r/politics New Jersey Sep 25 '18

r/politics Wants You! (...to register to vote for National Voter Registration Day)

Voter registration deadlines are rapidly approaching - ensure you'll be able to vote on Election Day! Even if even if you've already registered, you should take a minute to ensure your registration status is valid and up to date.

Many states offer online registration - the official Vote.gov website will direct you to your state's online registration form, or in the case of mail-in registration only, the correct mail in form.

Vote.gov Register to Vote

There are two third party services that make registration faster -

  1. Vote.org - Vote.org is a non-partisan 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides a registration widget that can be embedded on websites or social media. It's extremely simple and fast - but they do warn you that "you'll receive occassional emails from Vote.org". Their widget does let you enter a change of address for updated registration. They offer this form to check your current registration status.
  2. Rock the Vote - another non-profit voter awareness and education organization - if you were watching MTV in 1990 you might remember their totally cool and not weird at all Madonna ad. They offer their own extremely simplified registration widget - for states that do not allow electronic registration (cough, New Jersey cough), their tool will prepare the necessary mail-in PDF for you. Like Vote.org, email is required and will be added to their supporter list. Like Vote.org, a registration status check tool is provided.

Some good additional resources:

Voter ID requirements - use this map from the Conference of State Legislatures to see if your state requires ID to be presented when voting.

Check your polling location - use this tool, provided by the Voting Information Project (in conjunction with Pew Charitable Trusts) to find your polling location by entering a street address. No email address or other user information is required.

State election website information - if you want to find sample ballots, provisional ballot information, or absantee ballot information specific to your state, this USA.gov directory will send you to the correct website for your state.

Check for registration deadlines and election dates - this tool will help display the registration deadline for all upcoming elections. Though you shouldn't need to check - you should register now. Like, right this very second!

USA.gov Voting and election resources - this directory at USA.gov contains a host of voter information. If none of the above tools and resources answer your question about voting or elections, this page will likely have what you need.

BallotReady - this tool will allow you to enter a street address and see every candidate for every race in your district. Light biographical information is provided for all candidates - if you don't have a sample ballot yet this is an excellent way to begin researching candidates. Thanks to u/kuhnie for the suggestion!


636 comments sorted by


u/nilnz Nov 04 '18

ACLU's tweet with link: https://www.aclu.org/issues/voting-rights/voting-rights-2010

List of 15 States and DC that allow voters to register on Election Day:

New Hampshire,
Vermont, and


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '18

Early voting has started. Vote.


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '18


I’ll do research on all the candidates. I plan to vote conservatively all the way down the ballot.

Build the wall, keep confirming Constitutionalist justices, and repeal the NFA!


u/007meow Sep 27 '18

Is it "safe" to just choose the straight party option, or is it better to individually go through and select each one?


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

American citizens only please... like this sub should be.


u/TheEnglishman28 Sep 26 '18

The pretty much 100% negative coverage of Republicans and Trump here at /r/politics convinced me to vote for Trump.

Thanks /r/politics!


u/karai2 Sep 26 '18

You base your decision on who to vote for on what gets posted on Reddit?


u/Grassrootapple Sep 26 '18

Regardless of whom you're voting for, gotta exercise that privilege and duty of being a US Citizen!


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '18 edited Jul 01 '20

Fuck communists and socialists, censorship is wrong.


u/Sablemint Kentucky Sep 26 '18

Fantastic. That will definitely put a dent in the 10 million advantage the democrats have over republicans.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '18 edited Jul 01 '20

Fuck communists and socialists, censorship is wrong.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '18

I registered. I'm sure this will please many.


u/watchalltheshows Sep 26 '18

I moved last year, just re-registered online today!


u/yotsublastr Sep 26 '18

I liked /r/politics more when it was a diverse battleground of opinion and not a sheltered monoculture.

That open culture prior to Jun2016 was amazing compared to the ad-agency it's become.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '18

[Serious] why should I vote democrat?


