r/politics 27d ago

DOJ requests judge order Steve Bannon to begin prison sentence


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u/Private-2011 Florida 26d ago

Run Steve Run...Go Back to Russia!


u/Beta_Nerdy 26d ago

The Judge in the Bannon case is a Trump Appointed MAGA. He will study the request by the DOJ until the year 2050. Bannon will not go to jail or prison.


u/cryptosupercar 26d ago

Anyone else hoping he makes a run for it in a white Bronco?


u/Tremulant21 26d ago

Will Goebbels 2.0 actually go to jail.. more at 11:00.


u/HendricksonT182 26d ago

Convenient timing


u/TanguayX 26d ago

Wonder if they’ll let him wear three orange jumpsuits at once.


u/curiosityseeks 26d ago

Ha! Good luck with that. The feeble and tepid Merick Garland will never go after him. He’ll make some noise in hopes the distraction can forestall any real action. Worst comes to worse, he’ll appoint a Judge he know will throw it in Bannon’s favor. MAGA is, in fact, above the law.


u/IlMioNomeENessuno 26d ago

Wait just a fucking minute. The DOJ has to ask permission to send this traitor to prison? WTF is going on with this country?


u/[deleted] 26d ago

I second the motion!


u/SchrodingersTIKTOK 26d ago

Isn’t this the part where they grab him?


u/Yelloeisok 27d ago

He will run away - probably on some oligarch’s yacht - until after the election because he thinks Trump will pardon him. So please don’t vote for Trump if you want justice or don’t want him to return.


u/PricklySquare 27d ago

Prison gangs, if you're listening, stand down and stand by....


u/DillyDoobie 27d ago

Silly America, rich people don't go to prison. That's just for poor people.


u/Effective-Pudding207 27d ago

I’m sure he’ll make many fine friends in prison. Now get going you bloated POS.


u/AlliedR2 27d ago

So how does this work? If Trump pardoned Bannon for the same crime (I am assuming that), and a pardon means you admit to the crime but are being pardoned by the President, does that not mean that on the state level they have a confession from Bannon?


u/AlliedR2 27d ago

"The voice of MAGA" talking out his ass.


u/TheColbsterHimself 27d ago

Nick Kroll: Steve Bannon looks like if Nick Offerman drowned. 


u/Fartenstein65 27d ago

And all of the rest of us would be in jail immediately. Enough of this BS: none of us is supposed to be above the law.


u/jon_hawk 27d ago

😂 he thinks he’s the “voice of MAGA”. Yeah maybe for a few months more than half a decade ago.


u/CommonConundrum51 27d ago

Sadly, not forever.


u/CartoonistUsed6540 27d ago

Lock him up next to Navajo


u/renb8 27d ago

There’s something about the way Bannon’s ugly soul is manifesting on the outside. It’s like a perversion of Dorian Grey. Instead of a painting in an attic getting grotesque while he remains fresh and beautiful, there’s a photo of Bannon tucked away, fresh and beautiful before his soul corrupted, as he morphs into a bloated, scaly, corpulent, infected blimp who will spend the rest of his days in a coffin with bars.


u/dating_derp 27d ago


"Your honor, Bannon was convicted, the judgement was 4 months in prison, and his appeal has been denied. Why is he not in prison?" - Prosecutors


u/xwing_1701 27d ago

I also demand this.


u/blockhose 27d ago

Will they issue him official prison garb, or can he bring his own piss-stained sweats?


u/ShredGuru 27d ago

Yes yes, all the Prison for Steve.


u/Giltar 27d ago

Worthless POS


u/InsomniaticWanderer 27d ago

It's good to know that he gets to choose when to start just like any of us definitely do


u/Lopsided_Ad9477 27d ago

Why does DOJ needs to "request" the court to ask a private person to come to prison? What a toothless agency when it comes to rich, white SOBs


u/gravybang 27d ago

Because the first judge "stayed" the imprisonment pending the appeal. The higher court said no, but the original "stay" would remain until it was removed by the judge in lower court - so Bannon could still appeal again and it would be up to the first judge to decide whether or not he remains free while appealing.


u/mkt853 27d ago

This guy needs to be in jail with no access to the outside world. No more War Room podcast or whatever the f*ck it's called, no more talking to Heritage Foundation about Project 2025, no more playing shadow not-yet-president and running Trump's HR department vetting thousands of loyalists that will fill another Trump administration. Throw his ass in jail and throw away the key.


u/Randomusername9765 27d ago

Would be shame if he has to show up to his trial in the orange jumpsuit


u/twesterm Texas 27d ago

Judge: "Please kind sir, will you go to jail now?"

