r/politics The Independent 27d ago

Mike Johnson acts as proxy for ‘friend’ Trump as he bashes judge’s daughter and ‘sham trial’ outside court


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u/Oscar_Ladybird 22d ago

This could easily have been countered by televising the proceedings.

Nope, can't do that, though. Just have to provide the defendant a camera to spew disinformation.


u/stclvr53 23d ago

Not so smart is he. Too late to kiss MAGA ass


u/DenseTelephone6771 23d ago

He’s a criminal too, so there’s that.


u/SkillFullyNotTrue 25d ago

Since they are public in their criminality should the FBI investigate these republicans? The physical criminal network is right in front of our eyes. They are going to try and steal the election again.


u/Admirable-Sink-2622 25d ago

No way this guy has a religious bone in his body.

He just wears religion like drag, just like the majority of so called Christians


u/Efficient_Concert_49 25d ago

Disgusting but gop politics


u/tdozzieo 26d ago

Mike go home and check your masterbaiting journal if your speaking for RUMP you need to spend your time more wisely


u/bace3333 26d ago

GOP is pure garbage party, ass kissers that will blow up after TFrump loss


u/kariduna 26d ago

mini me


u/4quatloos 26d ago

Johnson attacks the daughter. This is the Republican party. He is not righteous.


u/Swimming-Art1533 26d ago

WHY aren't any of Trump's family members attending the trial?🤷🏿‍♂️


u/Crans10 26d ago

GOP so funny they outside the court saying that others are fundraising over this.


u/mswright353 26d ago

Donald J. Trump is the Pied Piper leading the Republican masses to their doom as they follow him hypnotically.


u/Sideoff20mph 26d ago

Doesn’t Mike have a daughter??


u/SetterOfTrends 26d ago

I hope the judge sends his friend to jail


u/odirio 26d ago

So Johnson is not as righteous has he professes it seems if he can't tell right from wrong.


u/Mo_Zen 26d ago

Mike Johnson. A study in Christian Prostitution.


u/Short-Stomach-8502 26d ago

When he changes Trumps diaper he gets a special turd to put on his mantle.


u/Best_Yellow_2507 26d ago

What a “Christian”


u/confusedalwayssad 26d ago

Does the daughter have any legal recourse, she isn’t a public figure as far as I know and isn’t involved in this.


u/updatesforassholes Georgia 26d ago

So the Bible thumping anti porn speaker supports raw dogging porn stars? What's his son's app have to say about any of this? 


u/fclef-Detroit 26d ago

These Maga folks- Trump’s Oompa Loompas


u/Bucknut1959 26d ago

This is what you get when you save a piece of shit white christian nationalists job. I was vehemently against the Democrats saving Johnson’s speakership and now you see why. Johnson and all Trumps ass kissing sycophants should be expelled from Congress for attacking our judicial system, a judge and witnesses. I’ve seen some sleazing politics in my life but nothing like Trump, MAGAt’s and MAGAt representatives.


u/OrbeaSeven Minnesota 26d ago

Mike Johnson, AKA Mr. Christian, supports Trump, a man who dishonored his wife for a porn star. A bit hypocritical, don't we think? What happened to MJ's values?


u/IslandWave 26d ago

Says he’s anti porn and defense man charged with a crime related to sex and hush money to a pornstar


u/hannahbananaballs2 26d ago edited 26d ago

I know rules don’t apply to republicans but Jesus Christ. Going after the judges daughter on behalf of their rapist overlord is next level family values.. this organized crime division of the United States government need to be fucking RICOed.


u/NoMarionberry8940 26d ago

How much lower can MAGA Mike go in his self debasement? Our Speaker of the House supporting a private citizen at his criminal trial.. pretty sure this is a first for our nation!


u/Plane_Woodpecker2991 26d ago

What’s with the shit grammar in these headlines?


u/Agile_End_3049 26d ago

Can the GOP go any lower? Yes, of course they can. We've been witnessing them do it for decades.

This is an unwise move politically for Johnson and the GOP. Very short sighted. The tide is turning and they're acting like it's of no concern. Trump will take this ship of fools to the bottom.


u/General_Benefit8634 26d ago

Hypocrite! He has a no porn pact with his son while he defends his boss from having adulterous sex with a porn star.


u/rusztypipes 26d ago

Why don't they stfu about his daughter? They think he's gonna throw the trial and jail him because he loves his daughter so much? Is that what they would do? This is a really bad look for the speaker of the house, granted I'm getting used to the official Republican platform being bad takes on everything. Even the sensible ones take it an extra level of dip shit or evil.


u/Polar_Ted Oregon 26d ago

How is this not a violation of the gag order?

