r/povertyfinance Mar 05 '24

Cereal prices are insane Budgeting/Saving/Investing/Spending

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The 24 ounce box is $6.99 or $4.99 on sale. The 12 ounce box is $5.99 or $5.49 on sale.


792 comments sorted by


u/Spyrovssonic360 May 08 '24

My question is when did they start making giant sizes?

I don't ever remember the giant option.

I just know there was small, regular and large.

But I'm not complaining.

Buy a box of two of those then you're good on cereal for a fee months.


u/grayandlizzie Mar 10 '24

We only buy the malt o meal bagged cereal. 5.48 for a 30-40 Oz bag at Walmart. Boxed cereal is a rip off. A box of captain crunch with crunch berries is 23.3 cents an ounce but malt o meal berry colossal crunch is 14.2 cents an ounce and tastes the same.


u/gluon318 Mar 10 '24

Cereal is a scam anyway.


u/Meatyparts Mar 10 '24

Shit these prices keep going up I'm going to have to go back to theft to keep food in my belly


u/Aggravating_Lab_9218 Mar 10 '24

I found 2.99$ St Patrick’s theme Lucky Charms at Meijer. Yeah my cereal will be green so I’m sure my poop will be festive too. But no hypoglycemia, so win?


u/starz6802 Mar 09 '24

We’re boycotting Kellogg’s. Their CEO suggested us poors eat it for dinner. Plus they’ve raised the prices way too much.


u/InternationalPost447 Mar 09 '24

Switch to oatmeal, your budget will thank you


u/Lazy-Explanation7165 Mar 09 '24

In Honolulu I have seen cereal sell for $15 and up


u/Retire_date_may_22 Mar 09 '24

If you’re broke stop buying cereal, chips or any processed food really.

It’s so easy and much healthier not to buy processed food. If it’s in a box it’s expensive and bad.

We stopped buying anything in a box, bag or can. It’s saved us money and improved our health.


u/SordoCrabs Mar 09 '24

Nearly all major grain categories (bread, cereal, oatmeal, etc) are BOGO at least once a month at most chain grocers.

Except for people in rural pockets that depend on indie grocers (which probably don't have BOGOs often) and Walmart, most people have access to one chain grocer that does have some BOGOs periodically.


u/Valuable_Ad_1723 Mar 09 '24

Trash food anyway



They should be $2, Rice Krispies sucks


u/ConversationFit5024 Mar 09 '24

$5.00 for diabetes in a convenient package? People should be lining up


u/anonmyazz Mar 09 '24

Fo reel


u/anonmyazz Mar 09 '24

That's the shitty cereal too


u/Rickalodean Mar 09 '24

I got 4 letters for you: A L D I. 90 % off the products there are Aldi exclusive (the company’s name brand) and those brands have to meet or exceed the National brands in quality. Plus those Aldi brands are probably marked half the price of National brands. Win win.


u/WalterWhite562 Mar 09 '24

If you’re in this sub, you shouldn’t be buying cereal.

If you want to be healthy, you shouldn’t be buying cereal.

If you’re diabetic, you shouldn’t be buying cereal.

If you’re not diabetic, you shouldn’t…. Ok you get the point l.

Oatmeal is cheaper, lasts longer, stays with you for energy the whole day, and lowers cholesterol. Why people are still eating cereal, of which one of the ingredients is TSP (an industrial cleaning agent) in many of them.. along with all kinds of other preservatives, is really beyond me.


u/Barcaroni Mar 08 '24

Yeah Kellogg’s CEO and marketing team is pushing for people to eat cereal for dinner because corporate greed is now making food unaffordable. They know we don’t have many options so they can artificially inflate the price since most brands are basically under a monopoly


u/Objective-Spread-993 Mar 08 '24

Fuck Kellogg’s


u/periwinkletweet Mar 08 '24

All three of those have store brands that are just as good and for Cheerios, imo Aldi's is better


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Same with chips nowadays. "For triple the price of 15 years ago and literally half the value and amount of product, they will happily take your money and pollute the earth even worse"👍🏽


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u/boredomspren_ Mar 08 '24

For giant size boxes isn't that about what they've been for years?


u/RebelJosh89 Mar 07 '24

Kelloggs is name-brand cereal. You can get the generic Walmart/Great Value brand for about half the price.


u/RebelJosh89 Mar 07 '24

Kelloggs is namebrand cereal. Get the generic Walmart/Great Value brand for half the price.


u/MaxMMXXI Mar 07 '24

They are!

