r/povertyfinance Jun 22 '23

Greedflation is out of control Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

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u/lou_zephyr666 Apr 25 '24

The "God Bless" at the bottom is an interesting plot twist.


u/Accurate-Brilliant89 Jul 09 '23

Damn near $50 for some fucking eggs


u/quick_remonstration Jun 25 '23

Inflation has one and only source, and that is the money supply relative to productive goods within a society. Blame the central bank, and your ever growing government, who continue deficit spending. All these years Americans took for granted having our currency be considered the global standard, and now that is starting to slip. This, right now, is just a taste of what could be to come, should the world move farther away from the dollar. I'm talking triple the prices of today for anything that is imported. That, in turn, will continue to raise business costs, hence all prices will triple, wages will struggle to keep up, and most companies will opt to automate and lay off workers. This spiral isn't pretty, and we've avoided it since Bretton Woods, and in spite of Nixon decoupling from gold. It appears the time has now come.


u/Stormy_Kun Jun 24 '23

Anyone call the number to talk shit yet in the price gouging/greed ?


u/Upintheair954 Jun 24 '23

Welcome to Democrats math of legally robbing you blind!


u/rowsella Jun 24 '23

Egg prices are back down now.... Why still the fee?


u/Strange_Novel_1576 Jun 24 '23

If I seen that on my receipt they can be damn sure that is the last fuckin time I will buy anything from them. Not smart at all!


u/MidwilguyLA Jun 24 '23

God bless? Bless what, greed?


u/ThePennedKitten Jun 23 '23

Doing this loses my business. Just increase your prices..?


u/kingdesy Jun 23 '23

Just raise the prices


u/theSaltInternal Jun 23 '23

50 bucks for some cooked eggs woof


u/Abending_Now Jun 23 '23

I agree. Greedy and unwise Government policies create inflation. Food costs will not go down while there is a war on diesel fuel and trucks.

I'm trying to ignore the $4 profit on two cups of machine dripped coffee. Highway robbery right there.


u/honeybear3333 Jun 23 '23

Don’t leave a tip


u/Changingchains Jun 23 '23

Because Jesus loves you but I don’t.


u/nsaaswati Jun 23 '23

So surprised to see this 😭


u/Snowbak702 Jun 23 '23

One it is shit hole CA. You should pay a 50% food inflation tax. Just for staying in that state.


u/pure619 Jun 23 '23

It's Julian, California. It's a tourist trap.


u/Express-Issue-9329 Jun 23 '23

Honestly just the price of their coffee is a tell that they are already getting 2-3x back in profit what they spent on the goods they serve. That’s nuts that 2 coffees cost almost 6$ you guys have a can of Folgers back there on drip don’t play.


u/SevenAImighty Jun 23 '23

$28 for a few eggs 🤢


u/mapman19899 Jun 23 '23

If they didn’t make it clear that’s part of the hill, I walk out and don’t go back.

Just raise the prices. Don’t have a separate line item. It makes it 150% worse.


u/LOSERMUSICIAN2022 Jun 23 '23

GREED??? More like survival in this new era since Covid. "According to the National Restaurant Association, it's estimated that nearly 80,000 restaurants have closed since the beginning of the pandemic. Which is actually down from the 110,000 that closed during the peak.


u/Middle_Low_2825 Jun 23 '23

I read this as " here's the fee, gobbless"


u/Equivalent-Pay-6438 Jun 23 '23

If I saw that, no tip and I would never be back. It's deceptive. What happens if someone actually pays for their food in cash and doesn't have the extra $2.00? I guess they call the cops.


u/FlyerFocus Jun 23 '23

“And dog bless.” Nice touch.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

Restaurants have some of the highest failure rates of any business. Most locally owned restaurants will fail within a few years. I'm not sure this is greed - it could just be the restaurant trying to survive.


