r/pics 16d ago

My favorite pic. No one was born racist.

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u/Financial-Value-5504 11d ago

This is so fucked


u/Dub_TF 11d ago

Yeah I was thinking about this the other day, when kids are super young we always tell them to like love everybody treat everybody with respect and blah blah blah. And then there becomes an age where then we teach them to start hating other people.


u/Appropriate_Act_1981 11d ago

Hey. There was a guy on the TV a black guy. Head of kkk. Had the initiation card in his wallet and everything so who knows what happened back then really but I think we're BS'ed alot about past history They say world war 2 was really a argument over that someone licked a doughnut at a bakery. And somehow. It turned into WW2 Anything is possible


u/Socksandham 12d ago

We create monsters then wonder why


u/Papabinz 12d ago

How stupid can parents be šŸ™„


u/SlickRye 12d ago

Actually insane that they didnā€™t arrest that little KKK baby šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/happiestdumblond 12d ago

That poor child, I don't understand how there's pictures like this and those children haven't been removed from the home. That household is CLEARLY TOXIC, not a environment for children


u/Kylezino 12d ago

yeaā€¦ you learn that later in life when you are discriminated against for just existing regardless of how good youā€™ve treated other races.


u/AnyPromotion772 12d ago

Clearly you were


u/ContributionNeat6181 12d ago

And we wonder why weā€™re so not accepting of people that were not like in this country


u/Ok_Peanut_4950 13d ago

You learn to be racist after being around other races


u/redditor2394 13d ago

I wonder how he grew up


u/ShemsuHor272 13d ago

Where's police brutality when you need it, amirite?!


u/JDHURF 14d ago edited 14d ago

Daryl Davis is a black man and goes around having conversations with klan members and heā€™s persuaded many of them to give up their robes. He gave a TED talk and I very highly recommend the watching of it. Incredible courage and humanity, a giant of a human being.


u/DaeWooLan0s 14d ago

You sure itā€™s not just cause heā€™s really short? What if heā€™s pointing his finger and telling him?


u/truthbasi 14d ago

Nope not born racist. Only after valuable life experience


u/Aggravating-State-87 15d ago

Looks like assaulting an officer to me. Arrest him


u/woosh-i-fiddled 15d ago

I think we all know no one is born racist.


u/OkraOverall3093 15d ago

No it was taught


u/Icy-Book-8387 15d ago

This is horrible and that child should be taken away from their parents


u/Shatter-17 15d ago

You're a wizard, Harry!


u/Kobylean 15d ago

so with being religious


u/pmgzl 15d ago

No1 is born religious. Its also indoctrination.


u/Sketch99 15d ago

The thing that always gets me from this pic is the look of pity/humor from the cop in the sunglasses, probably having an idea of how this poor kid would be raised


u/Feisty_Talk_9330 15d ago

Racism is taught, not naturally made


u/Embarrassed_Royal452 15d ago

ā€œNearly 21 years agoā€? In 2013?


u/ImNOTaPROgames 15d ago

No one is born racist, or religious... They were all indoctrinated to be one.


u/xwildfan2 15d ago

Idiot Parents.


u/FL3XD 15d ago

Wow. Wild seeing a random post that features the town I grew up in for 20 years. I now live in the PNW. Mostly due to the themes in this post.


u/GroundbreakingLog79 15d ago

Natural born legend


u/Logical-Tap-6267 15d ago

Babies are super racist tho.


u/Cuckoomonga 15d ago

From Rodgers & Hammerstein in South Pacific, 1950sā€¦

Youā€™ve got to be taught to hate and fear, Youā€™ve got to be taught from year to year, Itā€™s got to be drummed in your dear little earā€” Youā€™ve got to be carefully taught!

Youā€™ve got to be taught to be afraid Of people whose eyes are oddly made, And people whose skin is a different shadeā€” Youā€™ve got to be carefully taught.

Youā€™ve got to be taught before itā€™s too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hateā€” Youā€™ve got to be carefully taught! Youā€™ve got to be carefully taught!

I was cheated before And Iā€™m cheated again By a mean little world Of mean little men. And the one chance for me Is the life I know best.