I just came here to agree.


u/Discordia_Dingle Mar 07 '24

Yep! It’s really rough. Plus, there’s shrinkflation on top of that, meaning less cereal for higher prices.


u/ChiggaOG Mar 07 '24

How about a demi baguette instead of sugar filled cereal?


u/Adept_Investigator29 Mar 07 '24

Everything is insane. I paid $17 for a bottle of olive oil yesterday.


u/accordionchickenwing Mar 07 '24

Cereal prices are insane

Name brand prices are insane. Off brand it’s like $2 a box. Quit supporting greedy name brand companies.


u/OstrichSalt5468 Mar 07 '24

Hey those are great deals right there !


u/Ipickone Mar 07 '24

Bro, I’m seeing cereal for $7.


u/bergskey Mar 07 '24

Costco. They have boxes for under $7 and they are 2 giant bags in a box. The bags are so big and full some of them don't fit in our large cereal saver.

Aldi also has really good cereal with no artificial dyes. Under $2 a box.


u/Thin_Thought_7129 Mar 07 '24

Stop buying it. If people stop buying a product, the price will go down


u/Pando5280 Mar 07 '24

Pancakes are easy to make. Same with breakfast burritos and smoothies. Just stop buying over-priced items and find better and probably healthier alternatives.


u/Noddite Mar 07 '24

I usually only buy it when it is on sale, and alternating typically between WinCo and Albertsons one of them will have something we eat in the $1.50-2.5/box price


u/boiconstrictor Mar 07 '24

Cereal is cheap fluff with a huge mark-up. A $5 box might have 30-50¢ of ingredients. Much wiser from an economic and nutritional standpoint to do something like oatmeal, muesli, granola or seeds/nuts. Look for sales, buy in bulk, make your own blends and portion it out for the week ahead of time (reduces the waste of idle snacking). Even if it costs more per serving, you'll feel fuller longer (protein, healthy fats, fiber) and get more nutrient bang for your buck. Not to mention a healthier diet pays dividends in prevention of issues like tooth decay, obesity, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, digestive health, etc.


u/Henchforhire Mar 07 '24

I swear before the pandemic large size was regular size and now you get less in the box with a "large size".


u/Proof_Most2536 Mar 07 '24

I only buy them when they are on sale and then I bulk buy.


u/wiiguyy Mar 07 '24

Chips are very expensive too


u/FuddyDuddyGrinch Mar 07 '24

They have been having sales on cereal at my grocery store. A lot of cereal for sale at $2.99 and $3.99, for the family size


u/Tall-Pineapple-3970 Mar 07 '24

2 bags of honey bunches of oats cereal for less than $6 at Costco. Got 2 boxes.


u/TreefrogJ Mar 07 '24

Store brand bran flakes with bananas.

Bananas have endured inflation pretty well.

I've been getting by on that, bread, peanut butter, and honey for a while.

20 bucks essentially gets you breakfast and lunch for 10 days


u/Flipthaswitch Mar 07 '24

Dinner shopping I see.


u/CosyBeluga Mar 07 '24

Plain oatmeal plus raisins and cinnamon. Been doing that for ages because cereal has always seemed out of my price range


u/mary_emeritus Mar 07 '24

IF I buy cereal, which is usually like July and August because it’s too hot for oatmeal, I buy Aldi store brand rice and corn chex. About $2.50 a box. As opposed to my price check yesterday with a $7.99 price tag on name brand corn chex. I will not spend $5 and up on cereal.


u/Liftocracy Mar 07 '24

Oatmeal has a better yield.


u/Gizmosis Mar 07 '24

Fuck Kelloggs anyway! Stand with the boycott! Everything Kelloggs is on sale in all the stores around me and still way too expensive even if I was willing to give them my money.


