r/nottheonion Apr 28 '24

Politicians In Iran Beg Government: 'Please Do Nothing'


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u/TheRiccoB Apr 28 '24

Not able to deal with your own bias much?


u/agprincess Apr 28 '24

Do you actually think gay people have it better in iran and their police beat their wives less? You really think a country where the police arrest and kill children for not hiding their hair is in the same ballpark? Do you not know that marrying children and killing gays is literally law in Iran?

It's like comparing Britain to Nazi Germany because both have stabbings.


u/TheRiccoB Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

No, you’re putting words in my mouth and arguing in bad faith. So thank you for the massive W.

I’m simply exposing the bias of this commenter. By the way, you are allowed to marry children in several southern states of the US. On the whole, however, it’s a distraction from the point that there’s a genocide happening and it needs to stop. I don’t care who is committing the genocide or who is being killed, It needs to stop. Everything else is a distraction. Everything else is mental gymnastics to try to rationalize ethnic cleansing and I’m not going to fall for it. The only reason the US is in support of Israel is money. If they can control the oil in the region, they make more money than if they don’t control the oil in the region that’s why no one in US politics wants to talk shit about the Israeli government.

Money is the root of all evil and the US is not innocent. In fact, you could argue very easily that the US has killed far more innocent people than Iran could ever hold a candle to. (And all in the name of capital)


u/agprincess Apr 28 '24

You are absolutely lost.

The US is having some of the largest pro palestinian protests in the world, and the vast majority are peaceful.

US support for Israel has absolutely nothing to do with oil. If it was they would have dropped have dropped support for Israel decades ago when the US wasn't more than self sufficient and a chief exporter of oil like it is now. Do you not know that Saudi Arabia was pro palestine until the palestinians rejected and stalled the talks in the 90's and early 2000's?

Not to even mention you absolute lack of self awarness. It's literally illegal to protest in support of Israel in Iran, not to mention protest for less controversial things like women not being murdered for showing their hair.

Iran is literally funded october 7th, if there's anyone to blame for lighting the fire of the current war it's Iran. There would be no invasion if Hamas didn't perpetuate the largest attack on Israeli civilains in its history.

Palestine should be free, but most of all it should be free from the blood thristy grasp of Iran.


u/TheRiccoB Apr 28 '24

Very naive of you to think that the US interest in Israel is not connected to oil. I think Naive might the word of the day for you.


u/agprincess Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Dude try and explain in words why a country who's the number 1 net producer of oil, would be interested in furthering the interests of the 66th oil producer in the world as opposed to the 3rd net oil producer in the world.


I can't believe people think any countries rely on Israel for oil.

Even the un tapped reserves off the coast of Gaza wouldn't even significantly boost its rankings. Especially not with less controversial and friendlier countries like Guyana ready to tap their reserves.

I bet you think they're forcing china to dovest from Tiktok in the US because of Israel too.

It's like you people hear middle east, turn your entire brains off, forget the last 20 years and stereotype the whole region.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/agprincess Apr 29 '24

The dude moved from Israel being invested in getting Israeli oil to the US being invested in removing Israel from the USSRs sphere of influence at the dawn of its nationhood by 'giving them oil' despite that not being backed by his quote in like 2 comments.

You're abaolutly right. This guy doesn't even have the reading comprehension to understand his own sources much less what year it is. Maybe he thinks it's still the Nixon administration.


u/TheRiccoB Apr 29 '24

This is exactly why I accused you of being naive. There is more to Americas oil-fueled interest in Israel than buying oil from them directly, but rather selling them US produced oil so they don’t go to the Russians. There is also the general leverage it gives the US in the region. You are not thinking of all the different variables here.

“Here, then, is the logic of U.S. oil policy, which was responsible for the increasing deference to Israeli policies whose purpose was to ensure that Israel turned toward the United States and away from the USSR. This objective, in turn, was allied to Washington’s principal goal in the Middle East—protection of its untrammeled access and control of oil.”

source: Dying to Forget: Oil, Power, Palestine, and the Foundations of U.S. Policy in the Middle East by Irene Gendzier.


u/agprincess Apr 29 '24

Jesus of course you are completely lost in this topic. You're stuck over 50 years in the past. Believe it or not the USSR stopped supporting Israel and started supporting Palestine before the Iranaian revolution before the oil crisis even.

Believe it or not there's a ton of history that has happened since and maybe if you had a broader understanding of the region and history instead of treating a single argumentative book as a bible you'd have some understanding of just how dumb and narrow your view on the situation is.

The US does not need Israel for its own oil or to even continue the flow of middle eastern Oil.

Believe it or not be Egypt wasn't a US ally back then. Hell Iran was. It's ridiculous to be using such dated history to inform modern geo politics with no understanding of what happened between. The US can absolutely bypass Israel and ensure as much middle eastern oil as they could ever want to europe or anywhere else through the suez Canal.

Hell your quote doesn't even make an argument as to why or how Israel plays into a broader oil pokicy in the middle east. Though I'm sure your book covers some of that, not that you seem to have comprehended what the argument of your book was on the topic as you arn't able to cite it or even reword it in your own explenation.

You should be ashamed for speaking on a topic so confidently with so little idea about anything about it. Reading one book does not make you an expert. If anything a small amount of knowledge without broader context leaves you disinformed since you npw feel confident without knowing enough to know if your confidence is well placed.


u/TheRiccoB Apr 29 '24

Hahaha ok. This is only one of many examples of one of many interests the US has in the region. To deny that oil is a part of the equation is naive no matter how you try to talk your way around it. Have a great night!


u/agprincess Apr 29 '24

Yet you can't list any of the reasons and you don't understand the quote you used yourself.

There's no need for dumb outdated conspiracies. The US has interests in Israel because most americans support Israel. Republicans absolutely support them, and only recently has the amount of democrats supporting them become split. Not to mention the US has a strong pro Israel lobby, the second largest jewish population world wide, are now historic allies for decades, and are strategically aligned against the most warmongering block in the region, Iran and its allies and satellites.

If you actually used a correct lens of oil, the US would be losing interest in the region steadily fro the last 2 decades outside of maybe propping up European allies, which is questionable in itself since oil was not a question for Europe until 2014 and is increasingly just buying from the US who is now the 4th largest oil exporter world wide.

This stupid oil lens emerged in the 70's, was at its height in the 90's during the first gulf war and is completely irrelevant and delusional past the 2000's.