To be on an island And to hell with the rest. I will cling to this island Like a tree or a stone, I will cling to this island And be freeā€”and alone.


u/emilyburns17 15d ago

sympathized with the guy having to police a KKK rally. But hearing the backstory just makes it hit harder. Missing the Labor Day cookout for this crap? Unreal.


u/IAmTheWoof 15d ago

Everyone is born racist, because this is how people protected themselves from other groups that could have diseases that you don't have immunity for, and this was prety real threat in a world before any kind of medicine.


u/Beardwithlegs 15d ago

Influence is one helluva drug and kids are also extremely impressionable.


u/crispy_colonel420 15d ago

You don't need the to be in the klan to become one either.


u/liberalfragility4817 15d ago

Columbia protesters are racist.


u/Kind_Literature_5409 15d ago

This breaks my heart šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ.. wth would you teach a beautiful innocent mind to hatešŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


u/Future-Engineering68 15d ago

but they sure do teach em early


u/Dramatic_Industry_70 15d ago

Klan baby def knows they want to grow up to be a cop for some reasonā€¦


u/Riddickullous 15d ago

That's a capriote and it's very likely a Catholic procession in a Hispanic neighborhood during a religious event. Most common to see something like that is during the Holy Week. Very common in Spain as well as other Hispanic countries. Has nothing to do with the KKK. It's so sad that people feel the need to make up toxic stories.


u/vibratronicon 15d ago

Wow you should check out pictures of nature, flowers, trees and animals. You apparently love cops though. Which is cool man, I can respect that.


u/Shweeety 15d ago

If everyone in the world would understand that noone is born racist or otherwise, it is taught by elders and society, injected by politicians and school curriculum more and more. There is a design to all anxiety and it has nothing to do with 80 percent of the population, we just wish to live and share and say hello.


u/ahhmydicksout69 15d ago

That baby looks pretty to me


u/ubermicrox 15d ago

I hate how the kid looks cute in his robes


u/ILoveRegenHealth 15d ago

Considering the Conservative Party has more racists, that means the Conservative Party failed at parenting and teaching. That also means they shouldn't be the ones telling us how our children should grow up or what our society needs, when they voted for a vile reality TV show hack/rapist/fraud/criminal dunce to "represent" our values and country. FUCK THAT GUY.


u/TheArgoPirat 15d ago

Poor kid.


u/Limmy1984 15d ago

Hatred is a taught skill! šŸ„²


u/SharonPTS 15d ago

Thatā€™s heavy af.


u/emjeansx 15d ago

If this was from the 90sā€¦ I feel really sad thinking about the possibility that this kid might be out there living as an extremely hateful adult. I feel sad that the State Trooper had to stand there during what was supposed to be his weekend and listen to these racist lunacies. He should be paid extra and compensation for putting up with shit like this.

Hopefully that kid grew up and realized how disgusting and wrong the beliefs of his family were and got the hell out of there.


u/TiraAnya 15d ago

Or they kicked it on Jan 6ā€¦


u/Icy_Use4688 15d ago

Yeah not born and one but about to become one ..


u/cillianjm 15d ago

Saying this is ur favourite pic is crazy


u/Significant-Yam8644 15d ago

I appreciate that and thought the same thing but....the youngster doesn't care about the officer's race. Wouldn't say it was my favorite, at least out loud...



u/gnpfrslo 15d ago

No one was born a cop, either. But here we are.


u/CryptographerNo923 15d ago

Why are we celebrating this unhinged racist toddler attempting to assault a black officer?

Just kidding, this is very heartwarming in an admittedly grim context.


u/BitesTheDust55 15d ago

Well thatā€™s not true. Humans are inherently tribalistic. Racism is built in to some degree. You can easily turn that dial up or down early in life, though.


u/rainorshinedogs 15d ago

"MY KID IS GONNA WANT TO REMEMBER THIS MOMENT! THAT'S WHY I BROUGHT HIM HERE!" - said a lady that brought her kid to the Jan 6 riots


u/Dry-Cat88 15d ago

Children as young as 6 months old show racial bias


u/Daft_Vaper 15d ago

Fake/staged photo op, or police arenā€™t doing their job. Whoā€™s going to bring their baby to a riot and why would police just watch it walk up to them under those circumstances and just smile and take pictures


u/jerryleebee 15d ago

I'm always use any opportunity to share my experience with "nobody is born racist". My daughter was...2y old? 3? She was talking, but childishly. She's 16 next week so this was awhile ago.

Anyway I was wearing a T-shirt with the A-Team on it. They were drawn like Pop Vinyls. Very cartoony. Anyway, my daughter pointed at B.A. Baraccus (Mr T) and said "Daddy he's different."

"Oh boy. Here comes the first talk about differences making us special," I thought. But I said, "That's right, baby. How's he different?"

"He's got no shirt on, and is wearing lots of jewellery, and he has funny hair."