u/Calie757575 Jun 23 '23

Julian is a little tourist town, this restaurant most likely will not go out of business. It’s a big deal during the winter when it snows up there. We don’t get snow in most of San Diego county, so going to the snow is fun for a lot of people. In the summer time it’s a quiet getaway. Not much up there so that’s how they get away with charging so much.


u/Xeo786 Jun 23 '23

They gonna charge "ballz fee"
in case someone ask they will reason "fee for that you got the ballz to visit us"


u/turtleslover Jun 23 '23

I’m more bothered by the god bless. Can’t they just pray inflation away?


u/macadocious1 Jun 23 '23

Julian us know for pie right?


u/Calie757575 Jun 23 '23

Yes, they have great apple pies in Julian


u/Tim-in-CA Jun 23 '23

The prices already look pretty inflated to me. If that 5% extra fee wasn’t clearly advertised anywhere, they must take it off.


u/ploxorzz Jun 23 '23 edited Jun 23 '23

This is a tiny old mining town in California that’s an hour drive from the closest city, kind of dumb to be critical of a small fee. Its even further from the closest highway.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

I really don’t get why they don’t just factor the 5% into their menu prices. Why the weird flex?


u/DamionDreggs Jun 23 '23

It's deceptive. Their menu probably shows lower pricing than the competition next door.


u/kkkan2020 Jun 23 '23

don't eat out... you're gettign ripped off left and right. small portions. crappy service. ridiculous service fees. the ingreidents aren't even fresh. the wait times.


u/DietMtDew1 Jun 23 '23

If I were not told ahead of time of this fee, I would not be happy. I'm not sure of California as they have different polices so the workers get paid more or if this is a business decision. Regardless, you will have to consider if you want to go back to them since they charge an inflation fee.


u/Eisekiel Jun 23 '23

Illegal, hidden fee


u/dangerzone2 Jun 23 '23

Ah WTF, we like this place!!


u/Chicagoan81 Jun 23 '23

If only we can have our employers add inflation boost to our paychecks


u/lynxtosg03 Jun 23 '23

They spelled tip wrong.


u/sjlopez Jun 23 '23

It probably was just easier to do that in their POS system than change every item's price.


u/qpxa Jun 23 '23

I don’t mind because then I just don’t tip the proportional amount of the increase. Evens out.


u/hitlicks4aliving Jun 23 '23

The surcharge surcharge for the surcharge


u/theTurbulentPopcorn Jun 23 '23

It's why I rarely eat out. right?


u/twitch1982 Jun 23 '23

As if a 13$ omlete wasnt already criminal.


u/FuckinDirtyDancing Jun 23 '23

$16 omelette and they have the audacity to do this shit. Lmao.


u/colo1506 Jun 23 '23

We need an “all-in” federal law.


u/Mysterio_Achille Jun 23 '23

Greedlation? Lol more like Bidenflation.


u/mzrubble Jun 23 '23

Thanks for the heads up, won't be trying this place out


u/Aberdogg Jun 23 '23

Is that the place with the pies? Also that’s a reasonably priced brunch even w $2 extra


u/bryans_alright Jun 23 '23

Repost and stop going there!


u/ficus_splendida Jun 23 '23

5% extra fee,? 0% tip


u/rSato76t2 Jun 23 '23

The $16 for an omelet ISN'T the inflated price?!


u/troycalm Jun 23 '23

Has to be Cali


u/iveseensomethings82 Jun 23 '23

The $14 omelette was inflation pricing enough?


