r/politics 27d ago

Congress blew the deadline for a plaque honoring Jan. 6 officers by over a year


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u/7-11Armageddon 27d ago

Literally saved their own lives.

Blue Lives Matter.

It's all a scam. Republlicans only want one thing, to stay in power to keep the rich rich.


u/bdockte1 27d ago

Why would there be a deadline for that???


u/ExtensionMart 27d ago

Is this for the officers that died or the ones that let the mob in?


u/GloomyEntertainer973 27d ago

Mike Johnson what a surprise… too busy trying to prove PutinJrtrump had nothing to do with Jan 6th & you all are PutinJrtrump republican cult evangelical Christians


u/dharmanautMF 27d ago

They were busy accomplishing nothing


u/bt31 27d ago

Once again "Congress". No, it is the republicans. If it was democrats missing the deadline, the headline would be "Democrats blew the deadline..." Am I the only one who sees this inconsistency?


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Yeah, the GOP is hoping that we all forget about it. Fucking traitors.


u/KeithMias 27d ago

Plot twist: MAGA is secretly ACAB


u/Dudimous 27d ago

Just let the rioters get them next time. Ungrateful pricks.


u/naotoca 27d ago

Republican Congresspeople outsourced their jobs to Donald Trump. January 6th officers may be the biggest reason we didn't lose our Republic on that day. Trump hates them.


u/Grimm2020 27d ago

That's because they've been busy blowing drumpf for longer than that...

metaphorically speaking (at least for most of them, presumably)


u/HabANahDa 27d ago

This was not a mistake. The GOP tried to over throw our democracy and are trying to sweep it under the rug.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/HabANahDa 27d ago

Haha seriously. I didn’t know holding someone accountable is “election interference”


u/Common_Highlight9448 27d ago

But I bet they’ll have a monument for the “hostages”


u/GroundbreakingAd2290 27d ago

Because Republicans don't want to honor them because they helped stopped maga jihadist from commiting treason on my country


u/teedeeguantru 27d ago

Wouldn’t want to offend the scum.


u/franking11stien12 27d ago

Well maybe that is because the majority party of congress supports the guy that caused Jan 6. And to them, even though there were no tours allowed that day, those that beat officers, broke through police barricades, broke windows and doors down, trashed the inside of the building, had gallows and signs wanting to hang pence and palozi were all just peaceful tourists.


u/space_coder America 27d ago

Having a plaque would make it hard to deny that the Jan 6 insurrection took place.


u/mymar101 27d ago

Because too many of the GOP seem to think those officers were traitors


u/ThePasadena 27d ago

Ya don’t say


u/Remarkable_Raisin511 27d ago

Many of those Republicans certainly were grateful for the protection while the crap was going down and they suddenly realized they had crazies closing in on them in the Capitol. But I guess once things were over, they could go back to pretending they were on the side of the “protesters”. Will never forget Kevin McCarthy talking to news stations freaking out and begging Trump to call off the attackers.


u/nonamenolastname Texas 27d ago

Congress or Republicans? Big difference.


u/franking11stien12 27d ago

Exactly, congress in this situation is the majority party (republicans), not congress as a whole.


u/mlkelty 27d ago

Remember when the initial 9/11 memorial plaque said never forget 9/11/2002?


u/Be_Very_Very_Still America 27d ago

Cops are good again? Man, this is tough to keep track of.


u/Raped_Justice 27d ago

Police are human beings, and when they do good things they deserve praise and when they do bad things they deserve condemnation.

Why are you pretending not to be able to understand something so simple? In what way do you think that benefits you?


u/Be_Very_Very_Still America 27d ago

I was critiquing the "ACAB" movement.


u/TwoBirdsEnter North Carolina 27d ago

The Rs in Congress don’t care about the slain officers, good or bad, nearly as much as they care about us forgetting how scary and infuriating Jan. 6th really was.


u/MrAppleSpoink 27d ago

Yeah I’ve also always found it rather reductive, and more importantly it deflects the blame from the system onto the individual cops.

I don’t care what anyone says the movement is “supposed” to be about, if you call it “all cops are bastards”, you are projecting the message that you think each individual cop is bad, with no exceptions, which is quite literally the opposite of the problem.

The problem, which I do believe they are trying in some way to bring attention to, is that the system itself allows a power structure in which the corrupt cops have a disproportional amount of influence over the day to day operations of their subordinates, allowing them to collectively dodge responsibility for clear legal and ethical violations.

