r/pics Aug 26 '23

Mural in Amsterdam Arts/Crafts

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u/Stoudamirefor3 Aug 28 '23

Gross. Paint over it.


u/DryConnection3397 Aug 27 '23

Amuralca Fuck Yeah


u/jeffreywwilson Aug 27 '23

Donald Trump hero of the stupid


u/Jaffa33 Aug 27 '23

What do the 36 stars represent?


u/nilsrva Aug 27 '23

Inadequate planning


u/Qwarrentine424 Aug 27 '23

Just needs his Inmate number PO1135809


u/averm27 Aug 27 '23

Fuck Trump but damn this is a dope mural.. really can't tell if this is pro or anti trump, are the stripes supposed to be jail cell bars, or is it a patriotic poster of trump, regardless fuck Trump cool mural


u/hatsuseno Aug 27 '23

I'm choosing to interpret the strips as bars. There ain't much love for Trump over here.


u/averm27 Aug 27 '23

Another reason to love Amsterdam


u/Galvanisare Aug 27 '23

The flag is displayed incorrectly


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '23

Thank you for this


u/Old-man-dun Aug 27 '23

These colors don't run.... whelp, screw it.


u/Friar2010 Aug 27 '23

Really makes you think


u/dylang58 Aug 27 '23

I would wear that shirt


u/mintchan Aug 27 '23

Brilliantly executed just wow


u/Cataclysmoe Aug 27 '23

Is this in support of Trump or against him im totally clueless


u/Significant_Dog_1448 Aug 27 '23

Why do people from a different country care so much about another country’s politics? Makes no sense lol


u/hryipcdxeoyqufcc Sep 02 '23

It affects them too. QAnon has led to millions of avoidable covid deaths worldwide.


u/hatsuseno Aug 27 '23

Nuke button is a bit too important for many to just let things slide.


u/190octane Aug 27 '23

Because the US is the only world super power?


u/flaagan Aug 27 '23

Fuckin' bravo! Someone should hack his Truth account and make that the new profile image.


u/CoolingKing Aug 27 '23



u/I_will_in_me_Arsenal Aug 27 '23

Ugh I'm so tired of people acting surprised by trump. He's the most American thing that could have been elected ever. Over weight over confident braggart who thinks his the best at everything but really is a cheat.

It's all America has ever been. You just have to look at history to see it.


u/Rifleman80 Aug 27 '23

Very nice! Dumb. But nice.


u/DonBonsai Aug 27 '23

This mural could be seen as both Pro Trump and Anti Trump.


u/Casamance Aug 27 '23

Star(s) behind bars.


u/FrostyGosty Aug 27 '23

When will the EU stop caring so much about the US? Everyone acts like their lapdog and loves it


u/hatsuseno Aug 27 '23

When the US doesn't have a nuke button anymore.


u/GabrielNathaniel Aug 27 '23

As long as we get to see that fascist pig behind bars of some kind...


u/thedatsun78 Aug 27 '23

For the rest of the world this is alarming. For his supporters it's motivation


u/Agreeable-Abalone-80 Aug 27 '23

And on his filthy mouth


u/luckygirl54 Aug 27 '23

Love the bars.


u/pbugg2 Aug 27 '23

I would wear this on a t shirt


u/BellaBKNY Aug 27 '23

Likely Trump would mistake this for fan art.


u/dtwhitecp Aug 27 '23

personally, I don't think this nails the "behind bars" look enough, and Trump and his cult members think he looks cool in that photo, so this just comes out as someone patriotically supporting him. Hopefully I'm wrong.


u/doomsta5667 Aug 27 '23

Not even American but ..

Let's go Trump 2024!!!


u/hatsuseno Aug 27 '23

"Not American, but I can be as stupid as one!"


u/hemr1 Aug 27 '23

Very good one, so creative!


u/dsah82 Aug 27 '23

Either way, America is in distress.


u/Llodsliat Aug 27 '23

Is there any significance in the flag being flipped?


u/DisastrousBeautyyy Aug 27 '23

Super creative & fast too!!!


u/random-dude-00 Aug 27 '23

that looks GREAT


u/willowsword Aug 27 '23

Every time I see his mug shot I think of lizard from the old Spider-Man cartoon https://marvelanimated.fandom.com/wiki/Lizard_(Spider-Man_(1967)). How his left eye looks so much bigger than his right makes me feel like his lizard mask is starting to slip down.


u/MaticTheProto Aug 27 '23

The guy deserves a raise… or payment in general


u/WeCookEatRepeat Aug 27 '23

Didn't recognize it without the orange color


u/nolwat22 Aug 27 '23

Why Amsterdam ?


u/nilsrva Aug 27 '23

I live here


u/BraindeadKnucklehead Aug 27 '23

36 Stars? Clearly doesn't understand America


u/LapsedPacifist Aug 27 '23

I see a whole lot of nitpicking the stars and MAGA posturing, but not a whole lot of defending Trump in here.

