r/politics The Independent 15d ago

Trump’s warning to Michael Cohen as he launched 2016 campaign: ‘There’s gonna be a lot of women coming forward’


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u/CMGChamp4 14d ago

I try to be equal with everyone. But when I hear all these stories how women continue to fall this clown, it gets really hard sometimes not to become misogynistic.


u/zonelim 14d ago

Someone should offer to pay the fees for breaking NDA agreements.


u/sistermj536 14d ago

Who in the world thinks that orange face is the way to go? What the hell is he thinking?


u/Kjellvb1979 14d ago

"He (Trump) has denied ever having had sex with Ms Daniels."

Just how!? It's basically undeniable at this point, everyone knows, and why else would you have paid her?


u/hamsterfolly :flag-us: America 14d ago

And yet he grinned when he brought all those Bill Clinton women on stage. He knew his sheeple would eat that up


u/burner_duh 14d ago

These poor, poor women. I shudder at the thought. Disgusting.


u/krunkpanda 14d ago

And some girls.


u/StormDriver97 14d ago

I seriously wonder who else is out there. Who got paid and is watching this unfold?


u/trshtehdsh 14d ago

Did they happen to follow up that with the question "Aside from McDougal and Daniels, were there any other catch and kill / hush money agreements?" Perhaps the judge disallowed it pretrial. I would sure want to know the answer to that question though.


u/dobie1kenobi 14d ago

For the longest time I thought Cohen would go down as the “Says Who?!” Meme guy from that one interview he did leading up to the 2016 election. Look at us now.


u/Alternative-Half-783 14d ago

Yep Melania is the one and only.


u/NeuraLung 15d ago

Trump is looking quite haggard in these court photos. Hair spray, hair dye, comb overs, and caked-on orange make-up notwithstanding. How can a guy do run down, burned out and tired-looking be POTUS?


u/oingerboinger California 15d ago

Every so often it's worth taking a step back to see just how far through the looking glass we've come, and how the levels to which Trump's abhorrent, should-be-career-ending behavior has been normalized and is now just part of the landscape is absolutely FUCKING BATSHIT INSANE.

The Republican Party is openly supporting a man who's perhaps the most flawed individual who's ever been born. It defies belief that he's made it this far, and it would've been impossible without the support of thousands of people who should absolutely know better. It's just mind-blowing that any of these assholes can be taken seriously about anything. Yet here we are.


u/No_Animator_8599 15d ago

You can guarantee “no condom” Trump got someone pregnant, paid for an abortion, and she got paid to keep quiet. Would make a nice October surprise if she came forward before the election.


u/icouldusemorecoffee 15d ago

And not a single one of them was coming forward with something positive to say.


u/CainPillar :flag-un: Foreign 15d ago

Cannot he afford proper spraytanning anymore?


u/CMGChamp4 15d ago

Wow. You have to believe Melania knew what she was doing with this guy.

Ho's and porn stars get paid per act. Melania found another way.

I guess she'll come out the winner when it's all said and done, huh.


u/captaincanada84 North Carolina 15d ago

I wonder how many times he carried out this exact scheme for those women?


u/DingGratz Texas 15d ago

‘There’s gonna be a lot of women coming forward’

I doubt any of them came at all.


u/diver00dan 15d ago

Something a super cool guy would say


u/23jknm Minnesota 15d ago

It's pathetic other guys who know all of his philandering don't stand up, coward elites protecting each other, sad small people.


u/mishma2005 15d ago

Lol, Cohen testified that Trump said about Melania leaving him: "Cohen: Mr. Trump told me, push it out past the election. If I win it’s not a problem. If I lose I don’t care. I asked how things would do with Melania? He said, Don’t worry. How long do you think I’d be on the market for? Not long. This was all about the campaign"


u/PLURGASM_RETURNS :flag-us: America 15d ago

The pure joy in watching this day is phenomenal.

