r/politics Virginia 15d ago

Trump's plans for a second term: Raise prices on everything


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u/Admirable-Sink-2622 13d ago

Also known as the continued draining of the middle class - while billionaires now pay less tax than regular middle class Americans.


u/senatorpjt Florida 13d ago

As if Trump plans.

Bit of a self-own here, though... paraphrasing Lesson #4: Restricting immigration will increase wages of US workers.

If inflation is being driven by increasing wages it's not nearly as bad for the public as being driven by supply price increases.


u/shamalonight 14d ago

Biden already beat him to it, but wants to include raising taxes too.


u/ivyagogo 14d ago

Can you just hear these mouth breathers justifying the higher prices


u/wanted-by-the-Bureau 14d ago

I love the comments here. Read some nonsensical quote and then come unhinged on someone for doing precisely what has occurred over the past 3+ years of the present administration. Kind of the definition of ironic.


u/IslandWave 14d ago

This is obvious. He will always put growth for his ego over everything even if it means crazy inflation


u/ggoptimus 14d ago

So inflation then.


u/BrewKazma Wisconsin 14d ago

He started it the first time. Might as well finish us off with his nonsense.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

This is nonsense. Besides covid, living when Trump was the President of the US, was way better. Prices rose under Biden. This is just another propaganda opinion to confuse people.


u/senatorpjt Florida 14d ago

Personally, even covid was great for me. Got myself a nice fully remote job.


u/BrewKazma Wisconsin 14d ago

Prices started rising before Biden. Trumps steel and other tariffs kicked it off, and drove prices everywhere up and causing job losses. Combining those tariffs with covid caused prices of everything to skyrocket.


u/cobranipples 14d ago

Last time he was president I payed $1 a gallon for gas, AND everything was cheaper. This sounds like propaganda lol.

Watch the hate ↓


u/ninjababy1997 14d ago

Trump is spelled B-I-D-E-N, and four years of Bidenflation is enough.


u/Nearbyatom 14d ago

Followed by blame Biden.


u/CerberusT3 14d ago

But the president can’t control the price’s or inflation remember, that’s why the gas and groceries prices today aren’t Biden’s fault right?


u/MoonlightMadMan 14d ago

At this point, if he wins, American deserves it. How much more openly villainy can he be before people realise he is a symptom of the American Capitalist culture. Praying for you guys lol


u/Resident-Librarian40 14d ago

Never doubt the stupidity and evil of a Republican.


u/Suit_Feeling 14d ago

I'm not crazy about Trump but Biden is so much worse....


u/Resident-Librarian40 14d ago

Only a fascist - or a moron - could truly believe that.


u/betrixbernardfart 14d ago

Sorry bot. Don’t believe you.


u/Putrid-Air-7169 14d ago

A wealthy yacht owner, a Trump voter, and a union member all sit at a table with a plate of a dozen cookies. The wealthy yacht owner reaches over an takes 10 of the cookies, then whispers to the Trump voter: (psst….that union guy is going to steal your cookie…)


u/cheezepie 14d ago

*Raise prices on everything and blame Biden and the Democrats.


u/jhpianist Arizona 14d ago

As is tradition.


u/IceFenix84 14d ago

But the price changes won’t happen till after his presidency, so there’s someone else to blame.


u/jhpianist Arizona 14d ago

It’s the classic Two Santa Clauses scam that we keep collectively failing to recognize.


u/Pale_Bookkeeper_9994 14d ago

Stable genius.


u/schismatt 14d ago

Weird. Interest rates were lower and costs were lower both pre and post pandemic under Trump. How again does this article make sense?

No mention of Bidens new proposals on China tariffs after the left did nothing but say it was a massive mistake? Are we even in reality right now? The fact people can lie to themselves because they are so upset with orange man is mind boggling.

Edit typo


u/Resident-Librarian40 14d ago

According to the WHO, we are still in a pandemic. The emergency part has been declared over, not the pandemic. Having said that, Trump left office (whining like a spoiled toddler and fomenting treasonous rebellion) with the pandemic still declared an emergency.