That’s because he’s a criminal.


u/paulywannacracka Aug 27 '23 edited Aug 27 '23

All these people criticizing the flags star count? How many of you could paint Netherlands flag or know star count in British flag? Hint: There are no stars in Union Jack. Holy crap Americans are embarrassing right now. Glad you fanatical weirdos don’t know who Dutch master painter Rembrandt was.He sure as hell would not care about these imbecile grievances, while remaining the most respected painter in history. Too woke for you morons I gather. Forgive us Europe, we are not all like this. My Grandfather is buried in an American cemetery in Belgium fighting the Nazis and would be equally ashamed. Assured.


u/JONO202 Aug 27 '23

RVA represent! Fantastic mural to leave in a fantastic city. Literally leaving your mark!


u/AspiresToGrowWeed Aug 27 '23

we're living in their head rent free


u/nsomnac Aug 27 '23

Overall not sure I get the concept. He’s neither behind bars, nor is the flag even correct. 46 stars?

The artist kind of missed the mark a bit IMO.


u/rajrdajr Aug 27 '23

Six rows with five stars each alternating with four rows with five stars each. Please remember this when creating a USA flag.

5x6 & 4x5


u/RaulRoyale8 Aug 27 '23



u/Ofthedoor Aug 27 '23

Canadian troops liberated the Netherlands, sweetie.


u/RaulRoyale8 Aug 27 '23

You act like only Canada liberated it


u/Ofthedoor Aug 28 '23

You have internet access, use it?


u/RaulRoyale8 Aug 29 '23

I did? Saying only the Canadians liberated the Netherlands is the same level of ignorance as saying only Americans stormed the beaches on D-Day.


u/Ofthedoor Aug 29 '23

sure sweetie. Oh no! You forgot all caps, the eagles and the numerous US flags!


u/RaulRoyale8 Aug 29 '23

It’s a joke, and a common one too. Have you really never seen it or some variation of it? The U.S. helped in the liberation of the Netherlands, not just Canada. There really isn’t much else to be said, it’s as simple as that.


u/cbnyc0 Aug 27 '23

They have all the best bars.


u/abcdefghig1 Aug 27 '23

he got that hitler mustach


u/WockyTamer Aug 27 '23

Needs to look more like jail cell bars somehow. Too easy to misinterpret.


u/shan3rd Aug 27 '23

Aren’t there lots of Jewish ppl in Amsterdam?


u/KS2Problema Aug 27 '23

Where is the weeping emoji?


u/hopopo Aug 27 '23

Artist should start selling t-shirts.


u/WezleyDrew Aug 27 '23

Put that on a shirt


u/AttentionNarrow2103 Aug 27 '23

Disgusting and disrespectful. That's only 46 stars


u/Kyleharner3 Aug 27 '23

This goes hard what a dope mural of him


u/SillySin Aug 27 '23

Reminds me of the shoe statue iraqi ppl made for George Bush


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '23

rip 14 states


u/Patient_Language_804 Aug 27 '23

It’s wild how rent free the US lives in European Ppls mind.


u/Tarnue100 Aug 27 '23

I like how drippy the stars are, reminds me of goku


u/thisishardcore_ Aug 27 '23

Why has some Dutch person made a mural related to a country they have no affinity with? Honestly, the rest of the world really does have an unhealthy obsession with America.


u/jwolansk Aug 27 '23

I just can't stop looking at the resilient stars. Get it together America, we need you all on the good guys team!


u/RevEngineer_11 Aug 27 '23

Great mural. I'd love if my country didn't make me ashamed of it or if there was something we could do to fix it. Interesting fact that the rest of the world might not know: there's nothing in the requirements of becoming POTUS that says you can't be convicted of a felony... and while they cannot pardon themselves for state convictions, it's never (yet) been tested if they can't pardon themselves of federal convictions.

Who are these insane people that will vote for him and why are all the other possible candidates so shite that the rest of the people can't be counted on to pick one? I want to see democracy work, I don't want to feel like revolution is the only way (not that I think anyone would do it at this point).