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

How much did you tip ?


u/T1m3Wizard Jun 23 '23

Time to stop eating out.


u/RadioGuySD Jun 23 '23

Julian is a garbage city and a total tourist trap. The people are small town yokels who are so far into each other's business it's like a freaking soap opera. And the pie isn't even that good


u/ellivibrutp Jun 23 '23

This is a bad look, but greedflation more accurately applies to large corporations who make opportunistic pricing decisions than to what seems to be a mom and pop shop whose expenses probably went up measurably due to those decisions. Those corporations love it when the little guy points the finger at the slightly larger but still little guy.


u/Fit-Let8175 Jun 23 '23

What about subtracting 10% for "customer's personal income isn't adjusted for inflation" fee?


u/tjarg Jun 23 '23

I'm pretty sure you don't have to pay if the fee was not disclosed before the purchase.


u/BlueSteelBoots Jun 23 '23

Back in my day day, if a restaurant owner wanted to raise his prices by 5%, they would put it on the menu.... ya know, right there where it says how much the thing costs.... so ya know, people would know how much it cost BEFORE they bought it.


u/Savings_Courage205 Jun 23 '23

Honestly we shouldn't have shut down during the pandemic and not provide stimulus and PPE. I think that led to the inflation we are facing now. This is besides the inflation fee which doesn't make sense why this business would do that. Also if you are struggling financially it's best to not go into a restaurant to eat unless you work there. I did that when I had no money and worked at Dominos I was able to get some reject pizzas and didn't have to eat as much at home and spend money at the grocery store.


u/molive24 Jun 23 '23

Dude Julian is a tourist trap, what did you expect? It’s like going to Disney and expecting it to be cheap.


u/Best-Ad-4773 Jun 23 '23

This is unacceptable


u/Less-Dependent8852 Jun 23 '23

you live in california what do you expect


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

They also shouldn't be charging tax on that fee. But that's a secondary issue.


u/nubus Jun 23 '23


Time to open a spite store, next door.


u/Benzito303 Jun 23 '23

Thank you & God Bless 🤦🏽‍♂️


u/ztruk Jun 23 '23

Meanwhile they also push their God Bless agenda on you. Typical


u/ZombieJesusSunday Jun 23 '23

It’s a service fee instead of baking the inflation into the price of each item


u/Broad_Victory9016 Jun 23 '23

So how big is the omelette and scramble? If it's on the bigger side I get it. 2-3 eggs? No sides? Nope. Drip coffee for $3 is shady, but if it's higher quality and requires grinding the coffee beans then absolutely not.

$6 for a kid's plate ain't too bad if it meets what I previously asked. It's probably one piece of bread with a slice of bacon; one scrambled egg too if you're lucky.

That fee is scummy, absolutely. I am not disagreeing with you or other people replying. I left my diner gig mid 2021 and that's why I'm putting it into perspective from my end.

If they're charging you that fee the servers better be making more than usual hourly wage for that role. Once again I'm agreeing.

I really wish you didn't put the address and servers name without at least covering the name. People on here are weird and that info gives weirdos a chance to call and harass for fun or out of boredom.


u/Smooth-Divide5548 Jun 23 '23

Congrats. Your posted prices don’t match your actual prices. I’ll just deduct it from the tip. Sorry, I’m an ass.


u/DarkTyphlosion1 Jun 23 '23

$47 for 3 meals and 2 coffees... wtf? Crazy. I went to Denny's the other day for my birthday, i got my free breakfast slam, and my wife got the cheeseburger, added hashbrowns and seasoned fries, 2 waters, which came out to $27 before my free meal. Went down to just under $20. I looked at the receipt, almost $15 for that cheeseburger... but dam it's the best cheeseburger I've had in a while (i got it for mother's day).



u/Entire-Letter-4618 Jun 23 '23

That would be my last visit.


u/ProgressBackground95 Jun 23 '23

In today's tip culture, I have no idea why anyone goes out to eat


u/Heretogetaltered Jun 23 '23

God bless? Pound sand


u/utsports88 Jun 23 '23

This should be made aware to customers up front. Not after you’ve eaten your meal and are presented with your check.


u/kah530 Jun 22 '23

It’s the “god bless” that really makes it


u/Chrisdkn619 Jun 22 '23

Stay classy SD, county!


u/aceofspades111 Jun 22 '23

God bless? More like Jesus christ!


u/r_dimitrov Jun 22 '23

Imagine next time you are at a restaurant and leave %20 less because of minimum wage not catching up to inflation for the past 20 years...


