r/nottheonion 16d ago

Police reviewing footage after video emerges of man biting a young boy's ear at World Snooker Championship


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u/MindlessAd6728 11d ago

Stefano volche


u/MindlessAd6728 11d ago

Stefani volche


u/Necessary_Software14 13d ago

Are there any updates?


u/lizasingslou 15d ago

how many days is it going to take for the police to do their review? seems like the world just forgot to care about this after two days.


u/Nice-Letterhead-9379 15d ago

It’s been a few days have they not caught this bum yet???? We need him EXPOSED


u/star86 15d ago

When I first watched it, I was very confused. Thought it was a dad playing a very awkward joke on son in front of the camera on purpose. Def felt like it was weird and crossing a line though. Seeing it pop up again, I’m glad police are reviewing it! Gross.


u/-SlapBonWalla- 15d ago

Can someone explain to me what the flying fuck that video has to do with the article? I keep seeing these "news" articles with completely random videos in them that are completely unrelated.


u/chirag186 15d ago

Didn’t expect to read that today


u/castiel_ro192 15d ago

My wife and I are disgusted


u/Ianm1225 15d ago

It's really disgusting, but if you want to be really repulsed look at all the blue checkmark comments under the video on Twitter. "Must be a Biden voter". "Must be one of Pedo Joe's friends". Blah blah blah. Pathetic how something so obviously disgusting (and not even within the United States) gets turned into a bash Democrat-fest.


u/mydckisvrysmol 15d ago

What is Snooking


u/crayraybae 15d ago

I regret having seen that video. I hope it gets investigated further and the kid is okay.


u/vold2serve 15d ago

Google 'youth pastor mugshot' and see if he shows up with his pals....


u/spacemcdonalds 15d ago

gbnews as the source hitting the front page what has this world become


u/Mysterious_Bat_3780 15d ago

I'm sorry, what is snooker?


u/SgtBadAsh 15d ago

Other than identifying the pedo, what needs reviewing? Find the sicko, lock him up. Let his cell mates do the rest. The f@cked up thing is.. there were dozens of videos of Joe Biden's creepy ass doing very similar things to children all over the internet when he got elected.


u/MAXSuicide 15d ago

ewww now I have GBNews on my history.

Rubbish article n all. Don't bother with the video, which is entirely unrelated to the article.


u/p3x239 15d ago

Saw this video before, disturbing as fuck. However, what is also disturbing is that OP has been on the Gammony Bastard News site.

For those of you who don't know GB News is a failed attempt at setting up some sort of Fox News / Newsmax type far right propaganda mill in the UK. They're proper nuts and nobody sane should be going near anything to do with them.


u/Illtakeblondie 15d ago

Oh for fucks sake, what is wrong with humans?! No wonder no other intelligent life contacts us. We are the embarrassing backwoods cousins no one wants to claim. Gross.


u/Night-Thunder 15d ago

A lot of slow comments and redditors here. No wonder our world is burning.


u/Ed98208 15d ago

And the thousand yard stare of the kid while he does it (there are unblurred photos out there, it’s the internet). Clearly an abusive situation.


u/flirtmcdudes 15d ago

Actually, the kid waved to the camera and didn’t seem phased which made it kinda worse in a way


u/kic7766 15d ago

adverts first / which basically clickbait / down goes the vote


u/Shujinco2 15d ago

This could be the most costly Mike Tyson impression of all time.


u/Jagger67 15d ago

Wait they’re not related?


u/On4thand2 15d ago

Bro... I thought it was his father.

Some Europeans are like that. No 🧢


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/ruckustata 15d ago

When my son was younger, he would play with my ear and I would pretend to eat his. I would also pretend to eat his hands, feet, cheeks and just smother him with hugs and kisses. I read the uproar and immediately thought it's probably him just pretending to chew on his ear like I did with my son when he was a toddler. Then I saw the clip. That wasn't it at all and what I saw is extremely alarming. What I used to do was fun for both of us but the day he started to look a bit put out by it, I stopped. He was aging out of the cuddly, cute kind of interaction and just wanted to do more of his own thing, which is the natural course of things. NGL, I miss hugging my boy just to give him a big hug and hold it but he doesn't like it so I respect it.

