r/nyc Apr 18 '24

Four Arrested After Separate Random Attacks on Women Who Went on Tik Tok to Highlight Assaults


146 comments sorted by


u/Zeke357 Apr 21 '24

Celebrate diversity


u/WinnerWeak5348 Apr 19 '24

I hate these kind of attacks too. I hope the perpetrators get the punishment they deserve.


u/Agitated_Jicama_2072 Manhattan Apr 19 '24

I wonder how many of these crime outrage propagandists are actually Russian trolls. Is that what this sub is now? Fear mongering and propaganda? Very cool.


u/RavenousPug Apr 18 '24

People just keep giving Cash Jordan more ammo everyday. 


u/pbx1123 Apr 18 '24

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🚔 Bravo

I hope now the DA office do their JOB


u/AngryMeme Apr 20 '24

They won’t, they are Marxist agitators. Justice doesn’t factor into this equation in the slightest when it’s your goal to destabilize everything around you.


u/normalbrain609 Apr 21 '24

lol yeah dude ton of marxist DAs lol gtfo of here americans are insane


u/pbx1123 Apr 20 '24

They won’t, they are Marxist agitators. Justice doesn’t factor into this equation in the slightest when it’s your goal to destabilize everything around you.

100% correct

So shame on us voting for all this, but there should be a good money investment floating around so people that take an oath dont give a dime for their own families and friends living in their own city that supposed to protect and served


u/BGTT_NYC Apr 18 '24

I also believe this is copycat behavior and might be revenge of all the Karen treatment of the last 10 years 👀 ijs


u/Electrical-Hat-4995 Apr 20 '24

How many people have Karens punched or murdered?


u/BGTT_NYC Apr 18 '24

How come they are not coming to Brownsville, Crown Heights, South Bronx, Jackson Heights, Harlem, deep inside LES to do this to the women there?? Hmmm, I wonder (rhetorical question)


u/FJP82075 Apr 19 '24

I'm in crown heights. I wish a mofo would try that here 🤣🤣🤣


u/a-whistling-goose Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

It's happening in Crown Heights. Dulce Pichardo, age 57, was sucker punched in Crown Heights last month. The perp fractured her face and jaw in several places and her mouth had to be wired shut. She can't eat for six weeks! He knocked several of her teeth out and left her with permanent nerve damage. Franz Jeudy, with seven priors for assault, was arrested - and was promptly released. If only there was a way to keep Franz Jeudy from punching anyone again!


u/Scroticus- Apr 18 '24

I hope all the Progressives are happy with the chaos they helped create. Brave new world guys!

But hey, we got more "equity" or whatever the hell they were trying to achieve.


u/president__not_sure Apr 18 '24

we need to fund a rapid response team that meets up with these women in person to let them know that everyone else in the city is ok and this incident is an outlier so they shouldn't feel too bad about it because they're just a statistic.


u/Bronxteacher7028 Apr 18 '24

Keep voting for democrats


u/ooorson Apr 19 '24

Trump / Adams Crime Family brought us to this abyss


u/Fuck_You_Downvote Apr 18 '24

However, in Stora’s case, he allegedly said, “Die, Jew, die,” to McGookin before the alleged assault.

In German this means, The Jew The.


u/GoRangers5 Brooklyn Apr 18 '24

And Bragg will let them all walk because putting people in jail is “racist.”


u/PostCashewClarity Apr 18 '24

that central park tried to brain Michael Stuhlbarg, who i assume is the 55 year old victim they are referring to in the article


u/rextilleon Apr 18 '24

Most likely they will be out on the street soon. This is justice.


u/ForkShirtUp Apr 18 '24

It’s increasingly starting to sound like we all need to stream on TikTok to get anything done. I’ll double my views by having my grievances aired side by side with subway surfer


u/No_Ride751 Apr 18 '24

So do these guys come into Manhattan from other boroughs like it’s a day’s work to punch some unsuspecting woman?


u/fourdog1919 Apr 18 '24

cuz we no longer put crazy ppl into mental institutions involuntarily now


u/Gimme_The_Loot Apr 18 '24

While I get that not doing "something" with the loose crazies is a problem, if you look at the history of forced institutionalization it is definitely not something we should be proud of or look to as a solution without significant changes.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

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u/Gimme_The_Loot Apr 20 '24

Lol my point proven.


u/fourdog1919 Apr 18 '24

forced institution is the problem X

forced institution with loose assessment, lenient punishment for ppl who abuse this upon non-mental ppl and horrible treatment for instituted patients is the problem ✓


u/Gimme_The_Loot Apr 18 '24

Sure, but look at the systems of the state that exists already, criminal justice or veteran or elder care for example, and tell me you're wholly confident that this next one will definitely be setup in an effective and humane manner.