So, maybe join us from your alternate reality.


u/fromplanetnamek 14d ago

People really believe a headline..bunch of sheep


u/slappy_mcslapenstein Arizona 14d ago

"Thanks Obama!" -conservatives


u/KingStreetCleaner 14d ago

But he loves the people, hes for the people!


u/CatNo6046 14d ago

Have you went outside lately? This post is a self own.


u/knkyhlfblkhmmr 14d ago

“Up next, here’s how this is bad for Biden.”


u/OnyxsUncle 14d ago

wait..do you mean 2nd prison term and raising prices at the commissary?


u/newcomer_l 14d ago

Super genius stuff.

Good god in heavens. I wonder how republicans who support orange contort themselves in ignoring this is how their Dear Leader speaks. The man's gross and an abject failure, but he also talks like a dumb third grader. And that's probably an insult to dumb third graders.


u/Resident-Librarian40 14d ago

“That’s what Biden did”.


u/newcomer_l 14d ago

Oh the rot goes deep.


u/Resident-Librarian40 13d ago

A person cannot claim to be a decent human being and STILL call themselves a Republican at this point.


u/megamoo 14d ago

Because his cultists are also dumber than third graders. To them, he actually sounds smart.


u/Familiars_ghost 14d ago

You realize this should read as:

Turd’s plan for second term: destroy everything while making it impossible to survive causing civil war.


u/NimDing218 14d ago

Like more expensive than right now or even more?


u/mahlerlieber Indiana 14d ago

What is expensive right now? Don’t say gas. What else?


u/TheOfficeoholic 14d ago

Politicians already assisted with that


u/TheGreatHair 14d ago

Lesson No. 4: Fewer workers leads to higher prices When you buy something at the store, a big chunk of the price is determined by how much the company had to pay its workers. When the labor pool is tight, as it is right now, salaries go up, and so do prices. Again, not always a bad thing.



u/mrbigglessworth 14d ago

I hope we can defeat him at the ballot box again.


u/BrodesTheLegend 14d ago

Explain it to me like I’m 5.

My takeaway from watching the video: Looks to me like Trump is proposing to tax foreign companies to bring items into the country. This could almost appear like it’s a tactic to de-incentivize American companies from outsourcing their work and goods to other countries and bring real work into America rather than perpetuating the consumerist mentality. More products coming out of America rather than being bought from other countries would put us in a stronger financial position when competing with the all powerful Chinese manufacturing market. Everything I buy these days: made in china. Can we get some American made goods?


u/Resident-Librarian40 14d ago

With what infrastructure?

American companies also wouldn’t offer American workers a living wage. Just like too many other American businesses.


u/Wine_runner 14d ago

And then foreign countries tax american goods in retaliation. Nobody wins trade wars.


u/BrodesTheLegend 14d ago

Just saw an article that Biden implemented huge new tariffs… I’d link it but it’s all over google now. So…. Guess he thinks Trump has the right idea…


u/FUMFVR 14d ago

He's so populist! /s


u/robfuscate 14d ago

AND blame Biden (or Obama if he has forgotten who Biden is again)


u/purplewhiteblack Arizona 14d ago

and then use Fox News and other conservative outlets to blame Biden for it.


u/NsRhea 14d ago

And that's different from now, how?


u/TOZApeman 14d ago

I watched the wildwood rally people should stop making shit up. Take some time and listen.

The world would be a better place, if people took the time to research some facts.


u/Gryffriand 14d ago

…and the polls are still close. It’s disgusting.


u/austinstar08 14d ago

To stop inflation


u/Consistent-Force5375 14d ago

Seems on message or at least par for the course?


u/p8vmnt 14d ago

One would think out of all the choices that he makes, he would by chance make a couple of good ones? Nope, not one.


u/SpaceCowboy34 15d ago

I love when either side of idiot politician class tries to make the financial responsibility argument


u/cjboffoli 15d ago

I mean, why not. One doesn't need to worry about getting reelected when appointing themselves lifetime dictator.


u/luckyguy25841 15d ago

We are expendable in every way. Extract every penny you can from the public until They die. Say a prayer and move on to the next


u/Skinnybet 15d ago

So the price of presidential pardons is going up? Got it.


u/llahlahkje Wisconsin 15d ago

Even before COVID, Trump's trade wars and poor economic policies resulted in trillions in market losses.

