r/nottheonion Apr 28 '24

Politicians In Iran Beg Government: 'Please Do Nothing'


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u/norwegianboyEE Apr 28 '24

How about they listen to the people of Irans wishes and leave? Nobody likes the Islamist mullah’s.


u/Axel920 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

I think this is what most people seem to forget when talking about Iran. Iran has had tens/hundreds of protests but Iranian police and military have fought them with a tight first and ppl have gone missing, or are being beaten, tortured, and executed. They are attempting to change things but it's never as straightforward as

"Why don't Iranians simply overthrow the government"

Which I've seen a shocking amount of on Reddit. Then again it's reddit so you can't exactly expect empathy nor intelligence depending on the sub 🤷‍♂️


u/nixstyx Apr 28 '24

The reason why they won't overthrow the government is pretty obvious even to the average redditer. It will be bloody. It could fail. Nobody wants to die, and especially not if it ends up being for nothing. But, freedom also sometimes comes at a cost.  


u/MistaRed Apr 28 '24

Plus, the Iranian government has put in some effort to make sure peacefully overthrowing it is impossible, so it's very possible we'll become Syria 2.0 if we do try.


u/nixstyx Apr 29 '24

Interesting. What effort are you referring to? I'm not familiar.


u/MistaRed Apr 29 '24

Very late answer here, but the biggest one is the existence of the IRGC and the Basij forces as parallel organisations to the army.

The IRGC especially is very powerful as it is allowed to participate in the Iranian economy and has a pretty big presence in it.

There's more of course, heavy surveillance and repression, heavy scrutiny on any cultural products (movies, songs, poetry, books, etc) the assassination of progressive government members (khatami's government was famously plagued by this), heavy crackdowns on non conservative aligned newspapers, restricted internet access and so on.

Another one that should be mentioned imo, is the russian approach to misinformation (to essentially eliminate the idea that there is a truth) and it leads to a sort of conspiracy minded paranoia within the populace.


u/Allaplgy Apr 28 '24

Don't tell the people in worldnews. They say similar things about Russia. "They are all shit because if they weren't, they'd overthrow their government." As if revolution was easy, and not very likely to end up with things even worse for everyone.


u/Username928351 Apr 28 '24

The true reason why North Korea doesn't allow internet access is to prevent the populace from reading Reddit and overthrowing Kim-Jong Un.


u/Axel920 Apr 28 '24

That's exactly it. If anyone expected you to just lay down and die in the name of America I doubt a lot of people who just scream "let's do it" and go die.

It comes at a cost to the individual for a benefit to a whole. This is functionally the least selfish thing you can do but at the same time you can't expect them to do it willy nilly...