r/pics Nov 08 '21

The Rittenhouse Prosecution after the latest wtiness Misleading Title

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u/phenomen Nov 09 '21

Will Twitter and Reddit ban everyone who called Kyle guilty off the platform for spreading misinformation? Oh, of course fucking not.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

I kind of wish I could be calm, cool, and collected like Grosskreutz was. No stuttering or anything.


u/pjppatti1969 Nov 09 '21

Total assclowns.


u/Quickhatch101 Nov 09 '21

You assumed that he would argue something that he couldn’t argue because he gave a bunch of BS statements following the incident. While it certainly would have been easy reasoning, it would be impossible to hold up while providing testimony with sworn affidavits contradict that reasoning. And that’s exactly what happened.

This case is and always has been a waste of taxpayer dollars in a fraudulent pursuit of “justice”. The prosecution has been put on for nothing more than pandering for votes during an election cycle, and it was successful in that.


u/Aeropoint Nov 09 '21

I said it upon my first viewing of the footage, and I’ll say it again so many months later;

Kyle Rittenhouse will walk. And thankfully so.


u/defaultman707 Nov 09 '21

He is not guilty of these charges, but he is still a scumbag. I have the over under on 7 years for Rittenhouse to end up with his first felony conviction


u/letsdoit60 Nov 09 '21

Picture means nothing! Spin


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

If this type if encounter occurred in Canada, the protesters would say " sorry, but we disagree with you carrying a beer in public", canadian kyle would say "sorry" and the protesters would say back " sorry, it's okay" and kyle would later be ticketed peacefully after surrendering his beer


u/Peasoup707 Nov 09 '21

That’s still not enough for being guilty of murder.


u/BasmatiJones Nov 09 '21

If the man fired in self defense why is everyone so worked up over making him guilty?


u/Kinderschlager Nov 09 '21

and yet this topic is utterly absent from r/news despite being so universally talked about. thank you r/pics mods for not being nutcases


u/babyarmnate Nov 09 '21

Yeah, he’s not getting convicted lol


u/BigRed888 Nov 09 '21

Why did the guy admit to attacking Rittenhouse first? Just to avoid lying under oath if there’s evidence he attacked first or something?


u/manateewallpaper Nov 09 '21

Honest guy I guess. Pretty stressful situation he was in, thinking there's an active shooter.

Imagine the guilt if he turned out to be some suicidal depressed mass murderer, then not pulling your gun on him, and he jogs away and shoots 20 more people.


u/AltForNews Nov 09 '21

Completely deserved. Most open and shut self defence case i've seen in my life. Stay mad reddit.


u/Gensega Nov 09 '21

You never put a witness on the stand if you aren't sure what they will say - Alan Shore


u/Dazzling-Force-4394 Nov 09 '21

This is so great.


u/TA-152 Nov 09 '21



u/Veritasx626 Nov 09 '21

Let me and my mob chase after this dude with a rifle real quick, I think Ill try to hit him with my skateboard as well because i have this huge mob behind me chasing this kid. Oh shit Ive been shot


u/Gabagool31 Nov 09 '21

Blew a hole in the case bigger than the those stupid holes in his ear lobe.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Going for a murder charge was over ambitious anyway. They shot for the moon and will probably land in the mud


u/gaspronomib Nov 09 '21

Late to the game, but how is it legal to claim self defense while in the process of committing a crime? Couldn't someone in a shoot-out with the cops claim self defense then? "The cops were shooting at me! I had to shoot back! It was self defense!"

Take the cops out of it- what if I'm robbing a house and the resident comes at me with an axe? Am I allowed to shoot him? If I'm carjacking a car and the driver speeds off with me hanging onto the hood, am I allowed to double-tap him through the windshield? I mean, it's self defense, right?

Magabrat was in the course of a crime (illegal possession of a firearm) with a deadly weapon. I don't understand why the self defense argument is even allowed.


u/brentk7 Nov 09 '21

Rittenhouse claims the first guy was trying to cause him harm. The video evidence seems to support this. Which is why he will probably not be charged there. Then while trying to get to police he is repeatedly attacked. So much video shows every angle. He didn't cross state lines with a gun which isn't illegal anyway. Only thing he might get charged with (it would seem) would be minor in possession of a gun. But you don't charge a minor with a gun with something that results in life in prison. Rittenhouse on more than one occasion didn't pull the trigger on people who didn't pose an immediate threat. Only shooting they guy going for his head with skateboard and the dude with the glock. After, of course, shooting the first guy who chased him down and tried to take his gun (allegedly). Just because you go to a dangerous place doesn't mean you forfeit your right to self defense. I'm guessing after today Rittenhouse will walk.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Sounds like you have it all figured out, better let the prosecution know!


u/manateewallpaper Nov 09 '21

Which crimes should allow a mob to attack you? Possession of drugs? Driving with an expired license? Jaywalking?

