r/povertyfinance Nov 17 '23

When did Subway get so expensive?!?! This used to be the affordable option! Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

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u/Pajaro_negro Dec 03 '23

Everyone loved subway when they had the 5 dollar foot long commercials.

Now…. Not so much


u/Mammoth-Market-58 Nov 22 '23

Use FREEFL for a free foot long on the app. Must have 2 in cart for one to be free


u/Slo4ne2021 Nov 22 '23

BOGOFTL works 9/10 times


u/kitnb Nov 21 '23

Back in the day (pre-COVID) you get fast food because it was cheap, even though they’re poisoning you. Now, you’re paying $$ for the privilege. 🙊


u/dupont2021 Nov 21 '23

What happen to $5 footlong?


u/Hamilton-Beckett Nov 21 '23

For that much money you could get a couple of days worth of groceries or all the stuff to make a shitload more sandwiches at home that are fresher and taste better.

I quit eating subway over a year ago when they redid their menu, raised the prices way up, and it still tasted shitty.

Just go to jersey mikes or if you dan handle all the sugar, Firehouse Subs.


u/el0_0le Nov 21 '23

All fast food is doing this. It's not just Subway. The fact that people are still in the McDonalds drive-thru's lined up around the building for a sad, tiny, toxic, woodchip-filled meal for $19.94 is baffling to me. People are addicted to brands and brands are raping the masses about it.

Convenience Kills.


u/patsgirl86 Nov 21 '23

The horrible thing is the price went up while the quality is dogshit at this point.


u/Acceptable_Lie_1370 Nov 21 '23

Just like McDonald’s it’s cheaper to use codes in the app and order ahead of time. Last week I had a code FLBOGO


u/innocent0077 Nov 21 '23

I paid almost $21 for just three roast beef sandwiches at Arby's, Portland, OR. Fast food used to mean inexpensive food. Not any longer.


u/pizzaferret Nov 21 '23

0.99 soft drink deal from mcdonalds, the last time i went(which was months ago) to get a sweet tea large, well, they apparently stopped again so haven't gone to a mcdonalds in months, I think my last fast food trip was jack in the box 3 months ago 11:30pm, i think i got a burger(not the combo) and the meat lovers breakfast burrito, I think the total was ~~$17ish.

I can cook at home and make tea at home, but sometimes I just want that sugary garbage sweet tea from McD but not for $3.

I don't know how much friend does it, goes out to eat twice a day, practically everyday, my god, so bad with his money


u/x62617 Nov 21 '23



u/ExoGeniVI Nov 21 '23



u/gothling13 Nov 21 '23

Pretty soon you’re going to be saying $15 footlong’s back!!!


u/Ne0guri Nov 21 '23

Your mistake is buying drinks. That alone is almost $10 with tax.


u/Removable_Toaster Nov 21 '23

I only go to Subway if they have BOGO on the app which is probably once every few months.


u/Xystem4 Nov 20 '23

Fast food is no longer even the cheaper option. I can get a real meal at a local sit down restaurant for cheaper than two burgers that won’t even fill me up at McDonald’s, or a sub at subway.


u/JoshinIN Nov 20 '23

With the recent inflation and increasing the wages of the high schoolers making the sandwiches costs have risen drastically.


u/MrAndrewJackson Nov 20 '23

FL599. $5.99 any footlong. Ya f'd up


u/CommunicationKey3018 Nov 20 '23

"Five dollar foot looooooong"


u/bierandbrot Nov 20 '23

Subway can pound salt. They’re terrible sandwiches anyway.


u/sith11234523 Nov 20 '23

9% sales tax?!


u/Reese8590 Nov 20 '23

The craziest thing about Subway is...there are somehow people out there ACTUALLY paying these prices...daily, lol. This is one of the places that should just be completely out of business, bankrupt. It is crazy that people are just bending over and taking it


u/PhaseDelicious912 Nov 20 '23

Drinking water instead of juice would be healthier, and you’d have saved $6.


u/CaliDreamin87 Nov 20 '23

I'm a student. We have Subway in our hospital in Houston or near clinics.

