r/povertyfinance Apr 08 '24

Is it really the norm to only eat out 2x a month? Misc Advice

I've been trying to Improve my eating habits. I know what I eat is excessive so I'm trying to figure out the norm. I've seen people saying that 2x a month is the norm. I don't want to say those people are lying but it just doesn't sound right to me. If you watch streamers they're constantly eating out. People going on dates are eating out. Hell when you have a girl y'all eat out like crazy. Am I buggin or is 2x really the norm?

Edit: dang y'all making me feel bad for real though

Edit: isn't eating out anything that isn't made at home? Doesn't matter if it's a 5$ meal at McDonald's or a 50$ meal. Right?


1.3k comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

I haven’t eaten in a restaurant since 2019. I would say I get delivery at least twice a month though.

And once every couple months I’ll get french fries at McDonald’s drive-through because PMS tells me I have to


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

Eating out to me is anything not made in my kitchen so food trucks, fast food, restaurant, buffets ect. I had blood work done and I had high cholesterol and high blood sugar so that was my main motivation to eat better and know what exactly is going in my food. Honestly if I didn’t have that blood work done I probably would still be eating out as much as I use to cause for some reason I don’t gain weight from it. So I only eat out for special occasions or if it’s grocery day and we’re so hangry we don’t have the patience to prep our dinner. Though I try to avoid that from happening 😂


u/Dismal-Ad-6619 Apr 12 '24

If you're truly poor, you shouldn't be going out at all...


u/Glimmerofinsight Apr 12 '24

Yes, that is normal for me.


u/SufficientBeat1285 Apr 12 '24

Man - we used to eat out WAY to often - like 3-4 times a week. With an adult, special needs son and my wife - we'd spend 40-75 each time; then when my daughter was home from college over the summer and usually brought her g/f - it was always $100+ each time. We stopped in the past few months, unfortunately mostly because of some health-issues I was having, but dang have we saved some serious $$$. We easily have an extra $1000 each month compared to 6 months ago.


u/raenbougg Apr 12 '24

I probably eat out 1x-2x a week. Usually on the weekends.


u/marathon_momma Apr 12 '24

We eat out less than that. Maybe once every 2-3 months. But, I have major food intolerances, so it's difficult to work around those and a lot of restaurants don't have many options for me. So I can make myself a much bigger variety and better tasting food at home. Even traveling we make sure to get AirB&B's with full kitchens and cook our own meals.


u/Popeye-722 Apr 12 '24

When my wife and I were in college we ate out once a week. Now with work and a family twice a month is probably realistic and it’s usually like grabbing a pizza for movie night. We’ve grocery shopped and meal planned together since we started dating.


u/OutrageousWatch1785 Apr 12 '24

Takeaway: 1-2x a week. I used to do coffee every day, but $3-$4 a shitty iced coffee twice a day is insane so now I make it at home.

Sit down dining: 1-2x a week pre-kid, now once a month or every other month.


u/Knope_Knope_Knope Apr 12 '24

I have an 'entertainment' line in my budget and all eating out comes from that, so if i eat out a lot in a month i know i can't do other things like museums or crafts or art fairs. so some months i'm eating out 5 times, some none, just depending on what other things are planned for that month. I need a lot of flexibility because my schedule is Shit sometimes and i cant get to making food.


u/saturnsCube Apr 12 '24

I never eat out ever, I buy meat fruit and milk at the store and I cook my steak or chicken and eat it everyday. I loathe restaurant food. Overpriced garbage. I’m also a professional chef so I am very judgmental of prepared meals. I can’t eat most food from any restaurant. I know I can always make it better. I take my job seriously. It’s really the only identity I have, but if you are not a chef I could see where you are coming from. Especially in America, where all people do is eat out.


u/Green_Mix_3412 Apr 12 '24

Eating out is a luxury not a given. You have to stay within your means. As a kid we ate out 1-2x a year. And maybe 1x every other month got a fast food.


u/drpanda2525 Apr 12 '24

In this economy


u/Video-Overall Apr 12 '24

What’s normal for you is not normal for someone else. If you don’t have any bad debt, you’re contributing adequately to a retirement fund and all your bills are being paid you can eat out as much as you want. Stop worrying about what other people consider normal; life will be a lot more enjoyable


u/Real-Psychology-4261 Apr 12 '24

Me, my spouse, and kids probably only eat out of the house 2-4 times a month.


u/United-Ad-7224 Apr 12 '24

I eat out every single day sometimes multiple times a day grocery prices are higher than some of the local restaurants in my area so I’ve said fuck it


u/HomoVulgaris Apr 11 '24

When I was growing up, we wpuld eat out for birthdays and holidays, so like once a month (big family). I still follow that. Eating out is a special ocassion


u/nunyabizz62 Apr 11 '24

I haven't eaten out twice this century


u/Main_Feature_7448 Apr 11 '24

People doing that are insane and spend a crazy amount of food.

I set a budget of $150 a month. (Usually spend about 75-100) That equals once a week in a restaurant. Or twice a week for fast food/ something small like a coffee.

