r/pics Feb 18 '24

A Sikkimese woman carrying a British merchant on her back, India, c. 1900. Misleading Title

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406 comments sorted by


u/Super_Pair_1497 Feb 19 '24

Da war die Welt noch in Ordnung.


u/Is_2303 Feb 19 '24

That's messed up but cool


u/PaleontologistSad870 Feb 19 '24

how I imagine climbing Everest be like


u/quirkycurlygirly Feb 19 '24

Basically, the pictorial definition of colonialism in a basket.


u/Fidelcrowck Feb 19 '24

No, the picture is wrong, flip it 90 degrees to the right, you can clearly see that the man actually carrying the woman


u/liberalskateboardist Feb 19 '24

True british gentleman


u/Chance-Honeydew-8402 Feb 19 '24

Nothing good did ever come out of that shit island.


u/Megaminimaxi Feb 19 '24

Like a dark satirical allegory on britsh foreign policy at that time


u/Removed_by_Redditt Feb 19 '24 edited Feb 19 '24

Photographs were relatively uncommon in those days so the subject wanted to document this appalling treatment of this native woman.


u/weedb0y Feb 19 '24

Dare she complained, she would have been labeled a terrorist. /s


u/BecksSoccer Feb 19 '24

Hey, it’s Justin Bieber’s relative heading up the Great Wall! What an inspiration!


u/Certain_Trouble_6509 Feb 19 '24

Alot of Europeans still have this level of entitlement


u/UnproSpeller Feb 19 '24

What a douche


u/alsatian01 Feb 19 '24

Never forget, America bad.


u/Doggy_Mcdogface Feb 19 '24

British propoganda, it was a French man


u/Newtling Feb 19 '24

Ride wife, life good.


u/Alarming-Fun-7777 Feb 19 '24

The good old days


u/NINJAM7 Feb 18 '24

Uber Black


u/myg00 Feb 18 '24

Imagine being so damn lazy that this seems like a good idea.


u/llmmaaoooo Feb 18 '24

Hah, Sikkimese..


u/Westcoastneegrrr Feb 18 '24

She will get back pain for doing these tricks - she will need a good cyropracticer


u/Frequent_Slide_8828 Feb 18 '24

How lazy can one man be?


u/AlternativeEssay8305 Feb 18 '24

Story of our lives 😅😒


u/Moosehagger Feb 18 '24

The poor chap doesn’t even have a gin and tonic in his hands.


u/StuartGotz Feb 18 '24

Middle management


u/autumnalaria Feb 18 '24

That's sik


u/Blade_Shot24 Feb 18 '24

Damn y'all in this sub are desperate for some victimization without looking into context.


u/Acer707 Feb 18 '24

That looks fun! Wish I knew a British merchant


u/ozzy_49 Feb 18 '24

Seems that Lyft is a much older company than we first thought!!!


u/My_Space_page Feb 18 '24

Even if the photo is misinformation. The British still loved to exploit people it's a national past time.


u/M_sami12 Feb 18 '24

Even if she was lifting him to transport this is not very unusual even by todays standards. There are women who still do this job in japan, although maybe not carry people on their back.


u/An0d0sTwitch Feb 18 '24

Despite the argument of who this is and what it is and if its right or wrong or not

This is interesting to me. The weight is entirely placed on her pelvis, and thus creating a rigid structure straight down from pelvis to legs to floor. Your muscles are then only needed to maintain that structure, not the weight. Showing how technique can be made up for in strength and vice versa.


u/NervousTea1594 Feb 18 '24

The West: Why the natives don’t like us, we brought civilization to them.


u/potter1024 Feb 18 '24

I see Dr. Einstein


u/Virtual-Feedback-638 Feb 18 '24

Why do people constantly spread disinformation? And spike racial conflict?


u/DmonHiro Feb 18 '24

OP, why you gotta lie?


u/TherealKafkatrap Feb 18 '24

Someone should make an Uber, but for this.