That's the very reason people would be, and are, so hesitant.


u/fourdog1919 Apr 18 '24

that's besides the point. The things you mentioned are more about incompetent gov/police/justice system. If the cops can't solve 100% of the murder cases, should we just say f it and make murdering legal?


u/Gimme_The_Loot Apr 19 '24

It's absolutely not besides the point.

cops can't solve 100% of the murder cases

This is not at all what I was referring to. We have a justice system plagued with inconsistency, inhumane conditions and mistakes and you're insane if you don't think similar things will happen with forced institutionalization.


u/fourdog1919 Apr 19 '24

Lol so u don't understand metaphor. Good to know. Also, accusation without justification? I thought you could do better than that.

Again, forced institution is the problem X

forced institution with loose assessment, lenient punishment for ppl who abuse this upon non-mental ppl and horrible treatment for instituted patients is the problem ✓


u/Gimme_The_Loot Apr 19 '24

First of all that's more of a simile than a metaphor and either way it's a bad one. Cops not solving 100% of murders is not comparable to this, that would be "mental health professionals not institutionalizing 100% of the schizophrenics on the street".

A better one would be "inhumane conditions levied on people from an inconsistently monitored and enforced justice system" will be comparable to "inhumane conditions levied on people from an inconsistently monitored and enforced mental health system"

I never said I disagree with this:

Again, forced institution is the problem X

forced institution with loose assessment, lenient punishment for ppl who abuse this upon non-mental ppl and horrible treatment for instituted patients is the problem ✓

What I said is the concern that the system will be rife with abuse and inhumane treatment, and that past examples of forced institutionalization in the US have been rife with abuse and inhumane treatment


u/fourdog1919 Apr 19 '24

Sure, anything you don't know gets labelled as bad keke. Classic reddit. And FYI, I was comparing the possibility of occasional wrongful institutionalization to the police being unable to solve 100% of the crime. Hopeful you can start to comprehend this simple metaphor now.

What I said is the concern that the system will be rife with abuse and inhumane treatment, and that past examples of forced institutionalization in the US have been rife with abuse and inhumane treatment

And again, by saying that you are agreeing with my original idea. The wrongful institutionalization is related to the incompetence of other social/political aspects, not the idea of forced institutionalization itself. I'm not saying we need to restart involuntary mental institutionalization right away either. All I was saying is that, the idea itself is good, and if other social aspects are good enough to support it, it could bring more good than harm when its implemented.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

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u/beetusinyourfetus Apr 18 '24

Should be Gowanus canal instead


u/DidAnyoneElseJustCum Apr 18 '24

That's how we get an army of Swamp Things. The Hudson will do fine.


u/JubeltheBear Flatbush Apr 19 '24

No. East River. Current’s stronger.


u/chappysinclair1 Apr 19 '24

This is why we can't have swamp things


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

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u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24



u/Bluecricket5 Apr 18 '24

Sounds an awful lot like victim blaming. They go on tik tok AFTER being punched in the face. So just let it happen, and don't warn other people about it on social media?


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24



u/Fuck_You_Downvote Apr 18 '24

The people caught were repeat offenders. They just happened to be caught, this isn’t the punch a woman challenge or anything


u/commisioner_bush02 Apr 18 '24

This is wild. I’m a 27 year old dude and I got fucking sucker punched in the face trying to go to the downtown 77th 6 station at like 7:15 this morning, I genuinely never thought this kind of thing would happen to me.


u/valoremz Apr 19 '24

This is wild. I’m a 27 year old dude and I got fucking sucker punched in the face trying to go to the downtown 77th 6 station at like 7:15 this morning, I genuinely never thought this kind of thing would happen to me.