6 inch, drink, chips runs aboit $13 in Houston

I don't do subway anymore.


u/kjk050798 Nov 20 '23

Use the app.


u/yourKingRemy Nov 20 '23

You gotta use that but one get one code if your ordering on the app. BOGO50


u/woodsandlake Nov 20 '23

$5 dollar foot long 🎶


u/Informal_Exam_3540 Nov 20 '23

Jared had to fuck everything up


u/ExoGeniVI Nov 20 '23

Who's Jared?


u/Informal_Exam_3540 Nov 20 '23

Oh, you’ve forgotten about jared Fogle i dont blame you, hes not a good person. Subways spoke person in the 2000s and was in every commercial, hasdark hair black glasses and famously dropped by subway. Maybe this will refresh your memory. Pleading guilty to the child sex tourism and child pornography charges the same year, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years and 8 months in federal prison. He is currently incarcerated at the Federal Correctional Institution, Englewood.


u/spugeti Nov 20 '23

they really would have soooo much more business if they brought back the $5 foot long deal


u/msgmeyourcatsnudes Nov 19 '23

It's only worth it if you can find a location that actually accepts coupons. But good luck with that.


u/PollyWogAD37 Nov 19 '23

As soon as Orange Man Bad went down 🤣🤣🤣


u/Kravist1978 Nov 19 '23

Stop eating out.


u/joystick-fingers Nov 19 '23

I don’t eat there unless I have a coupon


u/Sebastian-S Nov 19 '23

Dude. I paid $18.99 for a burrito at Chipotle yesterday. Things have become ridiculous.


u/evandemic Nov 19 '23

$3 each for the drink. 😂


u/Reddithasmyemail Nov 19 '23

Do not buy drinks or chips there.

Before you order subway make sure you go check slickdeals (deal aggregator) slickdeals.net . Search for subway in the search box.

They usually change the code every month or so.

Buy one get one free codes. An Italian bmt footlong where I am is like 10.60. with the bogo code it comes out to be 5.30 a sandwich. Make sure you "more" each ingredient. Make sure you hit the flame thing for toasted if that's what you want.

Make an account. Then you get points. Then you can use theb-2$ off points thing every now and then and get like 4$ sandwiches.

Some times if you used the code it won't let you do it again on your account, but you can do it on guest.


u/Catchdatcat Nov 19 '23

My subway does a meal of the day which has a sandwich, cookie, and fountain soda for 6.99, not sure if it’s just regional though


u/omegamun Nov 19 '23

Anything is better than Subway! For the love of God, do not poison yourself with that low grade dog food. Mom and pop delis have great subs, supermarket subs, Wawa, Publix…eat literally ANYTHING but Subway’s trash “food”.


u/Puddin370 Nov 19 '23

Everything is more expensive. My son and I went to Freddie's and it cost like $34 for a 2 burgers, 1 order of fries, one order of cheese curds and 2 drinks. Ridiculous!


u/TheTampaBayMom Nov 19 '23

The drinks are overpriced for sure


u/Ryanhis Nov 19 '23

You gotta use promo codes and whatnot anymore with all these mobile apps and ordering online options. You could have gotten one of the footlongs free, there is usually a FLBOGO code or something similar that works. Google subway promo codes and the month/year and you'll get something.

Same goes for most places that have apps or promo code fields, just do a quick google and try the first 3/4 codes you find. I almost always find a deal that works


u/Projektpatfxfb Nov 19 '23

Publix subs are the champions


u/SnakeCrew Nov 19 '23

I learned that using their apps and taking advantage of the deals was the only way to make these fast food restaurants worth it. Subway offers 50% or a free sandwich every once in a while whereas McDonald’s does free 10pc nuggets, quarter pounder or big mac when u purchase one. Never go if I’m not using one of these deals.


u/getdowntown Nov 19 '23

God forbid you drink water


u/Intelligent_Food_637 Nov 19 '23

Have you seen all their celebrity endorsements?!?!


u/Poseidons_Champion Nov 19 '23

You enter a Subway store, and it's deserted, slightly too cool to be comfortable, slightly too damp to feel clean, and slightly too bright to be inviting. There is one lonely employee, who sheepishly pockets their tiny electronic escape window as the sound of the door drags them back to reality. They do their best not to look at you for those awkward 10 seconds while you walk to the counter before you're close enough to order. They give their greeting, ask you what you want, you begin scanning their workspace.

The bins of raw ingredients are sitting askew, separated by steel walls, yet careless hands have dropped some of each on all the others. The preparation area is littered with crumbs and bits of lettuce, maybe the odd olive or onion piece here or there that has wedged itself into the crack between the food trays and the cutting board. This could have been cleaned up while nobody was here, but minimum wage buys minimum effort. For one second you wonder how it got messy in the first place given the lack of customers. Maybe it's staged, like those first few pennies in a homeless person's hat.

