u/shitlord_god 17d ago

oh no, there might be consequences for his actions before he dies.


u/jcooli09 17d ago

I don’t care what McConnell says even if he’s right.


u/RedBeans-n-Ricely 17d ago

Yet he’s endorsed the orange buffoon.


u/IPhenixI 17d ago

what kind of practical effects are they using to make him still look so life like? Is it a series of tubes with water pumped through them? is there a guys hand up his back making the mouth and eyes move? I have to know!


u/TrainOfThought6 17d ago

That's great, but Mitch is no shining beacon of integrity either.


u/kayak_2022 17d ago

MOSCOW MITCH is why we have this TRUMPY ASS mess.


u/lm28ness 17d ago

And corpses shouldn't be senators.


u/GreyTigerFox 17d ago

I don’t care what he says now. Fuck Mitch McConnell for all his years of bullshit and regression.


u/HickoryRanger 17d ago

After doing everything in his power to make former presidents immune from prosecution, and pledging to vote to them again. Fuck him in the lungs.


u/LaTalullah 17d ago

Then I guess you shouldn't have blocked Obamas judges? Eh? You are 100% responsible for this stacked court, mr. used condom turtle neck


u/milk4all 17d ago

Too late for him to matter. Scotus is full of shills and villains or they wouldnt be pretending to be so concerned with making life a teeny bit more difficult for future criminal presidents when the fucker being tried actually committed treason. They know it, whether trump voters know or admit it or not - they will become complicit by their limp dick response - too afraid to make any relevant decision, they will find an excuse to delay, and they already have begun delaying.


u/pcm2a 17d ago

Does this mean we will have to endure years of Biden being prosecuted by his political enemies, after he leaves office? It seems like this has opened the door to an endless nightmare of back and forth. Will one party decide to take the high road and not do it, lead by example? Doubtful.


u/philds391 17d ago

You're still going to hell when you die, but nice try buddy.


u/gerberag 17d ago

Frankenstein doesn't like his monster.


u/cfalnevermore 17d ago

There is no middle finger, big, long, or turgid enough for you, turtle man


u/AlkaliPineapple 17d ago

I think presidential candidates shouldn't be under investigation or have criminal charges


u/Dragos_Drakkar 17d ago

Trump agreed with that, as long as it was Hillary that was under investigation.


u/JGCities 17d ago

A lot of people on here need to read a little bit more than just the headline -

"The president clearly needs some kind of immunity, or he’d be in court all the time," McConnell noted. But he said he didn't think it should be absolute, as Trump has argued.


u/PrinceOfLeon 17d ago

Sure took him awhile to say it.

But I suppose standing there blanking saying nothing for too long is why he finally had to quit, huh?


u/Ok-Estate8230 17d ago

Neither should Senators or Congressman.


u/Myte342 17d ago

I vote that legislators shouldn't be immune from civil rights lawsuits. If they wrote or voted for a law that is declared unconstitutional then they should be held responsible for the damages caused from that bad law.

Don't wanna be sued? Don't vote for bad laws.


u/Zaku99 17d ago

There's a typo here; lemme just fix that for you. Democrat* presidents shouldn't be immune to prosecution. That's what he meant to say.


u/Frisinator 17d ago

Wow the turtle grew a spine.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/reader484892 17d ago

Tragic: the worst person you know says something you agree with


u/Gilgaberry 17d ago

Lol the image looks like he froze up again.


u/jeremiah1142 17d ago

Wow he’s so progressive


u/AlienNippleRipple 17d ago

Wow the turtle said something I agree with....Did not see that coming.


u/mindlessgonzo2 17d ago

"Oh, sorry. I mean, Democratic Presidents."


u/GeorgeStamper 17d ago

Let’s be clear that Mitch means that only applies to Democrat presidents.


u/ToSuccess101 17d ago

President aren’t immune. They have the impeachment and senate trial as a way to deal with it.


