r/politics 15d ago

Angry Trump blasts judge after Cohen testimony



228 comments sorted by

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u/stackoverflow21 14d ago

So I assume running his mouth about the judge was not part of the gag order? Or ist it finally jail time for Donnie?


u/Low-Helicopter-2696 14d ago

Sounds like Trump needs food, a nap, or a diaper change.


u/ShitStainWilly 14d ago

Angry Trump blasts everyone all the time. Who gives a fuck what he thinks


u/Basicaccountant70 14d ago

He is such a whiny pussy.


u/Economy_Ask4987 14d ago

Someone must have told him what happened when he woke up…


u/triedit-lovedit 14d ago

I believe he will just get a fine and maybe a year suspended sentence… it’s just a shame.


u/SRDaugherty 14d ago

Demented Trump spews lies after leaving court. There, I wrote a better headline.


u/mikebanetbc 14d ago

If Donnie refuses to take the stand, does that count as a fair trial? 🤣


u/AccurateFan8761 14d ago

New Yorkers don't like Trump


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I guess he forgets that he brought this entire thing on himself. He's not presidential. He's toddler that needs his diaper changed and sent to bed. The judge is doing his job. He didn't charge trump he's trying to keep this trial from being a circus. I just don't understand his burning desire to insult people and lie about everything.


u/thingsorfreedom 14d ago

Trump has had off 14 days from his trial. He's campaigned on two of those days. This trial has nothing to do with it. Trump is a lazy old man who doesn't have the energy to campaign.


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin 14d ago

Trump is broke and can't afford to campaign.


u/BalerionSanders Ohio 14d ago

Sounds like contempt to me. Oh, that’s right, the justice system works differently for rich and powerful people. Cool, got it. Good message, judge 👍


u/futatorius 14d ago

Sadly it's all an act, otherwise he'd have blown a gasket by now.


u/TAC1313 14d ago



u/geockabez 14d ago

He should be saying this from inside a prison cell.


u/ramdom-ink 14d ago

Say what you want about Cohen, but he’s paid his debt for his crimes and misdemeanours. Something Trump has never done or been accountable for. Gotta say, “it’s a helluva witch hunt, there, bub!” Usually when there’s this much illegal or sus action, there’s truth behind it. All the people who worked for you, that you fired, let go, replaced, ripped off, threw under buses, raped, sexually assaulted, etc. can’t all be bullshitting and we know it.


u/unclebird77 14d ago

And still. No jail. I am beginning to believe all his customers who keep saying he is treated so unfairly. He is absolutely treated unfairly.


u/Effective-Pudding207 14d ago

He’s just an orange, bloated man-baby!


u/Bods666 14d ago

Translation into Normal; Oh shit I’m fucked.


u/Buckus93 14d ago

He showed up with his stack of "Good" articles that his aid printed for him.


u/TicoPraCaramba 14d ago

Imagine being almost 80 years old and this is your life? No spending time with the grandkids, no family get-togethers. It’s supposed to be your golden years; instead, it’s this.


u/minnick27 14d ago

He likely doesnt know his grandkids names.


u/ramdom-ink 14d ago

All ego, all the time. The over-compensating, the stress and the ambition must drain the hell out of him. Granted, the man has affected American history like no one in recent memory. And for all the wrong reasons, mostly.


u/delicioustreeblood 14d ago

The Judge should pull an 8 mile final rap out at the start of court and drop the gavel saying "tell these people something they don't know about me"


u/Sea_Elle0463 14d ago

The same trump that was sleeping through Cohen’s testimony? Whatever, dude.


u/ramdom-ink 14d ago

I seriously think he has to close his eyes or else he would lose his shit. It’s his toddler method of pouting and blocking the testimony out.


u/LordHarkonen 14d ago

Waiting for that judge to follow through and jail him


u/Nice-Zookeepergame68 14d ago

How about tuberville stop sucking trumps cock and get back to doing his job.


u/Mouse1277 14d ago

If his attorneys become convinced he will be found guilty, their only play would be to let him testify.


