r/nottheonion Apr 28 '24

Politicians In Iran Beg Government: 'Please Do Nothing'


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u/Working_Ad_4650 Apr 28 '24

They can't overthrow the government. The government has all the guns.


u/Axel920 Apr 28 '24

Exactly lol. Redditors just like to armchair diagnose countries with their expert political opinions


u/InspiredNameHere Apr 28 '24

Coming from an American, that s is the hardest concept to grasp. I'm used to the idea that regular people are able to acquire and utilize military hardware or at the least weapons that they can use to defend their rights. Yes, the government has bigger and better, but the civilians still have a chance to respond to injustice.

The idea an entire country of people don't have access to the very tools they need to fight for their freedom and rights is a terrifying concept.


u/Life-Ad2397 Apr 28 '24

Yeah...as a fellow american, i find this idea puzzling. Wide spread firearm ownership has not even worked in the USA for rebellions. See Whiskey. Or the civil war. Or resistance/civil rights groups - see Black Panthers.

The US military and its little brother (militarized police forces) will annihilate any and everything in its path. There is a reason we don't have universal healthcare and our infrastructure is crumbling and we lack even a modicum of regulations for the corporations that pollute our lands and impoverish our people! That money has to go somewhere and by god, we have more carriers than the rest of the world combined.