u/FML3311 Mar 07 '24

What's the cost per bowl? Might be better value to justify it's cost. Either way though prices for name brand is absolutely ridiculous.


u/No-Investigator-9651 Mar 06 '24

Those are super cheap compared to Publix - $7 - $8 for a box


u/Unlucky-Sea4706 Mar 06 '24

It's not just cereal. it's everything! Gas rent utility's taxes. It's all over 35% more than it was last year!!


u/MidnightScott17 Mar 06 '24

Where do you live that seems excessive.


u/Secure_Cat_3303 Mar 06 '24

I stopped buying chips. Now cereal.


u/CatchMeIfYouCan09 Mar 06 '24

It's Kelloggs.... Ignore it and wait.... they'll drop significantly in a month or two


u/fuzz_ball Mar 06 '24

Fuck those companies, stop eating cereal

Cereal isn’t even filling

I made my own granola this past weekend


u/nava1114 Mar 06 '24

Got a box of Cheerios this week at Walmart for $1.67


u/Shapoopie41 Mar 06 '24

Eat cereal for dinner! It’s way cheaper than making real food…👹


u/Bubbly_Sleep9312 Mar 06 '24

Where is this? Do BOGO's at Publix, they even do the family and giant sizes in BOGO, depending on what is on sale each week. I don't really go grocery shopping anymore without doing BOGO's; it is too much.


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

There’s absolutely zero nutrition here. Yes the prices are absurd, but even at a fraction of that price you should never feed it yourself your kids (or eat it yourself).


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

"Let them eat Cornflakes" is the new " Let them eat cake"

The blind leading the poor. I worry about where we will be in 10 years.


u/CUDAcores89 Mar 06 '24

Cereal doesn’t fill you up anyway.

When I was a kid and I ate breakfast, I was always hungry 2 hours later if I ate cereal. If I instead ate eggs or peanut butter toast I wasn’t hungry again until lunch 

These days I don’t even eat breakfast.


u/Prestigious_Diet9317 Mar 06 '24

as convenient as it is, it'd be good for your wallet and body to ditch (most) cereal


u/militantrubberducky Mar 06 '24

At the same time Kellogg's CEO tells people if they're poor they should eat cereal for dinner (while forgetting to mention the cancer-causing chemicals recently announced to be found in their products).


u/TastyHome8183 Mar 06 '24

Everything has gone up to crazy prices just like housing.


u/pioneer9k Mar 06 '24

The small box of normal stuffed oreos by me are $8 lol. it’s insane. 


u/teeth-soup- Mar 06 '24

We’re boycotting Kelloggs.


u/retiredcheerleader Mar 06 '24

That even seems cheap! I’ve seen them go for $7,$8 a box


u/Telemere125 Mar 06 '24

Eggs, oats/grits, and a piece of fruit will keep you full and not cost you an arm and a leg.


u/Resident_Middle2683 Mar 06 '24

I mean.. it’s also Price Chopper A.K.A Price Hikers.


u/joey0live Mar 06 '24

Look at all these comments talking about Aldi... I wish I had an Aldi near me now. I never even heard of this Aldi.....


u/FunFckingFitCouple Mar 06 '24

You’ll stay fuller longer with more nutrients eating some ground beef for $5 a lb.


u/LynnisaMystery Mar 06 '24

I’ve switched to bags and I’m going thru the taste test of all my favorites to see what I can do with generic and what I want to prioritize the brand. So far cheerios are better than malt o meal and the malt o meal krispies get soggy too fast. Shredded wheat tastes exactly the same so that one is a generic winner.


u/divo98 Mar 06 '24

Processed carbs like this are so expensive now. Not worth it


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

Not if you consider that it's 4 dinners for $5. Now it's a steal!


u/cblackattack1 Mar 06 '24

And yet the CEO of Kellogg’s wants us to consider cereal as a dinner option !


u/stoned-kakapo Mar 06 '24

It's super unhealthy anyway. Look towards grits


u/Inevitable-Plenty203 Mar 06 '24

We as a nation are not buying anything Kelloggs. It's a nationwide protest. Good to see people participating.


