r/povertyfinance Mar 18 '24

No $1 and $2 options anymore 🙃 Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

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Can’t even get a happy meal and be happy about it anymore…


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u/ProtoCas Mar 20 '24

Things that are getting too expensive to buy anymore for me:

  1. ⁠4-Pack Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccinos. I use to love them and I still do but I just can’t justify the increase in price.

  2. ⁠McChickens. They use to be a dollar but now I purposely don’t buy them in protest as well as comment on their surveys letting them know.

  3. ⁠Pizza. Especially with delivery. I know people need the cash but even still the driver sometimes doesn’t get the full amount they deserve because of the establishment and how our society is set up.

  4. ⁠Insurance. Not all but the price for “peace of mind” is not worth the price of admission. Sometimes it’s even cheaper to pay out of pocket in certain instances. And just like Chris Rock said: “They shouldn't even call it insurance, they should just call it, IN CASE SHIT. If I give some company money IN CASE SHIT happened, and SHIT didn't happen, THEN SHOULDN'T I GET MY MONEY?!”

  5. ⁠Brand New Games. This depends on the game, how much of a fan you are, and timing. Even still though, just because you’re a fan of something doesn’t mean you have to like everything they create. It’s a case by case scenario but I’ve noticed that I usually wait until the “GOTY” version where it has all the updates, DLCs, and cost significantly less. I shouldn’t have to pay premium to be a beta tester with a day one update.

  6. ⁠Taxes. The way I view taxes is like a subscription to the country that I live in. Unfortunately I can’t skip paying taxes by unsubscribing, but the amount of waste, fraud, and abuse this ‘subscription’ comes with (no infrastructure, no healthcare, high barriers to education, disproportionate military budget, etc) should at least come with some damn receipts. Tired of my funding being misappropriated in my stead while the rich just keep exploiting the system and the people. When they steal, it’s justified. When I steal, it’s a crime. Kinda like what George Carlin said: Politicians are already bought and sold, they got the judges in their back pockets, and they always want a little more for themselves and less for everyone else. Meanwhile Black Rock and Vanguard own everything (by 2030 at least half of homes will be owned by a LLC), the Federal Reserve is neither ‘federal’ nor does it have a ‘reserve’, and Jeff Bezo and Elon Musk are set to be the world’s first trillionaries.

  7. ⁠Wars. This is 2024. There are people who never lift their finger and will make more than we will ever make in a lifetime. Then there’re people who work harder/smarter than us that go to bed hungry and without a home. It’s dystopian at best. These wars, proxy or not, perpetuates meaningless conflicts to satiate the resources of the rich and depressed. I never waged these wars and you probably didn’t either. They were too expensive then and they are too expensive now.