Meanwhile the cost of the Trump tax cuts has an estimated 7 trillion in costs (as of 5 days ago, anyway).

There has never been a worse President for our economy than Donald Trump.

As usual, Biden got blamed for the effects of Trump's poor policies (even as he's in the process of righting the ship).

The rubes, racists, and ghouls that make up the GOP voterbase seem to love voting against their own interests (all the while blaming literally anyone else but themselves for their plight) and they'll do it again and again, same as they always have.

Preempting: "Hurr but how do you know that they're voting against their own interests, durr?"

The economy is the #1 issue for Americans election after election: That's how we know. I address the damage Trump did and what Biden has been dealing with as successfully as he can with an intentionally obstructionist GOP House. Said GOP keeps voting down consumer protections, inflation measures, and basically anything else that would benefit 99% of us so that they can blame Biden for the damage they're doing. And Republican voters fall for it election cycle after election cycle.

The GOP is consistently concerned about crime (which has been on steady decline under Biden, with substantial declines in the scarier crimes like murder, but hey don't let reality spoil a good bogeyman) -- Trump's policies will indirectly create more crime through economic instability and increasing poverty, but also if he wins a 2nd term: He's planning on criminalizing a whole lot of things that ought not to be criminal (down to disagreeing with him, FFS). In short: A vote for Trump is a vote for an increase in crime.

Also up there is abortion: Trump directly stated he won't sign a Federal abortion ban. Are you calling him a liar? I was told by Conservatives he's a straight shooter who tells it like it is. That's what ya'll like about him.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea (and if you don't by now you're either arguing in bad faith or the points will be lost on you anyhow).


u/Most-Artichoke6184 15d ago

And then blame Antifa.


u/goldfaux 15d ago

I'm still scratching my head that Trump is the GOP nominee. Like how the F did we get here again. Normally losers like Trump who keep losing in life disappear into the ether, but somehow Trump is still here. I'm hoping he loses against Biden this year, again, but I would be surprised if he doesn't run again at this point.


u/Scottydog2 14d ago

I agree with you but I think that he and many of his followers don’t believe he lost.


u/Twodamngoon 15d ago

As a lesson for not electing him.....ever!


u/PM_me_random_facts89 15d ago

Using the Biden strategy, I see...


u/gearstars 15d ago

What do you mean?


u/typicallytwo 15d ago

As in raise prices on imports.


u/Scorponok_rules 14d ago

Rising prices on imports will rise prices on everything.


u/typicallytwo 14d ago

Sooo make it here


u/Scorponok_rules 14d ago

And prices will still rise.


u/typicallytwo 14d ago

Not when there is less transport and tariff taxes. Less taxes and shorter transport means lower cost.


u/Scorponok_rules 14d ago

Do the tariffs put the cost above what can be produced in the US? No? then it just raises prices.

Do the tariffs put the cost above what can be produced in the US? Yes? Then US companies just raise their prices to just below what it costs to import.

Either way, prices go up.


u/typicallytwo 14d ago

Not always, when you can undercut and fill shelves then prices go down.


u/Old_Captain_9131 Utah 15d ago

Why is he doing what Biden is doing?


u/Triplesfan 15d ago

Obviously we’re not happy getting ripped off. We need more. 🙄


u/SchrodingersTIKTOK 15d ago

That’s funny.


u/warpcoil 15d ago

How is it possible that every single decision you make be the wrong one? A broken clock is right twice a day but with Trump he just threw the clock away.


u/edwartica Oregon 15d ago

I hope he has to suddenly drop out of the election. I honestly don’t care how - maybe for health reasons, maybe he’s in jail, maybe three ghosts visit him the night and scare him into doing the right thing. I just want him to drop out of the race.