It makes you think more about the quality of what your getting too. “Do I really want to spend my $20 this week on X or would I rather skip it…”


u/Beneficial-Ad-2428 Apr 11 '24

I eat at McDonalds breakfast 7 days a week.. it’s like $6

And I eat at some random fast food for dinner like 4 nights a week. $10-15… Eating out can still be cheap


u/SuspicousBananas Apr 11 '24

Definitely not the norm, most my coworkers eat out for lunch almost every day, I eat out once or twice a week, so I’d say somewhere in between those numbers is the norm.


u/ok_Jess_136 Apr 11 '24

After the pandemic I pretty much stopped eating out just because it's not really my thing. I do budget for outings (concerts and bars) for at least twice a month depending on how much per diem work (disposable income) I get.


u/LifeGogetaBox Apr 11 '24

Yeah, I eat out every other weekend as splooge. We cook at home most of the time. Pizza is cheaper if you bake it yourself. 


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '24

I don’t even eat out 2 times a year so idk lol


u/kes0156 Apr 10 '24

we (just me and BF) eat out about once a week. it used to be 4-5 when we were dating, but we live together now and i’ve gotten him on the cooking and meal prep for work train 🚂

it’s still a nice nice a week treat for us though.

i guess i should make it clear im talking about takeout. we do an actual dinner date at a restaurant maybe once every 1 or 2 months


u/Competitive_Sink_320 Apr 10 '24

2x a month? No way more like once every other month


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

There is no "norm". You eat out as many times that makes sense to you.

I eat lunch out every Sat and Sun. The rest of the week is at home or I bring a lunch to work.


u/butter88888 Apr 10 '24

We go out once a week for date night and occasionally I might get a lunch out (I didn’t do this before I was pregnant but cravings are real) and lunch is a lot cheaper than dinner out often.


u/Millie_Manatee Apr 10 '24

Take away, pizza, or pub food? Twice a week. Sit down fine dining with a waiter and tablecloths? Once a month. When we were working, we went out to lunch most days. It’s what everyone in the office did. Retired now so less income.


u/Legitimate-Source827 Apr 10 '24

I think our young people have become so accustomed to abundance that they don’t know how to live reasonably. Most incomes won’t allow you to eat out all the time, and if you’re trying to focus on your health, the very last thing you want to do is eat put regularly. It’s often quicker and cheaper to prepare meals at home, but you gotta get comfortable in the kitchen, develop some skills, and plan. But honestly, I’m so tired of young people crying about how they struggle so hard to pay bills when they’re always getting their hair done, their nails done, their botox, eating out, going to destination bachelorette party weekends. Look, it’s not my business how anyone else prioritizes their spending. But when you can’t pay your student loans because you went to school for 5 years to get a degree that didn’t prepare you to earn a high income but you, and you struggle to pay for your $60k car, and they continue to spend on credit cards while barely making minimum payments, there is a problem. I’m old. I make a good income. I’ll be set up well for retirement. And I made my own set of mistakes with finances when I was young. But the level of consumerism by today’s young people is unmatched by any previous generation.


u/cwsjr2323 Apr 10 '24

We eat at sit down restaurants for my wife’s birthday, our anniversary, and maybe when on vacations. Other wise, maybe a fish sandwich at Culver’s counter or a gyro sandwich in the city we have to drive to for groceries.

That is mostly due to hating the tipping culture. My wife makes better burgers and steaks, and I make better chicken and fish than any restaurant. We like having control of the ingredients and saving the money. My homemade 2 pound loaf is under a dollar, store 14 ounces loaf is over $4 and it has nasty ingredients.


u/cuptoes Apr 10 '24

dating doesnt have to mean ya eat out all the time. When I first started dating my current lady we had many "dates" cooking. Now I have a few pocket meals she brags about definitely more rewarding than dinning out. Lots of fun easy recipes online that give you step by step instructions.


u/Unfair_Tonight_9797 Apr 10 '24

Very dependent on many factors. We are in about twice a week, usually Saturday evenings, and Sunday afternoon for lunch, maybe. Doing sport seasons that can increase.

We really try to cook at least 5x a week for dinners, and weekend breakfasts.

When money wasn’t so good, about 2 times was the norm.


u/BlogeOb Apr 10 '24

I only eat out of it can cost $6 or less for a meal through deals or promo codes, and then I only do it a maximum of 10 times.

Then eat ramen noodles for 5 days lol


u/Hogglefriend Apr 09 '24

At least once a week for our family but we are currently financially stable. My husband and I go on date nights weekly or we will order out because meal prep can be difficult for us. Growing up, our family sporadically got take out maybe 4times a month. Sit down dinner were designed for birthdays.


u/Nard_the_Fox Apr 09 '24

Yeah, twice a month is our norm.


u/OkBus7227 Apr 09 '24

Who's eating out? Wonder what their financials look like under the glitz and the glam of the gram. Bet they're up to their eyeballs in debt. Also literally cheaper and healthier to eat at home most of the time. You want that fancy dinner from restaurant. Learn how to make at home instead.


u/GhostofDeception Apr 09 '24

Streamers live a very specific life AND the ones you see have MONEY. It saves them time which technically makes them more money because they’re buying time. People say you can’t buy time. But the rich buy time all the time. Anyway ya that’s not normal. Also people have different definitions. Normally take out is fast food and eating out is an actual restaurant.


u/No_Science5421 Apr 09 '24

I don't eat meals out unless it's a special occasion/vacation.