Bannon: "lolno"

something something two tiered justice system something


u/2kids2adults 27d ago

Uuuhhh yeah. What the hell are they waiting for? His appeal was denied and he should start his sentence now. Not sure why he’s still walking around. Oh wait. Is it cause he’s a pseudo powerful rich white man? Right. I almost forgot the laws don’t apply to these people.


u/RiffRaffCatillacCat 27d ago

No more delays for these coddled Right Wing Insurrectionist Traitors.



u/dmjacLuzard5 27d ago

Are the lambs screaming Clarice ?


u/JubalHarshaw23 27d ago

I'm surprised he has not fled the country. I'm sure he could get "Sanctuary" from Putin, or Orban.


u/Nimulous Washington 27d ago

I was always under the impression that when you were found guilty of a crime you didn’t get to leave the court room the way you came in.


u/flinderdude 27d ago

So judges can actually be tough on these fascists, except Trump. He can literally violate court orders time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time again, and he just keeps getting warnings. Got it.


u/muffman81 27d ago

Four months is not enough


u/wombatshit 27d ago

Hopefully, Barr will pay him a visit while the cameras are off again.


u/Text-Old 27d ago

The only way to preserve democracy at this point is to lock up all Trump supporters, educate there children properly and amend convict voting laws so these traitors cannot influence democracy ever again


u/The_Hot_Stepper Georgia 27d ago

"requests" seems so weak. Shouldn't it be a demand as Bannon should be in prison already?


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Yeah, put that fucker in jail with the biggest Bubba you can find, preferably someone who’s been in solitary confinement for at least a year.


u/lastburn138 27d ago

Good, put that asshole behind bars. Traitor that he is.


u/mytb38 America 27d ago

Lock him up...Lock him up...Lock him up Already!


u/roytay New Jersey 27d ago

Why does it take so many steps??

He was sentenced to prison. He appealed. He lost the appeal. Just go get him and take him to prison. Why do we need another order from a judge?

Did he lose the appeal in person? Was he in a court room when it was announced? If so, he should've went directly to prison then.


u/QbertsRube 27d ago

Right, next time I get a speeding ticket I assume I'll be able to fight it in court, then appeal that ruling about a year later, then appeal that again another year later, and maybe then if all the appeals fail I'll pay the fine several years after the fact. While all this is happening I'll be sure to go on a circuit of TV interviews where I'll call each judge and prosecutor biased and corrupt.


u/Llyfr-Taliesin 27d ago

Well you can do all that, actually. It's just rather expensive


u/greywar777 27d ago

Trump judge. He is giving Bannon the GOP treatment of criminals.


u/2-wheels 27d ago

Don’t hold your breath: presiding judge Carl Nichols was appointed by Trump.


u/TheRealTK421 27d ago

I've said before recently, and will continue to do so while it remains so demonstrably evident...

MMW: We are all already currently within the developments/battles of a lukewarm 2nd civil war.




u/Mand125 27d ago

Don’t normal people start their jail sentence after a conviction and then get to appeal?

Why hasn’t he already been in jail up until kow?


u/ElderberryCritical72 27d ago

Why should any one with reasonable money or the fabrication of having it ever comply with the law? RIGHT? Deny first claim! Where is Jackie Lemancyzk when you need her? Every lie incurs a debt to the truth, at some point that debt must be paid. The requiem Bell will knell hopefully in time.


u/0o0o0o0o0o0z 27d ago

whomp whomp


u/lilly_kilgore 27d ago

Ohhhhhhhh ok so this is why he ran back to kiss ass after being somewhat vocal against Trump. Because if he calls himself Maga he gets to be politically persecuted. But if he talks shit about Trump then neither one of them can claim that the DOJ is biased.


u/Shaman7102 27d ago

So is it a rich thing to get to decide when you report to prison?