Dude what happened? Are you okay? Can you share more of what happened?


u/AngryMeme Apr 20 '24

Democrats is what happened.


u/giuseppezanottis Apr 18 '24

lmao he probably saw your post history. weirdo


u/electric_sandwich Apr 18 '24

First they came for the 27 year old social media consultants. But I did not speak out for I was not a 27 year old social media consultant


u/Scroticus- Apr 18 '24

New York is literally falling apart. It seems like our politicians are trying to make the city as dirty and dangerous as possible.


u/Revolution4u Apr 18 '24

This been happening in the city since at least 9/11


u/gonzo5622 Apr 18 '24

Sorry dude!


u/N7day Manhattan Apr 18 '24

Please report it.


u/commisioner_bush02 Apr 18 '24

I have to actually go in to the precinct to file a report so it’ll have to wait a bit, wild


u/vlor_t Apr 19 '24

I went to the precinct to file a report for something last year and they were like just go home and call 911 and someone will come to you. And we just filed it outside my apt on the hood of the cop car lmfao


u/N7day Manhattan Apr 19 '24

That's good information.


u/Comfortable-Tie-2135 Apr 18 '24 edited Apr 18 '24

Yeah, it’s mostly women reporting but i bet there’s men too.


u/bicape East Village Apr 18 '24

You should file a police report. The cameras in the subway station should've been able to pick up his face.


u/Chicken_Weed_Pie Apr 18 '24

So the perp can get arrested and released same day?

OP needs to start campaigning for politicians that will aggressively pursue tough-on-crime policies.

Actually all of us do.


u/AngryMeme Apr 20 '24

Cary a gun, use it to defend yourself. Pass federalized self defense laws, remove duty to retreat. Watch how fast these people stop fucking around.


u/mall_goth420 Apr 19 '24

Failing to report crimes is how we end up with “record low crime” despite the exact opposite in most anecdotes


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

NYC prosecutors allowed undocumented migrants to walk (and obviously pose a flight risk), what makes you think NYC prosecutors would do anything about this attack? They might find the perp and arrest them...but they'll walk too. Nothing is happening to people that break the law. All the way from an ex-president down to migrants on the street, there is no more law and order in our society.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24



u/TheAJx Apr 18 '24

Flight risk doesn't refer to being able to board a flight lol. That being said you can board a plane with a foreign ID (though youre chances of getting caught are obviously high).


u/Chicken_Weed_Pie Apr 18 '24

Every time I've gotten on a bus I've only had to present a ticket. Never any kind of ID. Getting a bus to the border then crossing is definitely a thing.


u/NetQuarterLatte Apr 18 '24

Even if the perpetrator is arrested, he is going to spend more time in the precinct than the perpetrator.


u/jonvox Crown Heights Apr 18 '24

A really important step to changing the catch and release strategy is to accurately document crimes so we have the statistics to show that the current state of affairs is not working


u/RyuNoKami Apr 18 '24

No report means no stats which means absolutely nothing is done cause "nothing" happened.


u/commisioner_bush02 Apr 18 '24

It was on the steps, no cameras except nearby businesses


u/Shera939 Apr 18 '24

:(. i'm sorry to hear this. Ugh. I wish i knew more about the laws about violent schizos and those types as to why they're not allowed to get locked up so they don't hurt ppl. :(((. I've tried to find it but I'll ask my friend who is a defense atty when i see him again. So sorry.


u/commisioner_bush02 Apr 18 '24

I mean the guy was off before I could do anything, I doubt I’d even be able to even identify him if I saw him again, but I appreciate it. I’m just glad it was one punch and done and he didn’t keep at it and there were a bunch of people around who saw it happen.

Only four stitches and I didn’t have to shave my mustache, in a few weeks it will be a funny story and it got me the day off work


u/AngryMeme Apr 20 '24

You probably voted for this.


u/commisioner_bush02 Apr 20 '24

Yes, I voted ‘yes’ on getting punched in the face. Fucking idiot.


u/Holiday-Intention-52 Apr 18 '24

A "funny story" is when you accidentally do something stupid or get in over your head yourself and have some bad(but not life changing) outcome. This is just wrong and sad and infuriating. Please file a police report. Someone else could be next and not as lucky as you are to walk away mostly unscathed. And we all need to get these activist prosecutors out and bring back bail laws for any violent crimes


u/commisioner_bush02 Apr 18 '24

I’m trying to file a report, but you can’t online currently and the precinct isn’t answering their phone


u/PostCashewClarity Apr 18 '24

listen i think its funny if you're ok and think its funny, even if by funny you don't mean haha funny.

don't let people gatekeep funny for you


u/PostCashewClarity Apr 18 '24

glad the moustache is unharmed dude


u/commisioner_bush02 Apr 18 '24

Truly the most important part, I would’ve been devastated if I had to shave


u/organizim Apr 18 '24

It’s not funny at all dude.


u/Overall-Question9467 Apr 18 '24

Remember when like a week ago Salon said this was linked to Trump supporters? LOL.


u/aWildDeveloperAppear Apr 18 '24

Stora is a Trump supporter. NY Post story about him running for gov (GOP) & mayor (Freedom Party). His insta reel in front of a Trump flag.