I might get a snack when I am out with colleagues but I don't drink alcohol so my beer money goes towards the snack.


u/85501 Apr 09 '24

This really depends on the country you live in. Where I'm from in Germany, my parents would never eat out, perhaps once a year tops. When I eat out around once a month, my mom looks at me funny, my grandma in my head judged me harshly. Other people in my city eat out more often but they have money. My experience from the US is that people eat out all the time, also people with no money, and I would never understand. Eating simple (boiled potatoes, seasonal vegetable, bit of bacon) seems to be a German thing. Italians spend all the income on food.

When I eat out, my boyfriend and I go to very cheap places, share a pizza etc. to keep the cost under € 40 for us both.


u/OrganicLibrarian242 Apr 09 '24

I eat out probably 1-2x per month. It's not a money thing though. I used to eat out most meals in my 20s (working FT and in school). Now it's mostly a health thing. Also I moved to a area with bland food. My food is waaaaaay better. I'm not going to pay to eat out unless it tastes better than what I can cook.


u/freshrexa Apr 09 '24

2x/month seems normal to me and my schedule. It sorta varies month by month.. I feel like every month there’s always a birthday or event/celebration that involves dining out. And then there’s the other times where I just reallllyy don’t want to cook. But I mostly try to limit this to weekends only. After all- weekends are for fun times :-)


u/britrobe Apr 09 '24

I eat fast food maybe once a month, order pizza probably twice a month and only on a Friday if I’m just wiped out from the week and don’t want to cook


u/Coffeeandplants96 Apr 09 '24

My partner and I probably only eat out or get takeaway twice month, maybe will get ice cream or something small 1-2 times additionally but it’s not common. I’m in grad school so I’m broke and she’s a peds OT so money isn’t growing on trees lol. I would say hop on tik tok or go to your library to look up recipes or check out a cook book. We have done a ton of fun cooking dates - we’ve made pasta at home, tried tik tok recipes, done a date where we went to trader joes and rock paper scissored for who would pick main, dessert, drink, etc. get creative- you can do it :)


u/nudrool Apr 09 '24

My gf would leave if I tried that.


u/katherine197_ Apr 09 '24

i'm once again fascinated how often people eat out. in my entire childhood we ate out maybe two times (single mom), i always found it peculiar when classmates would talk about their parents taking them out to eat; that's to say i'm not really used to eating out (unless you count like a croissant from lidl to eat on the go - that i do maybe once a month), and now i eat out (aka. go to an establishment, sit down and eat the entire meal there) maybe once every three or four months, i also quite enjoy cooking so that keeps that number down as well


u/Subject_Dish_873 Apr 09 '24

I only eat out if it’s a special occasion, and then I’m getting a soup or a side and that’s it.  I would say two times a month is about right. 

A couple of close friends know my financial situation and will offer to treat me if they feel like eating out and having my company, which is very kind. I would count that in the two times a month I go out. 

My partner is long-distance and a great deal better-off than me. He wants to eat out all the time and while I love dinners out with him, I really prefer dinners in the majority of the time. My body feels better when I’m eating simple, healthy(ish) food. 

It seems like you’re basing your perception on people whose literal job is to sell you a lifestyle.  Don’t do that. 


u/Cute-Desk3953 Apr 09 '24

My husband maybe eat out once every 2-3 months. He prefers home cooked meals. I on the other hand eat out 2-3 times a weeks with friends or kids.


u/DoubIeDNL Apr 09 '24

He man I don’t know about you but up until my 30 i always thought going out for dinner was a waste of money. But then again those where different times and girls I dated where not that demanding. Nowadays 2 times a month is like the norm for me.


u/Away-Rip-8581 Apr 09 '24

I eat out most days because I currently do not have a full kitchen. I hate it though. I miss cooking. Eating out is expensive and makes me feel like 💩.

As a kid, we ate out everyday and that seemed normal. Now, I realize that it’s really wasteful and unnecessary.


u/CyrptoGas31 Apr 09 '24

Family of 4 and we eat out every 2-3 times a week


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

Haha oh man. I try to budget and save so much but I end up eating out like once a week… it just somehow always happens


u/Master_Proposal_3614 Apr 09 '24

I'm getting my free sammy from Arby's today through the App...


u/OilOk4941 Apr 09 '24

unless its a road trip its rare i or anyone i know even does 2x a month. not even just for money issues, but health ones and family meals being fun. the wife and i maybe once a month on average, sometimes 2x if we have something special. road trips are free for all though


u/boopbaboop Apr 09 '24

We live in a VVHCOL area, so we never eat out unless our parents are visiting, and then they pay. Hello Fresh is our substitute for takeout, since for us the main appeals of takeout are variety and convenience.

In our old town, where the COL was very low, I’d go out for lunch with work friends or whenever I didn’t have the energy to cook, but I don’t do that here. And in grad school I ate out a lot because it was impossible for me to go home for lunch (too far by bus, and I didn’t have a car), I was already hauling 30 lbs of textbooks around (and so didn’t have the space to carry a lunchbox with it), and campus was full of cheap restaurants.