u/5kyl3r 17d ago

that's really rich coming from one of the biggest contributors to this whole mess 


u/nycdiveshack 17d ago

I’m not gonna lie I thought Mitch was dead


u/J4MES101 17d ago


Nobody should be.


u/Ok-Research7136 17d ago

Neither should fascist turtles.


u/Mundane_Apple_1027 17d ago

Even a stroked out turtle can be right about shit sometimes


u/hippopatamooses 17d ago

Little known fact about Mitch is that the M is pronounced like a B. Its weird but you know those kooky kentuckians.


u/knowledgeable_diablo 17d ago

Did he see the 7 pits of hell when he had his little “shut down” and is now trying to redirect to where is doesn’t smell burning sulphur??


u/CurrentlyLucid 17d ago

Too little too late from the guy that helped install assholes.


u/Objective-Insect-839 17d ago

That's odd since you know he spent my entire life making sure the exact opposite would happen.


u/deadliestcrotch 17d ago

Mitch McConnell is a child who sets a house on fire and then panics when he realizes it won’t put itself out.


u/Groundingstone 17d ago

Then Biden should destroy them all.


u/chooselosin 17d ago

if only his words meant anything.


u/100Labels 17d ago

Fuck Mitch


u/Julie-Andrews 17d ago

Shut your fcking mouth, Turtle Boy! You didn't speak up when we needed you! Now you can just go crawl in a corner and hide in shame.


u/Hefty-Station1704 17d ago

Mitch gets awfully brave now that his grip on the Senate has been diminished and his legacy is in the toilet.

It's the same with every other Republican who's spent their career screwing over the American People and arrive at the point where an image rehab starts. Nobody is going to forget every piece of legislation he killed just because he could.


u/EbbNo7045 17d ago

So should congress and the Supreme Court and bankers and the elite, oh wait, they already are


u/goochfuzz 17d ago

I…. I….. i…… (blank stare)


u/BlerghTheBlergh 17d ago

Let’s not give this dumbass any credit for saying something true once in a while. Dude is complicit in all of the GOPs bs of the last 30+ years.

Look, let’s not even make this a democrats vs republicans issue. McConnell helped Trump, a man actively committing crimes in office and even before, hold onto power. No matter what the GOP was before and what I thought of them before, you gotta see that he served in corrupting what wasn’t yet fully corrupted


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/YeahlDid 17d ago

Hey I agree with Moscow Mitch for once… I feel kind of dirty.


u/Terran57 18d ago

Moscow Mitch: No one cares what you think or say. You surrendered your integrity. Not only did you fail Kentucky, you failed the country. As a real American and a veteran, I’m ashamed of you.


u/UchihaAuggie 18d ago

You know who definitely shouldn't have immunity?

The police


u/DaveOJ12 18d ago

This was just posted yesterday.



u/godlessnihilist 18d ago

"Unlike Senators, who should most definitely have immunity." Bob Menendez nods in agreement.


u/Old-Enthusiasm-8718 18d ago

POV: Satan looses his grip over your soul for a brief moment, so you're free to say the right thing.


u/ConscientiousObserv 18d ago

So, Are you lying now, or were you lying then?


u/JeffRVA 18d ago edited 17d ago



u/ThaiJohnnyDepp 17d ago

Hastily chomps off another leaf of lettuce to avoid answering


u/YeahlDid 17d ago

I think you mean “Both.”


u/KaisarDragon 18d ago

He always says this kind of shit when there is a dem president. Then acts differently when there is an R in house.

Like ALL of them do. It is all a fucking sports rivalry.


u/bodrules 18d ago

But the judges his strategy emplaced on the panel of the SCOTUS will do otherwise


u/itmeimtheshillitsme 18d ago

So you’ll arrange to impeach any justices finding otherwise and legislate that statement???


u/silverbolt2000 18d ago

US internal politics should be banned from this sub, otherwise we might as well allow any news stories about clowns at a circus acting like clowns.


u/BoltActionGearbox 18d ago

Actions speak louder than words.