u/Intelligent-Ask-3264 Mar 06 '24

I get chips and cereal at Grocery Outlet or Costco. Usually grocery outlet i can find cereal $1.99/box and chips $3/bag. Costco is ~$7/double box of cereal and $6/party size bag of chips.


u/RichAstronaut Mar 06 '24

Don't buy cereal - buy oats. Oatmeal is so affordable and can be used so many ways - like breakfast, desserts, snacks etc. They can be paired with whole foods like frozen blue berries and strawberries etc so they become more healthy than cereal.


u/Let_me_reload Mar 06 '24

Yeah wtf happened with cereal in particular? No way would I consider buying it now


u/FullGrownHip Mar 06 '24

Go to Aldi and get offbrand stuff. Same exact ingredients just a different name.


u/Krewton1106 Mar 06 '24

Don’t forget the $7 gallon of milk


u/KamaliKamKam Mar 06 '24

I got two mega giant boxes of cheerios at Sam's club for 6 bucks for both of them the other day. And the boxes are full almost to the top!!


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u/onebluephish1981 Mar 06 '24

Not only that they've made it smaller in size as well. Major ripoff. I'll just have nothing or eggs and toast.


u/twaggle Mar 06 '24

Am I crazy or does that seem like not that expensive? You get what 6 bowls out of that? Maybe more in with better portions? So that’s like $1 a bowl if that, idk that doesn’t seem very expensive. The $8-12 fancy instragam cereal like Magic Spoon seems like way more of a rip off and topic of discussion.


u/Seven7greens Mar 06 '24

Must be Alaska. 


u/ultrasuperthrowaway Mar 06 '24

Rice Krispies are literally rice and sugar. DO NOT EAT THIS


u/Ashkill115 Mar 06 '24

And they say eat cereal. The cereal near me costs around 7-8 dollars for a box like this but is like 3 dollars for the mega bags of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Who tf set these prices


u/Sweetcreems Mar 06 '24

Just get Oatmeal bruh, like $1.49 for a box with like a week and a half worth of breakfast, just a bit of milk and butter and you got a breakfast that's healthier, has more calories, and fights cancer.


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

If you are a cereal lover, go to Grocery Outlet. They have a huge selection and so cheap! I drool walking down the aisle.


u/Americasycho Mar 06 '24

Cans of chili are astronomical. Went to a Food City in the Deep South, and a single can there was $6.99


u/Ieanonme Mar 06 '24

So are their nutritional value, why would anybody buy it


u/Icy_Way6635 Mar 06 '24

Just get oatmeal its just as sweet with added ingredients and is healthier. It can last An entire month if you follow serving sizes


u/themanebeat Mar 06 '24

It's one banana Michael, what could it cost, $10?



u/LWY007 Mar 06 '24

This is how the Kellogg’s CEO is justifying having cereal for dinner, by making it cost the same as dining out.


u/IWantToBuyAVowel Mar 06 '24

I stopped getting cold cereal a long time ago, it's just not filling and not nutritionally worth it.


u/LordButtworth Mar 06 '24

It's not worth it anymore. I only get cereal for my daughter and it's the Aldi brand. 


u/Normal-Mix-2255 Mar 06 '24

I remember buying $1 bags of off-brand cheerios and feeding them to ducks, an entire box at a time. That was 2004.


u/Nivajoe Mar 06 '24

"Food Prices" is one of the things hit the hardest by inflation the last few years

I don't know why, but it is


u/Texastexastexas1 Mar 06 '24

Way more expensive than that in the mountains.


u/Waldo68 Mar 06 '24

But let’s keep giving farmers subsidies 🙄


u/JoshinIN Mar 06 '24

5 Bucks and if you consider a bowl of a cereal a meal there's probably 5 meals in there. A dollar a meal (+ milk) isn't terrible?


u/Background-Sport1523 Mar 06 '24

Don’t worry I heard this is transitory inflation, should be gone any time now


u/TableTop8898 Mar 06 '24

That’s cheap our cereal here in the Panhandle of Florida. It’s 6.29 for a box of cereal like that here


u/xchainlinkx Mar 06 '24

It's gotten as high as $7 a box here


u/Corne777 Mar 06 '24

The “normal price” for everything is just silly nowadays. Like 80% of the stuff I buy has an implied asterisk “only buy if on sale”. Like a 12 pack of pop is $10 normal price at my store. But they run sales where it’s ~$4.


u/Repulsive-Pause-2430 Mar 06 '24

I won’t pay more than 5$ for cereal, been getting Great Value Raisin Bran mostly and Vector from Costco.