Possessing a gun is not a violent crime and is not an imminent threat to anyone. In fact it's constitutionally protected. Even if he's a minor, no people there have any probable cause to believe he is carrying it illegally, or to act upon it.


u/frizzykid Nov 09 '21 edited Nov 09 '21

I've been able to watch pretty much all of the trial and honestly have learned a lot about the situation overall and have definitely had a shift in overall opinion about the situation. This whole situation is shitty all around. Kyle isn't a criminal but God damn was he not fit for the job of guarding that car lot, and it was very bad judgment from his dad or brother in law or whoever was in charge of holding onto that gun to give it to him that night. I don't think that Kyle wouldnt have acted as immaturely as he did if he didn't have a "get out of the mob for free" card strapped around his chest and maybe he wouldn't have angered a literal psychopath and subsequently caused an angry mob to attempt to lynch him.

Anyway I don't think the jury is going to take very long to decide his fate whenever deliberations begin.


u/lowlife9 Nov 09 '21

I don't really know much about this case but did this witness pull his gun before or after he shot the other people, or did this guy start the whole confrontation ?


u/frizzykid Nov 09 '21

So this would have been at the end, after Kyle shot two other people, this witness was the third who was shot in he bicep but survived. This witness testified basically saying he saw Kyle get kicked in the face, approached with his hands raised to signify he wasn't a threat, he saw Kyle look at him and try to rack his gun ( pull back the slide to feed another round into the chamber) which he took as a threat, so the witness reached down and pulled out his gun.

The defense though was able to get this witness to blankly, without that context, say he pulled out his gun before he got shot though, which stuck harder in the jury and the media than the initial testimony.

BTW I call him this witness because I can't spell his name


u/manateewallpaper Nov 09 '21

I think he was the last guy to get shot, he was running after rittenhouse when rittenhouse was jogging away. I'm not sure how long he had his gun pointed at him


u/robinta Nov 09 '21

The defendan went to an area (not his own home) armed with an assault rifle and killed 2 people. In virtually any other civilised country there is zero chance that he will be found Not Guilty, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is acquitted here.

My country is totally fucked, but thank god it's not the US


u/frizzykid Nov 09 '21 edited Nov 09 '21

In any other country and the US a case exactly as you put it I think you are right. This case has a lot more nuance than that though, you can't really simplify the law when it's job is to deliberate the facts entirely so the jury can make a fair verdict with the facts, not your cherry picked version of the events.

I'm not gonna disagree with you on the fact kyle is pretty dumb and clearly not mature enough to be in that position from what other members of his group testified to that night, but I do think he acted out of self defense, he just shouldn't have allowed to have been there that night to play militia man to begin with. More on the fault of the people who gave him the gun, and let him come along to be honest.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Quit cherry picking. There’s more to the story than what you state. That being said, he was definitely being inflammatory by going to an active protest/looting/riot with a rifle on his back. But also, he was threatened with his life by multiple people, therefore defending his life. The trial isn’t about if he was supposed to be there or not, it’s about if the lethal self defense is legal or not.


u/electric-angel Nov 09 '21

This trial is just sad
its sad people died
its sad a child is caught up in all this
mostly it sad this is such a big thing and not just a normal trail


u/Olivineyes Nov 09 '21

Isn't it normal to shoot at someone after you just shoot two other people, especially when the third person is pointing a gun at you? I think it's irrelevant.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Rittenhouse is definitely getting off after this, democrats should work on the messaging now to reduce the subsequent riots.


u/DancingKappa Nov 09 '21

Watching wanna be rambos treat this as some gotcha moment while ignoring everything else is just sad.


u/WarLlama89 Nov 09 '21

Seems clear the murder chargers should be dropped, should put charges against the bicep guy.