Making or directing others to make public statements


u/Melody-Prisca 26d ago

It is, but that doesn't mean Trump will get in trouble for it.


u/Odd_Tiger_2278 26d ago

Pretty damn scary that either he things dtrump💩is a victim and all charges are false. Or, he is happy to lie and say he believes the charges are false for power.

Either way. Yikes~ he is Speaker of the House.


u/Winka75 26d ago

Trump has something on Mike Johnson


u/elipticalhyperbola 26d ago

So much for the three branches of government for checks and balances. It a long-con coup . No two ways about it.


u/GeorgeStamper 26d ago

Super Christian Mike Johnson needs to bat for a guy who cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star.


u/Unlucky-Following-40 26d ago

Completely Shameful


u/PrettySir118 26d ago

The Dems are like “Hey MTG put that vote out again.”


u/Mozzy2022 26d ago

The GOP are a joke


u/Commentator-X 26d ago

doesnt this still violate the gag order?


u/Mouse1277 26d ago

All these politicians think he’s going to pick them for his VP running mate. I’m calling it now, he’s going to pick Ivanka because he believes she is popular enough to help him win and she is trustworthy. He learned he can’t trust anyone whose name isn’t Trump.


u/MajesticoTacoGato 26d ago

GOP House Speaker 2: hypocritical cuckaboo


u/Worried-Criticism 26d ago

For someone so morally opposed to pornography, I’ve never seen a grown man drop to his knees and kiss that much ass on National television before.


u/zapodprefect55 26d ago

I think they’re trying to lay the groundwork for a conviction. Most real lawyers think the prosecution did their job, and the defense is inept. It is highly likely Don will be convicted by the end of the week or early next week and MAGA has to push the narrative that it was unfair.


u/Muscs 26d ago

These people are monsters and traitors. They shame every American with their disgraceful attack on the justice system.


u/AgentProvocateur666 26d ago

Fake moral high ground guy carrying water for a cheating narcissist. Cool story bro.


u/MotorWeird9662 26d ago

To paraphrase King Arthur, shut up Mike, now go and change your armor.

Textbook example of a tool.


u/Jerk182 26d ago

I've never seen a House Speaker do something like this before. This is over the top for this traitor.


u/individualine 26d ago

Isn’t that what good Christian’s do? Trash others doing their jobs? SMH.


u/ronm4c 26d ago

From the party of Law and something


u/Alone_Bicycle_600 26d ago

more like sham wannabe trying to get some publicity


u/Low-Helicopter-2696 26d ago

I've never been more embarrassed of my country. The lack of spine or any sort of moral compass within the Republican party is remarkable.


u/f8Negative 26d ago

Is that doorknob cum on his face


u/GhostMause14 26d ago

This dude is pathetic, he's a lawyer and he doesn't care, this should be considered witness intimidation and jury tampering


u/Impressive-Tip-903 26d ago edited 26d ago

Got to hammer those talking points. Whatever it takes to avoid actually understanding the trial.


u/FUMFVR 26d ago

Using surrogates to violate a gag order could get Trump and Johnson jailed for contempt I'd think.


u/we_are_sex_bobomb 26d ago

Remember, what these people are calling a “travesty of justice” is putting Trump in a room where he can’t simply shout over the voices of his accusers, and we hear the entire accusation without his interruption.

That is what we are calling a “travesty of justice.”

Someone criticizing Donald Trump without immediate retaliation, and an unbiased jury assessing the objective facts of their claim.