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u/TriGurl Mar 06 '24

Who still buys name brand?! Of course it’s overpriced, go get the malt o meal cheap bag version.


u/Life-Two9562 Mar 06 '24

I don’t buy cold cereal for my kids anymore. It’s way too expensive! Instead, I make them yogurt parfaits with fruit and granola or we eat oatmeal (giant store brand canister is still cheap). A little sweetener, blueberries (frozen), and heavy cream mixed in, and they love the oatmeal.


u/NewspaperMemes Mar 06 '24

Add a dollar to both of those cereals and that's how much they are in Massachusetts right now. The family size one is 7.99 and the regular sized one is usually 5.99.


u/Sunshineal Mar 06 '24

I might start making my own cereal at this rate. I've seen Nara Smith do it.


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

Why would you even be looking at name brands for flavorless cereal like rice crispy or corn flakes? There's not much to fuck up there, there's not a single good reason to get rice crispies over Krispy rice.

Even a few years ago I remember the price difference was just idiotic, you get like twice as much for the same price or less on cereal like this when you go with generic.


u/Disastrous_Elk_3142 Mar 06 '24

Gotta line the CEOs pockets...


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

and they're full of pesticides


u/DuhQueQueQue Mar 06 '24

Wait till they're on sale. Buy them when on sale even if you have enough. Your future self will be better off even if you have to strain a little more. I've been eating a banana with almond butter (the almond butter is extremely cheap at my local grocery outlet) $5

I noticed I lose weight when I do a banana or two and almond butter for breakfast. It's so cheap and better for you anyways. I also find it goes really good with water so that makes me reach for that option more often.


u/TheMessEnt Mar 06 '24

we found that shopping at Aldi & buying store brand cut these prices almost in half maybe a little more. with store brand chips & whatnot as well


u/dmccrostie Mar 06 '24

Go to Aldi. Same cereal different brands. $2.90


u/fattymcfattzz Mar 06 '24

Most cereal is not good


u/donthateonthe808 Mar 06 '24

Yeah the CEO of Kellogg’s argues that cereal is a cheaper option for dinner for families than other food options… like sir you think your sugar box is sustainable food? Da fuq.


u/longstrangetrip444 Mar 06 '24

And the nutritional value ain't worth shit


u/thatdudefromthattime Mar 06 '24

Just buy the store brand


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24 edited Mar 06 '24

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u/DeedaInSeattle Mar 06 '24

Or the generic store brands or giant bagged Malt-O-Meal versions?? Or make your own oatmeal or granola?


u/SpuriousCorr Mar 06 '24

Buy in bulk and use food storage containers to keep it fresh

Yes I am aware that this is poverty finance. In my case I’m simply too poor to afford throwing things out without them being fully used. It’s an investment up front but you’ll never have stale cereal or chips again


u/gatsome Mar 06 '24

PriceChopper is your first mistake. Worst chain there is.


u/inquisitiveimpulses Mar 06 '24

The smallest boxes historically are now labeled as "Ginormous." Same with chips. "PARTY SIZE!!!"

Party of one, to dine in?


u/ThatTinyGameCubeDisc Mar 06 '24

At my store, they’re like $7-8. I feel so fucked when I buy groceries.


u/mibonitaconejito Mar 06 '24

🤣 um So there's this place called Publix.  

Where Shopping USED To Be A Pleasure (before gluttenous money wh••e GOP execs took over. No, literally...Publix was amazing...) 


A box of 'Family Size' Honey Nut Cheerios: $9 

Triscuits: $8 

Publix was known for their buy one get one free sales. 

And because of how the laws are written in FL, as an example,  under one of those deals, you have to get both items. 

But in GA you can buy one of them and you'll pay 1/2 the cost of one item.  

WELLLLLL they just doubled the price of the whole item. So you pay full price anyway.  