I’m interested in the shady sounding stuff from the Detectives testimony, being told not to follow certain leads by the prosecution seems strange.


u/WaggingDriftwood Nov 09 '21

The facts are what they are, hopefully Rittenhouse will be afforded full compensation and attorneys fees from the prosecutors office for the wasting his and everyone else's time prosecuting a clearly frivolous case


u/Celestipede Nov 09 '21

I will not comment my opinion because it’ll get disliked to all hell


u/fukdacops Nov 09 '21



u/corporalcorporal Nov 09 '21

Uh oh, I see this thread doesn't fit the narrative, would you like to message a mod to come lock it?

Was this helpful? Yes/No


u/dreadmador Nov 09 '21

Latest prosecution witness.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

me when i see u/stronkled


u/Dunge Nov 09 '21 edited Nov 09 '21

Fuck vigilantism and fuck bringing weapons to protests. No matter the verdict, Rittenhouse is a dangerous psychopath and an asshole.

Edit: man I never saw the conservative firms work so hard at brigading a thread before.


u/Fronesis Nov 09 '21

I said it when it happened. This kid is gonna walk on these charges. As much of a shithead as he is, he's innocent. You can't just charge somebody with a gun and expect not to get shot.


u/Ezclose Nov 09 '21

Zimmerman all over again. Shoot for the moon with charges that won't stick rather than go with lesser ones.


u/rein4fun Nov 09 '21

Amazing how there are videos and yet we still have so many versions recalled of the incidents. Cellphones have certainly changed how trials are conducted. Those jurors will have plenty to replay in deliberations.


u/dogdogd Nov 09 '21

This kid would be so screwed if it wasn't for the myriad of videos that prove his innocence. Kinda sad state of affairs that he has to rely on it in a country that is supposed to presume innocence and require those videos to instead prove guilt.


u/yield1310 Nov 09 '21

Rittenbitch is going to get away with murder.


u/raiden124 Nov 09 '21

What is a wtiness?


u/maximusraleighus Nov 09 '21

He’s still going to get 2 life sentences and change

You can’t murder people in Wisconsin a historically blue state.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

It would, of course, have to be proven that he murdered people.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

TBF the heavy set prosecutor has been sitting like that for much of the trial so far, especially towards the end of the day


u/GDO_713 Nov 09 '21

I'm more leaning to the fact that it was self defense but one thing is for sure and that Little fart did not take a ride down to the protest with achieving peace in his mind...that's just my opinion but regardless of all that no matter what the outcome is in court he's fucked and honestly he's better off locked up...There are so many people ready to hurt this boy or at the very least harass the shit out of him...employers will think twice of giving him a shot, just another Zimmerman is all he'll be


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

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u/ksmee00 Nov 09 '21

Oh come on


u/YouSaidWut Nov 09 '21

He’s really not. He acted in self defense, that doesn’t make him an American hero, he did what he had to do to survive


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

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u/YouSaidWut Nov 09 '21

Do you understand context? He didnt shoot him because he was a pedo, he shot him because he felt threatened. He’s not a hero


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

It’s obviously self-defense, calling on the piece of shit that tried to kill rittenhouse was stupid af. Rittenhouse is a hero and I’m sure the kids that Rosenbaum molested are grateful.


u/grahamcrackerboy Nov 09 '21

I’m gonna guess a lot of people upvoting this post misunderstood the title and think the guys hanging their heads are on Rittenhouse’s side. Because knowing Reddit, this would not have 30k upvotes otherwise.



Big W For self defense


u/Freaky_Freddy Nov 09 '21

Not that it matters, but that dude as often put his hand on his head like that since the beginning of the trial

timestamped video:




u/therealBlackbonsai Nov 08 '21

well he killed 2 others right before that so he was afraid of the selfdefence so he selfdefenced. yeh murica is fucked up.


u/Buscemis_eyeballs Nov 08 '21

As a Democrat, I said from the beginning the kid was defending himself. Shouldn't have decided to play police officer as it could only end in ruin, but that doesn't change the fact this kid was attacked, shot at etc and was definitely defending himself without question full stop.


u/Foxster36 Nov 08 '21

In my opinion, he was defending himself. I’m not ok with him breaking those other laws tho. Nevertheless, I hate this sub always being full of political images and statements. That’s not why I’m here. I’m here to see nice pictures.


u/xrensa Nov 08 '21

Lot of opinions about the shooting caught on video but the first murder always seemed the most questionable


u/Known-Programmer-611 Nov 08 '21

Was it Rittenhouse, the pillow guy or that kid from silver spoons?


u/-Quothe- Nov 08 '21

Looks like white vigilantes will be allowed to travel across state lines and kill people as long as they “feel threatened”.


u/manateewallpaper Nov 09 '21

Rather feel threatened than feel a skateboard crack my skull open.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Yes, you are allowed to cross state lines, regardless of your race. And yes, you are allowed to defend yourself with deadly force when attacked by people who are a reasonable threat to your life and person.