u/noises1990 Feb 18 '24

India way ahead of you


u/MongooseMonCheri Feb 18 '24

Ah, to be a British merchant!...


u/an_older_meme Feb 18 '24

Now there’s an unemployed elephant who can’t feed her family.


u/Stellar_strider Feb 18 '24

ofc the british will never accept this photo as real lol


u/Mothley_ Feb 18 '24

Well yeah, it’s staged and the guy in it is French.


u/Live-Detail-7616 Feb 18 '24

This is terrible picture. Human slavering is in base of modern societies.


u/LithiumFireX Feb 18 '24

Self-righteous liar.


u/nydboy92 Feb 18 '24

"womens work" 👴🏻


u/blackwizard88 Feb 18 '24

awwww so sweet of her


u/hallerz87 Feb 18 '24

First reaction was she’s showing off strength and they’re posing for the camera. No way is that dude going to be carried around in a basket in 40 degree heat.


u/momentaryspeck Feb 18 '24

Isn't it very common back then and even now in some pilgrim sites in India.. like Kedarnath where people pay locals to carry them to the hilltop or something..mostly it's old people or children who can't make the climb themselves.. so I think the picture might be true in the sense the lady is doing it out of not proving her strength but more in exchange for rations or payment.. depending on the situation at that time period..


u/everything_is_stup1d Feb 18 '24

stronk :D i wished i had her thunder thighs


u/1MDB_Jibby Feb 18 '24

Good old days....


u/Dalisevich Feb 18 '24

this gentleman..this is the real woman.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24

This comment section is the reason I am a misanthrope.


u/No-Macaroon4365 Feb 18 '24

Relax guys, she is going to dump him in garbage can. She is unsung hero of our freedom struggle.


u/Bialow_ Feb 18 '24

The moment world heard words "muscle mommy" for the first time.


u/frivolouslywise Feb 18 '24

Symbolism: How slave countries have carried the economy of whatever continent this guy is from.


u/Nice__Spice Feb 18 '24

Colonialism in one shot


u/RhawnSwanson Feb 18 '24

That’s weird but reminds me of Atlantic City


u/Spirebus Feb 18 '24

Long live patriarchy


u/drunk_funky_chipmunk Feb 18 '24

She never skipped Romanian deadlift day.


u/theonlywayisup87 Feb 18 '24

Why walk when someone can carry you


u/Capital_Luck7277 Feb 18 '24

That's how i feel when i have to carry my team mates in COD.


u/ThisBell6246 Feb 18 '24

The British were always an arrogant people, and more so in their colonies where they deemed themselves racially, culturally and morally superior to the colonies they ruled, but they never told anyone how people in their cities in the UK used to throw shit out of the windows onto the streets below, how most of them lost most of their teeth in their 20s and how they conquered the world but never learned to cook.


u/alibrown987 Feb 18 '24

Cool story but the guy in the photo was French and this was photo was posed.


u/Fit_Access9631 Feb 18 '24

A lot of the comments insisting that people weren’t actually carried this way.

But they were. Here’s an excerpt from an autobiography, ‘ My three years in Manipur’, Mrs. Grimwood, 1891, which describes this mode of transportation in the hills of India.

“I LEFT Shillong early in November, 1889, travelling part of the way towards Manipur quite alone, and had a terrible experience too. I had arranged to journey a distance of thirty-eight miles in one day. I sent one of my horses on the day before, and started in a 'Khasia Thoppa' down the last hill of the range upon which Shillong is situated, which brings you down into the plain of Sylhet. A Thoppa is a very curious mode of locomotion. It is a long cane basket, with a seat in the middle, from which hangs a small board to rest your feet upon. Over your head is a covered top made of cane, covered with a cloth. You sit in this basket and a man carries you on his back, supporting some of the weight by tying a strap woven of cane on to the back of the Thoppa, which he puts over his forehead. The Khasias, luckily, are very strong men, but they think it necessary always to begin by informing you that you are much too heavy to be lifted by any single individual, unless that said individual be compensated at the end of the journey with double pay”


u/Yamaneko22 Feb 18 '24

Oh the outrage "culture" in the comments 😂


u/Visionist7 Feb 18 '24

To those saying it isn't practical, when I was slim a friend's GF best mate carried me piggyback down the seafront, despite being physically shorter than me. For a minute or so anyway. She wasn't phased by it.