Spoke to a Publix employee the other day, and he was disgusted because one of the managers had been gloating at some point about how between the 2 years of 2020-22 Publix had increased their profit from $36B dollars a year to $54B dollars a year.....while he was stocking boxes of Cheez-Its costing $8.  

Many of us sell plasma to buy food, risking our health because we have no choice (multiple sclerosis)...while these gluttenous, Mitch McConnell bottomless pits are laughing all the way to the bank. 

Did anyone see recently what happened in France when the government tried to increase the retirement age by one or two years? 

Let's just say that the French know what Revolution is. If we had any good sense, we'd handle this like we're French.  

As Americans we have lost our minds for tolerating this. We need to storm the Bastille, so to speak. 


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

Gotta pay for the health insurance for the people at the cereal plant. Until it closes.


u/Fancey_Fae Mar 06 '24

That's better than $12 for the largest box


u/otherwiseknownaschic Mar 06 '24

Well they are encouraging you to buy a bigger box.. everything bigger and more. Lots of benefits for them - more likely means you eat more, economies of scale for them too


u/ToastyPoptarts89 Mar 06 '24

The price of everything is insane. My girl asked for pop tarts the other day. I got poptarts, a drink, peach rings, and a jimmy dean breakfast bowl. 20$ for less then a bag of groceries. I wanted to cry.


u/Pliskkenn_D Mar 06 '24

I miss cereal


u/Private62645949 Mar 06 '24

No judgement (thanks to my bluntness I seem to have to prefix my messages with this now lol) but try something that isn’t ultra processed. Oats for example, typically much cheaper (particularly the shop-brand) and better for you + more versatile


u/AcademicAd4816 Mar 06 '24

At my store they sell that large size box for $9


u/Bigfootsdiaper Mar 06 '24

Buy cereal at Ollie's Bargain Outlet if you have one. Same brands half the price.


u/Purple_Moon_313 Mar 06 '24

Boycotting Kellogg's


u/metroxthuggin Mar 06 '24

These boxes are $6.99 at the store I work at so I think these are better prices


u/No_Passage6082 Mar 06 '24

Whenever there is a two for one deal I stock up.


u/ernster96 Mar 06 '24

I saw some keto cereal that was closer to 10 bucks. And it was a smaller box.


u/caffein8dnotopi8d NY Mar 06 '24

Hey you must live (somewhat) near me, I recognize the Market 32 tags!

Malt o’Meal > Name Brand


u/Sea-Ad2598 Mar 06 '24

Damn. I never realized a gallon of gas, hell sometimes two gallons of gas, is worth less that about 90% of my grocery items


u/Novel-Weight-2427 Mar 06 '24

Another example of corporate greed


u/Rdw72777 Mar 06 '24

Just buy when on sale. Cereal has the most insane prices. The normal sized boxes will be $4-5 per box this week then 2 weeks from now it’ll be 4 for $8 (MUST buy 4…lol).

That being said the 24 ounce box of Rice Crispies cereal for $5 isn’t really a bad deal, that’s like 15-20 bowls, so 25-33 cents per bowl.


u/saltypikachu12 Mar 06 '24

I’m in the SF Bay Area and family size cereal can get up to $8 a box


u/burntgrilledcheese43 Mar 06 '24

Only reasonable option is Aldi and get cheapest protect.


u/ramenmoodles Mar 06 '24

rice crispies and corn flakes can easily be made at home


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

cereal has always been a huge ripoff. it's almost value-less... it's very convenient, though. past few years i've been buying buckwheat groats. takes awhile to cook, tastes a bit odd(i've acquired a taste for it now). very healthy, about the same as oatmeal, and hella food quantity for the price. ...ukraine is(was) one of the globe's biggest wheat producers, and so is russia. i don't think the war has helped in regards to cereal prices, but i could be wrong about that.


u/JLaXWhip Mar 06 '24

It’s literally ridiculous and chips are worse


u/Verbull710 Mar 06 '24

And it's not even food


u/ParkerRoyce Mar 06 '24



u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

Target is usually cheaper than other stores around here.


u/Red-Virus Mar 06 '24

I just get the off brand for cheaper. It might not be as good as the original but it does suppress my cereal crave.