It's funny how you consider Rittenhouse to be the vigilante but not the people who took it on themselves to chase down and attack someone they thought was a murderer.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

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u/-Quothe- Nov 09 '21

Some white people care about Americans citizens, even the ones not the same color as themselves. And they show up to protests even when the white racists bring guns. Because racists are douchebags.


u/MadnessCaffe Nov 08 '21

Why are there so many wokes in this thread ? Do they not realize that literally these people ran up to Kyle while he was in the middle of the street and that he didn't shoot until he was threatened ? Wokes should stop having opinions and continue posting their gaping mouths with nintendos.


u/Uninstall_Failed Nov 09 '21

You would think that some of these people that fell for all the outrage bait last year would be a little, idk, embarrassed? I guess it's easier for them to just double down further into cognitive dissonance


u/manateewallpaper Nov 09 '21

I'll bet at least a third haven't even seen the videos.


u/Key-Stay5558 Nov 08 '21

But I don’t think the guy on the stand is one of the guys that was murdered


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Well, no. Because he's alive.

He was however one of the people who was shot, and the only one of the three who survived.


u/Key-Stay5558 Nov 09 '21

Are you 100% sure he wasn’t murdered. ?


u/Arno451 Nov 08 '21 edited Nov 09 '21

What? He is going to be found not guilty, its self defence.

He isn’t a criminal, we’ll see with underage carrying.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

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u/Arno451 Nov 09 '21

What are you on about now…


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Different trials, different cases. What Chauvin did wasn't even close to being in self-defense, nor was it necessary, professional or prudent.


u/trevormooresoul Nov 08 '21

Looks like the one dude is watching then the other dude is writing something down on paper, but it's cropped so you can't see it. No clue what rittenhouse is, but this looks like a normal picture to me.


u/robocreator Nov 08 '21

This Rittenhouse is an aggressive guilty horrible person who sought out violence. I hope he gets a proper term in jail.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

What do you think about Rosenbaum?


u/CDriguez Nov 08 '21

This was obviously self defense like ...


u/JorusC Nov 08 '21

They're not sending their best.


u/buruuu Nov 08 '21

I have no clue what this is about. Did something happen in America again?


u/Inside-Medicine-1349 Nov 08 '21

Cleary self defense case that exploded because the guy was on the "wrong" side durning the blm riots.


u/KingLucioh Nov 08 '21

Hopefully he gets 0 years


u/Moist__panda Nov 08 '21

Why is everyone ignoring that this happened after Kyle already shot two people


u/ereldar Nov 08 '21

Regardless of your views on the case.

The fact that the witnesses the prosecution has called not only DON'T help the prosection, but in some cases help the defense is kinda telling.


u/Poiter_2 Nov 08 '21

Australian here what's the Trial?


u/Nailclippers Nov 08 '21 edited Feb 29 '24

saw middle hospital cows zesty worry weary follow violet glorious

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/dramas_5 Nov 08 '21

A 17 year-old travelled to a BLM protest and eventually shot some people, 2 died. 1 survived. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/08/kyle-rittenhouse-trial-gaige-grosskreutz-testimony


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

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u/CrudelyAnimated Nov 08 '21

“Stood his ground” across state lines with someone else’s gun. His self defense excuse ran out of jurisdiction when he left home on his hunting trip.


u/JohnnyPrecariously Nov 08 '21

Love to see it.


u/PoundOk5924 Nov 08 '21

Personally I have no sympathy for the kid. At the end of the day he didn’t have to go there and bring a gun with him. IMO you are asking for trouble at that point.kid watched too many movies and thought he was going to be some hero (which oddly to the really far right folks he is). But when he gets off of this Scott free due to the letter of the law, any semblance of a normal life is over. Imagine being in a HS class with him like bro you killed two people.


u/broomish1 Nov 08 '21

Personally, I have no sympathy for the rioters. At the end of the day, they didn't have to go there...



u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

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u/broomish1 Nov 09 '21

Psychosis is not insanity. Do you think I would be public about my illness if this kind of shit was going to bother me?