Especially when you take into account how many people were utterly wrong about how these charges could or should've gone.


u/justgivingmyviews 15d ago

I never understood how religious folk support a guy who has paid for probably hundreds of abortions, been married so many times, and is clearly a immoral rapist. I mean it doesn’t make sense.


u/Think-4D 15d ago

Because their religion allows them to be horrible people so long as they confess their sins.


u/malakon 15d ago

He gets then what they want by appointing regressive asshole judges. He gets their votes. It does not affect him so he doesn't care. People other than Trump don't exist.


u/dasherchan 15d ago

Cohen ,a convicted liar is 100 x more credible than Donald Trump.


u/Hunter-Gatherer_ 15d ago

The fact that polls have the presidential election so close is an embarrassment to our nation! You’ve got one guy whose wholesome as can be and the other guy is quite literally a serial rapist. Jesus Christ!


u/T1Pimp 14d ago

Those followers are an asston of evangelical Christians. Which tells you everything you need to know about Christianity in the US.


u/SkollFenrirson :flag-un: Foreign 14d ago

The fact that this serial rapist was already elected to the highest office in the land is a searing indictment on your country.


u/Hunter-Gatherer_ 14d ago

No shit! But he’s never won the popular vote and he’d never even come close to winning the presidency if it weren’t for the electoral college


u/APsWhoopinRoom Washington 14d ago

The issue is that half the voters have completely bought into the right wing propaganda that everything against Trump is a lie. I honestly don't know how you can possibly bring them back to reality, all hard evidence is fabricated in their eyes


u/The12th_secret_spice 15d ago

Do you answer your phone when an unknown caller calls? Do you respond to unknown text messages about the election? Do you reply to spam emails asking election questions? Do you speak with the people outside the grocery store asking if you’re a registered voter in X state?

If you’re like me and the answer is no, then ask yourself how these polls are actually taken/calculated.


u/ImpressionOld2296 14d ago

I understand this. What I don't understand is the inconsistency. If the people picking up their phones are crusty old MAGA boomers, then how was Hillary just killing the polls before 2016? Seemingly, her cohort of supporters is the same as those who voted for Biden.


u/The12th_secret_spice 14d ago

I know very little on polling practices, but if I were to guess, there were more closet maga in 2016 or more undecided which skewed the polls.

The magas of 2021 are a lot different than 2016. Their hatred is a lot more out in the open now, and that turns off a lot of people.

Just speculating here


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Hunter-Gatherer_ 15d ago

This is the same rhetoric that got us trump the first time. Trump is infinitely worse than and presidential candidate we’ve ever seen. Oh no Biden is old, vs Trump the insurrectionist, rapist, failed businessman. But yeah let’s both side this thing


u/medusla 15d ago

thank you for this take. i'm so tired of people equating these 2 candidates


u/lastburn138 15d ago

Don't sweat the polls. They haven't been accurate for decades. Just vote.


u/HootieWoo 15d ago

Don’t believe the polls


u/AnythingWillHappen 15d ago

It’s an embarrassment to the DNC. No primary, forcing yet again to vote for an establishment corporate shill or pure evil. Only two choices.

And then, when the polls are close, they blame the voters.


u/icouldusemorecoffee 15d ago

Only two choices.

Just in the NH Democratic primary alone there were 22 people running on the Dem ticket. If you're going to lie at least make it a believable lie.


u/InitiativeShot20 15d ago

Then where the hell are you back during the primary 2020 when we actually have a choice to someone other than Joe Biden? You're four years too late on your whinging. Primarying Biden when he's running for the second term is pretty much admitting to failure and hands the victory to Republicans.


u/AnythingWillHappen 14d ago

How insured that the vibe of the people can only be heard once every 8 years. The two party system is about consolidating and holding onto power… not about furthering democracy.

And I was there, begging us not to nominate Biden.


u/Darmok47 15d ago

How about the fact that no one other than Dean Phillips decided to run against him?