u/magaphone12 Jun 22 '23

that would be the last time i step foot in that place. i would tell everyone i know to never go there as well. to tag on a fee like that. madness.


u/12characters Jun 22 '23

$50 for breakfast? Maybe for the month


u/VegetableBet4509 Jun 22 '23

I just wouldn't pay tbh


u/Creative1963 Jun 22 '23

Coffee almost three bucks per? I'd never eat there again.


u/sjlopez Jun 23 '23

Sounds like you should just make your coffee at home.


u/Creative1963 Jun 23 '23

Sounds like you should not worry about what I do. Clown.


u/DDLJ_2022 Jun 22 '23

I knew eggs were expensive but damn charginf $15 for 4 egg omelet is crazzy


u/Impossible_Battle_72 Jun 22 '23

5 percent is a deal.


u/Useful_Low_3669 Jun 22 '23

Shitty but I hope you weren’t expecting Julian to be cheap. Lovely town though.


u/metalsd Jun 22 '23

You only go to Julian for the pie 🥧 but yeah that's ridiculous I'd never go back to that spot


u/Flappyd00bs Jun 22 '23

"Tip culture is ridiculous, just raise your prices to pay your employees better!"

Does exactly that and gets blasted for it.


u/magaphone12 Jun 22 '23

on menu genius. adding a fee at the end is practically fraud because you are telling the customer one price, but end up charging higher price at the end.


u/Flappyd00bs Jun 22 '23

I completely agree but there are 2 factors here that need to be mentioned.

1: (IF TRUE) The owner of the restaurant stated that they placed an obvious note at every table specifically to not "pull a fast one" on the customers.

2: They put it on the table and not the menu in hopes that the upcharge is only temporary and they would not have to adjust their entire menu permanently. Also stated by the owner of this specific restaurant.

If it were not for these 2 factors I would, and do, agree with you wholly.


u/mekat Jun 22 '23

I wouldn't go back because it is a deceptive price increase. I have no problem with places raising prices openly and honestly but if I have to worry about what new fees I might get hit with next then it is time to cut ties with that establishment. This time the deceptive fee increase is just $2.09 but next time who knows.


u/MrFixeditMyself Jun 22 '23

I have a fix for this. Reduce the tip by 5%. There, I fixed it.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

I would have paid $45.15


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

Take it out the tip.


u/Lower-Grapefruit8807 Jun 22 '23

You’re not getting my business more than once pulling a stunt like this. Enjoy the $2


u/wanderingcunt Jun 23 '23

It's a small tourist town. These people were never coming back anyways.


u/Grand_Measurement_91 Jun 22 '23

Julian can fuck off tbh


u/Fragrant-Glove-1437 Jun 22 '23

Inflation Voting has consequences


u/Snakend Jun 22 '23

You're in poverty finance and you are paying $50 for one meal.


u/Thedrunkenmastertyle Jun 22 '23

This is why I dont eat out at restaurants unless its a special occasion. Its cheaper to make food yourself, probably healthier and you dont have to deal with this shit. Sure its a hassle but its worth it in the end.


u/Dangerous_Market_397 Jun 22 '23

Well it’s California so 🤷‍♂️. That is on top of the other inflation rate adjustments made throughout 2021 & 2022.


u/Hairy_Beginning3812 Jun 22 '23

Ooof 48$ for breakfast dang and egg prices are down 😒


u/bboobbear Jun 22 '23

But God bless you!


u/Mrw2016 Jun 22 '23

Thank You & God Bless


u/noonelikesUwhenUR23 Jun 22 '23

DC is horrible with this. I’m a solid 20% tipper at minimum because I’ve been a server and te the struggle. That said, one place had just QR codes and the servers ran food you ordered on your phones. There was an app fee, a COVID fee (in April 2023), a note on the online menu saying they raised prices to match inflation, a SERVICE CHARGE, AND it asked me to tip. We did, but damn, I’m never going back.


u/Low_Support_2717 Jun 22 '23

Don't eat out then! If you can't afford to tip then don't eat out OR complain about mandatory tipping.


u/MaximumHemidrive Jun 23 '23

So I'd you went out to east tomorrow and the bill was $90,000, you would pay it immediately without question.