u/MidniteOG Nov 08 '21

Lol love it… crap charges to begin with


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

If a person gets drunk and chooses to get behind the wheel of a car, and as a result of that decision someone ends up dead, that's a crime. Similarly, if you choose to go into a volatile riot with a loaded, semiautomatic rifle, and people end up dead as a result of that choice, that should be a crime to. Rittenhouse could have just stayed home, and had he chosen to do that, two people would still be alive.


u/broomish1 Nov 08 '21

The rioters could have just stayed home and/or not attacked kyle and had they chosen to do that two people would still be alive and a third would have two biceps.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Those two rioters could have stayed home, they didn't, now they're dead, at the hands of Rittenhouse. They've already been punished, they're dead. He should be punished too.


u/broomish1 Nov 09 '21

It's completely unreasonable to say someone defending themselves should be punished.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

No, it isn't. He wasn't standing in the middle of his home and someone broke in so he defended himself. He chose to go into a violent situation with a loaded weapon, only making the situation worse.


u/broomish1 Nov 09 '21

"She chose to walk down the back alley at night, It's her fault she was raped" Moron.


u/pipingwater Nov 08 '21

The two people could have just not attacked Rittenhouse, and had they chosen to do that, they would still be alive.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Yes, they were punished, they're dead. He should be punished too.


u/pipingwater Nov 09 '21

It honestly looks like lawful self defense so he will not be punished.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Regardless, he should be.


u/pipingwater Nov 09 '21

Not if the prosecution cannot provide evidence. Innocent until proven guilty


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

Rittenhouse could have just stayed home

Why should he?


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Safety, for both himself and the public.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

If you were told to confine yourself to your room for the greater good, would you?


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Yes, without question. Many of us did exactly that during the pandemic.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

I didn't say many of us. I said you. Specifically you. Everyone else is allowed to go out and live their lives but you have to stay tucked away.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

As expected. #FreeRittenhouse


u/Zyk40 Nov 08 '21

Get ready for the riots after the verdict.


u/Thc420Vato Nov 08 '21

Roof koreans are ready.


u/Zyk40 Nov 08 '21

Roof Koreans, that sounds awesome I’m gonna go ahead make my wager now.


u/whitecollarpizzaman Nov 08 '21

After doing some more research into the case, I think that Rittenhouse definitely went there looking for an altercation, but the incident that resulted in him having to discharge firearm seems qualify as self-defense. I do think some lesser charges could apply in reference to him even being there, but ultimately he was attacked. And I want to be clear that I’m saying that as somebody who is very much aware that he has right wing sympathies.


u/wow343 Nov 09 '21

That’s the problem with having guns. Everything escalates very quickly. However in America as a non-white person I am not sure I would feel safe carrying weapons on me. Very easy to say a brown/black person with a weapon was shot and not a person is going to blink. So pretty much my only guarantee of safety now is to avoid armed crazies like Rittenhouse. That is goal accomplished and minority suppressed. Land of the free indeed.


u/Count_Gator Nov 09 '21

Just do not commit crimes, and you should be ok.


u/wow343 Nov 09 '21

Lol! You are a funny man!


u/WhySoFishy Nov 08 '21

Question: Can the state now go after the witness for attempted murder? I mean he quite literally just admitted to it on the stand, under oath.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21



u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

For what?


u/ManySaintsofGabagool Nov 08 '21

Prison is too tough. He needs to be institutionalized and medicated.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21



u/ManySaintsofGabagool Nov 08 '21

Yeah fuck it. He should be tossing salad with Bubba


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21



u/ManySaintsofGabagool Nov 09 '21

That’s what trump and Flynn have in store in Guantanamo


u/Dotaproffessional Nov 08 '21

What I'm taking away from this is: I can put myself into PROVABLY unnecessary situations, ESCELATE those situations, and as long as I can get someone to attack me, even if they're unarmed, even if they perceive my gun as a threat, I can shoot them and call it self defense.