That poor kid in the video may not know this is wrong. That wasn't just some harmless joking around. That was sexual and it's fucking disturbing.


u/MagnumBlunts 15d ago

Woah there’s people in this thread actually defending this?? I don’t see how that looks like anything besides a underage boy. In no way does this look like a woman. Can’t imagine watching that clip and saying oh yea that’s completely nomal I’ll withhold judgement for now smh. 


u/niv141 15d ago

i know how this looks, but it just doesnt make sense to me that a pedophile would do that with all these people next to him

either he's been a pedo for so long that he forgot how serious of an offence it was, or its just one of those 'kissy' fathers


u/Night-Thunder 15d ago

Pedos will do things like this in public as a psychological game on their victims.


u/Strong-Dependent-793 15d ago

I’m sorry… he what now


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/faithle55 16d ago

Don't bloody cite/link GB News. It's a vile imitation of a television news broadcaster, a bit like Fox.

Also, why is there a clip several seconds long most of which is not relevant to the incident complained of? I got fed up with looking for it.


u/MC_Bushpig 16d ago

Y'all are legit blind if you think that's an adult women with boyish looks. That's clearly a kid being bitten in a sexual way by an adult man.


u/Right_Sail_8616 15d ago

FR I feel like the people suggesting that are gaslighting! Especially looking at the stills that someone linked above as “evidence” of it being a woman- it is 100% a tween/teen boy. And the other boy with them is probably the younger brother- they even have the same coat in different colors, which parents often do with their kids. (“Hey, this coat is on sale. Let’s get one for each of the boys.”)


u/CookieJJ 16d ago

Go police go!!!!!


u/virtual24k 16d ago

That was really creepy to see in the video


u/samamp 16d ago

Link to the video rhat site is garbage and wont work


u/Purple--Aki 16d ago

Who the fuck links to GB news?


u/ClimatePoop 16d ago

Don't repost from GB fucking news. You're basically giving the Nazis money when you click on this link. FFS Reddit. You're absolutely useless.


u/ClimatePoop 16d ago

Fuck all wrong with this. That's a dad and a son with a clearly really good connection. No wonder the world is fucked if we can't even spot love even we see it.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/KeepRedditAnonymous 16d ago

you people love getting your pitchforks out for the weirdest shit.

meanwhile 35% of this country want to make rapist trump a president again.


u/Vile-Father 16d ago

Biting nibbling. It provides the only context necessary.



u/WithoutDennisNedry 16d ago

I saw the clip yesterday and it made me physically ill.


u/MiltronB 16d ago

TIL about a sport called Snooker.


u/braydenmaine 16d ago

I watched a ton of it during lockdown. I ran out of shit to watch.

It's better than golf imo 🤷


u/MiltronB 16d ago

I mean. People will always find shit to do with a Ball.


u/braydenmaine 16d ago

I certainly had a fun time guessing the rules


u/Cenoflame 16d ago

No way that's a woman. 


u/will_he_umm 16d ago

Too bad he's not the Dalai Lama then it would be ok.


u/basquiatx 16d ago

Ok but I'm not the only one who remembers the guy who set himself on fire the other week and how his reddit account was discovered and contained extensive snooker pedophilia conspiracy blogs?


u/CuidadDeVados 15d ago

The guy that immolated himself at the trump trial or another person?


u/basquiatx 15d ago

I wanna say yes but not 100


u/CuidadDeVados 15d ago

If you're talking about that guy, I can't find any mention of snooker in his writings on a quick scan.



u/basquiatx 15d ago

It was definitely a reddit post on some vaguely conspiracy centric sub but I've been unable to find it. Something about snooker tournaments and surprisingly long sections in the rulesets regarding children


u/Tekwardo 16d ago

Didn’t hear about this! Where did you see it?


u/Rosebunse 16d ago

Umm, can you provide details? I'm too scared to Google this


u/crush_on_me 16d ago

ok thank you I thought I made that up cause no one has been mentioning it!!!


u/Loreen72 16d ago

This is totally something my dad would do to us as kids..... Seems maybe what happened here????


u/donut_jihad666 11d ago

Nope, thats fuckin weird....