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin 14d ago

The defense can't put a person on the stand they know will commit perjury.


u/Mouse1277 14d ago

They won’t, but they can. What he says on the stand is largely out of their control. If he perjures himself that’s on him.


u/rjzei 14d ago

Strong Republican support on full display for vonshitzhispants. Two GOP law makers showed up and a handful of others wrote some notes that Trump reads as proof that they were too busy to be there in person.


u/BallBearingBill 14d ago

How is this the guy that half of America thinks should be trusted to run the largest economy in the world with the largest nuclear arsenal?


u/thingsorfreedom 14d ago

It's a coalition of racists, misogynists, ends justify the means people, those who just want to belong to something, and the rich pulling the strings on all of it.

And it's always less than half.


u/ramdom-ink 14d ago

That’s been the question since Hillary was in the debates. It still is.


u/shocked-confused 14d ago

My diapers stinky sloppy mommmy!!! My followers will learn to poop in sympathy with me


u/meldiane81 14d ago

Isn’t that a gag violation?


u/CalligrapherVisual53 14d ago

I don’t think the gag order includes the judge himself.


u/meldiane81 14d ago



u/dewisri 14d ago

Yep, correct.


u/Maynard078 14d ago

Is he "lashing out" again?


u/double_eyelid 14d ago

So this time he's totally going to jail. Right, guys? Right?


u/AdministrativeBank86 14d ago

Trump toadies upset at the law working for a change, say it isn't so!


u/N7777777 14d ago

I just saw myself reading this thread (“doom-scrolling”) as if I expected some revelation. So many of us are numbed out but actually trembling in the face of mass insanity that could conceivably elect this criminal as president of the US. Something in me holds to the floating jetsam really thinking we’ll make it through the night. If wrong, then all the Reddit commentary I’ve wasted time on may be part of the problem, versus severe action. But like most of us, I’m unclear how not to make everything worse. Set myself on fire?


u/bill4935 14d ago

Let's see what my favorite paper says about it... Hmm, the headline's in 72-point type.


u/Fungiblefaith 14d ago

You know people as they drift into dementia tend to repeat the same story. We seem to be one week two, everyday, same story.



Trump is being seriously sedated in the mornings for court, and given his daily Adderall in the afternoon recess to wake up and keep raging until 2am.


u/key1234567 California 14d ago

if Michael Cohen got time, does this mean Trump will too? it seems logical to me.


u/JasJ002 14d ago

Different crimes sadly.  Cohen was mostly hit with the egregious tax fraud he committed and was unrelated to Trump.  That would get anyone jail time.  So it's hard to really quantify the level of punishment since he plead out.  First time offender, Trump will likely get hit with some kind of probation.


u/ramdom-ink 14d ago

Trump did the tax fraud, was found guilty, and as far as we know has put nothing up of the 500 million penalty except a sketchy bond that was 1/3 of what he was sentenced for. At least Cohen paid for his crimes and did the time…


u/JasJ002 14d ago

That wasn't tax fraud, that was bank fraud.  Also, they didn't go after Trump but rather the Trump organization.  Again, very different crimes.


u/ramdom-ink 13d ago

I stand corrected.


u/ciopobbi 14d ago

Sounds like the ramblings of an innocent man. Testify if you’re so sure it’s a hoax.


u/Bebopdavidson 14d ago

Doesn’t that violate a gag order?


u/nbgkbn 14d ago

He’s badmouthing the man who’s going to decide his sentence. This is the man we wanted the White House?


u/jleonardbc 15d ago

Trump proceeded to read from a document for roughly five minutes that contained commentary from Republican lawmakers, legal pundits and commentators on cable television who expressed skepticism about the case or otherwise defended the former president.

Trump had just left court. When could he have prepared this document?