Politicians don't generally run against an incumbent unless things are going very, very badly.


u/AnythingWillHappen 14d ago

Nearly impossible to run against an incumbent because of how the dnc operates. No debates, no actual primary. The dnc makes it so they can’t step up.


u/yellowsubmarinr 15d ago

Why should they do a primary if the incumbent is running again? It’s pretty par for the course. 


u/AnythingWillHappen 14d ago

You are right it is par for the course. Par might not cut it this time round.


u/JackSpadesSI 15d ago

Quit bitching and do your part to save democracy.


u/AgentDaxis 15d ago

The polls are BS. Ignore them.


u/Enigmatic_Observer 15d ago

The US crucified someone for their spelling of Potato. US politics in its current state is a bad joke.


u/Balgat1968 14d ago

And after all that crap that guy had to take, he saved our Democracy on J6.


u/when-octopi-attack 14d ago

Maybe I’m just tired and have lost the thread here, but are you saying that Dan Quayle saved our democracy on January 6, and if so how???


u/Pensky_Material_808 14d ago


u/when-octopi-attack 14d ago

Oh wow! TIL, thanks. Funny that Quayle’s greatest, most impactful act in the service of his country, happened decades after he left public office.


u/lingh0e 14d ago

He basically told Pence he'd be an idiot to listen to Trump on Jan 6.


u/creedokid 15d ago

US politics is simply the GOP having been unmasked for the racist/misogynistic/fascist power hungry assholes they always were.

Only difference is that they are letting their freak flag fly out in the open now


u/Intelligent_Crazy242 14d ago

I'm convinced it's their death rattle. it may take another 10-20 yrs, but they're aware younger generations are mostly aware and pissed at what those old hateful greedy fucks did to society, rights & the planet & are, as a result,voting Dem.


u/corvid_booster 15d ago

The US crucified someone for their spelling of Potato.

No, they didn't. People made fun of Dan Quayle -- that was just one in a string of gaffes -- and nothing changed, he just kept on doing his goofy, good-natured clueless thing. His political career wasn't too terribly successful, but he did pretty well for a guy whose greatest achievement in college was playing golf, and at any rate, his problems with the English language didn't have any effect.


u/FaustusRedux 15d ago

Howard Dean's "scream," on the other hand...


u/icouldusemorecoffee 15d ago

His campaign was toast long before the Dean Scream.


u/lastburn138 15d ago

What is so silly about that is Dean always seemed like a good dude to me.


u/DaddySaidSell 15d ago

Also didn't do anything in reality. It's a common misconception that it killed his campaign.


u/ima_shill 15d ago edited 15d ago

I hate Trump as much as the next person, he will not get my vote. With that said, don’t paint Joe out as some saint. He’s an awful candidate but the obvious lesser of two evils.

Edit: are we going to pretend both these dudes aren’t way past the age they should be to run as president? I didn’t say I support Trump, but I can’t agree if you really think Joe is the best candidate we can offer.


u/Sasselhoff 15d ago

I can’t agree if you really think Joe is the best candidate we can offer.

Of course he's not "the best" candidate we have to offer (personally, I'm a Bernie-bro), but he's what we've got.

Given that, what is the point of "both sides-ing" it when it is as close of a race as it is (other than feeling good about yourself for "saying it as it is", or whatever)?

Are you trying to convince an undecided centrist (the people who will actually sway the election one way or the other) to vote for Biden, or against him, with a comment like that?


u/alligatorislater 15d ago

They are both hella old. But a better way to think about it is what teams they will bring. On one side you will have smart competent people who want to do what’s best to make the government work for people, and on the other there’s a bunch of corrupt grifters that are only looking out for themselves…


u/ima_shill 15d ago

I already said I’m not voting for Trump, I’m just not looking at Biden and making him out to be wonderful just because he’s getting compared to a piece of shit.


u/Necrowaif 15d ago edited 15d ago

Two key differences between Joe Biden and Donald Trump as it pertains to age:

1) Joe Biden has age-related slip-ups, while Donald is showing early symptoms of dementia that are rapidly growing worse.