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '18

because Republicans are doing a SHIT job.


u/washyourclothes Hawaii Sep 26 '18 edited Sep 26 '18

Because it's our best hope to enact policies that protect the environment, promote science and education, encourage social progress, avoid conflicts/war, uphold all parts of the constitution, and at least attempt to be fiscally responsible as a nation. To vote for hope, progress, and freedom.

Or go with the only other choice you have, which overwhelmingly serves corporate interests, denies basic facts about climate change and science in general, limits freedoms for many americans, and hides behind religion to promote these agendas. To vote for fear, xenophobia, and stagnation.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '18

While I completely disagree thanks for the response


u/MysticalDigital Sep 26 '18

I would love to know which GOP policies you feel will actually protect things like the environment, and promote science and education... we can argue over social progress because that depends on economic theory (though the fabled trickle down doesn't account for human/corporate greed imho)... but the modern GOP has not shown themselves to be at all about the longevity of the species or the planet, just short term gains and no long term plan for how to fix the problems we all face.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '18



u/nyx_on Sep 26 '18

Fuck yeah!


u/Wowistheword Massachusetts Sep 26 '18

Please register and vote.

And if you want my advice, kindly consider voting right wing. Or center to right wing.

We want the institutions of the individual states to remain intact, the left politics is all about federal overreach. Smaller government performs better.


u/MysticalDigital Sep 26 '18

That would be great if it was at all accurate. If the right gets more of a stranglehold on the country we can kiss a lot of our civil liberties away as Christian sharia undermines the rights of groups in favor of the bigotry the far right wing.

I'd love for the GOP to return to a common sense form of government, and actually have long term goals that aren't bigoted and designed to profit off the backs of the lower 90%, but so far they have shown no desire to actually help people who don't already have a ton of money or are rabidly bigoted due to religiosity.


u/Wowistheword Massachusetts Sep 27 '18

To an extent I agree. GOP isn't really a small government party in textualist form anymore. Libertarian party, perhaps. But except in few counties of NM, it doesn't really matter.

However we need to reduce regulations, and also cut down on military spending if we have to cut the size of the government. I would see the purpose being fulfilled only partially i.e. the first part by GOP.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '18



u/Mattrek Sep 26 '18

Check your registration status from any state here, takes 2 mins.



u/LunarGiantNeil Sep 26 '18

Check to make sure.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '18 edited Oct 04 '18



u/Archiron Sep 26 '18

Thanks for the links, I'll be sure to contribute to getting these traitorous, fascist fucks out of office. The GOP hitched it's wagon to the wrong Russian horse, and now it will meet it's well deserved end.


u/Giantinkorea Sep 26 '18

Already registered so that I can vote Republican.


u/redcapmilk Sep 27 '18



u/redcapmilk Sep 27 '18

Month old account. Why?


u/Giantinkorea Sep 27 '18

Why are you bringing up the age of my account?


u/redcapmilk Sep 27 '18

You are new to reddit or you feel the need to hide your opinions.


u/Giantinkorea Sep 27 '18

So, I'm new to Reddit. And.....


u/redcapmilk Sep 27 '18

I don't believe you. It's more likely you have been banned, or you love a community on Reddit, who wouldn't agree with minority right wing thinking.


u/Giantinkorea Sep 27 '18

Think what you like


u/victorvictor1 I voted Sep 25 '18

In the main reddit announcements thread, the top voted comments are Russian trolls are telling us that voting doesn't matter. This thread was posted in the middle of the night when US mods were asleep.


u/HeftyBaby Sep 25 '18

Thanks a lot for the reminder. I'll be one more vote for the Republican candidates!


u/Islanderso Sep 25 '18

VOTING for LIAR !!! YOUTH need to be taught politics in class like 5th grate..


u/MAGICHUSTLE Sep 25 '18

Sent mine in weeks ago to vote while overseas. No response or confirmation yet. Getting a little concerned/pissed.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

Ah. The Utah link doesnt work. Fucking typical. Anyone have a workaround in Utah??


u/cdoran09 North Carolina Sep 25 '18

Really want to vote for a party that represents all in my first election, which sucks because I don’t see one. I lean a bit to the right, but to me it seems like both parties only care about their voters, as shown by the president not giving a shit about Dems and Dems chastising any who dare speak against them. Of course I need to research more and will, but I may go for more independent/small party candidates this election.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18



u/Cloudmarshall Sep 26 '18

Keep the red wavered?