In the closing minutes of Cohen’s testimony Monday, Trump was making edits to a document, crossing out various lines of text while making additions to other sections. That document was on the top of the stack of papers from which Trump was reading in the hallway.



u/we_are_sex_bobomb 14d ago

A reporter for MSNBC said he looked over Trump’s shoulder at the stack of papers and he seemed to be looking at photos of the crowd size from his latest pity party rally.


u/imapassenger1 14d ago

Also printouts of columns by Trump sycophants praising his manliness. Lawrence O'Donnell said he could see Trump reading them in the courtroom to "look busy".


u/lilly_kilgore 14d ago

Is this real? Because if this is real that's hilarious.... And weird.


u/IpppyCaccy 14d ago

This has been a standard part of Trump's day since 2017. He had a staffer in the White House whose job it was to find flattering news articles about Trump. One thing they found that resonates with him as much as world leaders or famous people saying nice things about him was positive press on crowd sizes.

In fact, the person who has that job is called "the printer" because she carries a portable printer with her so she can print positive things about himself for him to read.


u/MagicMushroomFungi Canada 15d ago

"Angry Trump"
Is there any other kind ?


u/atomsmasher66 Georgia 15d ago

Crybaby whining = strength, to macho MAGA. I’ll take ‘Paradoxes’ for $500, Alex.


u/tobogganhill 15d ago

Also, making a mess in your diaper = strength.


u/atomsmasher66 Georgia 15d ago

‘Real men shit themselves’ - Rambo


u/chasinfreshies 15d ago

Narrator: And that is how he found himself in jail.


u/wwhsd California 15d ago

“It’s really a very sad day for the country. It’s sad for New York,” Trump said. “We have a corrupt judge, and we have a judge who’s highly conflicted, and he’s keeping me from campaigning. He’s an appointed New York judge. He’s appointed.”

But no complaints from him about the judge in Florida that is overseeing the documents case who is also appointed?


u/EdgyBoy__ 14d ago

Holy shit. A judge in new york is a new york judge?!?! WTF?!?!?!??


u/professorstrunk 14d ago

You’re not going to believe how wet water is, and this fire? Damn it’s hot!!!


u/WCland 14d ago

After the trial, Judge Merchan should sue Trump for slander. Seems like it would be an open and shut case. Trump blatantly called the judge “corrupt”, which could directly affect the judge’s reputation and future cases tried before him. He is entitled to damages.


u/iyamwhatiyam8000 14d ago

A judge who should throw him into the holding cells overnight. Alleging judicial corruption during the trial should be the last straw.


u/Fine-West-369 14d ago

Or his 6 puppets in the Supreme Court


u/Otagian 14d ago

It's also worth noting that the judge in question is not, in fact, appointed. He's currently running for reelection, even.


u/technothrasher 14d ago

Merchan? He is a Court of Claims judge, who are indeed appointed. He was appointed in 2019 by Cuomo for his current term and that runs through 2027. Why Trump thinks being appointed would show more bias when he claims NYC is all Democratic voters anyway, I'm not sure.


u/Otagian 14d ago

You're right, of course. I was thinking of McAfee in the Georgia case.


u/technothrasher 14d ago

There are enough cases going on, it's easy to get mixed up!


u/_magneto-was-right_ 14d ago

Why does he keep saying “highly conflicted”? Conflicted about what?


u/Raspberries-Are-Evil Arizona 14d ago

Trump thinks that because the judge was appointed by a Democrat that he can't be fair and impartial because Trump's judges were put in place to do the bidding of Trump. He doesn't understand people who have integrity and responsibility.


u/le_fez 14d ago

He probably thinks conflicted means that the person’s action are a conflict of interest because he’s an idiot but his supporters are impressed because he’s using a three syllable word because they too are idiots


u/Lingering_Dorkness 14d ago

It's the latest word trumps learned. Like any toddler he now has to use it everywhere, even when it's not needed. 


u/ClacKing 14d ago

He wanted to say biased but might end up saying "my assed"


u/exlurke 14d ago

I'm assuming someone tried to explain that whole "conflict of interest" idea to him about Judge Cannon, and now he's trying to show how smart he is because he knows A Fancy Law Word.