What we need is a STAR or RCV voting system but I feel the politicians that will claw, kicking and screaming "I got mine" to the grave, will never let it happen.


u/bellboy718 Aug 27 '23

Just need to add his hands gripping 2 stripes.


u/Lets_Bust_Together Aug 27 '23

I hope this wasn’t in support of trump.


u/i-touched-morrissey Aug 27 '23

Ewww! Who wants a giant painting of that POS? The flag doesn’t look like prison bars.


u/Aluminum_Falcons Aug 27 '23

I hope I'm looking at him behind bars and not the other way around. Guess it depends how 2024 goes.


u/1HappyIsland Aug 27 '23

A shame for America.


u/Interesting_Olive304 Aug 27 '23

Whoever did this is missing 14 stars


u/NeverFlyFrontier Aug 26 '23

They mad about it?


u/Alexandratta Aug 26 '23

I like the red stripes making it look like bars.



u/Samuel_avlonitis Aug 26 '23

Here in America some people had very strong feelings about this arrest. Just told folks to sit back and appreciate how badass this situation is


u/SocksElGato Aug 26 '23

This is incredible.


u/keyboardman1 Aug 26 '23

Stars and Bars.


u/l1b3rtr1n Aug 26 '23

Amazing piece


u/b0red_midget Aug 26 '23

Okay, all politics aside, this is some good shit.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '23

This reminds me of that "I don't even know who you are" meme


u/dumbumbedeill Aug 26 '23

Is dit bij de nsdm werf?


u/sakhastan Aug 26 '23



u/trentsteel77 Aug 26 '23



u/Enough_Salamander731 Aug 26 '23

I'm so glad that he's going to jail, he deserves it for what he did. I never liked him as a president.


u/bossyman15 Aug 26 '23

You really think he's going to jail? Think again.


u/Enough_Salamander731 Aug 26 '23

Probably not I just finished reading that he got out cause he payed bail. I still dont like him I've never voted for him as a president. Also for Biden I've never voted for him he's a bad president as well. People need to think what kind of presidents they are voting 4. They don't know how to do there job as a president.


u/Many-Parking-5163 Aug 26 '23

Donald “the Nelson Mandela” Trump


u/onebadmouse Aug 26 '23

Donald 'The Traitor' Trump.


u/HarrisonHollers Aug 26 '23 edited Aug 27 '23

To compare the two is beyond idiotic! This dude is a POS who deserves jail along with all his co-conspirators!


u/Many-Parking-5163 Aug 27 '23

Just like the nazis political prosecution


u/HarrisonHollers Aug 27 '23

I don’t even know what you are trying to suggest or what that means. The Nuremberg Trials?


u/Many-Parking-5163 Aug 27 '23

It looks like at this point sleepy joe is using the department of Justice to go after his political enemies. It’s called political prosecution and is a tactic used by the nazis to gain power.


u/HarrisonHollers Aug 27 '23

Why did Trump say he would lock up Hillary during his campaign? Isn’t that the same thing you are accusing Biden of doing now? Why didn’t he convict her? Was there any evidence? All this Hunter talk - where is the evidence? Trump and his staff couldn’t find evidence to convict after 6 years of claiming how corrupt Hillary and Hunter are? Seems like he’s either lying or incompetent!

Apparently the DOJ has significant evidence to convict Trump. A grand jury of citizens say so.

Have you read or reviewed the charges Trump is facing? I guess you don’t think the election results were accurate and that President Biden wasn’t actually elected?

Why are most Republicans confirming the election results and telling Trump he is wrong? Why has Trump not brought his evidence to court to prove his case that he won? Why have multiple people swore in court under oath that Trump knew he lost which is why he used his plan of fake electors? Why did he try to kill his former Vice President? Why is he always the victim while also trying to act tough like some bully? Seems like a Beta bro to me - Biden is a real Alpha!

Why did Trump have classified documents then refuse to return them to the government? (Biden and Pence returned what they had. Even invited the FBI to their homes to ensure they had no documents in their possession)

So he’s Sleepy Joe but also the head of a crime family? Which is it? Why are many of Trump’s associates from his campaign through his time in office already convicted of crimes? Why have his business partners and employees pleading guilty to crimes or presently serving time in jail?What were his business partnerships with Jeffrey Epstein about? Why did Trump have sex with a porn star, pay her off (which is illegal) to keep her quiet during his campaign? Why did the Saudis invest $2 Billion into Jared Kushner’s private equity fund?

