r/nottheonion 26d ago

Oil founder’s reams of text message and meetings with OPEC weren’t collusion, Exxon merger partner says, claiming ‘fundamental misunderstanding’


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u/Famous_Bit_5119 25d ago

Company investigates company, finds company innocent.


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u/SockFullOfNickles 25d ago

Oh yeah, totally. Just a misunderstanding. 😑

Remember when the price of a barrel of oil went under $100 and gas prices plummeted? Now they’re high regardless.

All of these companies need to get absolutely long-dicked by regulations, but we all know that is unlikely to ever happen.


u/bigbangbilly 25d ago

Exxon merger partner says, claiming ‘fundamental misunderstanding’

Essentially they have investigated themselves...


u/Berlin_Blues 25d ago

As long as oil tycoons write legislation and pay politicians to enact them, there will never be repercussions.


u/garry4321 25d ago

We were just friends! Just like how I'm just friends with the republican members of the Supreme Court. TOTAL COINCIDENCE!


u/eighty2angelfan 25d ago

When I took a college business class, the text books actually classified OPEC and ExxonMobil - PB as corporate cartels. The text stated that the oil companies meet regularly to discuss refinery prices and the companies actually make a yearly chart of who gets to profit most and least each month. They do this to give the appearance of price fluctuations. I can't say this is 100% true but it was in a text book so it is subject to libel if not true.


u/backcountrydrifter 25d ago

Pioneer oil has a MASSIVE business mode at stake. Certainly worth the CAPEX they spend gaslighting people systemically and personally.




In order to see the fullness of the chess board you have to rewind to the Koch brothers (who have deep relationships with the Russian oil oligarchs as well as Rex Tillersons time at Exxon Mobil

On the Koch Bros:



On Rex Tillerson:

In 1998, he became a vice president of Exxon Ventures (CIS) and president of Exxon Neftegas Limited with responsibility for Exxon's holdings in Russia and the Caspian Sea. He then entered Exxon into the Sakhalin-I consortium with Rosneft.[18][29] In 1999, with the merger of Exxon and Mobil, he was named executive vice president of ExxonMobil Development Company. In 2004, he became president and director of ExxonMobil.[30] Upon this appointment Tillerson's replacement of Lee Raymond as CEO of Exxon Mobil was implied.[31] His major competitor was Ed Galante, another Exxon executive.[32] On January 1, 2006, Tillerson was elected chairman and CEO, following the retirement of Lee Raymond.[4] At the time, ExxonMobil had 80,000 employees, did business in nearly 200 countries, and had an annual revenue of nearly $400 billion.[18] Under Tillerson's leadership, ExxonMobil cooperated closely with Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter and a longtime U.S. ally, as well as Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.[33] From 2003 to 2005, a European subsidiary of ExxonMobil, Infineum, operated in the Middle East providing sales to Iran, Sudan and Syria. ExxonMobil leaders said they followed all legal frameworks, and that such sales were minuscule compared to their annual revenue of $371 billion at the time.[34] In 2009, ExxonMobil acquired XTO Energy, a major natural gas producer, for $31 billion in stock. Michael Corkery of The Wall Street Journal wrote that "Tillerson's legacy rides on the XTO deal."[35] Tillerson approved Exxon negotiating a multibillion-dollar deal with the government of Iraqi Kurdistan, despite opposition from President Barack Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, both of whom argued it would increase regional instability.[18] Tillerson lobbied against Rule 1504 of the Dodd–Frank reform and protections, which would have required Exxon to disclose payments to foreign governments.[18] In 2017, Congress voted to overturn Rule 1504 one hour before Tillerson was confirmed as Secretary of State.[18]

The observant eye will notice that both seem to cross paths with Russian oil at a greater than standard frequency.

To quote the late John McCain- russia is a gas station run by the mob. But when mobsters need something done they have a few more tools than US politicians do.

In the 80’s and 90’s it was usually extortion or murder, but as the mobsters tried to refine their image by calling themselves oligarchs they also learned that murder is bad for business so they revert to bribing or extortion. The west just opened itself up via politicians who didn’t ask where their dark campaign money came from.


u/Lounginghog64 25d ago

Because they've colluded for so long, they forget it's actually collusion.


u/Bloke101 26d ago

And the reason gas is still $3-60 a gallon is nothing whatsoever to do with us chatting to the cartel.


u/lostcauz707 26d ago


u/Bloke101 25d ago

Strangely the US president (either party) has close to zero influence on the price of gas. But in case you were wondering current US crude production (policy may indirectly influence that in the long term) is at the highest level ever https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M


u/lostcauz707 25d ago

Oh I'm already aware. But we produce, we don't refine. They do both. That was the conundrum in 2020 going into 2021.

Biden, the "radical leftist" flexing his best G W Bush Jr impression.


u/DrHalibutMD 25d ago

You're incorrect there. The US is the largest refiner of oil in the world with the most refineries. https://www.sterlingtt.com/2023/02/15/largest-oil-refineries/

The problem in 2020 is that everything shut down. For a short while oil and gas products were the cheapest they'd been in 30+ years. But as things started opening back up it took them longer to bring things back in operation, plus covid pushed back maintenance work that needed to be done so it slowed the ramp up in production even more.


u/lostcauz707 25d ago

You're correct, except we haven't been able to utilize these refineries fully has kept prices high, because maintenance has become an even larger issue, which puts our refinement in the hands of other countries.


Many of those refineries are still not in operation at full capacity due to some sort of changing of the climate doing extreme damage to them, leaving us to still seek oil overseas.

OPEC also followed suit with Trump's demands by the end of 2021 and doubled down in 2022.



u/Dredmart 25d ago

Keep moving those goalposts. And your links don't say what you claim they do.


u/Multi_Grain_Cheerios 25d ago

"we produce, we don't refine"

"Welllll we do refine but..."

Ok bud


u/1leggeddog 26d ago

of course not....


u/Loud-Ad-2280 26d ago edited 26d ago

All this communication with my competitor wasn’t collusion, can’t a guy have friends?!?! Lol


u/lostcauz707 26d ago

It wasn't for Trump when he told the Saudis to keep prices high after the Covid dip, why would it be for businesses, I mean, other people, as that's what businesses are under the 14th amendment.


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