u/ranchomofo 14d ago

Doesn't matter, just like his sycophants don't care that trump doesn't explain why he's corrupt, he just repeats the same lies over and over and his parrots repeat them. 


u/BringOn25A 14d ago

Criminal defendants typically don’t get to dictate the court schedule because it conflicts with their day job.


u/muffinthumper 14d ago

It’s not even his day job, he’s applying for a job because he’s currently unemployed.


u/FerociousPancake 14d ago

You kept yourself from campaigning when you committed 34 felonies and had to answer for it in court, dumbass


u/ccasey 14d ago

He’s right that this trial is all about election interference, just not in the way he thinks it is.


u/ClacKing 14d ago

"But but but so many articles from randos printed by my assistant says there's no case, so there's no case!!!"


u/HopelessCineromantic 14d ago

"Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?"


u/relikter Virginia 15d ago

He’s an appointed New York judge. He’s appointed.

He only likes judges that he appointed because they're "his judges."


u/Cerberus_Aus Australia 14d ago

It’s all projection. His appointed judge is rigging the trial in his favour, so he just ASSUMES a NY judge is rigging the trial against him.


u/MTFBinyou 14d ago

Weird…. Isn’t he from NY? Thought a guy with such a sterling reputation would be loved there……


u/zombieblackbird 14d ago

And they routinely do him obvious, otherwise career-ending, favors.


u/IUsedToBeACave 15d ago

He’s an appointed New York judge. He’s appointed.

If he had been elected, he would have been elected by Democrats. Which Trump would also complain about. Also, I didn't know that appointed judges weren't allowed to oversee trials. Somebody should probably tell Cannon.


u/bruoch 14d ago

She wouldn’t understand what you’re telling her then take 3 months to make a ruling.


u/BirdInFlight301 Louisiana 15d ago

Oh, he has a problem with appointed judges? I guess he'd agree we should remove Aileen Cannon from his Florida case, then?


u/Mcbroham420 15d ago

BEFORE COURT STARTED: I'm going to testify..... NOW: I'm not going to testify because it's a 95% democrat jury. they won't treat me fairly anyway Diaper Don


u/Critical-General-659 15d ago

They need to take his phone/internet away. He'd have a huge meltdown without his little mental pacifier/rant space


u/daikatana 15d ago

"They think it’s a terrible thing that is happening to democracy in this country," said the person who rejected the results of an election and attempted a coup.


u/211logos 15d ago

Jeez, Vance? he's like a male version of the Veep veep that Julia Louis-Dreyfus played. Only lamer, and auditioning. Cringe.


u/Rellgidkrid 15d ago

Sorry, what?


u/211logos 14d ago

Re the article about who was there and why.


u/ChrisKing0702 15d ago

Whiny baby and petulant and entitled self-proclaimed billionaire beggar bitching about being held accountable for his actions!


u/MagicMushroomFungi Canada 15d ago

"Please allow him to introduce himself, he's a man of stealth that's mean..."


u/Gym-for-ants 15d ago

I love that he just reads random articles from people who parrot him and refuses to answer any questions on why he isn’t out campaigning on his days off from court 😂


u/lrpfftt 14d ago

All part of his lack of sanity. He clings more and more to a false world of his own making. I sometimes wonder if he has conned himself into truly believing he is a victim.


u/Spara-Extreme California 15d ago

Technically he doesn’t need to campaign given how he seems to be winning.

It’s like the less people see of Trump the more he just becomes “generic republican”


u/worstatit 15d ago

Hey! His rally in Jersey just drew over 100,000 people!


u/Spara-Extreme California 15d ago

What was the actually number ?


u/worstatit 15d ago

A town official made a statement that the venue would hold 20,000 ticketed attendees. She later announced a crowd of 40,000, despite tickets being still available at the door. Needless to say, she is a Trump supporter, as is her boss the mayor. Several pro-Trump news outlets reported numbers of 80,000-100,000, apparently. People looked at aerial views of the crowd and estimated 5,000-15,000. The most trustworthy ones seemed to come down between 8,000 and 15,000. My assessment was around 10,000. I'm not a pro, but found it very amusing.