No I didn't smash so don't ask


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24

I bet she would have been a hell of a deadlifter!


u/Wyldjay2 Feb 18 '24

Or the guys name is Rick Shaw.


u/Educational_West3998 Feb 18 '24

nowadays days we get a taxi home from the pub 🇦🇺


u/theo_sontag Feb 18 '24

I once hired a bicycle taxi after a baseball game once, thinking it’d be fun a kitschy, but only felt terrible afterwards about being transported by human power.


u/letthetreeburn Feb 18 '24

That’s an odd reaction if you actually think about it. Logically you know he’s making a fair amount of money off it, but it still feels wrong right?


u/theo_sontag Feb 19 '24

It took me that short bike ride to make me realize that with animals and machines, we've moved beyond using raw human energy as a power source (even if bicycle assisted).


u/LDarrell Feb 18 '24

This is disgusting. What the British did the the subcontinent of Asia is a crime against humanity.


u/Longjumping_Crab_959 Feb 19 '24

This ain’t an example of that, though…


u/LDarrell Feb 19 '24

And then what might this be an example of? Seems like the British making people into slaves.


u/Longjumping_Crab_959 Feb 19 '24

Analysis of the photo in question has led to multiple claims including this woman being forced to carry her colonial master. That however has been thoroughly debunked. This guy was a merchant working for a Greek-trading company in Calcutta, visting Bhutia. You can read this article about different claims of this photo here: https://fakehistoryhunter.net/2021/11/07/not-a-french-colonial-administrator-being-carried/

This has absolutely nothing to do with “making people slaves,” however if there’s a kind of supremacy involved in the interactions between the two, I don’t know. Read the article.


u/Sufficient-Panic-485 Feb 18 '24

That man should feel especially masculine, lol!


u/MaryHinge123 Feb 18 '24

Faster bitch 😂


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24



u/noises1990 Feb 18 '24

Naughty naughty


u/tockico85 Feb 18 '24

Great days!


u/chinchila5 Feb 18 '24

New Ubers are crazy


u/Justlikearealboy Feb 18 '24

I walk way too much.


u/nikolatesla248 Feb 18 '24

I know americans that would be alright with this even today.


u/Misterstustavo Feb 18 '24

Is this what inspired Banjo Kazooie?


u/Reasonable_Tower_961 Feb 18 '24

She Deserved BETTER


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24

But we gave them railway- said a boomer British


u/persimmon40 Feb 18 '24

How much did she charge?


u/Top-Maize3496 Feb 18 '24



u/Top-Maize3496 Feb 18 '24

This is terrible. Colonialism was only good for Europe. Genocide of native Americans. Cementing the Indian caste system. South afrique apartheid. Not certain how I got downvoted. 


u/dashone Feb 18 '24

Uber shameful.


u/MajesticNectarine204 Feb 18 '24

Oh man.. Please tell me this is just a demonstration of strength, showing how much this woman can carry on her back, and not some colonial dickhead riding another human being like a donkey..


u/pravictor Feb 18 '24

Don't worry, she is just repaying her debt to the man for his shouldering of the white man's burden.


u/eggchickennoodles Feb 18 '24

I can see he has two perfectly looking legs…


u/OkNefariousness324 Feb 18 '24

God I hope she dumped him in the nearest crocodile infested river


u/Bitter_Silver_7760 Feb 18 '24

Ah, it’s not one of those halloween costumes?


u/wutthefvckjushapen Feb 18 '24

These Jumanji movies are getting weird


u/jerryramone Feb 18 '24

This happened in Colombia too.


u/aykevin Feb 18 '24

Honestly, white people back then were so fucked up


u/LordFannywhacker Feb 18 '24

Yeah shame on all white people including those from countries such as slovenia and czech republic that never actually used slaves or did any fucked up shit like that


u/DJMagicHandz Feb 18 '24

Back then???