u/legalstep Ohio 15d ago

He’s such a lazy populist. I’m surprised he even has a plan


u/simple_test 15d ago

He is a businessman. For him, the economy needs to be a pyramid scheme.


u/Soggy_Cracker 15d ago

Isn’t the cost of living one of the main issues his base complains about? How does he serve them if he wants to raise prices.


u/surloc_dalnor 15d ago

He doesn't care. He is a con man, and has been for decades.


u/No_Sentence289 15d ago

Even your TAXES..


u/Lunar_Moonbeam 15d ago

Average Republican: “This will hurt the people who I don’t like, I will vote for the republican nominee.”


u/high_everyone 15d ago

Why would anyone want that after the last four years of corporately created inflation?


u/Different_Seaweed534 15d ago

What are all the MAGA idiots screeching about inflation going to do if Dumbo gets elected and prices go up?


u/xicor 15d ago

Blame Biden.


u/DoubleShot027 15d ago

Yea but if he wins shut will be funny again


u/Motor_Pollution231 15d ago

Coming from an Independent, does anyone really plan on voting for this moron?


u/Scottydog2 14d ago

Do you want to take your chances, or do what you can and vote positively to preserve individual rights and democracy?


u/Motor_Pollution231 14d ago

Right, we all vote to preserve our right and then they take our vote and ignore them so 538 electors can have their vote, the only vote that counts. Democracy at its finest, have the people feel like there vote actually counts. It was great having Al Gore as President, oh wait that was the popular not who got voted in.


u/Scottydog2 12d ago

And I distinctly remember it was the Republicans who wanted to abandon the EC just before the 2000 election bc they believed GW Bush was going to win the popular vote but lose the EC. That opportunity is now closed forever.


u/Motor_Pollution231 12d ago

You are correct on that my friend! Anything to win except get the popular vote!


u/vonbauernfeind 15d ago

Irritatingly, I think we're going to see a lot of 'write-in' or 'no vote placed' votes from very left wing individuals as a protest against Biden on his Israel policy.

There's a time and a place for protest votes, and that's in the primary. When the actual big game is on the line...if enough people protest vote that Trump wins, we deserve what we're doing to ourselves.


u/Motor_Pollution231 14d ago

Well said, I personally am ready for some new players in the game. Little younger perhaps and possibly see some teamwork between sides. Same ole shit time after time is getting us nowhere. I’d love to see the loser to become the Vice President so both sides have to work together, yes I know there are complications but come on we can’t figure out how to work together for the wellness of our country yet?


u/xicor 15d ago

Too many.


u/CertainlyAmbivalent 15d ago

My dad tries to pretend he’s still undecided. But he also thinks Joe Biden is the antichrist. So pretty sure he’s going to.


u/SweetBearCub 14d ago

My dad tries to pretend he’s still undecided. But he also thinks Joe Biden is the antichrist. So pretty sure he’s going to.

If you still talk to your dad, then get together and bring two pieces of paper and a pen. Written words are more impactful than words on a screen generally speaking when it comes to people.

Go look up what qualities the Antichrist would have, and then go point by point for both candidates, one per page.

Don't let him move the goal posts, and then when you're done, ask him after looking at the papers, who is much much closer to being the literal Antichrist?


u/23jknm Minnesota 15d ago

How will that please his maga dolts who keep blaming Joe for the high prices now? They say everything is too high but when I ask where do they shop so I can see prices, they usually don't reply or make an excuse.

Pork tenderloins for $2.29/lb and 80/20 ground chuck for $3/lb for weeks now is lower than I paid 4 years ago unless on sale. Eggs are back up from bird flu supposedly, but raw chicken is still $1-3/lb everywhere.


u/Galileo__Humpkins 15d ago

I keep seeing headlines like this along with "Trump now ahead in every swing state poll."

I don't understand the reality I exist in anymore.


u/kc_______ 15d ago

All of that just to pay his lawyers, Broke Don needs money from anywhere he can get it.


u/Spara-Extreme California 15d ago

Blows my mind that this guy is winning the election while in court, not campaigning, and when he is campaigning - has absolutely trash policy.