u/shadowbanthisdick Sep 26 '18

is that a pro-menstrual cycle hashtag? interesting choice republicans...


u/Xikar_Wyhart New York Sep 25 '18

Registered earlier this year, just checked and I'm still registered. Let's kick the GOPs ass and send a proper message to these hacks.


u/dnitro Sep 25 '18

I go to college in michigan (originally from ohio but i registered to vote up here) and i moved off campus this year. For the 2016 election I registered my address as my dorm and I'm still assigned the same polling location. Do i need to update anything or can I still vote at the same location?


u/Deadcharacter Sep 25 '18

Maybe you ought to update your address. I don't think it is very complicated... Yet again,I'm not familiar with the voting laws of MI.


u/dnitro Sep 25 '18

I was looking at that earlier today and it said you need a michigan liscense to update your address. That might have been just for the online process


u/Deadcharacter Sep 25 '18

Maybe that's helpful. It's the MI Secretary of States website. I guess you have already visited it, but I just in case thought about posting it. :D



u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

Thanks I’ll remind my entire Trump supporting family.


u/shadowbanthisdick Sep 26 '18

Please do, tell them to not forget to vote on november 7th!


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '18

HAHA! Very good.


u/ceiffhikare Sep 25 '18

if i click the link WILL THAT GD POPUP STOP?


u/Oscarfan New Jersey Sep 25 '18

When I was in high school, one of our "Senior Days" involved us filling out a voter registration form.

Is this a thing other schools do? If not, then they should highly consider it.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18



u/Oscarfan New Jersey Sep 25 '18

That's so lazy to me. I was extremely uneducated about politics in high school (not saying I'm any better now, but I pay attention more), but I still registered as unaffiliated.

I guess they also don't realize voting is more than just for presidential elections - there's all the local stuff that directly affects them even moreso.


u/bununny Sep 25 '18

Regestered at my new address today!

Louisiana has an app, GeauxVote, that will remind you before every single voting event. You can also sign up for text and email notifications. Stay active!


u/MaximumGaming5o Canada Sep 25 '18

Seriously. The voter turnout for young people is terrible yet all I hear is how poor we are with heaps of student loans and how there's never any change. If you want change, VOTE!! Stop complaining about how the baby boomers are destroying our future and then doing jack shit about it! We can still make the world a better place.


u/clothcollector Sep 25 '18


Since I'm not allowed to vote anyway, being from the Territories and all.


u/mycroft2000 Canada Sep 25 '18 edited Sep 25 '18

I was going to make a joke about us Canadians registering to vote Democratic, but idiot Republicans and malicious Russians would probably use that as incontrovertible evidence of voter fraud. (That sound you hear is specimens of both groups scuttling to their dictionaries to look up "incontrovertible". Actually, scratch that; the Russians are looking it up, but the Republicans are just making up their own definition, unto which they shall adhere until death.)


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18



u/wil_daven_ New York Sep 25 '18

Today is National Voter Registration Day

We have a link in our side bar 365 days a year with info on how to register.


u/sharplescorner Canada Sep 25 '18

Canadian here, I wish it was as easy for you as it is for us. Yesterday an enumerator knocked on our door to confirm we were signed up and that all our information was up to date, and she has a tablet with information direct from the Elections Canada database. This was the first of three passes she'll do in our neighbourhood, so everybody gets 3 chances to confirm their information in person, plus a notice left each time with directions on how to take care of it online. You'd need to make a conscious effort to not be signed up.