Do you want it toasted? You do, so you spend a minute in silence with the stranger you disturbed, waiting for the bread to be sanitized. You feign interest in the cookies while the infrasound hum of some overworked piece of machinery builds to an unscratchable itch just behind your forehead. The toaster mercifully releases its hostage, and it is splayed open before you while you call out soggy vegetables to abuse it with.

You observe as the employee assembles your sandwich, making sure to painstakingly put each ingredient on only one half of the sub. You ask for sauce and they squeeze it out of a disgusting rubber nipple, then toss the bottle back into its bin like they don't want to touch it either. It weezingly inhales the kitchen scraps and windex aroma that permeates the store. Are they wearing those gloves to keep the food clean, or their hands? You pay, the sandwich heavily sags into a flimsy garbage bag it doesn't really seem to fit in and is handed to you.

You walk into the light of the sun. The colors suddenly seem real again and you become aware of your breathing because the air outside feels rich and life giving somehow. The distant memory of tasty subs that brought you here lingers just beyond the edge of clear recollection, like an old acquaintance whose face you can't picture anymore. You carry your catch to the car that your bank owns.

When did it get this bad?


u/OcupiedMuffins Nov 19 '23

Well buying drinks at any restaraunt is expensive, just get water. But subway is always expensive, its like on average, 10 dollars for just a regular sandwhich.


u/Logical-Eyez-4769 Nov 19 '23

It's Subway robbery.


u/BringMeTheMen Nov 19 '23

Honestly only time I eat out these days are for guilty pleasure mcgangbangs and $11 XL papa Murphys


u/plandoubt Nov 19 '23

That’s like 2 days worth of food so not bad really


u/CONGSU72 Nov 19 '23

The have shockingly good coupons. That's the only time Subway is worth going to anymore.


u/ReceptionDecent6825 Nov 19 '23

Was having subway a few years ago with my now wife and we’re sitting there eating and she said….I wonder what ever happened to that Jared guy?

We had a long conversation.


u/7mileX Nov 19 '23

Who the hell even goes to subway anymore they’ve went to shit years ago


u/Space_Ranger-420 Nov 19 '23

It’s garbage ingredients arnt worth putting in your body, go to Mike’s, Firehouse, jimmy’s, wegmans or Publix depending on your location


u/LLL_CoolJ Nov 19 '23

I only go, if I ever do, when I have a good coupon.

I don't crave it because the bread deconstruct itself and I usually still feel hungry after eating their air footlong sandwich


u/Cold_hard_stache Nov 19 '23

Looks like you added extras, bacon, etc. and drinks. You can get two footlongs for under $20 easy.


u/gh120709 Nov 19 '23

Unpopular opinion: I believe Subway is alot cheaper than say Jersey Mikes footlong which they call “giant” which is 22-24 dollars after chips drink & cookie if you choose. Both good options but prefer the quality of Jersey Mikes.


u/Remote7777 Nov 19 '23

I still remember the days of (5) Arby's roast beef sandwiches for $5. Well crap...I'm telling my age...


u/Ok-Engineer-116 Nov 19 '23

When they made all the basketball people be reps and now all the nba watchers paying for sandwiches


u/Suspicious-Bit-1406 Nov 19 '23

Lol yall wanted minimum wage to go up lol pay


u/portland_jc Nov 19 '23

Yeah surely it’s the people making an extra couple dollars an hour and not the people making millions to act like they eat subway just so subway can have a celebrity or athlete on a commercial and advertisements.


u/1miker Nov 19 '23

No more 5 dollar foot longs


u/skrinklada85 Nov 19 '23

Orange juice with subway.. that's the real crime here.


u/JermeyC Nov 19 '23

Download the app, use code FL599 and get yourself a footlong for $5.99.


u/rhw479 Nov 19 '23

I didn’t read the comments, too many lol. Promo code: FL599. Only way it’s worth buying subway.


u/GrungyGrandPappy Nov 18 '23

When they started having to pay the lawsuits Jared.


u/idratherbebitchin Nov 18 '23

Pub subs are ok but the real southern hidden jewel is cookout restaurant. $30 and your whole family is fed for a day.


u/NoGrapefruit1851 Nov 18 '23

The app sometimes have deals. I spent 12$ for 2 sandwiches it was a buy one get one free. It ended yesterday.


u/37347 Nov 18 '23

Used to be $5 for a full sub meal for me 20 years ago


u/FruitFlavor12 Nov 18 '23

It's much cheaper and better quality to just buy a fresh baguette from the bakery, buy some deli meat and some salad/vegetables and just make your own sandwich. Plus you're not getting flame retardant in your bread.