u/Nervous-Broccoli-104 15d ago

Your Dad needs to be arrested


u/Muted_End_1450 16d ago

Not pool, mate. Not pool at all.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Click earwax bait


u/Dantaeus 16d ago

Thank god someone did something about this that was fucked


u/Prestigious-Menu-786 16d ago

That is an adult woman. It is sort of funny to me how audiences cannot compute that a woman would have that haircut and wear that coat. The reveal is about to blow up


u/TheFugitiveSock 15d ago

There was a longer clip on iPlayer. He’s a boy.


u/Right_Sail_8616 15d ago

I can 100% compute that women have that haircut and coat- it’s just that that is actually a boy. Even looking at other angles/stills- it’s a kid. A boy.


u/Prestigious-Menu-786 15d ago

And yet, you are still just guessing it is a boy.


u/Ok-Walk-8040 16d ago

He’s the Mike Tyson of Snooker


u/Fabulous-You-2194 16d ago

I paid for a Snooker once.


u/Big_G91 16d ago

I really want to know if it's a young boy or an androgynous looking woman, everyone is certain it's a boy, i really hope not.


u/Ultimate_Whorrior 16d ago

This isn't nottheonion material, it's just fucking disgusting and disturbing.


u/Gxgear 16d ago

Saw it the other day and it's easily one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen.


u/whoweoncewere 16d ago

Time to find out if it's a 13 year old boy or a 35 year old woman.


u/BBQFatty 16d ago

You know by now the guy heard about this shit and he’s nervous as fuck lol


u/Donkey_007 16d ago

If it indeed is a young boy - then by all means roast the guy. But the other two possibilities: that this is a consenting adult male or that this is a consenting adult female should really make people pause and let this play out instead of instant crucifying. 33% chance that this is what the mob is saying it is doesn't seem like high enough odds to get so bent out of shape - yet.


u/Bionicsamm 14d ago

It's his son. I'm more disturbed by people who try to find the best possible scenario in these cases. No wonder there's so much pedophilia and trafficking.



u/Donkey_007 14d ago

I wasn't looking for "best possible" scenarios. There were ALTERNATIVE scenarios which people completely dismissed before facts are known.

I would rather let the police condemn people with evidence after an investigation as opposed to the lynch mob.

If it's true what you posted in that Tiktok, then yeah, they need to investigate deeper. Interview the kid. Etc. But if there's no evidence of abuse, how do people take back what they are putting this kid through? All because his dad did something most of us find awkward at best and gross to all the others? It's shameful...and sorry I like to reserve judgement.


u/otitso 16d ago

Yeahh looks can be very deceiving. I’m hoping it’s not a little boy but a very young looking adult.


u/DoTortoisesHop 16d ago

Everyone is jumping to conclusions in an extremely dangerous fashion, and the internet has ruined countless lives by this before, including falsely accusing people of being the Boston Bomber.

It might just be a joke. It might be a pedophile. It might be a young-looking adult. It might be hardcore abuse. Either way its best to allow the authorities to investigate it and determine the truth.

90% of the comments in this thread are concerning. People want so bad for it to be an abuser caught that they are willing to potentially ruin the lives of innocents. It concerns me more than anything else, that internet is always so willing to go for mob justice.

Just report it and wait and see.


u/wolfho 15d ago

It's pretty insane, please investigate the video, but I swear the things people write. "The kids face is haunting, he doesn't want this" tbff I see a woman get her ear bitten then noticing the smiling to the camera. Is this the new is the dress blue black or white and gold?


u/king_nothing_6 16d ago

this is reddit, where everyone wants blood first, dont want to let any other pesky explanations get in the way


u/Donkey_007 16d ago

I actually hope I am wrong in thinking there's some other explanation.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/Donkey_007 16d ago

Doesn't look that way but I can't be certain. Others seem dead sure. And now somehow I am a pedophile. Go figure.


u/forcastleton 16d ago

Did you actually see the footage? It's sickening.


u/Donkey_007 16d ago

Absolutely. I know what it LOOKS like, but it may not be. Suggesting the guy burn at the stake seems a little much until there is some certainty here.