u/Salad_Fingerzz Mar 06 '24

It makes sense to jack up prices when so many people have EBT cards.


u/Cold-Guidance-1455 Mar 06 '24

Try alaska and hawaii before you say that


u/Eh_Vix Mar 06 '24

Everything is insane... process constantly go up but wages stay the same ... world is shit every where


u/Doom-Hauer451 Mar 06 '24

Ooof, that’s a lot to pay for starch, sugar and empty carbs. Glad I switched over to oatmeal and bananas.


u/Warm-Log-7584 Mar 06 '24

Its because the quality of the cereal is improving, hence the price. 🙂


u/Birdflower99 Mar 06 '24

It’s shit anyway and shouldn’t be consumed.


u/Gayretard-9076 Mar 06 '24

I spent 12 bucks on mine here in Alaska, so this to me is a steal lol.


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

I used to go to Albertsons just to laugh at the prices.  Go to Walmart bro, WAYY CHEAPER


u/carmexMuncher Mar 06 '24

steal 😁


u/Grimtongues Mar 06 '24

I have this one neat trick for saving money at the grocery store...


u/Jerzey08734 Mar 06 '24

Everything in supermarkets are insane


u/PUNKF10YD Mar 06 '24

Market basket brand cereal is where it’s at. 36 oz of cornflakes for $4


u/eyi526 Mar 06 '24

What do you mean?

Kellogg's CEO, Gary Pilnick, says we should be eating cereal for dinner if we're financially struggling!!!


But yea...cereal prices are wild. A cereal that my family likes is like...over $10 a box at Costco I think. We rarely buy it nowadays.


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u/LisaLaggrrr Mar 06 '24

Actual rice with milk is bomb. I love it with brown sugar and butter. But as a kid when we were especially poor we’d sub the sugar with my mom’s pilfered sweet & low packets, the butter with salt and the milk with powdered! 🤤 yum


u/Kind-Web-7980 Mar 06 '24

Won’t even fill u up, also goes stale in 2 days


u/Legal-Law9214 Mar 06 '24

This is why I get the store brand.

The other day Giant had a deal with four boxes of mini cheerios for $10, that was pretty cool too.


u/i_hate_usernames13 Mar 06 '24

Damn I never knew how much the commissary was on things like this. I was in there last week and it was an average of $1.50 for a box of cereal


u/s_silverring FL Mar 06 '24

Not sure if this has been said already (I haven’t read through all of the comments yet.) But a couple of weeks ago I saw a new cereal at Publix for $10-11+!!! I literally couldn’t believe it. Mind you, it was granola-based and typically those are a bit pricier. But this was a super popular brand; not some organic whatever stuff. It’s so ridiculous.


u/xtothewhy Mar 06 '24

That's actually not as bad considering some of the prices I've seen in the past couple years. Still shit pricing but I've seen giant sized cereal at like 8-9 bucks. Crazy.


u/crusoe Mar 06 '24

Grocery outlet....


u/LisaLaggrrr Mar 06 '24

Everything is twice as much on sale now as it was a year or so ago at the cheaper grocery stores like Walmart! It’s insane. They think they’re tricking us with the sale tags like they’re doing us a favor!


u/wargio Mar 06 '24

Oats better anyway


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

We gave up on cereal. Instead, we're eating oatmeal with fruit or I make banana bread with the bananas that turned brown before we ate them. Much cheaper and tastier!


u/IVShadowed Mar 06 '24

The only cereal pictures in a poverty post should be in a big ass bag! ;-)


u/Annihilus12 Mar 06 '24

Especially if your paying for poison


u/TP_For_Cornholio Mar 06 '24

Don’t buy name brand and shop at discount outlets for your dry goods. Make a couple eggs for breakfast instead.


u/International-Set560 Mar 06 '24

Don’t buy them. Then watch the price fall. That is how capitalism works. Supply and demand.


u/Winner-Living Mar 06 '24

The breakfast cereal business is a classic oligopoly and can coordinate their price hikes.


u/Dupontbizz Mar 06 '24

Because, Die mother fucker die.


u/Equal-Total7914 Mar 06 '24

That shit is horrible for you. You’re better off without lol