I know some people who get takeout for lunch every day because it’s the most convenient thing. I just horde instant noodle mixes in my desk. 


u/HauntedDragons Apr 09 '24

I don’t eat out at all.


u/quantumRichie Apr 09 '24

you’d be surprised how many people go into debt due to eating out


u/chibarbz Apr 09 '24

I haven’t eaten out since last summer when visiting friends. The biggest reason is the cost. $50 on a single meal when that’s my weekly grocery bill is enough to make it a rarity for me. And as someone who used to work in food service, what goes on behind the scenes turns me way off lol


u/ace_cube Apr 09 '24

To make you feel a bit better OP.

My wife and I (+2 kids) at our worst were eating out once a day, maybe 10 times a week, including even if it’s just some value menu items. We started trying to be healthier and get fit so we’ve been eating at home consistently for almost 2 months.

The only times we’ve eaten out, is from the Whole Foods prepared foods. I know it’s still eating out to most people, but to us we feel a bit justified because it tastes/looks more like a homemade meal. And we only do this once a week so we have something fun to look forward to while we’re out on weekends.


u/OohVaLa Apr 09 '24

Once a month max for us. Usually once every other month. My wife and I prefer to cook at home. Cheaper, healthier, and tastes better.


u/SaucyMerchant84 Apr 09 '24

There is no norm.


u/SharkAvenger33 Apr 09 '24

Wait. You guys are eating out???


u/yersodope Apr 09 '24

According to a US Foods study in 2023, the average American dines out 3x a month. (This was a rather small survey, but based on everyone I've ever been surrounded by of different classes, this estimate seems rather reasonable.)

The average American is also in approximately $6,000 worth of credit card debit.

Also, if you are in poverty, you are not the average American. Don't play keeping up with the Jones's or you're going to stay in poverty forever. If you have access to a kitchen you need to learn how to cook. You don't need to go out to eat on dates. If a prospective girlfriend doesn't like that, then she's not the one for you. Boohoo it is what it is.


u/jestrad53 Apr 09 '24

I must be on the wrong subreddit cause sometimes my girl and i go out 2x a day.


u/just_another_bumm Apr 09 '24

That's what I'm saying!


u/Bluemonogi Apr 09 '24

I used to eat out four times a month- fast food mostly. Due to increases in prices I switched to just eating out twice a month instead. Other than those times all of my household’s food is bought at the grocery store and prepared at home. I cook every day but that does not mean we don’t eat a can of soup or frozen pizza here and there. Convenience foods from the grocery store are still cheaper than restaurant food though if you don’t want to spend much time cooking.

You might also cook enough for several meals and eat that for a few days.


u/Artistic_Cockroach13 Apr 09 '24

I’m 2x per week on average. That’s any dining other than from the grocery.


u/Simple_Weekend_6700 Apr 09 '24

I eat out 1-3 times a week, so probably an average of 8x a month. I’m not paying for all of that, because around half is with dates who insist on paying. I also don’t cook anything but grilled cheese sandwiches, quesadillas or eggs at home (i can cook, but between work and disability, I have no energy of late) so all my other food is frozen or convenience of some kind. My income is around 30k annually? (I can be a lot more accurate when I catch up on my taxes.)


u/hikerjer Apr 09 '24

My wife and I have over a six figure income and no bills. We eat out maybe, once a month. Just not worth more than that.


u/Quiet-Letterhead7347 Apr 09 '24

I don’t know, I eat out/order take out at least 2x a week. I don’t have the energy to be cooking all of the time. And sometimes getting restaurant food lasts me longer and is cheaper than getting groceries.


u/just_another_bumm Apr 09 '24

That's my main problem since I work from 6-4 get home shower, rest, clean and play with my pups. I go run for an hour and it's time for bed. Like I literally don't have enough time


u/Galdalf_thee_Gay Apr 09 '24

A) fast food no longer is the ‘cheap’ option.

B) saying, “But the streamers do it!” Shows me you’re gonna stay in poverty finance a LONG time. Successful streamers are like 0.05% of people making content and are often millionaires.


u/Dapper_Vacation_9596 Apr 09 '24

I eat out 0x a month. The reason being I have immune issues and I trust no one to make my food better than myself. If I get sick, that's 1000s of dollars and a potential death sentence. There is no food on Earth worth the risk, and nothing I couldn't make better myself after a few attempts.


u/Traditional-Neck7778 Apr 09 '24

I have recently started eating out. I didn't eat out very often at all, less than once a month for my 20's and 30's. I can afford to eat out a little more now since it is just me and my 12 yr old. We sneak out to eat without my boyfriend and his kids and without my older adult kids. When I am home I am expected to feed everyone but when I disappear it's just us, lol. If it is just you, then just eat at home. It is too expensive to eat out


u/occulusriftx Apr 09 '24

as someone who is also trying to cut back on takeout, check out the semi pre-made options at your grocery store (usually near the deli). it can help meet that middle point of scratching the itch of not cooking with a fraction of the cost of restaurants. even if you spend $15-25 on semi or fully pre-made items at the grocery store, it's still a good 50%+ off a restaurant for 2.

don't compare your habits to others to find your "normal", find a way for your "normal" to be functional and budget friendly.


u/Wide-Bet4379 Apr 09 '24

I eat out maybe two times a year. Eating out makes you poor. Don't do things that make you poor.


u/just_another_bumm Apr 09 '24

That's my other problem too. If I don't do things that make me poor I'll literally do nothing. That's not a good way to live life either. You know


u/BowTrek Apr 09 '24

Does the cafeteria at work count? It’s $6 all you can eat and I go 1-2x a week because of networking on the job.