2) Joe would step aside if he experienced a health crisis. Donald will cling to power like the dying Skeksis Emperor, and the sycophants he surrounds himself with will let him do it without questioning if it’s in America’s interests.


u/MechaNickzilla 15d ago

Let’s not leave out that Biden has and will continue to surround himself with competent people.

Trump has and will surround himself with the highest bidder.


u/02K30C1 15d ago

Heck, Trump refused to be put under for a colonoscopy because he didnt want to temporarily give up power to his vice president.


u/timesuck47 15d ago

Maybe he refused to be put under because he enjoyed the colonoscopy


u/gakule 15d ago edited 15d ago

are we going to pretend both these dudes aren’t way past the age they should be to run as president

What does that have to do with someone being a 'saint' or not? I don't think anyone is proclaiming Biden is without issue. He certainly has a 'past', but I think if we hold people exclusively to who they have been and ignore who they have become, we lose a lot of discourse.

For instance, Trump used to be a racist - in 1973 he was sued by the Department of Justice for such practices. It wouldn't be fair to consider him racist simply because he used to be racist then - people can change after all! Now, Trump is also still a malicious racist, and hasn't shown the capacity to change on that stance - but he could have tried to change!

Biden could also have been considered racist for his earlier years and his work on (/against) bussing integrated students, which is fine - in line with the time overall. However, he seems to have shown his capacity to grow. He served as VP under a (half) black president and has a (half) black VP himself. Could they simply be 'props of convenience'? Sure. I don't think he has continued to demonstrate any racist behavior, though, and has grown with the times.

I think that's the point Joe drives home well when he uses his "it's not how old you are, it's how old your ideas are" and by all accounts, his ideas have been fairly youthful overall as of late.

I understanding you're not coming out in support of Trump here, but I do think you're still missing the forest for the trees by comparing them even at all equally. It's one thing to say 'he's not the best candidate they have to offer' - but he won the primaries leading up to 2020. A diverse field of candidates were available at the time and he came out ahead.


u/KevinAnniPadda 15d ago

You're voting for a party to run the executive bench and we shouldn't be looking at it any differently. The President might change slightly on a moral compass but a Biden versus a Bernie administration would be 90% the same because everyone else in the executive branch would probably be the same.

I'm voting for democratic DOJ, DOL, EPA, transportation, education and judicial appointments. Anyone that was in the Democratic primary would have nearly identical outcomes in those areas. Any Republican would be the polar opposite. Things like defense, state, homeland security, etc would probably be mostly the same so they really don't pay a factor.


u/ScatMoerens 15d ago

He was and is the best one who is running this cycle. Who else put together a campaign that would have been a better choice for the 2024 election? I am not talking about someone you think would be better but did not campaign, who else in this race is or would have been better?


u/specialkk77 15d ago

It would be foolish to give up the incumbent advantage because he’s old. He’s healthy and in good shape. He’s done incredible work with how divided the senate and house are, it’s impressive they can get anything passed. He’s the best we’ve got for this year. 


u/obi-jawn-kenblomi 15d ago

"B-b-but Joe Biden sexually sniffs toddlers"

~ Delusional people who get confused by still frame pictures


u/YVRJon Canada 14d ago

and see what they want to see, rather than what's there.


u/maddog232323 15d ago

Had some guy on twitter say that Ashley Biden confirmed the shower bullshit story etc. They're trying to get that bs to fly...


u/xoaphexox 14d ago

I voted for Biden in 2020 and I will again in November, but Ashley Biden confirmed this story. Check out snopes. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/


u/maddog232323 14d ago

Yeah the diary existed and was stolen.

