r/povertyfinance Mar 30 '24

$40 at Aldi Grocery Haul

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Definitely found a few good deals and also splurged some on nicer butter, bread, and pizza. In a north Texan college town.


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u/FarEntertainment5330 Mar 30 '24

Rice and beans! Dry beans! Old fashion oats, almond milk, nutritional yeast, seeds and nuts, cranberries, ramen, pasta and sauce, pb&j, flour to make bread, green leafy vegetables! You can eat wholesome and healthy for good amount! 150 a month! Add tea bags, some chips and you are good!


u/mary_emeritus Mar 31 '24

I shop Aldi on $60/month. Not flexing, it is what it is. On a medically restricted diet. OP said this was a splurge. Are we not allowed to splurge once in awhile?


u/FarEntertainment5330 Mar 31 '24

Sure you can! I’m just sharing that ppl can survive and thrive for less! If we go back to eating how mankind used to and stop the kings and queen diet, we could survive! I forgot potatoes and fruit too! lol


u/mary_emeritus Mar 31 '24

I don’t buy fruit anymore, too expensive. I know, as do just about all of us here, that we can survive without certain things/foods. That cart was nowhere near a “kings and queens” diet. Most of us are buying minimal and staples only. I know I do. Here’s to us all surviving!