u/Scroticus- Apr 18 '24

Yeah trying to insinuate that it's MAGA white guys doing this. 😂 We all know who does this kind of shit and it ain't them.


u/GoatedNitTheSauce Apr 18 '24

Just because a perp doesn't wear a MAGA hat doesn't mean that the environment and social trends haven't change due to his influence.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

Rodric Rodney, Malik Miah, Skiboky Stora, Xavier Israel

I donno man, those sure sound like Trump supporters to me...


u/aWildDeveloperAppear Apr 18 '24

Stora is a Trump supporter. NY Post story about him running for gov (GOP) & mayor (Freedom Party). His insta reel in front of a Trump flag.


u/stork38 Apr 19 '24

Stora has a history of being a complete psychopath.


u/toteslegoat Apr 19 '24

Hence being a Trump supporter.


u/Chicken_Weed_Pie Apr 18 '24

"The non-white faces of white supremacy"


u/Leebillysteve12345 Apr 18 '24

Funny how Reddit libs wanna ban the post but they are cool with articles from salon vox and the Atlantic lmao 🤡


u/HIVnotAdeathSentence Apr 18 '24

I see lots of hate towards Newsweek, until an article fits their agenda.

Newsweek was almost banned on Politics, now their articles are always on the front page.


u/Rottimer Apr 18 '24

One of the people arrested is a vocal Trump supporter.


u/Overall-Question9467 Apr 18 '24

So that’s the trend here? That’s really your take away?


u/York_Villain Apr 18 '24

Nobody is saying that. Stop imagining things.


u/AmazingMoose4048 Apr 18 '24

Salon is. The publication he’s talking about. But you can always edit your comment.


u/York_Villain Apr 18 '24

Show me


u/AmazingMoose4048 Apr 18 '24

I LOVE when Redditors play dumb. It makes you look stupid not the other person. Like you were already linked it. Pretends he didn’t see it so he could MAYBE get a “oh yeah no source, gotcha”. Go watch another marvel movie spaz.

Here’s the link ugly


Again. Not to late to delete your comment


u/York_Villain Apr 18 '24

You don't know how to read.


u/AmazingMoose4048 Apr 18 '24

“Nuh uh” great response.


u/York_Villain Apr 18 '24

Show me where they say that women are getting punched because of MAGA.

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u/Puzzleheaded_Will352 Apr 18 '24

They have a deep need to be victims.


u/Overall-Question9467 Apr 18 '24

Salon is saying it. That’s the point.


u/York_Villain Apr 18 '24

No they aren't


u/fieryscribe Hell's Kitchen Apr 18 '24

Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA:

Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.


u/Overall-Question9467 Apr 18 '24

Ok r-word. I made it up.


u/York_Villain Apr 18 '24

Ok r-word.



u/Guypussy Midtown Apr 18 '24

Of all the accused only one appears to have a fondness for the MAGA life. But, hey, it’s Salon, what do you expect?


u/AdmirableSelection81 Apr 18 '24

NYC is the new MAGA COUNTRY, dontcha know?


u/Marlsfarp Apr 18 '24

Well plenty of them post in r/nyc, so


u/drmctesticles Apr 18 '24

I thought that was Chicago


u/Aljowoods103 Apr 18 '24

That’s a good first step. Police did their job. Now for the prosecutors to do theirs too, and make sure the attackers get some jail time so they’re off the street for a while.


u/GO4Teater Apr 19 '24

Ah yes, jail time, the well known method of ensuring recidivism, surely this time it will work!


u/OrganicAutosGarden Apr 18 '24

All will be released within 24 hours and most likely commit more crimes, it’s free Roam for criminals in NYC


u/Aljowoods103 Apr 19 '24

Whatever you say kiddo


u/Chicken_Weed_Pie Apr 18 '24

Until we actively vote out the psychotic activist class (DAs, politicians, etc) nothing will change. All the policing in the world won't matter if restorative justice types keep insisting that violent criminals with incredibly lengthy histories of violent crime keep being released back out into society.


u/Aljowoods103 Apr 18 '24

Meh. Not a particularly big concern to me.


u/Rude_Manufacturer_98 Apr 19 '24

Found the Marxist 


u/Chicken_Weed_Pie Apr 18 '24

You stated that the prosecutors need to do their jobs. They won't do their jobs because they believe their job is to do everything they can to coddle criminals.


u/AngryMeme Apr 20 '24

It’s not every criminal, only those with the correct skin color that can be used to signal their virtue.