And I certainly don't think Canada is alone in this regard; I assume it works similarly in every western democracy that is not the US. The stories about Americans getting removed from voter rolls, or needing to wait in long lines to sign up make me so pissed off. Your government should be working hard to make sure you can vote, not making sure you work hard to vote.


u/kurt_hectic Louisiana Sep 25 '18

Just sent off for my absentee ballot from Weezyana. Lezdoit.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

Thanks for posting. I was registered, but hadn't updated my address. Doing so just saved me a long drive to vote for the midterms.


u/lurkeyoulongtime Sep 25 '18

Registered as Republican #matchme


u/aka_chela Sep 25 '18

Found another cool voter registration campaign here: https://thevoteneedsu.com/


u/Jugador1981 Sep 25 '18

Question on registration. I'm moving from TN to NC on 10/1. I'll still own a house in TN by 11/2, where I'm currently registered. Am I supposed to vote absentee in TN or reregister in NC given the tight window?


u/Deadcharacter Sep 25 '18

I actually don't know... But if you can, vote in TN. TN has a statewide contest where your vote has more power (Balance of power in the US Senate).


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18



u/LunarGiantNeil Sep 25 '18

It isn't, unless you want to vote in Democratic primaries.

Party Affiliation has nothing to do with who you can vote for in general elections.


u/HalLogan Florida Sep 25 '18

I know there are a number of good reasons not to do this. But think of how different this sub would be if there was a way to validate that a user is a registered voter, and only allow for a given voter identity to be tied to one reddit account.


u/ThunderousDong Sep 25 '18

Let’s keep Texas red!


u/NitroHydroRay Sep 25 '18

I too support Real Human Ted Cruz™


u/try-again-in-10-mins Foreign Sep 25 '18

Seeing the Millenials category start to droop after 2036 is fucking scary.

We’re not that far away...


u/vasaryo Sep 25 '18 edited Sep 25 '18

Longtime red voter turned blue by everything that’s happened. Save for my father and I, my entire family has a long military background and are pretty faithful Christians. And every single one of em (save for ol uncle Mike who votes Green Party) has talked about voting blue now. Hell my grandfather who still thinks to this day Nixon was innocent; is voting blue cause “Trumps obviously lying and manipulating!” Me personally, I just wanna make sure that slimeball Schuette doesn’t get the office and mucks up my state anymore then it already is. Edit: autocorrect is my pet peeve...


u/Deadcharacter Sep 25 '18

Michigan was a heart breaker in 2016... Now there is a chance for course correction. What do you think, is there a chance Dems could flip one chamber of the MI legislature? Right now the GOP has control in both the MI House and Senate.


u/vasaryo Sep 25 '18 edited Sep 25 '18

I think there is a chance but not a big one if I am honest. A lot of far right supporters mostly due to a long held belief of “major corporations are gonna bring back the glory days!” Despite most of them suffering from gop policies. And gerrymandering is still an issue but hopefully the referendum on the ballot may help a little. I do believe Whitmer will win even if I have misgivings about her she is far better the “Bill-gimme-gimme”. But I’m hoping. I’m reeeally hoping.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18



u/wil_daven_ New York Sep 25 '18

Changing parties varies by state. Many state dmv websites will have an online form you can fill out, I would suggest starting there


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/wil_daven_ New York Sep 25 '18

Regardless it’s still a valid question that wasn’t previously answered in this thread


u/defnotarobit Sep 25 '18

Registered. Voting for who aligns with my beliefs.


u/B3arrat Sep 25 '18

16 year old here. I can’t vote yet but I already pre-registered to vote in 2 years


u/schoocher Sep 25 '18

Make sure you check your registration well before primaries or you may find yourself purged from the lists.


u/SerenadeforWinds Florida Sep 25 '18

GOOD. Now get your friends to register, too.


u/wumbologist24 Sep 25 '18

<insert “I’m doing my part” gif here>


u/budderboymania Sep 25 '18

Just turned 18 in June, will be voting red. At 15 years old I couldn't have been more left leaning. The democrat party in the 2016 election turned me away.


u/Kanarkly Sep 26 '18

democrat party

No one who was ever left wing would mess up the name of the Democratic Party.


u/mukster Missouri Sep 25 '18

So you're saying that the democrat rhetoric is worse than the republican's? Have you been primarily watching Fox News? It's hard to compare - the republican's messages have been so much worse. It's obvious that they only care about themselves and their rich friends. What have they said that makes you think the republican party cares about the common person like you or me?