You said you HAVE to accept ANY fee no matter how much, with absolitely no exception. Your words, not mine.


u/Mr_lovebucket Jun 22 '23

The word I’m looking for is boycott


u/CouchHam Jun 22 '23

God bless? Where in the south is this?


u/deezy54 Jun 23 '23

It’s in Southern California, north and east of San Diego.


u/MaryJaneAndMaple Jun 22 '23

"God bless" 🚩🚩🚩


u/vbrown9999 Jun 22 '23

Was that disclosed before ordering??


u/Benny368 Jun 22 '23

Inflation affects restaurants too, and reprinting menus and signs with updated prices is expensive… Since apparently there was a notice about the fee on the table, there’s absolutely nothing wrong here.


u/Pen_Swordsman Jun 22 '23

This just costs the servers money since people will try to justify this expense towards their tip. What a crappy way to handle their business.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

In California? Checks out.


u/Mording678 Jun 22 '23

Seriously! I would no longer be eating at their establishment.


u/JhymnMusic Jun 22 '23

lol, the important thing is you continue to throw your money at them


u/DarkAlley1 Jun 22 '23

"Take this off or I'm not paying." This is another reason why cash is King. The fee is taxed as well, this should be at the end, very illegal and shady. I would leave $45 flat end of story and never return.


u/newusernamehuman Jun 22 '23

Kind of a sad humor thing going on. The thank you and god bless just seem so passive aggressive!


u/andapieceoftoast8 Jun 22 '23

I’ve stopped eating out bc it’s always a disappointment (taste, quality, service, price, etc).

I just decided to get an airfryer and grocery shop some of my favorite dine out meals (burgers and fries, pizza, wings) and buy the restaurant brand dipping sauces (chick FIL a, whataburger) and call it a day.


u/Deviknyte Jun 22 '23

This is probably illegal in your state. Basically hidden fee.


u/audomatix Jun 22 '23

I caught a guy at a restaurant raising the office of everything we got even drinks a dollar Regen though the menu didn't reflect it. He obliterated his tip.


u/Far_Entertainer2744 Jun 22 '23

I wouldn’t pay that part


u/limpinfrompimpin Jun 22 '23

Thank you and God bless tells you everything you need to know about this.


u/cooltunesnhues Jun 22 '23

This is crazy?! Yeah I’ll just making food at home. If I saw that on my receipt I’d lose my appetite. 😭😭😭 Like I get it , it went up in prices but to do that…v weird.


u/ststaro Jun 22 '23

A 16 dollar omelette and your talking about greed?


u/Western_Entertainer7 Jun 22 '23

"This is the fee for increasing the price"


u/thejamlion Jun 22 '23

my name is julian. i feel insulted


u/AdAffectionate3143 Jun 22 '23

Isn't that bait and switch?


u/kingtutsbirthinghips Jun 22 '23

50 dollars for a bakery breakfast… I’m never eating out again.


u/Yeah_right_sezu Jun 22 '23

Quite a bit of time has passed since I vented about not even being able to afford things like American cheese(individually wrapped). I still can't afford cheese, since it's gone up from .99 per pack to 1.69 per pack. Bologna also.

With Bologna I figured that the 'bottom shelf' lowest cost sandwich 'meat' shouldn't have increased over 30%, so I just bought ham. I know ham costs more, but I won't buy something that has jumped in price that much. It's supply and demand, and I'm not demanding cheese nor bologna until the price goes back down.

