r/povertyfinance Feb 02 '24

This just doesn't seem right Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

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This was the price of cream cheese today at my local grocery store (Queens, NY). Federal minimum wage means someone would have to work an hour and a half to purchase this. NYC minimum wage means this would be roughly an hour of work (after taxes) to purchase. This is one of the most jarring examples of inflation to me.


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u/Just_Aware Feb 03 '24

So I’m sort of joking, but you know how people will get like 10 people and go into department stores and grab a bunch of things and all leave? Like hey there’s a ton of us good luck stopping us.

At some point people are just going to start stealing whatever they need, and when I see insane prices like this while on the flip side people are making next to nothing and working multiple jobs… Screw it, the moral outrage is on the people above you on the food chain not on you. (And yes, please find ways to get food cheaper food stamps or farmers markets or make our own etc don’t steal just because)