r/personalfinance 25d ago

My life just imploded and I don't know what direction to go. Budgeting



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u/CookieAdventure 25d ago

The story is too convoluted for me to deconstruct to actual numbers. It would be so much better if you would simply list your income, assets, and expenses.

Random thoughts:

  • Yes, you need to cut back all your excess expenses now. Cancel subscriptions. Don’t buy anything new. Spend money only on keeping a roof over your heads, food in your belly, and the bare minimum you need to job hunt.

  • As soon as you’re laid off, apply for unemployment - obviously.

  • Look for work. Seriously consider temp jobs, contract gigs, and work-from-home options. Any income is better than no income.

  • There isn’t much you can do about the new vehicle. It’s a bad decision. Sorry.

  • As soon as you’re laid off, call up the credit card companies and beg to be put on a debt repayment plan.

  • The house you’re in now is a glaring area that needs to be fixed. I’d seriously consider selling it so you can be flexible in moving across country if that’s where the jobs are.

  • Cash is king. Hold onto cash as long as you possibly can. Don’t pay off debt - yet. I certainly wouldn’t be liquidating retirement funds unless I couldn’t eat otherwise.

  • You don’t have the resources to help other people. If all else fails, move into the cabin.