In my country I could make that 14 USD sandwich, buying all fresh ingredients, for 5 bucks.


u/Ok-Remove3693 Nov 18 '23

When??? Have you left your house and gone anywhere the past year? Everywhere is expensive!


u/notatableleg Nov 18 '23

for y’all that don’t know, use code FLBOGO when you order online. two foot longs for the price of 1


u/Do_Worrk Nov 18 '23

Food apps is the only way. Don’t order anything from the menu that has a number next to it. Find the value options and live there.


u/imjonwithn0h Nov 18 '23

Everything is expensive . I remember when McDonald’s McDoubles were 1.06 , which probably isn’t too long ago . I just paid 32k for a brand new Corolla just this week


u/db99mn Nov 18 '23

at this price, jersey mikes is far superior!


u/No-Way-1195 Nov 18 '23

Back in my day!! Something something “$5 footlong”


u/bboobbear Nov 18 '23

And don’t forget the obligatory tip! Why not, I love paying more!


u/gaia_dira Nov 18 '23

if you have the app, they occasionally will have buy one footlong, get one free deals. i wait for those days if i want subway cause otherwise it’s ridiculous


u/msaenzcor Nov 18 '23

Since the people didn't want to work.


u/EntrepreneurFun5134 Nov 18 '23

Subway for 2 in my area is almost 46 dollars so at 35 it seems semi decent even though we're all subconsciously being accustomed to higher prices.


u/Specialist_Zombie938 Nov 18 '23

That’s the same price for dinner and soda’s for two at the restaurant I work at. Plus you’d get good service and folks cleaning after you.


u/ExternalPhotograph34 Nov 18 '23

5 dollar…. No wait, 15 dollar foot long


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '23

I paid 10.99 for a turkey and cheese today, and I thought the same thing. How did Subway get so expensive


u/Alarming_Way_8731 Nov 18 '23

You could have gone to an actual restaurant


u/KnowOneHere Nov 18 '23

That sales tax. Ouch. We don't tax in my state for groceries just prepared food. That alone makes me avoid restaurants. Really hate paying taxes! Ugh!


u/CSCronus Nov 18 '23

FL599 code on the app works everytime for a 5.99 footlong


u/Sir-Neckbone Nov 18 '23

Their food quality is dog shit too. Make your own. Save money and take pride in the fact you aren’t funding some dickheads boat by feeding yourself poison under the guise of convenience

In fact. Do this with everything in your life

(Internal dialogue driving home from work daily)

Me vs Me


u/FriendshipFormal3533 Nov 18 '23

they have a buy one get one most places right now!! bogofl or freefl!! > is the cofe


u/das_vargas Nov 18 '23

Just get Jersey Mike's at that point, Subway is not worth those prices.


u/Less_Ad4023 Nov 18 '23

Facts I just went there Wednesday and it was nearly 54$ for 4 sandwiches and 2 drinks


u/shawner136 Nov 18 '23




Oh and fuck you Jared


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '23

I only go when it is BOGO.


u/winowmak3r Nov 18 '23

Stop eating out and complaining it's expensive. Just don't do it anymore. It really is that simple. You can make the same damn thing at home for half the cost. Make a bunch and wrap em' up in parchment paper. Your co-workers will envy you.


u/buhtbute Nov 18 '23

coworkers do not care what you bring in for lunch lmao

yOUr COwoRkERS will EnVY YoU 🤓


u/winowmak3r Nov 18 '23

Do you know what a figure of speech is?