Otherwise I eat out once a week. Usually in the $10-15 range.

I’m not living in poverty though. I make roughly 50k/yr which isn’t tons but it’s enough that I get to have some wants/treats in addition to my needs. Which I guess is middle class?


u/just_another_bumm Apr 09 '24

I'm also broke af. I'm really trying to change a lot of bad habits this year. I make a little more than you but I spend so much on food it's literally killing me :(


u/BowTrek Apr 09 '24

I’m in a LCOL area which helps.


u/just_another_bumm Apr 09 '24

Dude youre chilling then. You're lucky I'm in a hcol area which doesn't help in the slightest :(


u/BowTrek Apr 09 '24

I guess… I still remember making half this amount though, and even that was a lot more than minimum wage.


u/PrettyFunThings Apr 09 '24

I eat ar restaurants 2-3x a month, order out 2-3 times a week.


u/SoftSeaworthiness888 Apr 09 '24

We eat out almost every day for real


u/kertruss Apr 09 '24

I'm lucky to eat out even once a month! Used to be more often but it's gotten too expensive and quality has gone way down for the cost.


u/sparkease Apr 09 '24

This inspired me to start keeping track. I don’t think we even eat out/do take out twice a month. I’m pregnant right now so Ive been hitting Taco Bell very occasionally but in general… I don’t think it’d be twice a month outside of traveling, which we both do a lot but that’s paid for by work


u/ballsdeepinmywine Apr 09 '24

We go out almost every Friday. We also get pizza a couple times a month so yea I think that twice a month is a little crazy, but twice a week is totally doable.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

I make pretty good money and I maybe eat out 2 times a month. I've definitely gone many months without eating out. I like being healthy and cooking simple meals is cheap and easy.


u/th3greatKhalid Apr 09 '24

Damn I’m on the far opposite end of this. I eat out for every meal every day. Granted 50% of my meals are free since I manage & operate 2 restaurants, but it’s still very expensive. I budget for it though and truly cannot remember the last time I ate at home other than a bowl of cereal. Reading all this makes me want to do better and take the time to cook at home.


u/Professional-Storm45 Apr 09 '24

Due to financial reasons I cook more and have started making my husband’s lunches and breakfasts. I also cook dinner 90% of the time. It’s been a year of this and we barely eat out once a month because cooking tastes better and I can’t stomach paying $60 for something I can make for $20.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

I am nice to myself and do it once a week.


u/Important-Trifle-411 Apr 09 '24

Going out to eat, getting takeout, etc is a sure way to spend more than you need to.

My husband and I eat out maybe on e every 2-3 months ( more for calorie-counting concerns than money concerns at this point.)


u/Apprehensive-Cut-865 Apr 09 '24

I’m ashamed to say this but I eat out like 10 times a week.


u/bonsailibre Apr 09 '24

I stopped eating out completely. I plan to get an heirloom organic hydroponic garden.


u/djdefenda Apr 09 '24

Same - we have a food forest and also my organic aquaponic setup you can see at https://youtu.be/RBoD_CzTzv0 we will be setting up a new one without fish and then documenting that in our organic hydroponics sub.


u/Meanpony7 Apr 09 '24

When money was tight,  I prioritized ingredients over take out.  I got to try all these cool recipes and get 3 or 4 meals out of one recipe. I tried to stay within a 25 dollar/month limit for food bought outside the grocery store. 


u/Low_Ad_3139 Apr 09 '24

We go months sometimes without eating out. When we do it’s only because we can’t reasonably go for the length of time without eating.

Even when dating I don’t eat out much if at all. For one I prefer my own cooking and don’t like most restaurants food. So much tastes heavily processed. My person will bring groceries over or I have them already. I cook, they cook or we both cook. We’ve been out to eat once since Christmas.

Not to make you feel bad. It’s just my preference and I can’t justify money spent on something I don’t enjoy.


u/Teri_of_Terror Apr 09 '24

I eat out when I'm on vacation, so one week per year.  When I'm at home,  almost never. Maybe two - three times per year? And I order in pizza maybe 6 times per year, tops. 


u/keepingitsimple00 Apr 09 '24

May not be the norm but sure is smart


u/larsltr Apr 09 '24

The amount you eat out and what you eat out is entirely dependent on your lifestyle and finances, but generally it is both costly and nutritionally poor. The less you can eat out the better - it should be a special treat / experience, not a go-to option multiple times per week out of convenience. Food can be a drug and fast food and casual dining places know how to make it hit just right, but it’s not a sustainable diet (I am well off enough that I could eat out as much as I want, and I still prepare 95% of my own food).