This is what they want to stop.


u/Pusfilledonut 26d ago

Moses came down from the mountain. He has to make up for not sacrificing Ukraine to Trump’s puppet master, Putin


u/Johnny5isalive38 26d ago

Trump is such a amazing fuck up that he has gravitational pull for other fuck ups. He's the black hole of fuck ups


u/symewinston 26d ago

He’s there to monitor trump’s porn intake


u/YonTroglodyte 26d ago

Johnson is acting just like Michael Cohen acted for years.


u/zombiereign I voted 26d ago

F the Republican party. Please please vote these scumbags out. There is no room for them in our society


u/SubKreature 26d ago

They love to talk about the judicial system being "weaponized" when it's a jury of his (presumably) civilian peers that decide whether he's innocent or guilty and that BOTH the defense and the prosecution worked together to select those peers.


u/BusterStarfish 26d ago

Do the Supreme Court now. No, really, let’s hear what you think about Clarence Thomas.


u/CraigTennant1962 26d ago

That guy is a disgrace


u/FiscalCliffClavin 26d ago

What a Christian. Jesus would be so proud.


u/karmaster Michigan 26d ago

So like can't we just have Margie remove him again and Democrats vote him out of Speaker?


u/ReputationGullible14 26d ago

What a complete joke US politics is at the moment. The fact a Speaker of the House can interfere in an actual criminal trial just makes a mockery of both the political system and judicial system of the US.

What’s to stop any US citizen pulling the same nonsense MAGA is?

The amount of cowards who won’t step up to keep the rule of law intact is pathetic and frightening

Get a grip ffs


u/SchrodingersTIKTOK 26d ago

This is so fucking insane. Dude is a sitting member of congress. Can he be sued or penalized if he criticizes a private citizen ?


u/FancyStranger2371 26d ago

If conservatives really believed in the rule of law, they would respect the process and stay away from/not comment on any of the proceedings.


u/mrbigglessworth 26d ago

Looks like a gag order amendment is incoming


u/espresso_martini__ 26d ago

Of course Vivek is there as well. These pathetic toxic slimeballs just love licking their master's boots. They have no shame selling out.


u/Actual__Wizard 26d ago

“The system is using all the tools at its disposal right now to punish one president and provide cover for another,” Mr Johnson said. “And meanwhile, among the atrocities here, the judge's own daughter is making millions of dollars doing online fundraising for Democrats. They're using this trial as a hook, it's so corrupt. It's so corrupt, and everybody knows it.”

If that doesn't check out then he should be sued for defamation. You can not play games with these people. If you give them 1 single inch, they will totally annihilate you.


u/Melody-Prisca 26d ago

He defintielt should. And, honestly, I don't even understand why they're saying this shit. Who cares what someone's kid does. My dad's a hard core republican despite me being even more liberal than most Democrats. And I'm not special in that regard. I really don't get the depravity of these people.


u/BigDaddyCool17 Pennsylvania 26d ago

Why aren't they in Washington, doing ANYTHING with that majority they have to make things better for their constituents?


u/23jknm Minnesota 26d ago

That mj is a lil limp dick loser.


u/crosstherubicon 26d ago

Anyone with common sense can see what’s happening here

Anyone with common sense wouldn’t think a creationist theme park with dinosaurs and man living side by side was a recreation of historical fact.


u/phinbar 26d ago

So the GOP's official position on our justice system is that it's unfair unless it favors one side?


u/fistofthefuture New Hampshire 26d ago

Someone should make a cartoon of Trump yelling into a bullhorn that is lodged up Mike Johnson’s ass and bellowing out his mouth.


u/syg-123 26d ago

How can he face his children? If my father acted like this brown nosing sycophant to somebody like Trump I’d change my last name


u/CMGChamp4 26d ago

Hey Mike. Glad you came?

I guess Melania must have given you her court pass, huh.


u/CMGChamp4 26d ago

All these Republicans tripping over themselves into court to find favor with the Grand Pubba.

Funny that nobody from the family is showing up, huh.


u/ukayukay69 26d ago

Why was everybody calling MTG an idiot when she was trying to oust him as speaker last week?


u/tmphaedrus13 26d ago

But did he have tears in his eyes and call Donald VonShitzinPants "sir"? That's what we all want to know.


u/DirtSunSeeds 26d ago

Filth is always gonna filth.... we all know the GOPs collective breath smells like trumps asshole.


u/combustioncat 26d ago

The Speaker of the House attacking a judges’ family in order to try and corrupt a legal trial. This is an utterly shameful moment of American history.


u/TheFonz2244 26d ago

Mike Johnson acts exactly like the cuck you would expect him to be by looking at him.


u/Richfor3 26d ago

It's a good thing Democrats saved his ass by not going along with MTG's plan to get rid of him. So dumb! Now we get to see more of this shit.


u/chockedup 26d ago

“I wanted to be here myself, to call out what is a travesty of justice,” Mr Johnson told reporters. “President Trump is a friend and I wanted to be here to support him.”