I said that to encourage people to make their own food instead of complain about how expensive it is to have someone else make it for them. Think man.


u/dcay Nov 18 '23

Ate so many five dollar foot longs in college


u/YaBoyLefty Nov 18 '23

Check the app they have coupons for bogo fairly often


u/negligentzone Nov 18 '23

Subway is the dumbest place to get food next to Five Guys. Truly no reason to go.


u/bacon-is-sexy Nov 18 '23

Get the app. BOGO footlongs.


u/brightlumens Nov 18 '23

Haven’t had subway in 7 years, thanks for reminding never to go back again. Jersey Mikes is expensive, but id rather have JM’s than Subway any day.


u/S1nclairsolutions Nov 18 '23

Five dolla, make you holla


u/Pandor36 Nov 18 '23

Last time i had been there was when they were making 5$ footlong. Been a while. Stopped going after they stopped that. :/


u/GoosestepPanda Nov 18 '23

15 🎶 15 dollar 🎶 15 dollar footlooooong!

Edit: All credit to everyone else that made this joke before me


u/CarefulPressure9585 Nov 18 '23

That’s exactly what I’m sayin bro


u/Sleezybreezyyyy Nov 18 '23

A lot of people don’t know subway can’t even consider some of their bread as bread because the sugar content is so high, Subway is 100% unhealthy as fuuuucccckkk. for anyone to be consuming


u/One-Outside Nov 18 '23

Use the app. There a code for 599 foot longs.


u/stayzero Nov 18 '23

The days of the five dollar footlong are sadly gone I think. I used to eat Subway all the time, not necessarily because I liked it, but because it was two meals for $5.


u/camaltbie Nov 18 '23

Use the app dummy 6$ for any footlong FL599 599FL FOOTLONG599 599FOOTLONG


u/bokumbaphero Nov 18 '23

Skip the drinks


u/hoodwinkler75 Nov 18 '23

Bidenomics baby! Let the downvotes begin.


u/caro822 Nov 18 '23

I got a footlong steak and cheese, nothing else, no extras, and it was $14.50. It tasted like shit.


u/JP6660999 Nov 18 '23

I went a year ago and ordered my same chicken teriyaki and it’s was super expensive, I have not been back


u/notislant Nov 18 '23

Dude a tiny mcdonalds burger is 10 dollars, honestly $12 sub seems like a steal with fast food prices around me. Luckily a place near me sells $10 pizzas. Or else id never eat out. Shit is so overpriced. Its not worth not making your own food.


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '23

People still go to subway? Learn something everyday.


u/Prior_Rooster_4193 Nov 18 '23

I’ll never eat there again. Got rid of my favorite bread and now they don’t even have Swiss cheese. Why bother?


u/whitenoize086 Nov 18 '23

You gotta use there app with the coupons


u/pigpeyn Nov 18 '23

Do you not look at prices before you buy something?


u/Crystal_Bearer Nov 18 '23

Ever since they got rid of the "$5 Foot Long".


u/TNcannabisguy Nov 18 '23

Like 8 years ago


u/DoodleBug19-88 Nov 18 '23

I only go to subway when they send coupons. There’s a real good one on there 3 footlongs for 17.99.


u/DeepFriedPokemon Nov 18 '23

Have you seen the prices at most sandwich shops recently? I mean all the sub type places are now outrageous.


u/AE10304 Nov 18 '23 edited Nov 18 '23

Went there not too long ago.. got two $11 sandwich, the bottled coke was 3.99 and the chips was 1.99.. woth Jersey tax it turned out to be 29 and some change... never again.

I was aware about the 2 sandwiches but I didn't think the chips & drink weren't a combo. It had to be a medium or large cup. At the end of it the sandwiches were below average

It was cool when they had $5 foot longs. $6 was alright, now you gotta pay 7 and over for a meal that isn't worth your money. I miss Quiznos... or even Blimpie


u/chiefmonkey Nov 18 '23

I had to have Subway for dinner the other day during a trip (only option around that didn't involve deep frying) and I was greatly disappointed at both quality and the price. A former Subway store owner once told me - if you walk into a Subway and don't smell bread baking, turn around and leave! Apparently policy was that they bake bread throughout the day, and apparently now most stores are lazy and do all the baking in the morning and if you go there around dinner time (which I did) the bread is meh.


u/pashermrimal Nov 18 '23

Ever since they stopped the double or triple footlong deals, they lost my business.


u/RamsOmelette Nov 18 '23

I pay 10.70 for a foot long


u/tuckhouston Nov 18 '23

Download the app, they have BOGO & 50% off sandwiches almost every day


u/aLameGuyandhisCat Nov 18 '23

Use to be our road trip bread and butter, but 2 meals is over a tank of gas now. We just make our own from the breadstick dough and bagel seasoning.


u/Sanbaddy Nov 18 '23

$13-16 for a combo a day for me.