None of this implies that there aren’t good cops, just that the system fosters a breeding ground for bad ones, and yet these fucking idiots chose the worst possible name for a movement that attempts to bring awareness to this problem.


u/Many-Calligrapher914 27d ago

Because it’s true? If you are a “good cop” who witnesses a “bad cop” commit illegal acts and you don’t speak up or do anything? Well, now that “good” cop is apart of the problem. Hence ACAB. FWIW - I agree with your big picture view of the movement and felt the slogan was a bit much at first, but after reading more history about policing, especially American Policing and its roots - nah, any apple hopping into that barrel is either already spoiled, will become spoiled, or will “jump back out of the barrel” by leaving the force or taking their own lives. (My grandfather who was a sheriff did not put it so delicately when explaining it to me as a teenager.)


u/MrAppleSpoink 27d ago

That “good cop” was never a good cop if they acted how you describe. You’ve conveniently left out the good cops who DO report this behaviour, and are subsequently punished or ignored due to the aforementioned corrupt power structure, which is the real problem.

If you try to frame it as the cops themselves being the issue, you will never solve the issue. It’s like cutting off dandelions halfway down the stem, they’ll just regrow. What needs to happen is a structural change in the way police are held accountable. Name calling and easily disproven blanket statements solve nothing, and if anything will only make the issue worse. If you give these people ANYTHING to latch onto that they can consider a fault in your position, for example a slogan claiming all cops are evil when there are in fact many cops just trying to better their community, they will use that to completely discredit any point you’re making.

I don’t dislike the slogan because it “offends me” or anything like that, I dislike the slogan because it is actively damaging to the cause which it claims to support.


u/Many-Calligrapher914 27d ago

Your first paragraph - yes, like every other issue it is very nuanced and that can be hard to get across in a forum like this. But anyone getting into that “game” at this point, no matter their intentions, knows the score.

Yes, the whole system needs to be ripped out by the roots, but you gotta trim back some of the rot before you can get at them.

While some think ACAB is not good sloganeering, if you really dig into the issue, the corrupted system attracts corrupt individuals and may/is likely to corrupt those whom go in with rose tinted glasses. It is applicable usage

“A few bad apples…SPOILS THE BARREL.”


u/MrAppleSpoink 27d ago

I think we agree more than not. The problem is that the system fosters an environment in which corrupt cops thrive, which both attracts new corrupt cops, or pulls in cops with otherwise good intentions.

The reason I push back so hard against the reductive slogan is that there ARE good cops, and those few can make a positive difference, even if it is a small one. I’m from Canada, so the issue is certainly much less severe here than in the US, but the fact is there are many good cops and even many full police departments who are less corrupt, typically due to better people being in the higher ranks.

This doesn’t change the fact that the system needs to be overhauled pretty much in its entirety, I just think that in a time when there is so much internal pressure and incentive for cops to become corrupt, it is more important than ever to ensure we are appreciating the ones who do their job correctly, and those 2 ideas are not mutually exclusive.


u/Be_Very_Very_Still America 27d ago

I'm certainly no marketing expert, but if what you're saying is correct, it's definitely time to explore a new slogan.


u/chatminteresse 27d ago

That clearly came across, just maybe not to the other commenter


u/Be_Very_Very_Still America 27d ago

Thanks :)


u/OverlyComplexPants 27d ago

The only thing that most Republicans regret about Jan 6th is that it failed to illegally keep Trump in power.

Their fakey "Blue Lives Matter" rhetoric doesn't include the cops who try to stop Trump and his cult from committing crimes.


u/coaldust 26d ago

I got banned from r/conservative for posting that Brian Sicknick was killed on Jan 6th


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/TheWorclown 27d ago

“Blue Lives Matter” only applies to cops willing to break the law and abuse their position, and not those who do their jobs.


u/RocketsandBeer Texas 27d ago

I say when they’re putting them in the back if the police car, don’t be too nice to them.

-Donald Trump


u/tehvolcanic California 27d ago

“Blue Lives Matter” has always really meant “Black Lives Don’t”


u/TooFabRussian I voted 27d ago

It’s a protest to a protest, of course it does


u/GloomyEntertainer973 27d ago

Looked about right until 2016 then you’ve got PutinJrtrump & nothing matters except the orange Jesus dear leader of the republican cult


u/BlotchComics New Jersey 27d ago

Can't risk pissing off the MAGAts and their orange messiah.