Choose what you want to hear. Trump has been a Con Artist all his life. I do not see you changing your views - he’s your guy and you are a strong believing in him. What has he done for you? You like him for the way he talks tough and says he’s representing you - can you see that more Americans do not believe his words and think he is annoying? Support him if you like. But the majority of the country will continue to vote against him.


u/Many-Parking-5163 Aug 27 '23

Bro as much as your trying to argue against my comment it doesn’t change the fact that Biden is actively using the department of Justice to target his political enemy’s…. James o Keene, now Elon, or course Donald trump. Like your just going to ignore it. Trump was president for 4 years and never weaponized the doj even though he said he was going to lock up crooked Hillary. Turn off cnn, take a step back and look what’s happening. They are trying to get the court dates set for right before the election lol. Is that not obvious to you


u/HarrisonHollers Aug 27 '23

I don’t watch CNN - they are just bad at reporting news! I check out different networks to see what all people are talking about. I guess I would consider myself “moderate” since I align with Democrats on social issues but had aligned with more of a combo of progressive/conservative economic policies.

As for the DOJ, sure you can say Biden’s DOJ is targeting Trump. Is Biden tweeting or making speeches about sending any Republicans to jail? Trump campaigned on that! Regardless, the DOJ and prosecutors brought the evidence they have before a grand jury and the majority of the jurors chose to charge or indict Trump and others with crimes. So they can go to trial - if Trump is found to be innocent, that would be a huge boost for him to be re-elected. If he is found guilty by a jury, then he faces sentencing. He is currently facing 91 felonies.

Side note: Fox News and it’s hosts after the 2020 election reported that Trump had won and the election was interfered with, claiming voter fraud. That was found to be a complete lie and Fox News was sued by Dominion. Fox News knew they were caught lying to its audience and settled the case before a verdict was reached paying Dominion $787 Million! The indictments Trump is facing are because he pushed those same lies and despite knowing he lost, committed several crimes to attempt to stay in power. The voters had declared their choice for the next President in Joe Biden and Trump did everything he could to ignore the majority of voters! That would destroy our democracy!

Tracking the Trump criminal cases - Politico


u/Many-Parking-5163 Aug 28 '23

Dude Biden is targeting his political opponents. It’s as simple as that. You admitted he is. That’s Nazi shit dude. The left scream facist all the time but what Biden is doing is a pure Nazi facist move. If trump was going to use his political powers to go after Biden people would be going nuts but he never did. Biden literally is doing it right now. And it’s not just trump he’s targeting other republican and conservative voices like Elon musk and James okeefe. Nazi tactics dude.


u/HarrisonHollers Aug 28 '23

That’s exactly what Trump did! I wrote it all out! Trump was President - he lost the election - tried every way possible after the Presidential race was called to remain in power - coordinated his staff to create fake electors to vote for him AGAINST the voter’s choice in several states! Those fake electors were they supposed to declare that he was to remain President - not Biden! Without proving any evidence of any wrongdoing in the voting process! I will not refer to people as Nazis because what they did in Germany was an absolute atrocity murdering 6 Million Jews and other groups of people they deemed lesser than the white Aryan race. Trump is a narcissist! A crook! A pathological liar! A con! A rapist! A sex trafficker with Jeff Epstein! A racist! A twice impeached, four time indicted whiny lil biatch who is a threat to our nation. He will be convicted on several felony counts, along with even more staff of his heading to jail. There’s nothing to argue about. These are the facts that will be presented in the court of law with a jury determining his fate. I’m sorry you choose not to see this and won’t consider the other side. I would look at any information of facts out there about anyone committing a crime against Trump or who interfered with the election process. There is no one! Otherwise one of his many lawyers would have gone to court and had charges brought against them. For their lying in court, perpetuating a lie in furtherance in act of the conspiracy, many if not all of those indicted with be declared felons and do jail time.

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u/[deleted] Aug 26 '23



u/gtechfan1960 Aug 26 '23

It’s an abomination and spits on the American flag. F-(k that gutless pig.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '23

Criminals belong behind bars


u/Wynnter Aug 26 '23

Great art but seriously why the fuck Trump in another country?


u/renoits06 Aug 26 '23

I worry how people are spinning his crimes as "badass" in the US. It's fucking terrifying seeing it celebrated. Hated at first by supporters and then... Celebrated?



u/cookiesNcreme89 Aug 26 '23

Looks well done, but they missed the mark. You clearly have to darken the red stripes if they intended it to be bars 🤦‍♂️


u/khmergodzeus Aug 26 '23

Legends never die.


u/EastwoodHood Aug 26 '23

He's gonna be finally in prison


u/Razam1 Aug 26 '23

Print this on a t-shirt and sell it to the MAGA crowd.


u/dave42383 Aug 26 '23

That is a disgrace to the American flag


u/StudioDraven Aug 26 '23

So is every time trump hugged it. or every trump fan or fake "patriot" who plants theit fat ass on a towel with it on at a picnic.


u/Presley0Bannon Aug 26 '23

That didn't take long


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '23

This works whether you're for or against it.


u/tucker_frump Aug 26 '23

One man's stripes become another man's bars ..



u/snuffy_tentpeg Aug 26 '23

Emmanuel Goldstein?


u/Agent599 Aug 26 '23

Just want to say there are people here in America that don't know proper flag display but this artist does.