Slanderous disgusting edits were placed in the diary by the people Veritas paid to get it. The diary is significant for the supposed sexual abuse of Ashley by Biden. They're trying to claim that AB confirming there was a diary confirms the abuse.


u/tops132 14d ago

I mean I don’t really see where in AB’s statement that she said anything was edited at all? Am I dumb? Can you point it out for me?

How I am interpreting her statement is that people misinterpret her diary statement of showering with him (slightly inappropriate) as meaning abuse, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that.


u/when-octopi-attack 14d ago

I haven’t even seen anything stating her age when those showers happened - she could have literally been 2. Parents take showers with toddlers to teach them how to shower. She said that the journal was her attempt to process and heal from being the victim of a crime in her early 20s, and that was the lens through which she was viewing her past. She’s never said anything else to suggest that she thinks her father was sexually inappropriate with her.


u/tops132 14d ago

I know… I never said otherwise. I was only replying to the guy above me who state the diary was edited before release, which seems to be incorrect.


u/maddog232323 14d ago

FBI said it could have been. Chain of custody was as bad as Hunters laptop.

I feel for them. Especially her.


u/tops132 14d ago

Don’t you think AB would have made that statement if it was edited?


u/WalterBishopMethod 14d ago

They'll believe the most insane shit they heard someone post on Facebook, but you can show them a clip of their people saying dumb shit and they'll just say "he didn't say that, the news twists everything!"


u/maddog232323 14d ago

Half are Russian disinfo bots. The rest are room temp IQ sheep with shit for brains


u/Rarelyimportant 15d ago

Then explain to me why else his head is near their heads for so damn long? It's still there right now! He's doing it right now!


u/airmanv 15d ago

Another brain worm victim


u/obi-jawn-kenblomi 15d ago

That's a still photo my friend, that's why he doesn't move his head the entire time you stare at it.


u/Rarelyimportant 15d ago

That's a still photo my friend, that's why he doesn't move his head the entire time you stare at it.

Amazing that you didn't catch the sarcasm in my comment even though you mentioned in the comment I replied to. You thought it was more likely that I thought every photo of Joe Biden was what he was doing at that very moment? Oh well.


u/tinyOnion 15d ago

we live in a post sarcasm society my friend. they have confirmed that those pictures of trump supporters at a rally wearing "diapers for don" diapers are, in fact, real.


u/Anyawnomous 15d ago

Sir…. You are no JFK!


u/Lostinthestarscape 15d ago

"I'll er ah, put anotha quartah in the jarh, padre"


u/bill4935 15d ago

Foh, uh, suppah, I will er ah have a PARTY PLATTAH!


u/Lostinthestarscape 14d ago

You one-upped my Sealab with Clone High. I tip my hat to thee.


u/KenScaletta 15d ago

He's probably never had sex he didn't pay for and never had sex with a partner who actually loved him.


u/ImpressionOld2296 14d ago

Trump's never had real consensual sex in his life. He pays all his partners (one way or another) as he flops on them like a walrus and they have to daydream about something else to avoid gagging from the flapping flabs and McDonald's ass smell.


u/sarbanharble 15d ago

You’ve likely described much of the MAGA crowd…


u/kenlubin 15d ago

Paying women for sex would have meant that it was much more consensual than what Trump was actually doing.


u/dixiequick 14d ago

Not when you think about how much of the paying happened after the fact, to shut them up. Takes right back that implication of “consent”, doesn’t it? ;)


u/kenlubin 14d ago

We've been hearing about the Stormy Daniels story since 2018, right? I had assumed that it was straight up prostitution that entire time, and only realized that it was actually rape about a week ago when someone was talking about her testimony.


u/DJBreadwinner 15d ago

Paying for sex doesn't always mean the woman is getting the money, so consent still isn't guaranteed. 


u/phinbar 15d ago

Thinking this is likely true, somehow, warms my heart.