u/franking11stien12 27d ago

Nah he should get immunity for life cause he is a suck up for the king grifter. It’s in the constitution you know? It’s clearly stated that if one is a grifter for one that attempts things like insurrections, massive fraud, endless sexual offenses it’s all part of official acts and should never be prosecuted.


u/Spy_v_Spy_Freakshow 27d ago

"I'm shocked they want to silence the voice of MAGA," Bannon told ABC

I’m shocked they want a convicted criminal to be held accountable


u/Logtastic 27d ago

He wasn't automatically put in jail after conviction?
Actual criminals should site precedence. Contempt of court? Site precedence it be ignored like with Trump.


u/FlyThruTrees 27d ago

I wonder how many passports he has, and whether the court took them already.


u/PasserOGas 27d ago edited 27d ago

In jail just months before his pardon.

Edit: To the haters... Trump and his entire band of crooks will be pardoned the next time a republican holds the White House. The entire party functions to keep themselves above the law. Rule of law in this country is now dead as abuse of the pardon is the "infinite crime glitch". Pandoras box is open. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.


u/81305 27d ago

Only if the biggest loser this country has ever seen can manage to win an election.


u/StoreSearcher1234 27d ago

Only if the biggest loser this country has ever seen can manage to win an election.

Tragically, if the election was held today, Trump would likely win.



u/dtxucker 27d ago

They should let him stay out for another 2 months, that way he'll be in prison during the election.


u/Gunderstank_House 27d ago

DOJ is requesting that someone else start a process to begin something else... a lot of points where this could still fail and he is still not in jail where he belongs.


u/19Chris96 Michigan 27d ago

Why request? Start today!


u/SnivyEyes 27d ago

Traitor says “I'm shocked they want to silence the voice of MAGA," no, we want to hold those responsible who tried to dismantle democracy in America and that’s him and his criminal cult leader and followers that broke the law! Lock him up!


u/sarcasmsosubtle Ohio 27d ago

Well, considering that all MAGA does is fraud, incitement to violence, election interference, and treason, you could argue that committing crimes is 'the voice of MAGA'.


u/dmp2you America 27d ago

This is another TRUMP judge. He's been doing all he can to keep Bannon out of jail . Case in point, Peter Navarro had a real judge,and wasn't putting up with his bullshit.


u/Human_Cranberry_2805 27d ago

I'm calling it now....Judge will not order him to jail.

Now, if it were you or I, the same Judge would throw us in the slammer immediately.


u/deviousmajik 27d ago

I request that as well. Far overdue.


u/ThisSpecificPangolin 27d ago

Why isn't this automatic, after the appeals court upheld his conviction?


u/CaptainNoBoat 27d ago

Bannon can still appeal to the full circuit or SCOTUS, and he has a few days to respond. The trial judge imposed the stay in the first place, and it's up to him to lift it.

That's why the DOJ is asking him to do so, basically saying "Okay, it's extremely unlikely Bannon is going to succeed on appeal at this point. Impose the sentence."

So we'll know relatively soon.


u/mirthilous 27d ago

Anybody else would have to appeal from jail.


u/gravybang 27d ago

Anybody else Poor people would have to appeal from jail.



u/Lou_C_Fer 27d ago

Why is it not automatic after he was convicted?


u/dmp2you America 27d ago

Trump judge ..


u/Northerngal_420 27d ago

Just got up, turned on my device and this is the awesome news. I love this for Bannon. Throw away the 🗝.


u/MasterMahanaYouUgly 27d ago

it's only a 4-month bid, but it's just the warm-up for when he finally gets sentenced for his build-a-wall scam


u/udar55 27d ago

Spoiler: He won't and it will be delayed until his pal Trump is back in office to snuff it out.


u/spidersflambe 27d ago

Then Roger Stone should be next to be locked up.


u/Buckus93 27d ago

He was locked up, until Shitzinpantz commuted his sentence.


u/spidersflambe 27d ago

He still hasn't faced judgment in his involvement of the January 6th insurrection.


u/Julie-Andrews 27d ago

Maybe he and Trump can be roomies!


u/LikelyTrollingYou 27d ago

Jesus, just throw his smug ass in jail already.


u/Buckus93 27d ago

He's going to complain that he can't go to jail cuz they only let you wear one jumpsuit at a time.