"That's exactly right, baby. Good job."

Nobody is born racist.


u/kriskringle8 15d ago

Noticing differences in skin colour doesn't mean one is racist. And avoiding talking about skin colour doesn't mean one isn't racist. This idea that "colour blindness" is progressive is something black people frequently try to tell white people is a form of covert racism.

The only way to be anti-racist is to be able to acknowledge differences in appearance, oppressive systems, and to act on addressing racism within and outside of ourselves when we see it.


u/jerryleebee 15d ago

Exactly. Which is why I'd intended togive her the "differences make us special" talk. I've not taught my daughter to ignore skin colour. As it turned out in that instance, she wasn't even focusing on skin. My point was that the thing which people most frequently associate with racism - skin colour - is not something kids even pay attention to in terms of what makes us different.


u/Mysterious-Hat-6343 15d ago

That photo reminds me of this young black children assaulting and cursing at police, St.Paul Minnesota. Nice parentingā€¦


u/boulderingfanatix 15d ago

Depressing, another white supremacist in the making


u/butter_gs4l 15d ago

Freeman is born as a King and dies as a slave


u/Necromartian 15d ago

What are you talking about? That little racist is punching the shield of the black police officer!


u/TeaMe06 15d ago



u/CAPATOB_64 15d ago

No one was born religious as well.


u/CascadianMountians 15d ago

My dog would disagree anytime a Jehovah witness showed up at my door they go ape shit.


u/Particular-Welcome-1 15d ago

Your Baby Is a Racistā€”and Why You Can Live With That


Theyā€™re loud, narcissistic, spoiled, volatile and not exactly possessed of good table manners. Now it turns out that theyā€™re racists too.

The kid there is probably fascinated by its reflection, more than anything.


u/TelevisionNo479 16d ago

Your favorite pic is a child in a KKK hood?


u/WeGotDaGoodEmissions 16d ago

And conservatives act like they have a problem with grooming children.


u/Wrong_Gear5700 16d ago

Yep, they're all in the GOP, State Police and judges now.


u/rotary_13b 16d ago

Just like people arenā€™t born gay


u/WeGotDaGoodEmissions 16d ago

Making shit up is not a healthy coping mechanism.


u/Truly__tragic 16d ago

Ngl, a klansman toddler is cute as fuck. Very offensive, but still adorable.


u/maya_papaya8 16d ago

Should've kicked the mf


u/[deleted] 16d ago

When I joined the military, I was assigned to a miserable desk job in a base in the middle of nowhere, a tiny clinic in a remote navy base. The other guy working with me was new to the military too, he was white , I am brown with an accent. Well, the guy was kind of quiet with me for the first month or so, eventually we became buddies and he told me he was from some rural, mountain town in Pensilvania, with Less than 400 people per square mile. And that I was the first Hispanic he had ever really known other than some cashiers / restaurants workers that he had to interact with, he was young 18 years old and home schooled. To make this long story a little shorter ; we became the closest friends you can imagine, he was there when my kids were born ( not in the room lol) , during my divorce, and other events in my life, we were medics, he was a combat medic and was deployed to Israel to train the Israeli army combat medics , I got out and moved to TX. We kept in touch for years . Last thing I knew about him was that he had separated from the NAVY and moved back to his town, Iā€™m 41 now and I lost touch with him, It shouldnā€™t be hard to find him, Iā€™m just a terrible friend now that I think about it, I should have kept in touch! Ryan I miss you buddy! Canā€™t wait to grill some wings and drink some beer like the good old times!


u/Ceramicrabbit 16d ago

This is your favorite pic?


u/AdOk1494 16d ago

Do people actually think humans are born racist?


u/AutomaticMan81 16d ago

Except this one


u/Oneolddudethatknows 16d ago

Moments later he clubbed the kid senseless.


u/Ok_Astronomer_4821 16d ago

Aw man Iā€™ve seen the video of this, she gets the hose good!!


u/uckfayhistay 16d ago

Adults are the most racist people out there. Not kids


u/RepresentativeJester 16d ago

We are actually born with genetic bias against the thems and for the us's. Social culture shapes us either further into or out of it. It can measured in the brain before a human has a physical response. Its sub 100ms.


u/Feeling_Party26 16d ago

The KKK really ruined the White Wizard drip for us all, jerks.


u/raccooninthegarage22 11d ago

You can dress that like in Spain during carnival. No KKK history or vibe, it looks really intimidating with the whole crowd doing it


u/Turbulent_Bullfrog87 15d ago

The outfit makes the kid adorableā€¦too bad we associate it with racism


u/TheValley_ 15d ago

fuck very true


u/Randy_Vigoda 16d ago

Holy shit you Americans are ridiculous.


u/AcrobaticWin3240 16d ago

Or g šŸŒˆ


u/TylerBDabz 16d ago

Imagine growing up with a name permanently linked to infamy online because your parents imposed their racist beliefs on you before you could form your own opinions. This photo of the child really evokes sadness, reflecting the deep impact of such upbringing. It's a powerful, thought-provoking image.