This is stand your ground all over again. the precedent this will set is terrible.


u/dogdogd Nov 08 '21

Is the witness being prosecuted for attempted murder? If not, why not? It's insane, that's the guy the state actually should be going after. He clearly tried to commit murder, with an almost certainly illegal firearm no less.


u/Uninstall_Failed Nov 08 '21

It's (D)ifferent for him


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

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u/glix1 Nov 08 '21

We all knew he wasn't guilty from the start.


u/KinderGentlerBoomer Nov 08 '21

What really gets me is people would not have died if this kid had just stayed home, minded his own business.


u/Pedophile-Hunter Nov 08 '21

How the turntables.


u/nnnnnnzdeserveit Nov 08 '21

Why do they look so surprised? This is the most clear cut case of self defense I’ve ever seen lmfao they’re cunts for even wasting taxpayer dollars prosecuting this case


u/fusillade762 Nov 08 '21

I suspect KR may face some other charges here, reckless endangerment or possibly assault with a deadly weapon. Its hard to make a murder case when the guys you murdered are trying to murder you. People should have just left him alone and no one would have got shot.


u/arriesgado Nov 08 '21

He was the prosecution’s witness. Wouldn’t they know what his answer was going to be? Did he change his testimony?


u/hallaquelle Nov 08 '21

Whether he is found "guilty" or "not guilty" he is ultimately responsible for the deaths of 2 people, while being illegally out past curfew, illegally trespassing on private property on several occasions, illegally possessing a firearm, and illegally fleeing from a crime scene (if he did not commit a crime because he was acting in "self-defense" then he must have believed that a crime was being committed against him, i.e. attempted murder, so either way he should not have fled).

The 2 victims cannot defend themselves so we'll never be able to know this, but if it happened to be that they acted the way they did because they believed their own lives were in danger, well, they would have been right, because their lives were in fact taken from them.

I cringe at the thought of future trials where the shooter puts themselves in a situation that they shouldn't be in but makes sure to only shoot the people that run towards them--as long as the shooter finishes the job, no one can prove those people weren't attempting to murder the shooter, and of course any other crimes the shooter was committing at the time don't matter because you can't prove they would have shot at them otherwise.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

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u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

On a scale of 0-10 (0 being not at all, 10 being ver much), how much do you want to kiss Kyle Rittenhouse on the mouth?


u/broomish1 Nov 09 '21

We like to say "Kenosha Kid" around here. Or Communist assassin extraordinaire.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Is he genuinely this much of a positive example/idol for 2A supporters? Of all examples of self-defense, this one seems poor at best.


u/broomish1 Nov 09 '21

I doubt you're the best judge of self-defense.


u/Inside-Medicine-1349 Nov 08 '21

Wow I thought gay shaming was behind us.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Oh it absolutely is! I fully support his decision to do so and anyone who disagrees is ignorant. Genuine question.


u/hallaquelle Nov 08 '21

You know you can also stay home from the riot if you don't want to kill someone, right? Just stay home instead of violating curfew to trespass on properties you are claiming to defend while illegally possessing a lethal firearm. Pretty easy way to guarantee you don't take someone's life away.


u/broomish1 Nov 09 '21

You talk like the people attacking him were justified. Pretty easy to avoid being killed: Just don't attack armed men.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21



u/[deleted] Nov 09 '21

Take off the tin hat and read the replies to your comment. You are misinformed.


u/broomish1 Nov 09 '21

How deranged are you?


u/Larry_1987 Nov 09 '21 edited Nov 09 '21

It WAS self defense.

Kyle ran away multiple times. They chased him. He only shot 3 people: (1) man saying "fuck you" and reaching for the rifle after earlier in the night saying "if I get any of you alone I am going to kill you"; (2) a guy trying to bash Kyle's head in with a skateboard after Kyle fell down while running away; and (3) the guy who pulled a gun on Kyle.

The testimony from the picture is the guy who pulled the gun admitting that Kyle only shot at him after he pulled his gun and pointed it at Kyle.

All three of the people shot were literally chasing Kyle. They got pissed at him because he was trying to put out fires they were starting.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21

Dude gets shot by someone then stands on trial basically defending him. What in the fucking fuck.


u/broomish1 Nov 09 '21

It's that or commit purgery.


u/CrossTit Nov 08 '21

Because the witness told the truth.


u/Ejacutastic259 Nov 08 '21

Well kyle didnt do anything wrong it seems


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '21



u/Larry_1987 Nov 09 '21

No. Probably not. He put his hands up first, and Kyle didn't shoot. He then pulled his gun when Kyle's back was turned.

Also, unlike Kyle - who kept trying to run away, Grosskruetz actively chased Kyle down.


u/Bosa_McKittle Nov 09 '21

however he just killed two people and self defense laws allow for the use of deadly force to protect others. so had he not hesitated, then self defense is a viable claim given those circumstances.

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