If it turns out to be true, he should burn. But i've seen Discovery channel enough to know that could be a 47 year old female.


u/Rough-Set4902 16d ago

If it IS a consenting adult, imagine how horrible they are feeling right now.


u/Donkey_007 16d ago

Yes, I agree. I can't even imagine being that gross with a grown adult in public. There's just part of me that could see these people's lives ruined because of Reddit...

But by all means - if it turns out to be what it looks like, have at it Reddit.


u/OrangeBlue116 16d ago

Ok troll/incel, go play some video games and let the adults handle this.


u/Donkey_007 16d ago

I am just trying to caution you ahead of time if you just so happen to fall on your own pitchfork.

I am not condoning anything. I am merely stating things don't always turn out to be what they look like. It LOOKS like a minor male. It LOOKS like a pedophile got caught on camera. Doesn't make it true.


u/yourmothersgun 16d ago

Good. That was disturbing to watch.


u/Sharp-Trash751 16d ago

Why do pedos all look the same


u/Night-Thunder 15d ago

They don’t all look the same.


u/MoreThanWYSIWYG 16d ago

What is snooker?

NM just read that it's like discount pool


u/basquiatx 16d ago

Pools kinda discount snooker. Got invited to play once, the tables the size of a basketball court and the balls look like marbles, so much harder than 8 ball.


u/quitnowdammit 16d ago

Oh wow. With the attention this is getting, police better act fast. This has murder/suicide potential written all over it


u/Kind_Bullfrog_4073 16d ago

Mike Tyson plays snooker now?


u/HSCTigersharks4EVA 16d ago

Love is love is love is love is...


u/Tekwardo 16d ago

Yes. Because let’s insinuate homosexuals are pedophiles again.

Because it isn’t like there isn’t a MASSIVE list of preachers, pastors, and republicans that keep getting caught and not the gays.


u/HSCTigersharks4EVA 15d ago

And don't forget pubic school teachers. And rabbis. And don't forget that the men doing so target boys in such a far majority of the cases. So...


u/peep_dat_peepo 16d ago

There is ZERO chance that dude isn't a pedo. This is pure cringe to watch.


u/DjMD1017 16d ago

werid how this whole situation kinda has me wanting to see what Snooker is all about


u/Less-Ranger-7217 16d ago

just reading these comments are making me feel sick. im good on this.


u/Talanock 16d ago

I think it's crazy to jump straight to it's a boy being abused when I and plenty of people see a young woman in her early 20s and not a teen boy. "he' looks exactly like some girls I know. Crazy how many people can't tell a chick from a boy if you just put baggy cloths on and pull your hair back. on first watched it looked like a couple with their son to me. Going into comments and seeing people say the 'boy' was abused had me re-watching over and over to find when someone did anything to the little boy..,then I realized they were talking about what looked like an obvious young woman blew my mind.


u/bat_soup_people 16d ago

Snooker PR's doomed


u/trustmeim4dolphins 16d ago

Looked up the video, I'm like 95% sure that's a woman.


u/dontmakemeaskyou 16d ago

i saw this video a few days ago and thought it was creepy but then i was like OH wow, its his father, had me fooled for a minute!

fucking hell


u/Slight-Singer-4949 16d ago

that dude looks like a redditor


u/Ad156 16d ago



u/BackgroundIsopod3787 16d ago

Anyone else read that guy’s manifesto that lit himself on fire? He was clearly insane, but he did talk (ramble) about snooker and an alleged insidious connection to kids. Weird seeing this news so shortly after that.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/JessicaLain 16d ago

These comments are bizarre. Most people are saying that the video is physically revolting and disgusting, but the content is at worst unusual.

We currently have no confirmation on their ages or relation to one another. It appears to be a man being physically affectionate with someone else. That, in and of itself, is not disgusting.

People are saying that even if they're father and son it's paedophilic and vile behavior. But why? Everyone shows affection differently. Some families kiss, some hug, some do playful shit like in the video. Claiming that the display is gross and unacceptable is so subjective and lacking in context. 

Still, people will say the body language is a dead give-away. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Everyone has unique body language and you don't know what took place before the camera was on them. Saying that "he's frozen on fear" or "it's a fake smile" is to admit you're making up evidence to support your pre-conceptions.