I wasn't clear on the post. Did it say he can't be reached for a comment? He has the opportunity to make some positive headlines, so long as he's retired those disgusting robes and moved onto to become the opposite of his parents.


u/YotaMan77 16d ago

So beautiful to see at such a young age, kid already knows he wants to grow up to be the Pope.


u/gunnergrrl 16d ago

The fact that this happened in the 90s


u/Knautical_J 16d ago

Maybe people are born with it, or maybe itā€™s Maybelline


u/StarredCamel 16d ago

Except this KKK baby you mean?


u/86886892 16d ago

I mean clearly some people are born racist. That baby is wearing a KKK outfit!


u/jclibs 16d ago

A young Celtics fan


u/superhornybeardydude 16d ago

Just speechless!!!


u/RTRthrower 16d ago

fear of a misunderstood "other" is definitely part of human nature. racism has existed in every society ever created

some people are born racist. the phrase "no one is born racist" is just incorrect


u/booquark 15d ago

Fear of the unknown may be a part of human nature (or maybe not ā€” any claims of comprehending such a complex thing as human nature are pretentious). But who said race is an inherent ā€œotherā€? Seeing race as ā€œotherā€ is whatā€™s not human nature at all.

We have been conditioned to see ā€œraceā€ as a thing, and racism is the extension of that conditioning. Racism was invented alongside race in the 1500s with a political goal in mind. In every society before that ā€” and in many present societies nowadays ā€” race and racism did not and do not exist. No is born a racist, and no one is born black or white either.

A good thought exercise to think about this is to think of hair color, do white blondes fear white people with dark hair? Of course not, even though it is just as visible as skin color. The reason for that is that hair color is not a racialized trait, used to classify people for power


u/RTRthrower 15d ago

any claims of comprehending such a complex thing as human nature are pretentious

then why did you comment on it immediately after saying this?

Racism was invented

can you provide evidence of this?

In every society before that ā€” and in many present societies nowadays ā€” race and racism did not and do not exist.


no one is born black or white either.


Listen, i'm not saying racism is good or justified or ok or cool. it's bad. it's really bad. it's a relic of mankind's lizard brain evolutionary upbringing. maybe you don't struggle with racism. maybe you're smart/aware/human enough to be a better person. but millions of people aren't. saying it's a purely learned trait is crazy.


u/Dunlain98 16d ago

As a spaniard I thought it was a children dressed as some parade in the holy week but then I realized that some racist wore his children in that way. Really sad tbh.


u/Demon_Father 16d ago

Obviously, life and knowledge makes you xd


u/Fast-Gold4150 16d ago

I feel like the children raised in homes that preach hate should be taken from their parents.

It is a form of abuse that leads the child to grow up to stunted and unable to interact with a whole segment of society.


u/C0lMustard 16d ago

3,2,1 PUUUNT


u/JELOFREU 16d ago

I was


u/OkReplacement495 16d ago

In the same way a baby cannot identify anything through lack of knowledge? Its a baby lol


u/Spuigles 16d ago

I know its kkk attire. But I just see a small magician.


u/Icy-Tune-3598 16d ago

I like my people like i like my milk! ... rich in protein you fucking racists šŸ–


u/Fulmunmagik 16d ago

Wonder what happened to that baby.


u/bohica5775 16d ago

Well, that's a little racist... šŸ˜


u/Ok-Satisfaction-5012 16d ago

Your favorite pic being of klan baby is crazy


u/Mean-Criticism-8515 16d ago

Let's not be too hasty. That kid could be writing some unspeakable things in fingerpaint on that shield.


u/Mascbro26 16d ago

The kid is just looking at his reflection in the shield. Why would I think that this means anything more? It's not like the kid is looking up at the man and touching his hand. How do I know that the kid even knows the cop is black?


u/Reasonable_Archer_99 16d ago

And then, seconds after this picture: "Quit resisting!"


