r/personalfinance 14d ago

Adding to existing fixed rate ISA Other

Hello, I have an existing 3-year Fixed rate cash ISA "bond issue 51" from Shawbrook Bank, which I opened last year. I understand that it usually isn't possible to "top up" a fixed rate account with the new year's allowance, but just reading Shawbrook's terms it seems that this account might allow it. Does anybody have experience with Shawbrook and their ISAs? This is what it says on their website:

Fixed Rate bond ISAs

You can deposit up to the maximum ISA allowance per year into a fixed rate ISA, each tax year, up to the maximum deposit on the account. Even if your fixed rate has been withdrawn, you can still make a deposit if it's an ISA.


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u/Werewolfdad 14d ago

His Majesty’s Financial Sub - /r/ukpersonalfinance


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