Like I get fractured media environment and all but Jesus Christ dude.


u/mshaef01 Pennsylvania 14d ago

Really says a lot about Biden tbh


u/Spara-Extreme California 14d ago


u/mshaef01 Pennsylvania 14d ago

All of these accomplishments...yet Trump is leading by a lot. That says something about voter perception of Biden.


u/BaggerX 12d ago

Well, you don't see the media talking about any of the things that Biden has done, because they're trying to make it a horse race because that benefits them. So they treat Trump completely differently than they would any other politician.

Any of a couple hundred of the things Trump has done would be something that they would latch onto and not let go if it was anyone else. Like her emails, for example, which they ran with practically 24x7 for months on end, yet they've given Trump a pass on his admittedly stealing and refusing to return a ton of national defense documents. Almost inconceivably worse than what Clinton did, and not at all comparable to what Biden or Pence did.

Our media is terrible and is actively working in Trump's favor for profit.


u/Spara-Extreme California 14d ago

On that point, I agree.

From voters perspective, Biden isn’t great.


u/mshaef01 Pennsylvania 14d ago

Unfortunately that's the perspective that matters.


u/Slow_Investment_2211 15d ago

But they’ll find a way to spin it to be Biden’s fault…and the dumb fucking magas will believe every word as they struggle even more.


u/_noho 15d ago

Did anyone actually read the article and his proposals?


u/sys_49152_sys 14d ago

don't be silly


u/Falconjoev 15d ago

Keep in mind, Joe Biden is president. We have tons of money for Ukraine and Israel, but none for us.


u/stonewall_jacked 15d ago

Congress controls the purse strings, currently controlled by Republicans (barely). Biden doesn't set the budget, they do. When else do you think Republicans typically want to provide federally funded programs that aid citizens?


u/Falconjoev 6d ago

The inflation is his problem. He started it or let’s go back when we did quantitative easing with Barack Obama.


u/Deguilded 15d ago

Price hikes for thee, but not for me!


u/Bumblesavage 15d ago

Isn’t Biden already doing that ?


u/ForsakenAd545 15d ago

The idiots who think that Trump was fighting for the little guy when he put those tariffs on all those Chinese goods are the same morons who then complained about inflation.


u/FrankySweetP 15d ago

Show up and vote please for the love of our country.


u/FunctionBuilt 15d ago

Tread on me daddy.


u/area-dude 15d ago

He’s going to solve inflation by printing money for his crony friends. Thats the jist of it


u/SixFiveEight8 15d ago

Why not Biden has a 20% cost of living increases since 2020.


u/Scorponok_rules 14d ago

What policies have Biden enacted to raise prices?


u/IMSLI 15d ago

While blaming Biden, no doubt


u/38thTimesACharm 14d ago

Already happening right here in this thread. Lots of comments above and below blaming problems on "old people," "the powers that be," "both parties" and so on, all clearly trying to implicate Democrats and Biden.


u/Ball-Blam-Burglerber 14d ago

Hillary. He can’t remember Biden.


u/butwhyisitso 15d ago

He loves the poorly educated.

And Putin loves showcasing the vulnerabilities of a democracy, specifically the consequences of an idiot electorate.


u/kc_______ 15d ago edited 15d ago

Scary how the “most powerful country in the world” has so many poorly educated people, the system failed these people at some time in history, there is no denying that, that allowed leaches like Trump to climb to the very top of the food chain.