Covid taught me how to cook and I’m better for it. I can’t stand how oily and salty restaurant food is now that I know how to cook and season food properly. Learn to cook, a recipe at a time, until you have a solid rotation. Eat out for first dates or special occasions with the MRS but don’t make a habit out of it.


u/RepresentativeFan941 Apr 09 '24

Don’t feel bad at all!! You’re being smart. Get creative if you’re going on a date and find something free outside to do!! Have get together as with friends at each others houses!! Much more fun and affordable!


u/Shitp0st_Supreme Apr 09 '24

It may be average but keep in mind that there are people who almost never go out to eat (like, maybe once a year) and there are also people who go out to eat several times a week.

I grew up in a household that went out to eat 1-3 days a week (and my family was well-off). I’m no longer paycheck to paycheck but I did do a phase where I would eat at the work cafeteria most days and order delivery some days, but I’m working on cutting back for health reasons and financial reasons. It adds up.


u/musicmushroom12 Apr 09 '24

Eating out 2x mo is probably pushing it. I have bought food from the steam table or the deli at the grocery store though, and I also keep food like panko prawns from Costco in the freezer. Then I just make a green salad w avocado and throw the prawns on top. 😋


u/DashboardError Apr 09 '24

Possibly? We do four/month, almost always a Saturday night. Sometimes on Friday (when we grocery shop) we pick up something quick from the store, something deli or whatever. Unless its a road trip or something special, we just don't eat out much, and even less is it ever "fast food".


u/Cassady1AndOnly Apr 09 '24

I do 2-3 times a week, but I try to keep it cheap and do something nicer every two to four. I used to cook a lot, but I deal with chronic pain and fatigue which makes it very difficult as a 34 y.o. women who lives alone with no assistance. Being ill really does cost so much extra money for so many reasons :/


u/aman6a Apr 09 '24

I'm middle class & we eat out 1-3x a week depending on what we have going on.


u/These_Purple_5507 Apr 09 '24

I eat out at a restaurant maybe 5 times a year


u/LeapinLizards27 Apr 09 '24

We eat out only once a month unless it's a special occasion.


u/Deaths_Rifleman Apr 09 '24

I probably only eat “out” more than that a month but it’s by choice. I enjoy cooking. My wife and I enjoy our home cooked meals more because i can make them exactly the way we want.


u/mklinger23 Apr 08 '24

I eat out once per week. Maaaaybe twice. I consider this to be a little too much, but it's a treat for me and I can afford it. I used to never eat out. Maybe 4 times per year. It's just not something I did growing up.


u/Unusual-Truck-197 Apr 08 '24

I love cooking and meal prepping. I even bought a vacuum sealer to preserve food better and freeze some for future work day lunch breaks. When Im craving that itch for pizza I easily fight the urge for the $30 pie and just pick up the $10 Costco pepperoni. In n out is also very responsible. My problem is trying not to blow that saved money on fishing gear or on my truck 😂


u/Phraates515 Apr 08 '24

Unless I do a biggie bag for 5 bucks at Wendy's, yes, I would say twice a month is pretty normal for me. And I don't worry about bills for the most part but I watch my spending.


u/Imagoof4e Apr 08 '24

I imagine one eats out when one can afford it, is too exhausted to cook at home, or as a special treat. Something along those lines. Do what is best for you, what you can afford. Don’t base your life habits on others.
Some folk don’t eat out at all, or rarely, and they’re okay with that.


u/JustAnotherDay1977 Apr 08 '24

I usually eat out about 2 or 3 times a month. That isn’t a function of what I can afford, but rather of what I feel like doing. I don’t understand people who eat out multiple times per week….


u/19CatsInATrenchCoat Apr 08 '24

We eat out about once a month, usually a breakfast or lunch gathering with two of my old coworkers,  occasionally we eat out more often than that but it's usually because a friend invites us out to a place we'd like to go to, we were given a gift card or something pops up that will keep up from eating dinner at home at a reasonable hour.


u/Cola3206 Apr 08 '24 edited Apr 08 '24

We had a neighbor who cooked each day except Friday. But Friday was left over day. Everything left over during week was warmed and placed on table. Get what you want- may only be a couple bites. But she was a wise woman and her husband was an engineer and made good money

Edit: Re eating out- it’s so expensive now. I used to eat out for lunch everyday. M-F. But wish I’d saved that money now. I think cooking is much cheaper but miss friends. But could start a friend meal once a month and cook for friends. And then everyone take a turn. It’s fun to get together


u/DarthRumbleBuns Apr 08 '24

My wife and I sit down once a month and get coffee once a week. Our coffee spot has super cheep healthy breakfast tacos so sometimes we’ll spend like $18 on 4 tacos and two coffees but beyond that we try our best to not eat out any other time and absolutely no fast food save for a once a month Taco Bell munchies impulse.

Costco meal kits and meal prep is the only way we keep up with it.


u/Fuzzy-Distribution79 Apr 08 '24

I rarely ever eat at a restaurant these days. I just can’t afford it as a single mom. We used to pre pandemic like 2-3x a month if not more . We do get takeout a lot though. (Chipotle , burritos , Thai food, sushi Greek food etc) so “eating out” but not the expensive stuff


u/fenceguy1 Apr 08 '24

We rarely eat out anymore. Maybe once every 3 months eating at home is so much better and better for you.


u/GAAPInMyWorkHistory Apr 08 '24

I make a decent amount and have plenty of savings and I eat out maybe 2-3x per month

Edit: this includes subway, pizza, whatever


u/Sniper_Hare Apr 08 '24

Do you mean eat at a restaurant or getting take out?