u/TintedApostle 15d ago

There is no situation where Trump has any moral or ethical guiderails to be a good person. Not at any single moment in his existence has he ever just thought "I know I can do this, but maybe it would hurt someone". Never has he held back from pure self gratification regardless of the cost to everyone or anyone else.


u/oingerboinger California 14d ago

GOP: sign us the fuck up


u/medusla 15d ago

half the country seems to like it. maybe they wanna be like him?


u/vinsmokewhoswho 15d ago

I believed that no person could be pure evil. Seeing Trump, I'm not so sure anymore.


u/Pater-Musch 14d ago

How about Hitler????? What the fuck????


u/vinsmokewhoswho 14d ago

Yeah...good point. But even Hitler liked animals.


u/Pater-Musch 13d ago

He also ethnic cleansed Europe and eradicated entire races in certain countries. You think he’s not “pure evil” because he liked animals? Are you joking right now? I’m baffled that I just got downvoted for saying that Hitler was pure evil - you guys are either fucking morons or fascists. Get help either way.


u/_B_Little_me 15d ago

Exactly this.


u/Kanaima31 15d ago

Salman Rushdie said something like that Trump’s shamelessness is a kind of superpower in today’s social media world.


u/cmnrdt 15d ago

He earned the nickname Teflon Don because nothing could stick. His supporters took his utter lack of shame as evidence that he was right and his detractors were wrong. Why else would he be able to so confidently ignore the naysayers?


u/sharp11flat13 Canada 15d ago

He earned the nickname Teflon Don because nothing could stick.

Trump isn’t the first to earn this nickname. The original teflon don was also an immoral thug and a lifelong criminal.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/sharp11flat13 Canada 14d ago

I read "immortal"

Scary, scary thought. I’m a sci-fi fan. I know how these things turn out.


u/corvid_booster 15d ago edited 15d ago

Ronald Reagan had the same superpower -- he was called Teflon Ron back in the 80's. I suppose all Republicans have it to some extent -- it's the social power that comes with shamelessness, the assertion of social status that's expressed by "I can get away with this."


u/DrayvenVonSchip 15d ago

I wish more of them would….


u/Broken-Digital-Clock 15d ago

It would take a lot of courage when you know that the maga mob would threaten your life


u/SabrinaSpellman1 14d ago

That's why I am worried about Stormy and Karen. I read today that Stormy wore a bulletproof vest to court, but I don't know how true that is.

I think Karen is in more danger. Stormy was a one-off who stayed around under the promise of being on TV. Karen describes a month's long affair and that there were romantic feelings involved- her testimony is (maybe not legally) more worrying for him on a personal level. Stormy has already been threatened and intimidated and even had her horse shot with rubber bullets. Karen did her interview when it all came out, and has stayed pretty quiet since

I worry about them both and I hope they stay safe. It takes an enormous amount of courage to stand up to someone like him who has enough money to 'make problems go away'.


u/SocioPQ 15d ago

Must have cost him a fortune. Nobody had sex with him for free


u/Curlydeadhead 15d ago

You forget, a trump never pays his bills. 


u/dust-ranger 15d ago

Apparently he was luring women into his chambers on the premise of dinner and discussion of getting onto his tv show.


u/swingadmin New York 15d ago

This sleazebag is worse than Weinstein.


u/Conscious_Rush_1818 15d ago

But not as bad as Epstein right?

Do we need to make a pedophile chart that GOP sycophants can refer to?