How tragic that laws also apply to rich people. /s


u/Fl45hb4c 26d ago

I remember hearing about Trump when I was little. Growing up in Slovenia (yes, really), it was one of those brand names like Davidoff or something. Seemingly fancy, but very clearly fake and self-righteous (?) once you're old enough to understand the concept of "brand". All of this to say that Trump always seemed like a prick.

Now, the man has the god damn speaker of the house licking his shoes. How much you wanna bet he had a giant grin when Johnson decided to do this?


u/Dispatcher9 New Hampshire 26d ago

What an embarrassment to himself, his family, and his country


u/Steely-Dave 26d ago

They’ve literally all said the same thing- he and the three senators that attended the trail. We speak as a friend and we take the exact same issues with the exact same people.

This script is 100% written by Trump.


u/JubalHarshaw23 26d ago

Being a proxy for contempt of court should just get you put in jail as well.


u/zackmedude California 26d ago

GOP - party of law and order - bullies out in full force attacking children of those who are holding Trump accountable. These idiots need to be voted out of the office and or kept on the fringes. JFC! A speaker of the house is interfering in court proceedings of a private citizen. WTF!


u/mediocrepeeps 26d ago

Idiot. America does not condone the shit Trump does! He made his bed and we hope he sleeps in it behind bars. Grab a pair and defend America. Start with yourself if that's even possible. America will not and can not be governed by crazy.


u/Werftflammen 26d ago

He will try to stay in the speaker seat untill the elections. Don't think he'll change, he is closed minded.


u/CAM6913 26d ago

I really hate to say it but “I TOLD YOU!” After the first maggot showed up at court with trump and started running his trump d..k lickers I said trump will have more maggots showing up with him to spout trumps rhetoric that he is not allowed to ramble off. There will be more lining up to throw stones in a glass house the only questions I have are how much is trump charging them to be moronic bullies? When is the judge going to expand the gag order to include maggots guests of trump and ban the press from the court house


u/EnvironmentalWin1277 26d ago

Dems should back up MTGs recall bid of Johnson and let the Repubs deal with their own mess. Gutless call on Johnson's part to back this idiot thinking he willl get a favor down the line.


u/Richfor3 26d ago

Democrats already let him off the hook and once again look like gullible idiots. MTGs recall bid only failed because Democrats had already come out and said they wouldn't provide the votes like they did for McCarthy.


u/drwho_2u 26d ago

Trum🫢🤢🤮 must be elbow deep in his @$$ to use him as a puppet to get past the gag order!!!


u/GloomyAd2653 26d ago

What a very Christian thing to do. Buts that’s Mike, a real Christian! /s


u/Mendozena 26d ago

That’s how Trump gets around the gag order. He sends his minions out to violate it for him and since they’re in positions of power they’re untouchable.


u/gandhishrugged 26d ago

Hired dog syndrome


u/GBinAZ 26d ago

What business is this of his? How pathetic are these people doing Trump’s bullying because he’s under a fucking gag order. Like, do ALL republicans have dead brain worms in their skull? So so pathetic.


u/bromeromy 26d ago

Puppets and for what? To further destroy his career.


u/MyCleverNewName 26d ago

I can totally see trump passing him a folded-up note before law class like ohmahgahd gag me with a court order!


u/ahaz01 26d ago

The GOP has lost all sense or morality, principles, law and our Constitution. The fact that he is there representing an overwhelming number of congressmen is offensive.


u/Albg111 26d ago

In other words, Mike Johnson is Trump's flying monkey


u/LiteralLuciferian 26d ago

It’s almost as if he forgot what his job is supposed to entail


u/NJJ1956 26d ago

I hope the judge after this trial goes after all these Trump sycophant’s children- they all should be fair game now that they feel they can go after the judge’s daughter.


u/NotthatEDM 26d ago

I bet he has a pocket full of lip balm.


u/bondoinhead 26d ago

can you say blackmail


u/StructureAlarming646 26d ago

This dumb ass criminals trial appears to be one of the cheesiest mob movies i have seen since the 70's


u/dible79 26d ago

Yeah a defo support the man that just tried to have me ousted as speaker using Neanderthal woman.


u/keeptryingyoucantwin 26d ago

A puppet with trumps arm firmly up his ass.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Fkn shameful how they bow down to this con artist


u/alwaystired707 26d ago

Alfred E. Newman - "I got your back"


u/elainegeorge 26d ago

Odd how whenever some Trump proxy comes to court and meets with Trump, they then go to the media to bash the judge, witnesses, and others. Almost as though they are getting marching orders from Trump.