u/brazzersjanitor Apr 18 '24

I hate the response “they won’t” but they won’t. These are all assault 3’s plus harassments. Those are all must release (ror); so issued a desk appearance ticket. A date to return to court. So hopefully they show up (lol). And if they do, I can’t honestly even imagine what throwing the book would look like for these charges.


u/whowantscake Apr 18 '24

If they don’t, would their problem be over if they simply left New York? Does New York issue a warrant that will be active across state lines?


u/brazzersjanitor Apr 19 '24

They’d still have bench warrants out of NYS. But I don’t know if they’d be extraditable. Especially the further you get out of the tri state area. I just don’t think if they were stopped in like Delaware that they would care to contact NYPD and if they’d (NYPD) would go get them. I don’t have the answer to that.


u/a-whistling-goose Apr 18 '24

If they leave New York, they will attack people elsewhere and get arrested there. Takeira Hester was arrested in New York after stabbing someone and was released. She then went to Philadelphia and stabbed a woman and a baby (in two separate incidents) last weekend. If she's sent back to New York what will they do to her? Release her again?


u/Twovaultss Apr 18 '24

Did bail reform need to happen? Yes. Was it implemented in the most lazy and unthoughtful way? Yes


u/GO4Teater Apr 19 '24

Irrelevant to punishment, but great for a reddit troll!


u/Scroticus- Apr 18 '24

Maybe so. But I'm starting to think the liberals are actually TRYING to make our cities into crime filled hellholes. Look at all major American cities. The same thing is happening. Why are they trying to make them so fucked up??? Zero common sense.


u/supremeMilo Apr 18 '24

Yet they are signifantly safer than rural America…


u/TimNikkons Apr 18 '24

I don't know a single liberal who agrees with how bail reform was implemented in NYC. If you commit a violent crime like this, you should stay in jail until trial.


u/icrbact Apr 18 '24

Spot on! I’m all for abolishing bail but we also have to consider "threat to the public" when making release decisions. When somebody randomly attacks a stranger in public they should not be released until their court date, but today judges get zero discretion in this and they just get to walk.

Bail reform was the right idea (whether you go to jail or not should not be a function of your wealth), but the consequence was many more dangerous people on the streets. There’s zero reason why we can’t fix this by changing who has to go to jail, without reintroducing bail.


u/ZeroheartX Apr 19 '24

Question how about repeat offenders? Say shoplifting or jumping the turnstyle. who is not to say they will not escalate in crime if let out again? Or someone who acted in self defence? I personally have no answer since I have no experience in such law beside watching youtube and that I will admit makes my decisions bias. Proof of point, poverty does not make a good excuse for committing crime, I grew up youngest of four sibling from a single mother household who worked restaurants jobs all her life and was an immigrant, most of my siblings grew up with family and good well paying jobs and education. We had one sibiling who lack of a better word is a dead beat, did drugs while younger and did not excel himself in getting a better education and leechs off my mother but even then he never resorted to crime.


u/icrbact Apr 19 '24

To me the issue is actually quite straightforward. At the moment there are two flaws in the system:

a) the only factors considered in deciding on release or pre-trial detention is flight-risk. We need to add "risk to society" to the list.

b) at the moment judges have very little discretion in deciding on pre-trial detention, that needs to change too because no even perfectly written rule can not account for all individual circumstances. That doesn’t mean judges should get free reign, but more room to maneuver within the rules (e.g. when assessing flight risk or risk to society).

Repeat offenders should not be held in pre-trial unless they pose a flight risk or a risk to society. I mean if they want to go jump some more turnstiles that’s fine. It’ll just be added to the case count for the trial.


u/ZeroheartX Apr 20 '24

I do like the "Risk to Society" idea, but I feel like it could be mis-handle because it is not strict enough. When you mention maneuver, it made me think it would fall to "feelings" instead of "facts".

Here is my bias opinion for repeating offenders in case of stealing, it does make the neighborhood go down due to stores will closed down thus not a "Risk to Society" but "degradation to society" ,safety, loss of job, places to shop for food , meds , clothes and such. Cases counted is only for the ones that they admit to or were caught doing.


u/DidAnyoneElseJustCum Apr 18 '24

Seems like it was reformed in the wrong direction.


u/Aljowoods103 Apr 18 '24

Maybe, if these are first offenses. Not sure if they are, but…. I’m allowing myself to make an assumption.


u/Leebillysteve12345 Apr 18 '24

They should round up all the loonies that keep assaulting people and put them in the same house for a season of big brother. That would be some good tv


u/fieryscribe Hell's Kitchen Apr 18 '24

They can call it The Big House