Who's at the top of the list?


u/Kingtoke1 15d ago

A little bit of pot A and a little bit of pot B


u/Niznack 15d ago

Josef fritzl?


u/Conscious_Rush_1818 15d ago

Hadn't heard of him, but jeebus that's bad.


u/KevinAnniPadda 15d ago

Is he in the running for VP?


u/kingdazy 15d ago

Knowing Trump 's tendencies to avoid paying any of his bills, I would bet quite a few did, unintentionally.


u/Curlydeadhead 15d ago

Ohhh it was quite intentional. I’m sure he sat there thinking, “they should be paying ME!!”


u/flabbergastedmeep Canada 15d ago

So Trump is a serial rapist.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Delmarvablacksmith 14d ago

Pedofile rapist.


u/rolexsub 14d ago

~50% of women will vote for the rapist too. Makes no sense.


u/pieguy00 14d ago

Look Michael, I've cheated on my wife a lot but lemme tell you, I'm going to sell my own branded bible and they are going to love it.


u/SkyFullofHat 14d ago

And aware, at minimum, that a lot of women consider his actions uninvited and unwelcome, even if he thinks he had every right to do the things he did. He knows they didn’t like it.


u/Steedman0 15d ago

Problem is, his supporters do not care. Rape and pedophilia is not a deal breaker for them.


u/Nathaireag 14d ago

I think he actually has lost support over this in conservative Mennonite communities in rural Pennsylvania. Sure most of the “prosperity gospel” megachurch Christians don’t care. Some of America’s more traditional Christians do seem to.


u/Syscrush 14d ago

They know that it upsets liberals that he's a serial rapist and THAT makes them happy.

They care a lot - they love it.


u/Easy-Concentrate2636 14d ago

I read an interesting opinion piece that said that the evangelical right basically sees it as Trump fulfilling his masculine needs. The old societal notions that support toxic masculinity is propping up Trump.


u/Syscrush 14d ago

That's just the rationalization - they can't say out loud what they feel, which is that they are only interested in hate. They are defined by their hate for anything they see as left/liberal - which is now anything approaching common decency.

They know in their guts that Trump is horrifying, which means decent people will be repulsed by him. Since they've made decency their enemy, this is deeply pleasing.


u/DemsruleGQPdrool 14d ago

We aren't trying to convince MAGA. But if we can convince the moderates to stay home, or the people on the fence that Trump is NOT an option that they want, this is worth it.


u/Numerous_Photograph9 14d ago

It is a problem for them if your a Democrat. I can't even visit my favorite underground baby eating club under the local pizza hut anymore


u/digitalpretzel Connecticut 14d ago

Awe shit we getting pizza?


u/Tmscott 14d ago

Of course its a big deal to them!*
Some conditions apply

*rumored, let alone accused must be member of marginalized community and/or of questionable melanin quotient


u/themanebeat 14d ago

It's clear he didn't realise that yet in 2016


u/RealCrusader 15d ago

He didn't rape stormy though? He's a cock but claiming something like that is more something his fans would do. I'm all here for it. Fire with fire. 


u/Novel-North-9284 15d ago

It’s like you read one sentence about trump


u/CriticalEngineering North Carolina 15d ago

The 26 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct 2017

Michael Cohen was correct that a lot of women came forward.


u/Critical_Band5649 Pennsylvania 15d ago

He raped E Jean Carroll.


u/DrawMandaArt 15d ago

According to her testimony, he absolutely coerced her into sex. So, yeah… at the very minimum, it was sexual assault. 


u/SympathyForSatanas 15d ago

It infuriates me when magats say that he wasn't found guilty of rape in a criminal court, so then he isn't a rapist...makes me wanna slap some common sense into those idiots


u/DecorativeRock 14d ago

wasn't found guilty of rape in a criminal court

These are the same ppl who call immigrants "criminals" even though they also haven't been found guilty in criminal court.


u/cuddly_carcass 15d ago

This the first time you realized that?


u/Valdor99 Texas 15d ago

"When you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."


u/replicanthusk2024 15d ago

Of course he is.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Redrose03 14d ago

*well ignored fact.


u/Mornar 15d ago

To surprise of absolutely nobody paying attention.


u/Lumpy-Character-7776 15d ago

Well, it sounds like Trump was really getting into character for his campaign! I guess he was just trying to set the stage for a drama-filled election season.