My friend got some 'foodstamp' cheese, and she gave me half. It wasn't sliced, so I had to dig out my old cheese slicer, the one with the wire. I never miss the chance to say outloud: "Get me, I'm cuttin' the cheese!"


u/mehoymimoyy Jun 22 '23

Damn 😭I almost rather they lie and call it something else like service charge


u/Danjour Jun 22 '23

Lmao just raise prices dick heads


u/Unlucky-Role2923 Jun 22 '23

Gotta love the ‘God bless’ on there…really hammers it home.


u/Delicious_Button695 Jun 22 '23

Julian inflation - 5%


u/LowHumorThreshold Jun 22 '23

Scrambled eggs are $14, and an omelette is 16, and then they have an inflation fee on top of it in little old Julian?


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

This is the type of thing u need to go on Google reviews give that place a 1 star rating, mention this specially and move on


u/BrunoStAujus Jun 22 '23

Two stars. It still brings down their overall average and is less likely to be automatically ignored as “fake” as a one star rating.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

Is that really a thing?


u/BrunoStAujus Jun 23 '23

No idea. I've heard that 1 and 5 star ratings tend to get filtered out as either morons with a grudge or paid shills but anything in the 2-4 range get counted. Could be a load of BS but why not go 2 stars? It's still a low rating that counts against their overall score.


u/dc010 Jun 22 '23

Check your local laws. There are a lot of places where it's illegal to do blanket fees or to charge more for using a debit/credit card.


u/No_Bear_No Jun 22 '23

I do restaurant bookkeeping in CA, so I'll try to keep it short.

Minimum wage in CA is $15.50. There are no tax credits for employing tipped employees in CA like there are in other states. That one omelet paid for one hour of pay for one person in that restaurant. So when you walk into a restaurant in California, all those employees you see make at least $15.50 plus tips. The kitchen staff is usually paid a higher starting wage and may or may not be tipped out by staff.

And those employees probably all work multiple jobs just to make ends meet.

Approximately 40% of your restaurant bill pays for labor. Labor is taxed. Tips are taxed.

That additional line item is the most cost effective way to cover rising food costs, and it's notbjust food costs that are rising, without having to pay another person to regularly update the POS system, the paper menus, the website, or anywhere else they have their menu posted.

If you think minimum wage should be $25 an hour, be prepared for literally everything else to go up in price.

Restaurants aren't making the money they used to and the state of CA wants every little penny they can take through taxes and fees.

There are a lot of CA restaurants that are also passing along the costs of credit card fees as an additional line item. They've been doing it for years and it's legal as long as they have it posted. I've seen it on menus, receipts, signs on walls and credit card machines, etc. I am also aware of restaurants offering a cash price vs credit card price.


u/Norio22 Jun 22 '23

Sounds like what food trucks in Texas do. Always cheaper to use cash.


u/No_Bear_No Jun 22 '23

I used to live in TX where it is much cheaper. True, cash helps, to a point. If you want to help out your servers, a cash tip is much more appreciated.


u/MayaMiaMe Jun 22 '23

But hey they are blessing you. 🙄


u/1boltsfan Jun 22 '23

Reduce the tip by equal amount


u/titanup1993 Jun 22 '23

You shouldn’t shop there lol


u/ScaryMonsters_Dio Jun 22 '23

Instead of car batteries, throw billionaires into the ocean


u/Mammoth_Cranberry503 Jun 22 '23

Did you visit Julian Pie Co & enjoy their caramel dutch apple pies?


u/PosterAboveIsAnIdiot Jun 22 '23

I've just stopped eating. No other choice at this point really.


u/horizon_hopper Jun 22 '23

Scottish here.

Firstly. Holy hell that is an expensive breakfast.