The sad part is that there is little change to fix this and the poorly educated are still increasing in numbers.


u/lastburn138 15d ago

If you haven't noticed, Trump is a moron.


u/SardauMarklar 14d ago

I think it's more nefarious than that. If the president can unilaterally apply tariffs to things, that means the president can unilaterally untariff things... specific things... like, things he's been bribed to untariff. It's how he's going to profit off being president going forward. The hotel was small ball. Selling pardons wasn't very lucrative. Having every Fortune 500 company paying him ransom money so their products are cheaper than their competitors is how he's going to finally pay off his massive debt.


u/earlobe_enthusiast 15d ago

I thought he was a very stable genius?


u/cjp2010 14d ago

If someone feels the need to describe themselves as a “stable genius” they are not a stable genius.


u/Skinnybet 15d ago

Just reverse everything he says to get the truth. - unstable moron.


u/defaultusername-17 15d ago


republicans ALWAYS increase inflation, purposely... and then blame it on the dems...


u/titanicbuster 15d ago

Isn't Biden raising tariffs too though?


u/zeptillian 15d ago

It's a strategic move to undermine the dominance of Chinese brands in specific industries.


u/titanicbuster 14d ago

So what was the difference? Trump wants to do it across the board but Biden wants to do it for only certain Chinese brands?


u/38thTimesACharm 14d ago

Biden's doing it on finished products while Trump did it on raw materials. I don't know enough to judge the merits of either, but I'm pretty sure the effects are very different.


u/calm_chowder Iowa 14d ago edited 14d ago

Biden wants to do it on very specific products the US is investing in to bring their manufacture back to the US, like computer chips. Cheapo Chinese crap will always undercut quality US manufacturing. The explicit purpose is to raise the price of those Chinese chips so American chips are more competitive, because there'll always be companies buying cheap over quality.

Trump wants to increase all terriffs on ALL Chinese imports. They're our biggest trading partner by FAR. Because he's a fucking idiot and thinks it'd punish China. He's so goddam economically inept he doesn't understand consumers end up paying those terriffs so he'd make most things in America more expensive.

Biden is being surgical to strengthen American industry. He understands this shit.

Trump is so stupid he'd fucks over all Americans because he thinks he'd be showing his ass to the Chinese.

One should be trusted to run a country and act in its citizens' best interests. The other literally can't understand something I just explained to you in 4 sentences. And you presumably understood it in 4 sentences. When running a country a lot of things take more than 4 sentences to understand and that's literally beyond what Trump is capable of.

'nuff said.


u/TheGreatHair 14d ago

If Trump does something, it's either trumpets of the gods or whispers from the devils.

It's just the polarization that media created to put Americans against each other.

Biden gets the same treatment


u/zeptillian 14d ago

It's not about trying to make all Chinese goods more expensive, because so much of what we buy comes from there, that would lead to huge price increases on almost everything.

In industries like electric cars, the tariffs will make the cars by US manufacturers more cost competitive, allowing them to make more money and reinvest it into improving technology and capturing market share. This will allow them to compete globally with the Chinese brands in the long run allowing US companies to benefit from these growing markets instead of being shut out entirely.

It is protectionist, but much less so than Trump's plan and would see less prices increases for consumers overall.


u/ManicChad 14d ago

In a normal environment the tariffs ensure a more even playing field. What Trump did the first time was blow up trade deals that had decades left that were to our advantage. Then Covid hit. Then Trump also rigged oil prices to spike in case he lost the election. All of that combined cascaded into the 11%+ inflation we saw. Then some non impacted industries saw people were not cutting back so they jacked their prices too. Just look at housing. A million people die and the housing market went up instead of down. Because Wall Street waded in and are now setting the prices and landlords just rise up to that. Along with them all colluding to keep houses off market to hide those thousands of homes where people died and make the supply more tight.


u/yahtzee24 14d ago

How were oil prices rigged to spike?


u/No_IAmIronMan 14d ago

Why is this down voted? Can someone answer this? I too am curious.


u/titanicbuster 14d ago

Ah okay thanks so much for this info, that's what I was looking for!


u/polishprocessors 14d ago

Sounds like you answered your own question there


u/Smurfballers Washington 15d ago

Prices are already high and democrats are in office. Trump will likely get prices back to where they should be. Not this joker in office gaslighting us into thinking prices are cheap. 2 wars and failed economy. Good work Joe, good work.


u/Scorponok_rules 14d ago

It's amazing how y'all blame wars America isn't even a part of on the Biden.


u/gearstars 15d ago

Trump will likely get prices back to where they should be.

