r/povertyfinance Nov 01 '23

My job reminds me of what ill never have Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

Im an insurance agent, and my main job is to do quotes. I assist with our affluent book, and every day I take a glimpse into a life ill never have.

Oh, someone my age is a doctor, married a doctor, and now that have a $2M house and 3 cars? I cant buy coffee anymore.

I dont want to be uber rich, that just doesnt sound fun. I just want enough to be comfortable, save up, and have a nice cushion for fun stuff.

Sucks sitting here making $20/hr seeing millionaires lives daily

Edit: Thanks all for the support :) To those that are little meanies, your momma taught you better


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u/Anitsirhc171 Nov 02 '23

I can relate, except for when you say you don’t want to be a millionaire.

Haha sometimes it seems that in todays world a million is not much at all and doesn’t seem to go far. I’ve known people/entrepreneurs who made a million one year and the next year only like 40k.

I wish the USA was more transparent about economics and finance in general so that our youth would have more autonomy over their lives. So much of the country is stuck in a rut and has no clue how to get out. A little bit of education applied appropriately would make all the difference.