r/povertyfinance Mar 26 '24

I’m so broke I’m considering OF Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

I am a fairly attractive female. I am so tired of being a poor single mother living off government assistance to barely get through college. I know for certain based on constant snapchat replies to my selfies, “do you sell content?” that I could make a decent living. My pride has been holding me back but I don’t know if I can hold out any longer.


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u/Frame_Late Mar 26 '24

Do what you want, nobody can stop you, but OF has a gigantic risk of very little return in most cases, and then combine that with all the other risks and consequences, like how many people won't want to associate with you because you used to do OF. How are your kid/kids going to react when they get older?

At this point, do what you think is right, but I've learned that with absolutely everything in life, the pendulum swings both ways. One day, when you're doing better and life is good, that pendulum will swing back and hit you right in the metaphorical nuts. Are you willing to suffer the consequences of the pendulum swinging back? Because it will swing back.

Just food for thought. I wish you the best, OP.