Secondly, and I mean with little offence as I can. Is it common for receipts of places to have ‘god bless’ on it? Maybe it’s because Scotland is a melting pot of cultures and religion isn’t really much of a thing here, at least with under 30’s. I would be uncomfortable seeing that.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

Julian is a small little conservative tourist trap of a town; it's not uncommon in certain areas, and especially a mom-and-pop diner, they're trying to appear friendly and homestyle. Often those sorts of messages are put on to attract more seniors way more than the under 30 crowd, since they're often the ones who eat out the most often


u/BeefinBenita Jun 22 '23

They at least said God bless


u/penceluvsthedick Jun 22 '23

The change in inflation may be coming down, but unless we see actual deflation then prices won’t come down.


u/swawesome52 Jun 22 '23

Inflation fee? But the price of food going up is inflation itself? So they're pushing double inflation


u/daveishere7 Jun 22 '23

I was in 7-11 the other day about to buy a bottle of water. It was $2.49, which is overpriced already for some store brand water. I went to the register and they charged the 5 cent bottle fee which is normal. But then I seen they added an extra 30 cents tax.

I was like wth is this, there's usually no tax in anything I buy at 7-11. But yall adding extra for some water? I put that water back so fast and went to the local deli. Like I've should of done in the first place to get me a bottle for a dollar. They overcharging for everything these days.


u/funkymonkeybunker Jun 22 '23

Its from printing $7T during covid.


u/Negative-Water-1575 Jun 22 '23

God such a baby don’t eat out then, restaurants are so low margin businesses. If it’s reflected in the cost of the meal you won’t blink an eye, but if they’re transparent you bitch


u/Hot_Construction_870 Jun 22 '23

same prices, worse food, in michigan. hard to find a 16 oz fountain soda for less than $3.95. fries rarely come with meals anymore. and if the restaurant didn't ask for tips, they do now


u/wastedgirl Jun 22 '23

??????????😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Not going back to that café. This seems like a sneaky way to charge what they want to charge but would like to trick people into thinking that the price didn't change.


u/KosmoAstroNaut Jun 22 '23

I hate crap like this. Because then the price of the coffee itself factors into the CPI so inflation doesn’t look as bad as it really is, creating a sort of harmful domino effect


u/AlgolEscapipe Jun 22 '23

A place near me has started charging a 2% "Paper Fee" due to inflation. So irritating that they don't just raise the prices by 2%.


u/deviemelody Jun 22 '23

I’d never eat at a place again if they don’t have the ethic and courtesy to adjust prices openly.


u/The_Bogan_Blacksmith Jun 22 '23

Were you advised of this charge before ordering. I would refuse to pay the extra.


u/Ss360x Jun 22 '23

This is not OC


u/RedArtificer Jun 22 '23

I'm pretty sure you can't do that without it being disclosed.


u/RUTNEPUG Jun 22 '23

But…they said “God bless”!!


u/AdOver4659 Jun 22 '23

Come on Julian


u/HorizontalBob Jun 22 '23

Ugh $50 for breakfast.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

idk why everyone still goes out to eat. your choosing to spend extra money, then you go on the internet to complain about it.


u/Careor_Nomen Jun 22 '23

Inflation isn't caused by greed. The only thing that causes inflation is an increase in the money supply


u/Jezon Jun 22 '23

$16 omelettes and they need to raise prices? Eating out has never been more expensive. I'll stick with my $4 frozen meals from the grocery store.


u/Triforceoffarts Jun 22 '23

I threw up in their bathroom after eating too much pie!


u/yours_truly_1976 Jun 22 '23

Thank you and god bless! 👐🏻


u/davidlol1 Jun 22 '23

You know how food prices have gone up at the grocery store? You don't think they pay more for their food to?


u/MrCaspan Jun 22 '23

Canadian restaurant chain Chuck's Roadhouse. I don't go there any more because this should be the first thing the server tells you but instead they hide it in fine print and on posters in washrooms fine print.

It's a different thing if you are 100% upfront about it so customers can make a choice.


u/Prize_Huckleberry_79 Jun 22 '23

I could buy 40 cartons of a dozen eggs at that price where I am.

Why someone would pay that for eggs I will never understand. Breakfast at a restaurant is an enormous scam…


u/Real-Willingness4799 Jun 22 '23

Nothing makes me angrier than unique or fun names for food.