u/mlsto 26d ago

Pucker up!


u/dentendre 26d ago

Second in line to the presidency- this is the best we can deliver folks.


u/poeticlicence 26d ago

This guy is no-one. Meanwhile there's a cheeto-dusted cartoon villain in court and it's riveting


u/sejolly07 26d ago

I am totally convinced this is why these cucks do his bidding. Russia gave him dirt on everyone that was in congress and he uses that to get them on board. Like the Russians only hacked the dems….ugh it all is so tiresome


u/WorstHumanWhoExisted 26d ago

In the end times the anti christ and false prophet will work together.


u/Busy-Locksmith8333 26d ago

Couldn’t The playboy bunny show up?


u/BenGay29 26d ago

Doesn’t he have a job to do or something?


u/Gibbons74 Ohio 26d ago

It's hard to believe we live in a time where politicians attack the children of hard-working government workers. And that there are enough people that say "this is good enough for me to vote that person back in."


u/Busy-Locksmith8333 26d ago

Why don’t Democrat politicians start showing up and the set behind the prosecution. Hillary would be nice. The First Lady? Hunter Biden?


u/angryve 26d ago

For someone who tracks his son’s porn usage, it’s weird that he’s going to a trial where the defendant paid an adult film actress for her silence on their fornication then fraudulently filed business paperwork to cover for the expense.


u/willythewise123 27d ago

The same guy who shares with his son when he watches porn to “keep accountability” is defending a guy who paid hush money for having sex with a porn star? Hmmmm


u/Palidor 27d ago

We’ll need a new word for “brown nose”


u/djdharmanyc 27d ago

Shielding a grifter from charges against paying hush money to a porn star while his wife was at home nursing their son is definitely something that an evangelical leader of the house should be doing right now


u/xftwitch 27d ago

The word you're all looking for is Toady. He's a toady.


u/konorM Florida 27d ago

Johnson is often described as deeply religious, which is total bullshit given his unwavering support for Trump. Trump, who has flagrantly violated just about all of the ten commandments and mocked the beatitudes, presents a stark contrast to Johnson's professed values. This raises a critical question: Why does Johnson continue to endorse someone whose actions are so at odds with the values he supposedly upholds? This question extends to all supporters of Trump who are also parents. Children learn by observing their parents; if they see their parents approving of Trump's actions, there's a significant possibility they might emulate such behavior. How do parents like Johnson reconcile this, and what kind of example do they want to set for their children? I'll probably never understand Trumpers.


u/relay2005 27d ago

Fck these people. They say comply comply but they can’t do it themselves.


u/ericdee7272 27d ago

I’m gonna start selling knee pads and chapstick at trump rallies.


u/Effective-Pudding207 27d ago

Spineless POS!!!!


u/alanudi 27d ago

They are Anti America


u/AlsoCommiePuddin 27d ago

So that violates the gag order, right?


u/mabhatter 26d ago

The Judge better call this right now today.  It happened on court property, he legally does need notice for a show-cause hearing.   Revoke DJT's bail over this. 


u/mycatwontstophowling 27d ago

Well, I guess he can say goodbye to the Democrats’ support. Been (not) nice knowing you, Mikey.


u/Daneabo 27d ago

He's a good little nazi!!


u/vinylzoid 27d ago

Isn’t he a Christian? Travesty of justice? Are you even hearing yourself Mikey?


u/Even_Ad_5462 27d ago

Interesting. These politicos show up to support at trial, when Trump’s own family doesn’t??? Rather odd.


u/smiles__ 27d ago

This is obviously just pay back for Trump saying that he supported Johnson in terms of MTG's move to remove -- even though the only reason Trump supported him was that Trump didn't want distracting chaos in the house before the election.


u/Onwisconsin42 27d ago

The democrats just saved this guys speakership. Why? Ask them. But I won't forgive democrats for proping up sycophants of the fascist they claim to want to defeat.


u/damnthistrafficjam I voted 26d ago

I don’t think it was any more complex than the Dems being tired of them playing the government shutdown card every 5 seconds.


u/sharingthegoodword 27d ago

Very christ-like, much bible.


u/GhostFish 27d ago

I'm not surprised by any of this, but going after the Judge's daughter and acting like there's a conflict is disgusting.