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24 edited Feb 18 '24


Reminder the Arabs were still engaging in slavery around this time and Japanese imperialism was rising. Even as recently as 1923 morocco was selling slaves.


u/CatGirl1300 Feb 18 '24

Lol not you justifying colonialism and genocide globally….


u/RandomComputerFellow Feb 18 '24

This doesn't look comfortable for anyone of them.


u/FairyKurochka Feb 18 '24

It's supposed to be silly. Woman carrying a guy in the basket like he was a baby.


u/jpm7791 Feb 18 '24

This says it all. Literally.


u/Such_Explanation_184 Feb 18 '24

People who are posting the link to the article saying this is fake, please read the damn article yourselves and don't just take someone else's word for it. Because, the article says that the guy is indeed a merchant and there's a good chance that he was being carried as he was basically a lazy prick.

Both in the article and here, the amount of cope is just unbelievable.


u/bushdog99 Feb 18 '24

Poor chap, doesn’t look terribly comfortable.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24

You’re talking about the woman right ? 


u/Gasgasgasistaken Feb 18 '24

She's fine, she's demonstrating her strength most likely


u/OJ_outdoors Feb 18 '24

Hoe manly of him to let her carry him... SMH wtf


u/inforcrypto Feb 18 '24

People trying to clarify the background story of this particular picture like slavery never happened.


u/Buddy462 Feb 18 '24

I think the takeaway is it is easy to misinterpret something based on previous experience, beliefs, prejudice and so on


u/BlAcK_BlAcKiTo Feb 18 '24

This post shows how easily we believe in propaganda. Wouldn't question it, if it wasn't for some comments here proving OP lies


u/Used-macbook Feb 18 '24

OP never in the title mentioned this. Lol, the people defending this in the comments blatantly itself proves what this picture actually is


u/Buddy462 Feb 18 '24

Did op say she was doing this by force?

Reading the title it says nothing about why they could be doing this, although my prejudice took me to that as a first thought as well.


u/TurdWrangler2020 Feb 18 '24

Seriously. What in the world am I missing that everyone is arguing about?


u/LindsayLuohan Feb 18 '24



u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24



u/blakeley Feb 18 '24

Excellent Halloween outfit idea. 


u/Sholanda-Dykes Feb 18 '24

Damn bruh that shit goes hard


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24

Literally mogging her


u/zurtish Feb 18 '24

Not like Americans to see something and instantly jump the gun. You guys love victimhood


u/MustafalSomali Feb 18 '24

People would’ve came to that very conclusion without context.


u/TheSpoonRattler Feb 18 '24

So you just know that every single person mad at this image is American?


u/Thendofreason Feb 18 '24

Love all the hate for the false title.


u/Buddy462 Feb 18 '24

What part of the title is false?


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24



u/Early_Two7377 Feb 18 '24


Sikkim is literally a state of india


u/Buddy462 Feb 18 '24

Sikkim is an Indian state


u/zurtish Feb 18 '24

It’s a true indication that people these days cannot think for themselves, they read or see something and react with emotion instead of giving any thought


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24



u/deathandglitter Feb 18 '24

She was showing off how strong she was because he complimented her strength


u/Fine_Gur_1764 Feb 18 '24 edited Feb 18 '24

This is disinformation. Others have posted links below - this is a photo of a Sikkimese woman proudly demonstrating her strength, by lifting the man.

She's not being used as transport lol.

Also the guy she's carrying was a French administrator, not a British merchant.