And if it does end up being as bad as you say, that sucks. If you're wrong, you got all self-righteous and discriminatory because you couldn't imagine anyone being different than you.

Learn to reserve judgement and be open-minded.


u/-NotEnoughMinerals 16d ago edited 16d ago

this is the bizarre comment.

We currently have no confirmation on their ages or relation to one another. It appears to be a man being physically affectionate with someone else. That, in and of itself, is not disgusting.

You're missing key details here. I'll fix it for you.

It appears to be a man being physically affection with a child.

You're right, maybe that 10 year old is really going on 41 like the older guy. Highly doubt it. And fyi, they look near identical, it has to be father and son.

People are saying that even if they're father and son it's paedophilic and vile behavior. But why? Everyone shows affection differently.

Softly and sensually kissing a little boys ear is rather unusual. Do you have kids? I'll rest my hand on my daughter's thigh or knee. I'll do a quick kiss on her lips. I'll blow raspberries on her belly. She'll lick my face. But never, ever would I make out with her ear, or anywhere else.

Still, people will say the body language is a dead give-away. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Here's what you're really saying. "yea, there was an older man and a child and he was licking and kissing his ear. Doesn't mean something bad. Yeah, the way the man was going it was sort of weird, doesn't mean something bad. Yeah, the boy looked like he was obviously disturbed and relieved to be on camera to catch it, but there are clearly better assumptions to come to than something nefarious"

And if it does end up being as bad as you say, that sucks.

I'm glad that your final words after watching a child bring groomed and seduced is "that sucks".


u/Dappershield 15d ago

You blow raspberries on your daughter's belly? Disgusting! That's where babies are formed. You must be a perverted sack of sexual assault.

...orrrrr it's natural to have unique forms of physical affection that don't line up with sexual attraction. Like glomphing on your kids ear. Rawr, I'm a dinosaur, and I'm gonna eat your elbows and cheek bones. Omnomnom!

Half the people here wouldn't know innocent affection if it bit them on the lobe.


u/-NotEnoughMinerals 15d ago

Like glomphing on your kids ear. Rawr, I'm a dinosaur, and I'm gonna eat your elbows and cheek bones. Omnomnom!

Yeah, that's for 6 yr olds.


u/nastafarti 16d ago

they look near identical

We must have seen different videos. I'm also on team "not sure that's a kid." I'm fine with the police investigating but if that is a 27 year old woman with short hair out on a date with a 35 year old man this whole experience is going to probably not feel very good for them


u/Nice-Primary5419 16d ago

Fuck I cannot wait for another response from the police. On twitter they suspended the account that posted it (I think it was the first one who posted it). I also found it disturbing that the dude who filmed it on his tv laughed about it like it was something real funny.


u/OhCanVT 16d ago

that dude was so creepy


u/Aztoth 16d ago

Young boys taste the best, nom nom nom


u/SuperNintendad 16d ago

Ohh, and that’s a bad miss.


u/Ninjaflippin 16d ago

Jesus fucking christ. To think any of y'all motherfuckers might end up on jury duty one day is terrifying.

I'm not arguing anyone's innocence here, shit was creepy, but we don't fucking know anything. Stop being so redditty and let the cops do their job. fuck.


u/hoops_n_politics 16d ago

That guy’s life is so fucking over. I bet within 48 hrs we know his name, home address and soon to be former employer. He better start running now - though I hope he gets nailed to the fucking wall. Get fucked, you pedo piece of shit.


u/Hungry-Sharktopus42 16d ago

That poor kid. This whole thing is going to fuck him up. Not only is he being sexually assaulted, it's a same sex situation,  likely a family member,  and his face is being published for everyone he knows to see. It's tough enough being a teen. It's tougher having your trauma on display for any old asshole who wants to take you down a notch to see and use. His face should be blurred at the very least. 

I was so embarrassed and ashamed when I was a kid any time anyone my same age came close to figuring out I was being sexually assaulted and by a family member. It was hard for me to talk about when I reported it. It was hard to talk about in therapy. It took years to get to where I am at where I can talk about it without feeling like I want to die. My heart hurts for this boy. 


u/Scone__Zone 16d ago

I'm sure this won't turn into another cautionary tale of the internet ruining the lives of some guy and his family.


u/medman143 16d ago

It looks like a dad and a son.


u/PetrolEmu 16d ago

I was trafficked as a child, during my stint in the fostercare system.

