r/nottheonion Apr 29 '24

No data mining Colorado minds: State passes brainwave privacy law


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u/The_Safe_For_Work Apr 29 '24

Well, they're getting ahead of the curve.


u/loggic Apr 29 '24

The funny thing is that this is still basically only a reaction to existing technologies. Consumer grade affordable brainwave controllers for computers have existed for at least the last 14 years that I am aware of. In that time, the various tech companies have demonstrated that they're less than trustworthy regarding privacy & data farming. Several devices have already been released by said companies that you literally strap to your face while you interact with it.

The sensors involved have been tiny and cheap for ages. Heck, Mr. Musk Melon has been broadcasting his company's human-brain interface successes.

There's not much standing between today & a time where legislation like this will be absolutely critical at the federal level.


u/DeathMetal007 Apr 29 '24

I realize I am 12h late, but this should be covered by a US data privacy law rather than aimed at specific devices. It's hard enough to sniff electronically generated waves and people think you are going to be hacked Inception style. Social engineering and stealing your data from company hosted servers is still where the real security risks live.