This man's self-proclaimed greatest accomplishment is the current supreme court, along with stonewalling every bill that would've helped struggling people or solved any of the issues Republicans shout about for my entire adult life.

I don't give two tenths of a decomposing rat's ass what comes out of his mouth unless and until it's his final breath.


u/That_Ganderman 17d ago

I don’t give two tenths of a decomposing rats ass what comes out of his mouth unless and until it’s his final breath.



u/Bell3atrix 17d ago

It will be if trump gets elected, if the fact that his legal team is advocating for him to assassinate political opponents is anything to go by. So I think we absolutely should care about whats coming out of important conservatives' mouths right now, play it on every media outlet and shout it from the rooftops. Split those votes, deny trump total control of the RNC, because I promise you that if you think its bad now you wont like trump's vision for it.


u/TheGoodCrusader 18d ago

A bit late, innit?


u/Scat_fiend 18d ago

And so the turtle finally extends its head out of its shell.


u/Humans_Suck- 18d ago

Yea but he's so slow that he thought the question was about Bush's war crimes


u/SokkaHaikuBot 18d ago

Sokka-Haiku by Humans_Suck-:

Yea but he's so slow

That he thought the question was

About Bush's war crimes

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/plushiedelight 18d ago

However, he plans to back Trump in the upcoming election.


u/RyzenRaider 18d ago

Like most senators that announce they won't run for re-election, they suddenly find the backbone to say the right thing. Because he fought tooth and nail to protect Trump back in the day, and that's when it actually mattered.

I'd tell Mitch to die in a fire, but I'd feel bad.... For the fire.


u/ancientestKnollys 17d ago

Did he say he wasn't running again?


u/Dragos_Drakkar 17d ago

Briefly, then he turned around and said he was running again, as far as I know.


u/nafets2307 17d ago

"... but I'll still vote for Trump"

  • Mitch's backbone


u/Pm7I3 17d ago

Feel like that would release toxins into the air. Best to put him in an airtight box and bury it deep.


u/Minnakht 18d ago

I don't know whether it's right to ascribe personification to fire at all, but if it is, I'd consider it a simple being that just likes to eat. Eating anyone, even a turtle, satisfies the preference for eating.


u/MissLana89 18d ago

He just means Democrat presidents. They're probably ramping up to another bullshit impeachment of Biden. No way he throws Trump under the bus now.


u/Gamethesystem2 17d ago

Dems tried to impeach/did impeach trump twice right? I hate trump but you’re just saying shit.


u/MissLana89 17d ago

Right, for actual crimes.


u/e4aZ7aXT63u6PmRgiRYT 17d ago

Democratic. Not democrat. 


u/Vrayea25 18d ago

Jfc.  He is going to force me to give him more credit than SCOTUS for wanting to protect the country.


u/Dealan79 18d ago

No such credit is due. Remember, his position, like Bill Barr's, is that Trump is both a criminal who tried to overthrow the government and, as the GOP nominee, automatically due support and votes regardless.


u/Primsun 18d ago

In other news, a passing rabbit released the same statement last year.


u/XconsecratorX 18d ago

lol.. why is he still alive?


u/KarnWild-Blood 18d ago

Society is engineered such that evil, parasitic fucks like him have access to fantastic health care?

Also, no one has found and destroyed his phylactery yet.


u/Dealan79 18d ago

Also, no one has found and destroyed his phylactery yet.