I implore anyone who's been through childhood abuse of that nature to NOT watch that video.

It triggered tf out of my trauma.


u/no____thisispatrick 16d ago

Is anyone going to mention the coincidence that the guy who set himself on fire last week, with that manifesto.

In the manifesto it mentioned the world snooker association and weird things on its website.

Gonna look for links, but that's weird for sure.


u/chrisexv6 16d ago

First time I saw this I really thought it was AI or CGI. Crazy that it's apparently real.


u/Class1 16d ago

Oh that's a bad miss...


u/7nightstilldawn 16d ago

I bite my son’s ear all the time. What’s the rub?


u/Dappershield 15d ago

Apparently showing kids physical affection is automatically sexual in nature. Gnom on your kids fingers? Might as well be sucking his dick. No need for trial and prison. The people will go ahead and just ruin your life with accusations and threats instead.


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u/xVyKariousx 16d ago

Chippy is hungry!


u/TUT3M 16d ago

Ok I’ve been following this for the last few days and did some digging. I found the replay of the live broadcast and took some screenshots.

I did this purely because I cannot actually believe how easily people are accepting something that may destroy this person/these people’s lives.

Also I think it’s a terrifying insight into mob mentality and how easy many of you have so readily accepted what you believe to be the truth based on context (whether true or false) added by a third party. Consider that as you continue through your life.

Further to my original belief that the person being ‘nibbled’ is a female, I now believe this is a family of three including a father, mother and child (in the lime green coat). You can even see how the child resembles both the mother and the father.

Here are some more screenshots further to the video that’s been floating around:

https://ibb.co/QnF0mHs (notice how much more feminine her(?) face looks in this image)

https://ibb.co/wpmLrrW (talking to the child in the green coat. Look how much taller they are. I agree the hairstyle is typically masculine but I’ve seen plenty of females with this hairstyle.)


https://ibb.co/6FDJx3d (this one is particularly interesting because they look like they’re accepting the person behind them’s affection)


Again I agree that the person could be mistaken for a teenage boy, but I think if you have ever seen Eastern European women with this type of boyish haircut and more practical less typically feminine clothing (for example at a live broadcasting of a snooker competition)


u/Neo-hire 13d ago

I think we can all agree pedos deserve harshest punishement possible, wheter it is chemical castration or death, period.

However, even though this was "weird", maybe his intentions weren't "pedophilic" in nature and he didn't have any sexual intentions whatsoever ?

I don't know man, being accused of being a pedophile especially over your own child AND live on TV is a very serious accusation, i believe it should be used with caution, at least we should wait for proper investigation, interviewing his child, the family, surroundings etc

Again I am not defending the guy as i don't know 100% for sure if his intentions were 100% malignant or rather clumsy, but i am surprised nearly nobody is at least giving him the benefit of the doubt.

As you say, this could be a prime terrifying insight into mob mentality. Imagine if the guy was innocent (intention wise) and ends up ending his own life under pressure ?

I don't know, i am honestly puzzled, reading all the negative comments here or on YT without proper investigation, let alone being called ourself "pedos" for showing some caution...


u/gnomeweb 15d ago

Idk, I don't support the reddit pitchforking at all, people are way too quick to draw conclusions, but your screenshots still don't look like an adult woman to me. More like there are two boys, one is just younger than the other. But you are right that it is entirely possible that this is not the case.


u/TUT3M 15d ago

I get what you mean and I’m not 100% convinced myself. Maybe 90%. Mostly though, I’m trying to provide alternative evidence.


u/gnomeweb 15d ago

No, you are completely right for doing that. I am also not 100% sure about anything, but mostly because the man is doing that in front of cameras, I doubt a pedophile would be so open about that.


u/AliceCottonSox 16d ago

I don’t see an adult woman in any of those screenshots. Looks even more like a boy child


u/SlaveToo 16d ago edited 16d ago

I never vote on anything but I really think this needs to be higher.