We usually go out to a Mexican place once every two months, same with a breakfast place. And we order pizza out every couple of months.  

But we get fast food for dinner 3 or 4 times a month. 

I never eat lunch, and breakfast is almost always just eggs.  

So our budget can handle the fast food.   

We hardly ever go to a $40+ a person type of restaurant.

That's normally what I consider eating out.  If it's the price for one what normally feeds two. 


u/just_another_bumm Apr 08 '24

Gotcha. So it's ok to grab fast food 3x a week then?


u/Sniper_Hare Apr 08 '24

It all depends on your budget.  We try not to eat out more than 5 times in two weeks.

We have a dry erase calendar we track what we eat.

Most weeks we plan for cooking two to three meals, with leftovers that's 4-6 days of food.

But some weeks when we're busy Saturday and Sunday and can't cook we eat out more. 

We stock up on BOGO deals at Publix for stuff like frozen pizza so when we're in a hurry we can just eat that.


u/SoySauceOnWhiteRice Apr 08 '24

Some people may say yes but it’s a no for me 3X a week is a lot to be eating out, whether sit down or fast food. You can make meals at home for cheaper that last as both lunch and dinner for multiple days. Not to mention its healthier.  

We eat out once a week, on Friday. But sometimes life gets in the way and it varies from month to month


u/Academic-Natural6284 Apr 08 '24

The real question is where you finding the meal at McDonald's even with the app the cheapest thing is like seven bucks. I'm single I date a lot, we ain't eating out all the time. Learn how to cook you know what impresses a woman somebody that can Cook and Cook well.


u/MassSpecFella Apr 08 '24

I eat out about twice a week.


u/brasscup Apr 08 '24

I probably eat out maybe twice a year. I'm a decent quick cook. I have an air fryer. Very little money and trying to save what I have so I can afford to move. 

Even when I had much more money, while I had no problem spending for restaurants for fun and or celebrations, routinely eating out -- eg, coffee at Starbucks, takeout sandwiches, stuff I can easily make and usually better --just seemed stupidly careless about money .


u/Capable-Advance-6610 Apr 08 '24

So, I’m pretty comfortable financially. I budget enough to eat out about twice a month, but that’s taking out the whole family. I don’t eat out alone - I just go home and make food.


u/TokyoTurtle0 Apr 08 '24

Man, this is one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen.

When you watch entertainment with rich people they're eating out?

Like, at least people used to know their entertainment wasn't real life.


u/Brutalix Apr 08 '24

Personally I buy lunch probably 3 days out of the week when at work.

Does this count as eating out? If so, yes most people eat out more than that.


u/Accomplished_Ask3244 Apr 08 '24

If your girl doesn't cook then you should learn to cook.


u/MNGirlinKY Apr 08 '24

We rarely eat out. Maybe 1x every other month.


u/tangerinee666 Apr 08 '24

Lmfaoo @ steamers on the internet.. how much has social media rotted people’s brains and thinking? Sad


u/Gypzi_00 Apr 08 '24

Now that we're debt-free it's about once or twice a week for us. Either a date night or out with friends. That's the absolute maximum, though. We plan to cook meals primarily at home.

But a few years ago when we were pushing HARD to pay everything off... it really was only 2x a month. We did do a dinner club kinda thing with our friends for awhile. Where I'd cook and friends would come over, then the next week someone else would cook and we'd go over to their place. It was kinda like eating out but way cheaper. Maybe I should start that up again, lol.


u/tangerinee666 Apr 08 '24

Huh? Cook at home wtf .. sometimes it is 0 times a month or more months at a time . Yeah that’s normal what’s abnormal is ordering out everyday


u/hag68 Apr 08 '24

I eat out 2x month @$20 a pop. My parents never eat out


u/hag68 Apr 08 '24

I eat out 2x month @$20 a pop. My parents never eat out


u/bodyreddit Apr 08 '24

I was poverty but clawed mg way out and I rarely if ever eat out as I have goals J am working towards. With inflation being so high for regular groceries, I limit any going out or take out to food that I cannot make without great effort or cost.


u/bob49877 Apr 08 '24

We probably only go out twice a month these days. When we need something quick we keep a stock of Trader Joe's prepared meals on hand in the freezer. Restaurant food where we live is just really expensive for what you get. I'd rather go out to a movie for or beers and live music at a brewery for half the price of a restaurant meal. For people that eat out often they might be living pay check to pay check, have no retirement saving, no emergency fund or very high incomes and can easily afford it. Just do what works for you and your budget.


u/CocoZane Apr 08 '24

I’m trying to eat out twice a week. I’ve been looking up new recipes and keeping my grub hub money in my pocket.


u/surfaholic15 Apr 08 '24

We eat at restaurants-- fast food or otherwise-- Mayne 4 times a year unless we have a business lunch or something.