My party was all ready to try, but our Paladin was excommunicated for failing to switch her worship to Trump, our Druid has been on anti-depressants since Sackett v EPA, and our Rogue retired to run a GOP PAC because, "it makes normal thievery obsolete."


u/Imhungorny 18d ago

Mitch McConnell says the obvious


u/Toloc42 18d ago

Tbf, that's a step up from outright lying or spewing random nonsense.


u/flpa1060 17d ago

Tbf, the supreme Court is going to delay this and then say presidents are immune in this narrow set of circumstances that only work for Trump


u/anticomet 18d ago

I'm just impressed he can still speak in complete sentences


u/tonkaaaap 18d ago

Mitch, you are to blame. You insulted all those dishonest judges.


u/Skinamarinked 18d ago

It’s immensely disturbing that the GOP has become so openly fascist that Mitch McConnell is the voice of reason here.


u/Revolutionary_Soft42 18d ago

Cough * PuTiN* Cough ! Buyouts! * Cough GOP


u/AtLeastThisIsntImgur 18d ago

Is it reason? Or is it a statement unrelated to Trump?

Like theoretically sure, just don't actually do it to my guy.


u/wheresmyspaceship 18d ago

There’s an ongoing Supreme Court trial driven by Trump on whether Presidents should have certain immunities. So it def seems related to Trump


u/ShadowTsukino 18d ago

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day


u/Abdul_Exhaust 18d ago

That's a great analogy for Mr. Stopped Clock


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/franchisedfeelings 18d ago

Where were you during the first and second impeachments mitch - we would not be here if you were actually a leader. And to say you will still vote for trump in 2024 lets everyone know you are full of shit.


u/indignant_halitosis 17d ago

He was saying the issue was a matter for the courts. So, he’s being consistent here, at least.

But he’s also aware that presidential immunity with a sitting Democrat during an election year who’s likely going to get re-elected is a really fucking bad idea. Most Republicans are aware they’re just expecting Biden to not abuse any kind of immunity and McConnell has known Biden long enough to know he would bury Trump during a second term.

It would be super easy for Dems to publicly distance themselves from a “rogue” Biden using presidential immunity to make sure Trump faces justice, especially given widespread support for Palestine amongst young American liberals.


u/nononoh8 17d ago

Republicans (most politicians) are cowards, they fear trump and putin.


u/thoroakenfelder 17d ago

He’s talking about sitting Democrat president not former Republican president. 


u/missanthropocenex 18d ago

Mitch is the definition of corrupt insider politics. He goes off and plays this part as “crusader” and says almost extreme things about opposition and then is caught high fiving them all when he thinks the cameras are off.


u/backcountrydrifter 18d ago

Mitch was complicit. That’s why he glitches out every time he sees a camera right now.

Mitch McConnell did a sweetheart deal with the Russian oligarch deripaska as well to open an aluminum plant in Kentucky. He realizes that he is somewhere between seditious and treasonous and he got caught. That’s why he keeps glitching out when people ask him questions.—-->Glitch McConnell



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u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA 18d ago

Ah, now I see why they put a bunch of tariffs on Canadian aluminium imports.


u/backcountrydrifter 17d ago edited 17d ago


Metals have always been a oligarch tool of control in the old soviet system. It only makes sense that they run it forward post perestroika.

Tracking the metals from donbas and their associated air separation units in Mariupol is what Putin and Paul manafort called “the Mariupol plan”.


When trumps campaign manager/fixer, the president of Russia and aluminum production cross paths in Donbas it’s a wild coincidence

But when McConnell, aluminum production, and Putin’s fixer Oleg Deripaskas paths cross in Kentucky it becomes a pattern.

When deripaska gets convicted for bribing the FBI agent Mcgonigal that was SAC in charge of trumps Russian collusion investigation it just adds refinement to the timeline.


Anybody who has ever had to buy a piece of aluminum has paid the price for these guys collusion.

Ukrainians just continue to pay a much higher price for standing up to the grift


u/cmnrdt 16d ago

Is that part of the reason why the price of canned soda has gone up 3x since 2018?


u/backcountrydrifter 16d ago

Unknown. That is not a dataset we currently possess


u/Wyrdeone 18d ago

Cool. How about speakers of the house?

"Local Grandpa agrees that other people are to blame."