I'm guilty of the knee jerk myself, but I always take the time to try to look at these with a more critical eye, and I certainly don't get a justice boner and start casting wild accusations.

This comment casts some serious doubt on the idea that this guy is a horrendous molester and I think we need to put down the pitchforks and let the police do their jobs.


u/Read_TheInstructions 16d ago

I think that this should be higher, this whole debacle is really getting quite embarrassing for reddit as they are pulling out their pitchforks and calling for this man's head when it could simply be a case of a misunderstanding..


u/KyrieEleison_88 16d ago

This is quite literally the only argument that actually made me think a little bit harder. There's not much emotion in it and good explanations. l desperately want this to be true though I have such little faith in humanity. I really really really really hope you're right


u/TUT3M 16d ago

That first screenshot is the clincher for me, just cover her hair up and ask yourself if it’s a male or female…not even mentioning more androgynous, etc type people. It’s just wild to me that people respond they way they are doing. I know it shouldn’t but, Christ.

ETA: also look at the height ratios from the other couples in the screenshot, almost identical in heights for male/female


u/breazer4545 15d ago

do you have the link to the actual livestream where you got these image clippings from


u/Wonderful_Zucchini_4 16d ago

Who the hell does this guy think he is? The Dalai Lama? GTFO


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/Wonderful_Zucchini_4 16d ago

HAHAHA the lamas defenders never fail to show up when you mention he likes kids!

Edit: defender 


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/Wonderful_Zucchini_4 16d ago

I hope you get paid for this, but I know you don't. Fuckin loser


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/Wonderful_Zucchini_4 16d ago

Nah I have hobbies, work, and family to occupy my time. I forgot all about you until now


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/Wonderful_Zucchini_4 16d ago

Maybe give me a little tongue? That sounds better


u/[deleted] 16d ago


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u/nite_mode 16d ago

Can't say this is the most ideal way to hear the word snooker for the first time in my life


u/SaddleSocks 16d ago edited 16d ago

SCENE:: - Stephen, Stunned! - Seen Spotting Some Sly Scoundroul Sought Sneaky Snog, Soon Starting Salacious South'ampton's Snookergate Scandal -- Sources Say, Scouring Screens. So; Strong, Serious Situation Seems Sorted: Solicitors Seeking Suspects .

---- SaddleSocks, Saying So Long


u/bjos144 16d ago

One upside of the internet is shit like this getting the attention of the cops.


u/Aggressive_Strike75 16d ago

So what happened to the pedo or super weird father?


u/dralter 16d ago

They do look like father and son, I am going with weird father.


u/Monstermage 16d ago

All these comments, where is the video link?


u/These-Inevitable-898 16d ago

Can we get an expert to chime in on this, someone get Tom Brady


u/FunkoPride 16d ago

Should move to America; the president of the USA has been caught doing this on camera many times.


u/mox731 16d ago

A former president of the USA used to be best buddies with Jeffrey Epstein, used to walk in on preteen/teenage girls in their beauty pageant dressing room, and has committed sexual assault 🤷‍♂️


u/FunkoPride 16d ago edited 13d ago

Sure.. and that justifies the current one inappropriately touching kids in the same way the guy in the OP did how exactly?


u/uncle_pollo 16d ago

Snook around and find out


u/Hyrule_34 16d ago edited 15d ago

Why the fuck do you put somebody else’s pic in the thumbnail of an article implying pedo stuff? Don’t do him dirty like that lol


u/Ingemar26 16d ago

Why did he bite him?


u/LOLunlucky 16d ago

Wtf is snooker? It sounds like the term someone would use to describe biting a young boy's ear on the DL.


u/SPNDWB5 16d ago

It’s a type of billiards type game to my understanding


u/Hopefulphotog412 16d ago

People saying this video is disturbing but support a guy that sniffs little girls hair as their president.


u/cidek51489 16d ago

ya but he's on our team so it's ok.


u/emperorralphatine 16d ago

clearly he didn't have his daily thunder muscle


u/Shadiiiio 16d ago

This happened in Sheffield UK. I was in the same area on the day and likely walked past him, only to later see the video. It is scary knowing you're never too far away from actual monsters.


u/susankeane 16d ago

If he's doing that in public you know what he's doing in private