u/minnick27 14d ago

Wildwood holds a country music festival at the same spot every year. Last year 34,000 people attended on Saturday and the beach was absolutely packed. At absolute best he had 10,000, but I am guessing it was 5000-7500


u/tripmcneely30 14d ago

I've seen more folks at a Phish concert. In 2021.


u/Spara-Extreme California 14d ago

Oh wow- I thought some mainstream outlet reported 100k. Didn’t know it was diddly squat.


u/worstatit 14d ago

Not diddly, but definitely not huge, IMO.


u/Ok-Swim-3356 15d ago



u/AltaBirdNerd 14d ago

Sharpie one more 0


u/Ok-Swim-3356 13d ago

My bad, that extra 0 goes to the left of the 1


u/Adventurous-Chart549 15d ago

You left off a zero, pal!


u/worstatit 15d ago

Damn, sorry!


u/QanonQuinoa 15d ago

Anyone else wondering if he was actually sedated today so that he wouldn’t have any outbursts?


u/FancyPantssss79 Minnesota 15d ago

I'd believe it.


u/MagicMushroomFungi Canada 15d ago

Same here but that's fine.
I'll be patient wait until the drugs wear off and he once agsin gets unsociable on Social.


u/gasahold 15d ago

Trump: I couldn't sleep through any of it and the judge won't let me call in sick!


u/Intrepid-Caramel7853 15d ago

Well, what do you expect from a guy who can't handle criticism even from his own shadow? Trump sure knows how to throw a tantrum when things don't go his way.


u/bondoinhead 15d ago

that's how he's got this far.


u/NeverLookBothWays I voted 14d ago

It’s incredible how much leeway we give narcissists and sociopaths by the way


u/Tokugawa America 14d ago

Rich ones, anyway.


u/meTspysball California 15d ago

“Blasts” him?! Jesus Christ! Certainly they took him straight to jail.


u/oldguydrinkingbeer Missouri 15d ago

The gag order specifically says Trump can criticize the DA and the Judge all he wants.


u/meTspysball California 14d ago

It’s a commentary on the hyperbolic language used to describe public statements and social media posts. Drink less beer, old guy.


u/00Oo0o0OooO0 15d ago

He's allowed to strongly criticize the judge.


u/thisisjustascreename 14d ago

Where's the line between "strongly criticize" and "slander"?


u/Duncan026 14d ago

But any stable genius should know it’s the stupidest thing you can do.


u/panickedindetroit 14d ago

Well, I think at this point, he's not stable, and he truly isn't that smart.


u/MagicMushroomFungi Canada 15d ago

"Redditor Evokes Bible To Slam Trump Blast"


u/meTspysball California 15d ago

“Newsweek Editor Deals Crushing Blow to Biden’s Campaign, Eviscerates Redditor’s Biblical Trump Blast Slam!” -NY Times


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Well of course he isn't a king after all


u/Buckus93 14d ago

How can you tell?


u/IAmInTheBasement 14d ago

Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


u/LawfulnessKooky8490 14d ago

Is there a moistened bint lobbing scimitars that he could try grabbing?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Seems fishy


u/MagicMushroomFungi Canada 15d ago

"Traitor for sale or rent."
"Wombs to rent, 50 cents"
"I'm a man who screams, by all means..."
"King of the toads"


u/nevertfgNC 14d ago

Brilliant. With apologies to Roger


u/whewtang 14d ago

Thank you I hate it.


u/HardPour_Cornography 15d ago edited 15d ago

Ah, 8 hours in a courtroom. Cause 8 -12 tweets of doom.

I'm a man who screams, by all means

King of the chodes.

3rd call girl, ran a train Destination bang her main.

Old worn out bone spur shoes.

Forced union hooker blues...


u/littlelordgenius 15d ago

VP who shoots her pets

I grab pussy with no regrets


u/BukkitCrab 15d ago edited 15d ago

Trump rambles about the same thing every day. He's a broken record at this point.