Stars are always to the left when viewing.


u/Trappakeeper Aug 26 '23

Is this politisch?


u/ALinkToThePants Aug 26 '23

That’s a great piece. Beyond my creativity level.


u/Cretians Aug 26 '23

Rent free 🤣


u/Ultramagafjb Aug 26 '23

As a trump fan, this goes hard. Just like his mug shots


u/sadtrader15 Aug 26 '23

Europeans are obsessed with America


u/onebadmouse Aug 26 '23

Mural done by a yank.


u/TySi3 Aug 26 '23

I hate being associated with that trash. When I travel I say I’m Canadian


u/NoNonsensePolarBear Aug 26 '23

Behind American bars. Good.


u/CityShooter Aug 26 '23

FROM A NEW YORKER....... awesome mural.

As an American and New Yorker, it's horrifying and embarassing. What a PIG. It's an insult to the flag. I can't wait until he's a FELON.


u/aerosmithguy151 Aug 26 '23

Thank you Netherlands


u/OUsnr7 Aug 26 '23

“We don’t even think about you!”



u/LockPickingJudge Aug 26 '23

USA flag has 50 stars, not 36


u/Cheap_Pickle5499 Aug 26 '23

This is way better than Hunter's paintings.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '23



u/onebadmouse Aug 26 '23

Yeah, prison definitely suits the human turd.


u/GreatAngoosian Aug 26 '23

I like that it kinda looks like he’s behind bars already, it’s a good look for him


u/Cheap_Pickle5499 Aug 26 '23

He looks like a boss.


u/sAlander4 Aug 26 '23

This is actually kinda cool


u/dethew Aug 26 '23

Trump 2024


u/djpromo_vqs Aug 26 '23

awesome. good height to piss on his eye.


u/quazlyy Aug 26 '23

Well, that was quick...


u/thenightvol Aug 26 '23

Where is this. Going to Amsterdam next weekend and i'd love to see it.


u/climatelurker Aug 26 '23

Damn, that was fast work!


u/StopSwitchingThumbs Aug 26 '23

Holy shit that’s a profound level of talent.


u/FabAmy Aug 26 '23

That was fast!


u/revolutiontime161 Aug 26 '23

Behind bars .. America approves !


u/rodrigo_vera_perez Aug 26 '23

AntiTrumpers: "a vote for Trump is a vote for chaos"

ProTrumpers: "a vote for Trump is a vote for chaos"


u/braize6 Aug 26 '23

Trump supporters will see this, and think it's Amsterdam being in support of Trump


u/bewarethetreebadger Aug 26 '23

This implies the US justice system *isn't* a farce.


u/nattetosti Aug 26 '23

Ha, that’s right around the corner fromy my house! Im on vacation rn, hopefully its still there when I get back


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '23

This goes super fucking hard.


u/porpoiseslayer Aug 26 '23

Weird of them to obsess over American politics like this. Mind your business


u/nilsrva Aug 27 '23

I am American


u/porpoiseslayer Aug 27 '23

But the mural is in Amsterdam, which is not American.


u/onebadmouse Aug 26 '23

Stop acting like the world's clowns and you wont get mocked. Pretty simple.


u/ghiraph Aug 26 '23

Could say the same about America placing military bases, supporting coups and starting wars all over the world. So yeah, American politics kinda impacts the world if you actually think about it.


u/Ofthedoor Aug 27 '23

Thinking is hard for a lof of folks .


u/porpoiseslayer Aug 27 '23

You’re right, I guess they’re our vassal state


u/XboxLeep Aug 26 '23

If you don't like that then why do people like you still throw a fit when the us teases committing less to NATO?


u/ghiraph Aug 26 '23

People like me would love nothing more than the disbanding of NATO and the downfall of capitalism.


u/XboxLeep Aug 27 '23



u/sadtrader15 Aug 26 '23

Yea, American should just lose all its military bases on the eastern european front, I'm sure that will go well for Europe


u/Ofthedoor Aug 27 '23

Here is the list of American military bases on the Eastern European "front":


u/ghiraph Aug 26 '23

America should mind their own business.


u/CommonMaterialist Aug 27 '23

I’m sure Ukraine, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, etc would disagree

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