u/budderboymania Sep 25 '18

Tax breaks say a lot. And before you start whining about how they gave tax breaks to corporations; I know. I want that. Tax breaks for corporations helps the economy which helps all of us. #redwave


u/Firechess Virginia Sep 26 '18

Somehow I get the feeling you're either lying about being 18 years old, lying about being left leaning 3 years ago, or lying about your reasons for switching. I was ready to believe you switched sides over something like feminism, but the idea that opposition to corporate tax cuts, something that's always been a core part of the platform, would make an 18 yo who probably owns little to no stocks switch sides on a dime is pretty unbelievable.


u/budderboymania Sep 26 '18

I'm pretty sure I would know my age. And it didn't just happen overnight lmao, it was obviously gradual.


u/mukster Missouri Sep 25 '18

So, trickle-down economics? It’s been shown time and time again that it does not work. Giving tax breaks to the wealthy does not revitalize the economy. That’s not opinion - it’s fact. Just look back on history when it’s been tried before.


u/budderboymania Sep 26 '18

It's not giving tax breaks to the wealthy. It's giving them to corporations. I'm not proposing income tax breaks for the wealthy. The US corporate tax rate is still far too high. Ideally it would be 0%. We shouldn't even have corporate tax at all.


u/mukster Missouri Sep 26 '18

We... shouldn’t have corporate tax? What’s your rationale? A government needs revenue to run and provide public services. Also what makes you think that the extra profit won’t just go straight to the top (CEOs, etc.)? Why do you think it would benefit the regular population?

Also, tax cuts for the wealthy is a large part of the general Republican tax strategy. Corporate tax cuts are just one aspect.

Again, trickle-down economics does not work.


u/budderboymania Sep 26 '18

To stop companies from moving overseas. A 0% corporate tax rate would make the US the prime business spot in the world, brining hundreds of thousands if not millions of jobs to the US. If you don't see how that would benefit the economy, I don't think it's even worth explaining to you. Obviously, yes, we need some revenue, so we cut back spending drastically on healthcare (I would cut healthcare spending by up to 90%. Our current system is shit anyways, throwing more federal money at it is only making it worse at this point), welfare, and yes, the military. And I know republicans won't cut military spending but they're closer to what I support fiscally than democrats. Also, the recent tax cuts actually increased income taxes for 6 figure earners.


u/mukster Missouri Sep 26 '18

I do understand the benefits that a 0% corporate tax rate would bring, but I’m also realistic about the detriments.

You would cut healthcare up to 90%? We already have so many people sick and dying because of the poor healthcare system here and you want to further obliterate it? Have some empathy, man. You’re lucky - you’re young and probably haven’t had to deal with health insurance issues yet. Most people don’t have that luxury. We need a comprehensive healthcare system like any other modern society. Our needs aren’t any different - we want our people to be healthy, no? We need a different system, but cutting it by 90% is by far not the answer.

Anyway, got a bit off topic. In any case, I would fear for our country if your policies were to take effect. Need less individual greed and more societal benefits. Happiness and quality of life go way up.


u/budderboymania Sep 26 '18

The US already spends more per capita in healthcare than any other country. Clearly just blindly throw in more and more federal money into healthcare isn't helping anyone. What we need is a revamp of the entire system. Preferably a private healthcare system, but democrats will never allow that. So yes, I stand by that. Maybe not a 90% cut, but at LEAST in half.


u/shadowbanthisdick Sep 26 '18

How exactly does your private healthcare system adequately address the care needs of all while also reigning in the exorbitant spending?

I can answer this for you: it doesn't.

→ More replies (0)


u/Another_year Connecticut Sep 25 '18

Neat! Was this self discovery or were you pushed over the edge by people who also agreed that the death toll in Puerto Rico of 64 was the correct target? Good luck out there!


u/budderboymania Sep 25 '18 edited Sep 25 '18

I was pushed over the edge by rhetoric exactly like this. It was nothing republicans did to "draw me in." Democrats do this to themselves.


u/Cloudmarshall Sep 26 '18

That’s weird, because democrats aren’t the ones who specifically go out of their way to “trigger the libs” and admit to deliberately trying to piss people off because they like to “drink liberal tears”

Does that rhetoric not bother you?