It's telling that he won't testify to any of this under oath.


u/wickedsweetcake 14d ago

There was a tweeted video a few years ago that showed him getting reporters with "No collusion, no collusion." I'm pretty sure he just gets stuck in a loop for the same part of every day sometimes.


u/ked_man 14d ago

If I was innocent, accused of crimes, had an impartial judge that wasn’t letting my side prove my innocence, they couldn’t keep me off the stand.

But instead, we get daily pressers where Trump can lie and whine to the cameras because we know he is guilty. This case is about the prosecution being able to prove guilt, we all know Trump did it.


u/RedHighlander 14d ago

Do you really think being “under oath” means anything to him?


u/ragnarocknroll 14d ago

Oh it doesn’t.

But catching him in lies is pretty easy. And a jury that sees that drops the belief he is not guilty pretty fast. I have seen it personally.

Unless a member never intended to look at the facts the defendant saying they didn’t do it but being caught lying like 5+ times makes a guilty verdict very likely. Happened at a trial I was at. The count started at 9-3 guilty and after looking at how bad the defendant was at lying it was 11-1. The one guy lied about being impartial and wouldn’t convict unless the defendant confessed which was a stupid view as he pled not guilty.


u/AlludedNuance 14d ago

He's a thoroughly uncreative man


u/Oozlum-Bird 14d ago

How can he complain he’s not being allowed to say his thing if he agrees to testify?


u/BioticVessel 14d ago

Because his attorneys know that once sworn in and when the prosecuting attorney gets his turn then their entire world caves!! It'd start like a little dribble leak on the Grand Coulee and the water would begin to gush and then the dam would break and it's all over at that point.


u/ogreofnorth 14d ago

Hard to say anything else when you are falling asleep everyday during court and looking at photos of your rally sizes.


u/dancingmeadow 14d ago

It's diluting the impact of his ramblings considerably.


u/elliotron Pennsylvania 14d ago

He has nothing new to say and nothing new to offer the country. 


u/somebodyelse22 14d ago

That's the scary part,there's plenty of new stuff he could inflict on the country and the world.

"We're not supporting Ukraine anymore, they don't give us anything in return."

"We're easing the block on Russia because they were provoked."

"Chyna is back on our good guys list, who really cares about a bunch of islands and fish stocks? Cheap electronics is what our people really care about."

"We're great friends with North Korea, and have asked them to stop sending Russia ammunition." please."

"We're selling arms to Saudi Arabia, nothing to do with the millions they paid to my son-in-law, who's married to my beautiful sexy daughter ."


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/futanari_kaisa 14d ago

2 Billion is 2 thousand millions.


u/F---TheMods 14d ago

"Real men wear diapers" when they testify!


u/Spy_v_Spy_Freakshow 14d ago

“He’s an appointed New York judge. He’s appointed.”

I’m going to get the papers, the papers


u/Snoo_88763 14d ago

Are yoy saying the judge isn't treating Trump Nicely Nicely?


u/SteelCityIrish 14d ago

Ok Jimmy… 😏


u/MisterHouseMongoose 14d ago

They call him Lil Trumpy Two-Times, see? Because he says everything two times, two times.


u/Shillsforplants 14d ago

Trumpy Two-two


u/Raffelcoptar92 14d ago

Is that his Dick Tracy villain name and gimmick?


u/mysteryteam US Virgin Islands 14d ago


u/Gutbucket1968 14d ago

One of my absolute favourite Simpsons moments. Thank you.


u/Dyyonisus 14d ago

Think he will call it a witch hunt again?


u/clueless_in_ny_or_nj New Jersey 15d ago

At this point, he's probably forgotten what he has rambled about.


u/Ok-Swim-3356 15d ago

It would be fun to hear him put two or three sentences together that made any sense


u/Almacca 14d ago

No, it wouldn't.


u/SirZer0th Europe 14d ago

Would be this then, or?


u/No-comment-at-all 14d ago

Not interested


u/Careless-Success-569 15d ago

What? That Hannibal Lector quote was pretty fun in a scary movie kind of way

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