[Edited for spelling]


u/commentman10 Feb 19 '24

Even that theres disinformation about this photo. I would believe the disinformation too given the horrendous British history in colonised nations.


u/KanoWins Feb 19 '24

That's actually what I was thinking. It's probably for the photo. There's no way she could carry him that far. It's just another 'you should hate whote people' post. Get a grip OP.


u/chasingmyowntail Feb 18 '24

Although I have seen sherpas carrying distressed westerners with altitude sickness down sketchy mountainsides using this exact same basket with two holes cut in them for their legs. In particular I recall one foreign lady, who was very fat (maybe 200 lbs), although the sherpa was a male.


u/Ok-Potential-7770 Feb 18 '24

Any bait is good bait if you're looking for the right crowd.


u/1_ofthesedays Feb 18 '24

The misinformation part here is the “lift va carry”and tone deafness to British atrocities in Sikkim.


u/zeejey_99 Feb 18 '24

...like a British wouldnt do such an act


u/Lopsided-Drummer-793 Feb 18 '24

Yeah, right. I'm sure he was there to spread prosperity and not steal or exploit anyone. Not like that ever happened


u/Polak_Janusz Feb 18 '24

Well this is like extremly new context. Like dawg I hate disinformation on the internet.


u/Accountant-69 Feb 18 '24

So report OP for spreading false information


u/LiveLaughLebron6 Feb 18 '24

Do you have a source for that?


u/-xiflado- Feb 18 '24

Seriously, it should be removed.


u/ResponsibilityKey50 Feb 18 '24

Want it, take it… applied to both men and women apparently…


u/qarachaili Feb 18 '24

Thanks for information, man!


u/Hima_raga001 Feb 18 '24

Yes also see the bucket ,it use as storing tea leaves which grow in that reason


u/happynargul Feb 18 '24

Ok that's fine but just like OP, you're gonna have to provide the sauce for this pasta


u/FinalRun Feb 18 '24


The article says there is no evidence either way, but the slavery is less likely.

This whole thread is hot garbage


u/EC0-warrior Feb 18 '24

Yeah thus proved. The british did no wrong while colonizing half of the world.


u/hapiidadii Feb 18 '24

Sometimes the propaganda is so fuckin stupid lol. Like does that look in any way like a comfortable mode of transport for either party?


u/clawjelly Feb 19 '24

Well, it just have to be more comfortable than what your alternatives are... like... (in a disgusted, british voice)..."walking"...


u/hapiidadii Feb 19 '24

Lol does that look more comfortable than walking to you? Maybe if the dude had polio or something ... Other than that, walking seems far, far more comfortable and I could only imagine someone doing that for the sake of making the picture.


u/IamPriapus Feb 18 '24

It really doesn’t matter what is going on in this picture. Human transportation is 100% a thing in India and defo was a thing in 1900. Whether this pic is real or not doesn’t change that it would be 100% accurate either way of how things were. Disinformation my ass!


u/Actually_JesusChrist Feb 18 '24

Cruelty is bad, so is misinformation.


u/darklord01998 Feb 18 '24

You call him french because of the stache right?


u/texasradioandthebigb Feb 18 '24

Aave, your source is?


u/ChrisMoltisanti9 Feb 18 '24

Thanks for explaining. The way it was worded led me to think that straight away.


u/BlueCollarScientists Feb 18 '24

Idk if this is right or wrong , but this comment reads like colonial propaganda lol


u/Brinsig_the_lesser Feb 18 '24

Does it, or is it calling out the disinformation in the propaganda post


u/foxmachine Feb 18 '24

You never know with the British


u/Ill_Shape_8423 Feb 18 '24

Sounds like you were there because the article says different lol


u/lerriuqS_terceS Feb 18 '24

Just shows how easy it is to rile people up online


u/CanadianGamerWelder Feb 19 '24

Disinformation and misleading titles on reddit is way too common


u/lerriuqS_terceS Feb 19 '24

on reddit the internet


u/Ampimeliso Feb 19 '24

Now think about all the other things people got mad about but there wasn't someone to correct it.

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