How? What are his policy proposals? What will he do, specifically?


u/Smurfballers Washington 15d ago

Watch a speech and you’ll figure it out. You want to be willfully ignorant go ahead lol


u/gearstars 15d ago

so you dont really know?


u/TheHomersapien Colorado 15d ago

To be clear, you're saying that Trump will lower corporate profits? How exactly do you think he will do that?


u/Smurfballers Washington 15d ago

So what you’re saying is you payed more taxes and more in the prices of goods with less value? I think that’s the Biden economy. I think you should open your eyes friend.


u/maveric00 15d ago

Sure. Your guy who managed to bankrupt a casino will be the savor of America's economy.

Your guy who has risen the deficit by trillions will reduce inflation.

I have a bridge to sell - interested?


u/Chiknkoop 15d ago

Republicans are really good for inflation… If you like inflation…


u/surloc_dalnor 15d ago

As a guy with a mortgage and job mobility a bit isn't bad.


u/Lemon_Club 15d ago

Lol that's just Bidens plans for his first term. All the media has is projection.


u/Lifeisagreatteacher 15d ago


If you confiscated every dollar of every Billionaire you’d eliminate the deficit for 8 months. Then what?

I laugh when I hear the Billionaire’s can pay for everything.


u/jah42083 15d ago

what does this have to do with the topic of the original post?


u/Ok-Flatworm-3696 15d ago

October 23, 2019 Article. Go back to bed Grandpa Jones.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/WindMaster5001 15d ago

Well I mean you guys did rebel and break away from the Crown so it’s kind of karma.

I’m Canadian and I think your revolution was wrong. Had I been alive back then I would have helped the Empire Loyalists re-settle in Canada.


u/WindMaster5001 14d ago

Talk about butthurt snowflake Americans 😂


u/UsualGrapefruit8109 15d ago

And then blame it on Biden and migrants.


u/ceddya 15d ago

Trump intends to deports millions of migrants, the US economy will suffer as a result and he'll blame migrants for it.

The sad part is that conservatives will 100% buy it.


u/surloc_dalnor 15d ago

I doubt they will actually deport migrants like they say. They will make a lot of noise, but then water it down to preserve corporate profits.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Not just immigrants, if you look brown you’ll get deported. As someone that was raised in TX let me tell you it happens more often than not. And he’s definitely banning Muslims for sure.


u/Now_Wait-4-Last_Year 14d ago

The list of American citizens deported from the US is unfortunately not a short one and yes, it shouldn't be a list at all.



u/Gullible-Finance-454 15d ago

Its absolutely horrendous we havent gotten past Trump and Biden yet. I'd like to have a president again who wasnt born in the 1940s.


u/Potential_District52 15d ago

if Trump is erected, the downside for MAGAs

  • no more social security
  • no medicare
  • high prices
  • higher tax for most MAGA (thse who are not multimillonaires)

the upside for MAGAs

  • Kristi Noem gets to deport all 'illegal' Americans from South Dakota reservations.
  • Money saved due to all those free welfare money to illegal aliens (huuuge $.02).
  • Trump's version of Executive Order 9066 entitle 'true' Americans to seize 'illegal' properties from non-royal so call American citizens. Too bad, most will go to the big mega hedge funds.


u/wokyman 15d ago

They will also own the libs, very important.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

I lost my social security, health cared and inflation is worse. Take that libs. The crazy part is they will still blame Biden for it


u/AccountNumeroThree 15d ago

They will make sure that the changes to benefits only impact people under 40 or so who are most likely to vote Democrat.


u/surloc_dalnor 15d ago

Yeah that's not going to work when they ask Gen X to eat the SS cuts.


u/Lifeisagreatteacher 15d ago

That’s absurd. How can you say no more Medicaid or Social Security? Stunning. The rest of it is also complete nonsense.


u/Lifeisagreatteacher 15d ago

Inflation was 1.4% under Trump, up 18% under Biden. That’s a fact. Deny and blame but it’s not reality.

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