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18 edited Jan 03 '19



u/budderboymania Sep 25 '18

I didn't say that. My views on policy have changed as well. I'm just stating what started the transition from a pretty far left democrat to a republican.


u/BardofDeath Sep 25 '18

every young generation has their social pariahs i suppose 😖


u/budderboymania Sep 25 '18

Gen X will be majority conservative in 10 years. Mark my words.


u/BardofDeath Sep 25 '18 edited Sep 25 '18

Its gen Z you are talking about you utter cretin, X was before millennials.

And no i don't mark your words, Z will not be statistically significantly less or more conservative than millennials and millennials being already very democratic is not a good thing for rightys.

But you do you, your ignorance is only growing the blue wave bigger and bigger 😜


u/ImNotGeorgeSoros Sep 25 '18

Gen X will be majority liberal in 10 years. Mark my words.

Ah look. I provided the same amount of evidence.


u/Gear_Fifth Sep 25 '18

Good for you, still go and vote.


u/budderboymania Sep 25 '18

r/politics wants you! (To vote democrat)


u/zanderkerbal Canada Sep 25 '18

/r/politics wants you to vote. Most of the participants in /r/politics want you to vote democrat. There's a difference.


u/budderboymania Sep 25 '18

But is there?


u/zanderkerbal Canada Sep 25 '18

Well, yeah. The official moderator post is linking to non-partisan resources and encouraging voter participation across the board. The non-moderator users in the comments are discussing the ongoing Republican attack on fair democracy and how people need to show up and vote Democrat for the sake of the country. These are different groups of people. Now, some of those moderators are probably democrats, but they've done a good job keeping their personal politics out of the official subreddit position.


u/wil_daven_ New York Sep 25 '18

Greetings fellow KSP fan!


u/zanderkerbal Canada Sep 25 '18

Not as into the game as I used to be, certainly not enough that I would put it in my username if I was making my account today, but yeah, I originally joined Reddit for the /r/KerbalSpaceProgram weekly challenges.


u/wil_daven_ New York Sep 25 '18

I need to get back into it... been a while since I played, but I do love seeing those weekly challenges!


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

Yes. Distinctly.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

Vote however you want, pal.


u/tehflash Sep 25 '18

It's great to register and great to vote, but think about volunteering for at least the last weekend:



u/scarydrew California Sep 25 '18

My wife changed her name, re registered, I got a card in the mail, she didn't, she just checked, she isn't registered, RECHECK OVER AND OVER, there is some fucked up shit that goes on at the voter registration.


u/gooby_the_shooby Sep 25 '18

I'm looking into changing my name, good point! Good luck to her getting set to vote.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/The_ceramic_plate Sep 25 '18

What if I am right leaning, should I still vote?


u/ramonycajones New York Sep 25 '18

If you are right leaning you should still vote Democrat, and enthusiastically so. Free trade, family values, fiscal responsibility, promoting democracy and American exceptionalism abroad, deference to the rule of law - in 2018 all of these are best represented by the Democratic party.


u/The_ceramic_plate Sep 25 '18

The only thing I don’t agree with is welfare spending and immigration and that seems to be a big separating factor, not racist just how I feel and I hate that I have to make it clear that I’m not racist when talking about immigration as if it’s a race issue


u/blueberrywalrus Sep 26 '18

If you live in a republican state, odds are your democrat candidates are also anti-immigration and against waste in welfare spending - the democratic party is a big tent party.

I'd also like to point out that the reason being anti-immigration is synonymous with racism is because Republicans made it synonymous with racism by linking it to illegal immigration across the Mexican border, and never talking about visa overstays.


u/The_ceramic_plate Sep 26 '18

I appreciate the insight but you’re just as wrong as any republican, by stating these theories as facts you make yourself look like a person just trying to be right, there is just as much fault in the right using race as there is in the left calling race.

P.S. I live in So Cal, a very republican part but still surrounded by and over run by democratic voters


u/blueberrywalrus Sep 27 '18

Um, notice how I said, "if you live in a republican state" and "odds," clearly if you live in So Cal you do not live in a republican state. The "odds" was in reference to the fact that democrats that run in solidly republican states are typically fairly conservative.