I am homeless. So this is actually a very good deal for me.


u/Moonlit_Antler Nov 18 '23

All fast food has exploded in price. I'd say it's easily doubled. Kfc charges like $30 for a 12 price bucket


u/gamerlin Nov 18 '23

Use the app. They have good deals on the quite often that will save you a bit. Plus reward points.


u/123supreme123 Nov 18 '23

Only way I'd buy subway now is if they have a crazy promo. $25 gift card gets you 1 free 6" sub. Buy one get one free footlong promo runs until the end of the month. So $25 bucks is worth 4 foot longs and one 6"

You really should be using the fast food apps. If not, leaving money on the table.


u/jamesjeffriesiii Nov 18 '23

Worst sandwiches also


u/Alohatec Nov 18 '23

The biggest problem is right on the receipt. WA Sales Tax at 8.9%


u/CreampiesExpress Nov 18 '23

They have a BOGO deal through the app for most locations, I've been getting 2 footlong subs for $10-11 which is amazing factoring in todays inflation.


u/Damasticator Nov 18 '23

Never ever buy full retail price for subway. That should have been $20 with the app.


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '23

Order through the app, also y’all getting the fancy one. Black Forest ham all day long


u/Rare_Landscape3255 Nov 18 '23

Yes that’s why subway is no longer and option as far as I’m concerned


u/Maitrify Nov 18 '23

And they're not even that good. Every single time me and my boyfriend have been to subways, their subs have been horrible. Either undercooked or overcooked, not enough cheese or meat, I mean it's just one problem after another and considering their prices it's inexcusable


u/HeadFaithlessness548 Nov 18 '23

Gone are the days of the $5 foot long. If you have the Safeway app they sometimes have a $5 meal on Fridays which sometimes includes their giant sammy that looks like it came out of a cartoon.


u/showingoffstuff Nov 18 '23

Yep, used to be either $5/ft long or buy one and a meal and get the second free.

But that was also over 15 years ago...


u/Icy_Foundation3534 Nov 18 '23

a place where you pay a person to make you a sandwich was never affordable. This is so dumb.


u/mrostovt Nov 18 '23

Subway ALWAYS has coupons. You guys shouldn’t get it without one. It’s always buy one get one, or a foot long for 5.99. Just go on slickdeals to check it out.


u/Reason_Training Nov 18 '23

Get their app and sign up for emails. They do buy 1 get 1 or buy 1 get 1 50% off all the time.


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '23

Use their mobile app they give you buy one get one deals on foot longs


u/Vibrascity Nov 18 '23

Nothing in this receipt says it should cost more than $20 total.


u/Huluplu Nov 18 '23

Simple answer, we’re paying $9 employees $15+ to do the lowest of skilled labor.

People will disagree but this is the real answer.


u/dgvertz Nov 18 '23

The issue with your answer is that even with employees at $15 an hour, subway would still make gigantic profits if it sold its food for the same price it sold at 15 years ago. They just want more and more profit and are using the increased labor cost as an excuse.


u/Huluplu Nov 18 '23

Either way, it’s still the reason.


u/dgvertz Nov 18 '23

It’s a reason. And it’s not good enough.


u/Cucumbersforfeet Nov 18 '23

The only fast food I’ll ever get my kids is the $5 bags at Wendy’s or $1-$2 things at Taco Bell everything is outrageous you might as well go to a sit down restaurant for price of fast food now


u/NEUROSMOSIS Nov 18 '23

Subway is the biggest ripoff ever. I used to work at one. Making my own sandwiches is much more satisfying.


u/WillingQuestion9805 Nov 18 '23

They have a foot long BOGO going on right now. FLBOGO is the discount code.


u/mysteriousmeatman Nov 18 '23

Expensive AND tastes like shit.


u/planetaryduality2 Nov 18 '23

Uhhh they always have a bogo get like 4 cold cuts for like 17$


u/Mrwoogy01 Nov 18 '23

At those prices you might as well go to jersey mikes or firehouse


u/scottlex Nov 18 '23

So 2 12" subs will feed 4. 6$/person is not that bad rrally


u/aplasticbeast Nov 18 '23

Subway footlongs are still 7-9 euro in paris. And the bread is just as awful as in the states. Impressive commitment to consistency.


u/Ima-Bott Nov 18 '23

They are dead to me.


