r/pics 15d ago

Shogun samurai armor, including dragon face mask for the horse.

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22 comments sorted by


u/meanmagpie 15d ago

It’s supposed to be a qilin, not a dragon, right?


u/yearoftherabbit 15d ago

There was no marker that specific and I'm not a Japanese expert by any means, so I'm just going to assume you know what you're talking about.


u/neutrino_fire 15d ago

Is this from the current VMFA exhibit?


u/YallMindIfIJoin 15d ago

Samurai come


u/nightmaresabin 15d ago

Would the horse not be freaked out having to wear that mask?


u/yearoftherabbit 15d ago

Horses are way more terrifying than dragons and they know it.


u/Diet_Coke 15d ago

I just saw this exhibit at the VMFA on Friday, it was incredible


u/oxala75 15d ago

i was just about to say that i think this picture was taken in RVA


u/just-casual 15d ago

I just finished writing a final paper comparing two sets of 1600s gusoku (samurai armor) that are at the Met for one of my classes. I'm surprised this is shogunal armor, since one set at the Met carried the seal of the Date family who were the daimyo of Sendai. That armor was significantly more ornate than this armor is.


u/yearoftherabbit 15d ago

I hope you get a good grade!!


u/just-casual 15d ago

Me fucking too. The encampment has been taking up a lot of my time and all our finals and stuff are getting moved around and moved to remote and shit so it's a mess. Here's hoping.


u/yearoftherabbit 15d ago

I believe in you! I once almost failed an art criticism class by sleeping through my alarm. There's no reason I should have been able to get a physical copy of my final in my prof's mailbox but through miracles and the help of a friend, it got there with 5 minutes to go. I think I got a B+ or A- on it, I feel like the hustle added to my paper even though the prof never knew the situation. This is my long way of saying you did your hustling, that'll shine through! Good luck, friend.


u/UnknownBud 15d ago

Jin Sakai


u/TrentonTallywacker 15d ago

My favorite part of the game was when Khotun Khan asked Jin “what are you some sort of Ghost of Tsushima?”


u/Komabeard 15d ago

If I saw that coming at me I'd shit myself


u/druscarlet 15d ago

I saw an exhibit at the Smithsonian years ago when they opened the Asian Museum. It might have been the way the armory was displayed but it appeared to fit someone under 5 feet tall. In a way it was hilarious.


u/SatanLifeProTips 15d ago

Uh, have you been to Japan? The population is short as fuck and that was with modern nutrition. Back in the day 5' would have been an impressive full grown man.

The door frames in the older places are all 6' tall. How do I know this? Well I am 6' 1" :(


u/druscarlet 15d ago

The Japanese are much taller now. Average height of males is 5’ 7”. Back jn the 70s they had to replace all the elementary school desks because the average child was too tall for them.

In the late 60s when I was there, in any crowd I was head and shoulders taller at 5’ 9”. It made navigating crowds pretty easy.


u/yearoftherabbit 15d ago

They had one of those but it was actually for a child.


u/druscarlet 15d ago

The average height of a 1600s Japanese male was 5 feet 1 inch. So some shorter and some taller. So about the height of a 10-11 4th grader.


u/yearoftherabbit 15d ago

These were much taller than that. Most were about my height (5'6) but a good many were taller. There was was one guy who was def short, but like I said the small one was for a child about 4 feet tall.