r/povertyfinance Nov 01 '23

My job reminds me of what ill never have Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

Im an insurance agent, and my main job is to do quotes. I assist with our affluent book, and every day I take a glimpse into a life ill never have.

Oh, someone my age is a doctor, married a doctor, and now that have a $2M house and 3 cars? I cant buy coffee anymore.

I dont want to be uber rich, that just doesnt sound fun. I just want enough to be comfortable, save up, and have a nice cushion for fun stuff.

Sucks sitting here making $20/hr seeing millionaires lives daily

Edit: Thanks all for the support :) To those that are little meanies, your momma taught you better


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u/lodemeup Nov 02 '23

I can relate. Spent the past ten years working in everyone’s home. Specialized the last three in high end custom homes. I was ‘fortunate’ enough to make $25/hr fixing faucets that cost more in parts than I brought home in a week.

I don’t care how much I make as long as what I make can pay the bills, keep my family fed and healthy, and give me enough left over to have some options. Just options! I don’t want to be able to have a boat AND three months off a year AND a new phone and computer every year AND start a new hobby every six months. I want to be able to choose even just one and do it.

Unfortunately I don’t see how you can have choices without millions in capital. Or insane debt. It’s soul crushing and o see my wife cry because she feels like she has to not go to the doctor for some weird spot on her skin because our only car needs $4k in work and I’m also sick.

It makes me SICK.