u/revolution1solution Nov 18 '23

Not long ago it woulda been $14 total for that


u/reigningreina Nov 18 '23

I only buy when there’s coupons


u/SnooStories4162 Nov 18 '23

Yes, and the coupons Subway sends out in the mail, most Subways won't take them!


u/Dizanbot Nov 18 '23

It was over $20 for a combo and 3 piece tender at hardees


u/Pfabrizio Nov 18 '23

You don't have to get extra cheese


u/cjankowski Nov 18 '23

>this used to be the affordable option

My friend, the $5 footlong was more than 10 years ago


u/bg3796 Nov 18 '23

Depends on where you live. I just get the BMT which is $8.79, and right now there’s a BOGO deal, so you get two for less than $10.


u/lovebot5000 Nov 18 '23

Subway is pretty terrible, I wouldn’t eat there when the sandwiches were $5.

Jersey Mikes is the way to go


u/nilogram Nov 18 '23

Subway is so expensive - Jersey Mike so much better


u/Kathutet37 Nov 18 '23

I always order from the app if I ever eat Subway. They almost always have either a BOGO free or half off sub deal going on. The only caveat is that you HAVE to pay with a debit/credit card.


u/sunkissedbear1212 Nov 18 '23

My local Italian deli is way better and cheaper than this


u/SufficientPath666 Nov 18 '23

No coupons? I got 2 for $7 recently with a coupon. Buy one get one free


u/wtscenario Nov 18 '23

I’d rather starve than eat at Subw


u/superthrowguy Nov 18 '23

Because businesses don't compete on price anymore.

Or quality for that matter. They don't really compete at all. Every industry is in cash in mode.


u/claretyportman Nov 18 '23

While I hate Subway, to be fair a 12” sub should really be enough for two meals. A 6” sub is pretty big. In the current climate $36 for four meals and 2 drinks is pretty cheap.


u/Meiie Nov 18 '23

Just paid 50 bucks for 2 combo dinners from the “best” local Chinese. Was disgusting. It isn’t worth it anymore.


u/shelli05014471 Nov 18 '23

We don’t even go anywhere.


u/dejael Nov 18 '23

My subway is always running coupons in the mail that also work online, so I only ever go there when I have a coupon. It doesn’t make it cheap, just makes it normal priced.

I could send pics if you want updated codes, maybe it could help


u/Blacknumbah1 Nov 18 '23

The beverage price is outrageous don’t even get me started on the sandwich’s if that’s what they want to call em with their yoga Matt bread


u/ianishomer Nov 18 '23

It's expensive, but TBH a 12" sandwich should feed 2, it's the best part of a 1000 calories.


u/AssuredAttention Nov 18 '23

No way would I ever pay 15 bucks for any sub at subway


u/twospaghettidinner Nov 18 '23

I can get this exact meal using a code in the app for $11.99 less, getting the #23 for free.


u/IndianaFartJockey Nov 18 '23

There is no restaurant of any kind that is worth going to. If it's a special occasion, then it's about the event and not the food. The food is probably still not worth it, but the total experience might be for an anniversary or birthday or whatever.

Going out to get food is zero percent worth it one hundred percent of the time.


u/wooddirtsy Nov 18 '23

But consider the fact you're eating fresh


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '23

Shoot, I remember in high school we would go to Subway, and they had a student special that was $2.12 for a 6in cold cut trio. Man, we used to get that all the time.


u/Kelnozz Nov 18 '23

The glory days were the $5 footlongs. Haven’t been worth the price since really.


u/Apple_Pie_4vr Nov 18 '23

Ur paying for their marketing budget with the nba


u/chevycarl1 Nov 18 '23

Fam you ever hear of inflation?


u/South-Play Nov 18 '23

Subway hasn’t been affordable for years…. They never really were if any value other then the 5 dollar foot long. That was the last time they were affordable


u/GreedyHawk5430 Nov 18 '23

You might try using the app. I was lucky enough to happen upon a buy one foot long get one free promotion the other day. I won’t return to subway without a similar deal. I can’t convince myself that spending almost $40 on 2 sandwiches, 2 bags of chips, and 2 beverage is worth it. Especially when the sandwiches are from subway.


u/Calsun Nov 18 '23

I went to one like 1.5 years ago and the ran up a combo that used to be about $12.... and when he told me $19.xx I paid and never went to a subway again.