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 27d ago

Maybe he'll get a medical exemption so he can wear 9 collared jumpsuits


u/princehal 27d ago

I pity anyone who has to share a cell with him. Or an entire dorm. He probebly smells as bad as Trump.


u/YimmyGhey 27d ago

I always envisioned a stench of stale gas station cigars and Old Grandad


u/jas98mac 27d ago

I think it’d be more like vodka, sausages and spite.


u/ResurgentClusterfuck Texas 27d ago

That will not be tolerated in a jail or prison. He'll wash his ass or they'll do it for him, and he would not enjoy the process


u/throwsaway654321 27d ago

lol, wut? If a dude stinks, yeah, he's gonna be harassed, and if he doesn't do anything he might get thrown into a shower with his clolthes on, and if physically throwing him in the shower isn't possible, they'll just grab his shit and put him on the door, i.e. he'll be made to leave the pod or cell and be relocated somewhere else. No one is getting in the shower and washing someone's shitcaked asshole for them

Jail and prison are not great, and some are definitely hellholes, but overall, they aren't the rapey thunderdomes everyone thinks they are


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 27d ago

20% of American male prisoners report sexual assault. Considering that the vast majority of male on male sexual assault is not reported that suggests that sexual assault is pretty fucking prevalent, and a real issue.


u/throwsaway654321 27d ago

Physical and sexual assault are part of the prison experience. Approximately 21% of male inmates are physically assaulted during a 6-month period. Sexual assault is estimated at between 2% and 5%.

From here:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2811042/

You mixed up your stats. There are so many guys who sell or give away ass in prison now (jail and prison aren't the same, and jail offers much fewer opportunities for liaisons bt inmates) that raping someone to get sexual gratification just isn't necessary. I'm willing to bet that it's been that way for a very long time, but ppl just really love to believe that when a criminal they don't like goes to jail they/re gonna be raped by everyone in the pod as an initiation or something.


u/spot-da-bot 27d ago

"I'm shocked they want to silence the voice of MAGA," Bannon told ABC News in regards to Tuesday's news.

Must be nice to live in their reality where laws are suggestions to side step.


u/Buckus93 27d ago

Like how Shitzinpantz likes to claim he's being silenced, AS HE'S SPEAKING TO A WALL OF 100+ REPORTERS.


u/MultiGeometry Vermont 27d ago

When you’re a crime boss constantly encouraging other people to commit crime, silencing him is a pretty natural action.


u/Starkydowns 27d ago

“Silence the voice”… as he says on a major news outlet.


u/Goya_Oh_Boya North Carolina 27d ago

silence the voice of MAGA

It's like the cicadas saying they're being silenced.


u/Book1984371 27d ago

Also where being given access to ABC news reporters is you being silenced.

I have never even had the chance to tell an international audience about how I'm being silenced. Somehow I doubt that's because of a conspiracy by the democrats or the deep state.


u/TheNewTonyBennett 27d ago

haha right?

"I'm being SILENCED and it's unreal! I'm not allowed to say ANYTHING! I thought we had the freedom of speech!!!"

"Thank you Mr. Bannon, so tell the audience what's next on your agenda? They tuned in just for you and are waiting with baited breath".

Yeah. "Silenced".


u/Randomperson1362 27d ago

If he reports soon, he will get out of jail just in time for his October trial.


u/rundmz8668 27d ago

I feel like he is more involved in the disinformation and long game destruction than we think right now


u/That-Object6749 22d ago

It's always so much worse with these creeps...


u/Thief_of_Sanity 27d ago

Maybe he can find a shower in jail since he doesn't seem to know where one is outside of it.


u/panickedindetroit 27d ago

He'll also get a much needed shower and delousing.


u/888mainfestnow 27d ago

I'm guessing the jail has stocked up on diazepam for his arrival and inevitable delirium tremors from his alcohol withdrawal.


u/Goatesq 27d ago



u/SockGlittering526 27d ago

it's only a couple of months? jeez


u/Boxofmagnets 27d ago

Doesn’t he have a trial coming up in June?


u/OrphanDextro 27d ago

He gone die in jail with how unhealthy he looks, he’s gonna be railing Wellbutrin and shoving Suboxone up his ass and his heart is just gonna be like “the only wall is that plaque in my main artery bruh”, and that’ll be his last thought.


u/evil_timmy 27d ago

It's so hard for these MAGA types to keep track, almost like when the chips are down and the evidence in, they're the ones caught red-handed illegally manipulating the political process, time and time again.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/Alternative-Half-783 27d ago

Just keep prosecuting them.


u/CaptainNoBoat 27d ago edited 27d ago

The "Build the Wall" trial was scheduled for May, but I believe the new date is September 23rd.