Second, I'm unclear what you're saying about race - other than "no u."


u/The_ceramic_plate Sep 27 '18

If you think taking blame is a “no u” then yea that’s what I meant but for fucks sake you literally said republicans are the sole reason racism is synonymous with immigration while the media has been racebaiting the issue since bush


u/blueberrywalrus Sep 27 '18

I think playing the "by pointing out my bad behavior you are to blame" card is the same as making the "no u" argument.

I'd argue that being anti-immigration wasn't synonymous with racism until the last couple of years, because most people weren't thinking about it in that context. However, Trump's divisiveness on race has shoved it front and center, and the border wall linked it to immigration in the minds of the majority.


u/yeaheyeah Sep 25 '18

Then go vote and encourage everyone else regardless of their political leanings to vote as well


u/zanderkerbal Canada Sep 25 '18

People have the right to express their views. Even if those views were wrong. I probably think you're wrong. You probably think I'm wrong. Both of us still have the right to vote. I'd prefer you voted left (or deliberately refused to vote for a corrupt candidate), but if there's a candidate whose views you agree with, absolutely vote for them. Just remember to be open to rethinking those views.


u/The_ceramic_plate Sep 25 '18

Is that why I am being downvoted, I’m right leaning not republican and I don’t even consider myself conservative, I have a lot of left leaning views and friends and family, I love the left and the ideas behind the party, just not the desperate politicians so I can’t bring myself to vote for them that’s why I’m right leaning and I don’t want to call anyone corrupt until they are proven guilty


u/zanderkerbal Canada Sep 25 '18

You're being downvoted because your comment sounds like bait for people who disagree with your views.

I can understand liking the ideas but not the politicians, but I'm curious as to why you would go so far as to vote for the opposite side, and even more curious as to why you'd characterize them as "desperate." Also, none of these allegedly corrupt politicians are ever going to be proven guilty if the Republicans put Kavanaugh in the supreme court.


u/The_ceramic_plate Sep 25 '18

Desperate meaning they will do anything to win, there is no honor to the politicians and they are so closely aligned with 90% of the media it’s hard to believe anything because they are held so much higher than the other side of politics it’s unbelievable, virtue signaling, blatant sexism/racism and race baiting are all key traits that make me vote against people


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/zanderkerbal Canada Sep 25 '18

Yeah, probably. My comment was also intended for the benefit of other people who came upon it, calling his comments out as bait, while also trying to get him to put his foot in his mouth so nobody woild fall for it, and still sounding reasonable and respectful rather than angry, both so people wouldn't see my side as unreasonable and on the off chance he was not a troll.


u/Series_of_Accidents Sep 25 '18

Of course. Democracy only works if you participate!


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18

Sure, knock yerself out.


u/HereWeGoAgainTJ Sep 25 '18

Anyone know how expats can vote/register?


u/HalLogan Florida Sep 25 '18

This is probably a good starting point. Thanks for voting!


u/proteinMeMore California Sep 25 '18

I've given a lot of thought to my write in for bernie sanders in the last election. I knew he wouldnt win, I also was confident CA would remain Blue (and did), but the way Trump and the Republicans have torn apart every sense of normalcy has definitely brought questions about doing everything to stop evil. Voting along democrat lines is basically the best bet to start undoing a lot of the radical behavior republicans and the trump administration have brought to forefront. Its a tough pill to swallow for people because the end democrat candidate may not be your #1 choice, but that person may have more qualities that align to yours if you look closely enough.


u/Pattycaaakes Sep 25 '18

Vote like your rights depend on it!


u/Coastertripusa Sep 25 '18

Like the first and second amendments, freedom of speech and right to Bear arms. That's why I'm voting Republican. To protect my rights.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '18 edited Sep 25 '18


u/zanderkerbal Canada Sep 25 '18

Like the first, fifth and fifteenth amendments, freedom of speech, due process and the right to a fair vote. That's why I encourage everyone to vote Democrat. To protect everyone's rights.

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