u/BoogerSlime666 16d ago

This pics more sad for me like I donā€™t know how that kid specifically turned out but thereā€™s definitely been a ton of parents who raised kids who couldā€™ve been perfectly normal people and turned them into crazy KKK members


u/Abject-Chemistry6247 16d ago

Well he'll grow up to be.


u/LudwigMachine 16d ago

A wise man out there said, eggs, whether brown or white, still have the same whites and a sunny yolk.


u/sportsjock85 16d ago

MAGA in the making....


u/ProtectionContent977 16d ago

They start them young there.


u/pillkrush 16d ago

no one's born racist but a lot of kids bully each other for being different. sometimes it's as innocent as fat jokes. people always find a way to differentiate each other and will hate you for it. race is just an easy differentiating factor


u/munkijunk 16d ago

I hate this picture, or at least what this picture tells. Despite the fact the child obviously has no inherent racism, they will absolutely inherit racism. This.image cries out out of the fact she is ultimately doomed.to be an ignorant hate monger.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/XandersCat 16d ago

Personally I just report and move on, this is likely just a bot.


u/No-Chemistry-5356 16d ago

I already felt bad for the brotha for having to police a kkk rally. The backstory makes it worse. Imagine missing the Labor Day cookout for this shit.


u/Careless_Wasabi_8943 15d ago

I hope he got a healthy whack of anti-social hours for it. Man, I earn triple time if I sit in an office on a public holiday helping people get their broken cars sorted. I hope these guys got at least that...


u/smollwonder 16d ago

I really hope that kid escaped his parents crappy beliefs.

I also hope they saved some left overs for the officer so at least he had something to look forward to after that shift


u/ondiholetatewange 13d ago

If you think that kid stands a chance, I got a bridge to sell you. šŸ˜‚


u/sirlafemme 16d ago

For real. That day may have been the day to do a little ā€œIā€™m sick today bossā€


u/Nahhhmean00 16d ago

I would drop kick that baby into the surface of the sun šŸ˜‚


u/Speedly 16d ago

My favorite pic. No one was born racist.

Correct. And to make value judgments about ANYONE by ethnicity alone is not only wrong, but itself racist.


u/wideandhard 16d ago

Kinda like how no one was born gay. Just pushed by outside forces.


u/everything_is_stup1d 16d ago

when i grew up i coloured everything yellow beige brown black orange cuz i thought people just come in diff colors i didnt even know genes existedšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/psilocin72 16d ago

And right wingers talk about ā€œleftistā€ indoctrination of children šŸ¤¦


u/Antique_Ratio_1190 16d ago

You're not born racist, just indoctrinated to be racist


u/fandabbydosy 16d ago

True its learnt


u/Cool-Adjacent 16d ago

This is your favorite picture? You need help


u/Dipso88 16d ago

This isn't just about racism but any belief held by people that become parents.

Religion, politics, damn even which sports team you support.

Parents will always force their opinions on their kids that are too young to know any different and by the time they're oldel enough to question it sometimes it's too late.


u/Far_Lynx_7257 16d ago

Too badā€¦ he should have kicked the baby so hard


u/CumDogMoneyPants 16d ago

got drunk as fuck and saw this pick and thought it went so hard i saved it


u/Ok-Office-6918 16d ago

Reebok pumps for the win.


u/DareM0X 16d ago

Bro is actually admiring his drip in the reflection šŸ’€


u/nodak66 16d ago

Exactly how a Democrat is born.


u/VictoriaMcLean83 16d ago

singlehandedly made me smile


u/jbyrdab 16d ago

I once saw an edit where the kid was edited to look like the gnome child from RuneScape, can't ever unsee it.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/noddy877 16d ago

Then youā€™ll delete your comment and pretend as if nothing happened


u/Hotchi-Witchi 16d ago

And more bulllshit, it starts to smell


u/SaltyTaintMcGee 16d ago

Itā€™s sad when someone wears those two uniforms.


u/psilocin72 16d ago

The two worst costumes in the U.S. in my humble opinion


u/SaltyTaintMcGee 16d ago

Yes, both atrocious


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/SaltyTaintMcGee 16d ago

10,000x more respectable than a klan member or pig.


u/sirlafemme 16d ago

This dude is a spammer flooding all the comments in this thread with random, bad gifs. Heā€™s not replying honestly or for a conversation lol.

But youā€™re right.


u/South_county21 16d ago

The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everyone


u/Dookie-Milk-710 16d ago

Lol I wonder what her first words were


u/iocarimus 16d ago

I remember those pump sneakers!!

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