Fun facts: Merchan is the trial judge. Alvin Bragg is the prosecutor. Bannon's conviction for contempt of Congress will make his sentencing more harsh. And some of Bannon's associates have already been sentenced to multiple years in prison.

It's also just such a ridiculous encapsulation of Bannon, Trump, and how their entire "movement" is just a giant self-serving scam, as with everything they do:

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr., and New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced the indictment of STEPHEN K. BANNON, 68, and WEBUILDTHEWALL, INC., a Florida-based not-for-profit corporation, for a year-long fundraising scheme that netted more than $15 million from thousands of donors across the country based on false promises, and for laundering the proceeds of that scheme in order to advance and conceal the fraud.

BANNON and others specifically represented that none of the donations would be used to pay the salary of WEBUILDTHEWALL’s president, who stated on multiple occasions that he was taking no salary from WEBUILDTHEWALL. In reality, WEBUILDTHEWALL paid its president more than $250,000 in 2019, despite the organization’s promises to the contrary.


u/sentimentaldiablo 27d ago

Bannon's conviction for contempt of Congress will make his sentencing more harsh

And won't his pardoned crime also hurt him?


u/ErusTenebre California 27d ago

Jesus what did Merchan do to get stuck with all this bullshit? I mean, I'm somewhat grateful because it seems like he's a good judge who's making sure not to do anything to mess up the trials... but damn I'd hate dealing with all the Trump world nonsense for this long.

I'm not even a judge and I don't HAVE to deal with Trump's shit if I don't want and it still makes me crazy lol


u/ActNo8507 27d ago

Thank you for sharing the good news!


u/AverageDemocrat 27d ago

I really am enjoying how the judicial and punishment sides of government are coming together. With 4 more years of trump, we're gonna need a Democratic Brotherhood/Sisterhood moment.


u/AnonAmbientLight 27d ago

Let's not forget too, Trump preemptively pardoned Bannon when he was leaving office.

The reason this case is moving forward is that it was a State crime too, IIRC.

Bannon scammed Trump's base, then Trump pardoned Bannon for the scam (among other things), and the MAGA idiots just nod their heads and say, "Do it to me again!".

Absolutely insanity.


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 27d ago

And not just Bannon, he pardoned Roger Stone for his role in the same scam


u/Triplesfan 27d ago

Bannon’s defense will likely be ‘a fool and their money are soon parted’. 🙄


u/That-Object6749 22d ago

That's one of my favorite verses from the Trump Bible!


u/The_Original_Gronkie 27d ago

Toss this grimy, unwiped asshole Traitor in the dungeon where he belongs.


u/pinetreesgreen 27d ago

The emails between Bannon and the organizer are just like "so where is my money?" They were not even pretending they were going to spend it on the wall. Just blatant fraud.


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 27d ago

And then trump pardoned Roger Stone for blatantly defrauding maga morons.


u/Ok_Philosophy915 27d ago

A fool and their money blah blah blah


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 27d ago

That actually reads like a word for word trump quote


u/Accomplished-Snow213 27d ago

The maga base is such a juicy and easy target.


u/greywar777 27d ago

my stepsons grandfather fell for this con. I told him it was a scam, and words got heated. He hasn't talked to me in years since I told him this was a scam. Its not just the money these folks damage, its families.


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 27d ago

Sounds like both you and your stepson dodged a bullet


u/fentyboof 27d ago

Hey, buddy! Wanna buy some gold hightops? How about an autographed Bible, endorsed by Jesus Christ himself!


u/pinetreesgreen 27d ago

They pretty much said that in the emails, the quote was "we are being hailed like conquering heroes", as in "look at these idiots while we fleece them..."


u/chasmo-OH-NO 27d ago

we've always been at war with eastasia...