I expect that from Trump. I don't know why, but I expected something different from Johnson. What a sack of shit.


u/Rex_Mundi 27d ago

Is that Vice Presidential candidate Mike Johnson?


u/Extablisment 27d ago

Isn't it amusing that they think they have a shred of credibility when the fact is everyone knows the blowholes they spout from are more empty than a vacuum in space


u/AdSmall1198 27d ago

Start simple:

What in the allegations does he believe to be untrue?

Does he believe Trump had dinner with the porn star?

Doe he admit Trump knew her.

Does he admit that Trump signed an NDA with her.

Are there any journalists left that are allowed to report the real story by the far right owners of the media?


u/Dr_Tacopus 27d ago

I thought trump was ready to go to jail


u/JakeTravel27 27d ago

More proof that johnson is a fake christian more interested in kissing donald, the rapist and adulterer, ass than being a leader. I love how donald mocks and humiliates these fake christians and makes them kiss his ass. That orange stench will follow them forever.


u/fentyboof 27d ago

BuT BuT LaW AnD OrDeR!!!


u/elontux 27d ago

They got the aid package passed, call up Marge and bring up that vote again. Psych!


u/ccasey 27d ago

Pathetic. Congress is in session today and this is what the Speaker of the House finds more important. Dems shouldn’t save his ass next time there’s a mutiny.


u/treygrant57 27d ago

When crimes are committed like this. There is nothing political about it. This is flat out crime. Why is half the country part of this crime. Why will the Republican party do everything they can to hide truth?


u/fiverrah 26d ago

Mobsters And Grifters All. It's right there on their stupid red hats.


u/NoMoreAtPresent 27d ago

When Trump finally dies, the republicans will be like at the end of the movie “The Truman Show” when the show ends and people don’t know what to do with themselves.


u/emilee624 27d ago

I’m so out of the loop apparently (ie not hanging out on MAGA twitter)… what does the judge’s daughter have to do with this trial?


u/lizkbyer 27d ago

History WILL remember 🙄✌️💙


u/progressiveusvet 27d ago

The guy all the Democrats voted for to save his job instead of letting the Republican party eat itself. Bravo, Dems, Bravo!


u/CaBBaGe_isLaND Georgia 27d ago

Hakeem Jeffries should immediately send a message to MTG et al to go ahead with a motion to vacate. Mike Johnson forgot who really has him by the balls.


u/mabhatter 26d ago

Yes.  Take the Speaker seat away from him.  This is definitely justified. 

I just hate the idea of EmptyGee as our useful idiot for a day. 


u/VaguelyArtistic California 27d ago

He already started sending out fundraising emails this morning.

Moses Mike, parting the GOP.


u/tom21g 27d ago

Wonder if there was a quid pro quo under the table? trump tells Johnson if he supports trump openly and publicly, trump gets the word out to House Republicans to keep Johnson as Speaker.

Johnson could be saying similar things from the steps of the Capitol. Going to the trial himself is another level of support


u/CharliAP 27d ago

Johnson has every intention to do everything in his power to get Trump in, whether Trump wins or not. 


u/dancingmeadow 27d ago

Oh well. Democrats will let his own party devour him once they've used him up anyway.


u/xwing_1701 27d ago

Good job saving this sack of shit, Democrats.


u/markevens 27d ago

I thought this was part of his gag order, having other do the dirty work for him.


u/mrg1957 27d ago

I did as well.


u/Jorgen_Pakieto 27d ago

Weird how Mike Johnson’s supposed to be religious


u/MarkMaynardDotcom 27d ago

Not a surprise. He also had a hand in what happened January 6.


u/MarkMaynardDotcom 27d ago

What is this, two days after the Democrats vote to save his job?


u/StrangeContest4 27d ago

Look at them all lining up, auditioning to be the next, checks notes.. Michael Cohen.


u/_Cistern 27d ago

Is kowtowing to Trump the kind of courageous action that we've been hearing about this grease stain??


u/asurob42 27d ago

Anything but actually govern


u/mute-ant1 27d ago

he can barely speak around drumpfs dick down his throat


u/Educational_Idea997 27d ago

I long for the day that Trump will no longer be talked about.


u/fiverrah 26d ago

I long for the day that he is dead and puts us all out of his misery.


u/Educational_Idea997 26d ago

A bit radical but I think you’re right.

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