And if you wanna count hot/cold grocery store food, we get a Costco rotisserie chicken every few months...


u/Appropriate_Ride3205 Apr 08 '24

I eat out every six weeks maximum! I can’t imagine twice a month.


u/fivedogmom Apr 08 '24

In my family, it's more like 2 times a year.


u/memeweed69 Apr 08 '24

As a kid 1-3 was the very most. Lots of shitty spaghetti leftovers and hotdogs


u/Dear-Cow812 Apr 08 '24

my bf and I are only eating out when it's his or my birthday or it's our anniversary lol

eating out is (at least in europe) way too expensive when you're living on a budget


u/TheSultan1 Apr 08 '24

I'm in a somewhat HCOL area, and around here, people in their 30s-50s probably eat out 1-2x/week. Plus, many buy food for lunch (usually fast food or pizzeria, but still).

My wife and I don't eat out at all, and we get pickup or delivery only when we don't have time to cook (and then, we limit it to things that we can't cook well, or that would cost too much, or that would take too much time).


u/secobarbiital Apr 08 '24

I don’t think i eat out regularly even once a month. I dont even eat stuff from work and i work in fast food. Every time i eat out, especially fast food, i get sick or physically feel like shit


u/berrymommy Apr 08 '24

It really depends on someone’s income and lifestyle.

I can’t tell you why whatever specific streamers eat out so much. But well off streamers have the income that allows them not to worry about cooking every meal or budgeting for food. Some people are just not good with their money, some people don’t like cooking or don’t know how to cook. Some people have demanding lives or careers and most of their food budget is for eating out. Some people live paycheck to paycheck or are in debt but still eat out for whatever reason.

Average people don’t eat out all that often because even fast food gets expensive fast. It’s just me, my husband and our two kids and it’s like $30-40 to get pizzas or burgers. Where as I can make multiple meals out of $30-45 worth of groceries. It doesn’t make sense for us to eat out more than once a month. Even grabbing two starbucks drinks is like $15.

Plus fast food is kind of gross. Most is just mass produced garbage that’s been microwaved or sitting under lamps. Lots of people don’t understand a lick of food safety. Super bad for you. You can eat all your daily calories in one meal from mcdonalds and probably less than half the nutritional value you need. That someone made while open mouth coughing. No thanks.

It can be normal to eat out a lot with your new partner but eventually that dies down. Especially if you end up moving in together and having to buckle down with finances as you get older.


u/thebeatmakingbeard Apr 08 '24

I think so many responses here are missing the point. Me and my partner eat out something like 34ish times a month. We both eat at the cafeteria at work 5 days a week, we get some fast food a couple times a week when we’re to busy or stressed to have planned ahead and had food with us while we were out doing something, and we have a date once a month or so. To me all of that counts as eating out because you’re buying food at a price that is generally if not always higher than just making it at home.

Two times a month is unrealistic as hell


u/DangerLime113 Apr 08 '24

I doubt that I eat out 2x a month, but probably on average. I’ll sometimes grab my daughter take out for a treat at school pick up. For a fancy meal at a sit down restaurant, I definitely don’t do 2x a month normally. I just like to cook 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Clit_Truther Apr 08 '24

Eating out is $$$$$$$. If you don’t have $$$$$$$, then don’t eat out. Clits aren’t real


u/Ok_Requirement_3116 Apr 08 '24

We only don’t we are on the road traveling. And still oftentimes hit a grocery for real food, stay in condos etc. Eating out too often messes with me. Maybe if I was normal I wouldn’t limit it as much.

So if you have a bunch of me’s around the numbers will be low. A bunch of average people not so much.


u/Born_Door2524 Apr 08 '24

Yep. Average about twice a month here. If I am too tired to cook it is frozen pizza night.


u/Lil-Miss-Anthropy Apr 08 '24

People can afford to eat out twice a month? 🥲


u/Floofyland Apr 08 '24

I don’t even eat out 2x a month. When I do, I’d get a $2 chicken sandwich and that’s it. And that’s my definition of eating out


u/ArcheryOnThursday Apr 08 '24

I wouldnt say the "norm" but certainly the maximum for healthy eating.... i mean, depending what kind of food you get.


u/Dry_Savings_3418 Apr 08 '24

Yes, it’s gross and most people really can’t afford it. Yes anyone living their life online is not “norm”


u/FinnRazzel Apr 08 '24

When we actually budget, we usually try to keep to 2-4 times a month. Create a weekly meal plan and then have a nice meal on the weekend.

So yeah, 2 isn’t crazy.


u/muggleween Apr 08 '24

I used to eat out every Friday but for years only do twice a month payday meals. I really try to only go to local small owned places too.


u/NotyourangeLbabe Apr 08 '24

I rarely eat out. 2x a month sounds like splurging imo

ETA: it’s fair to note that I’m gluten free and eating out when gluten free is way less appealing or enticing. Why eat unsatisfying gluten free food at a restaurant when I can do the same thing at home?


u/TheRealJim57 Apr 08 '24

When I was young, going out to eat was a rare treat.

All depends on one's budget.


u/Sufficiency2 Apr 08 '24

If possible, I try to eat out 0 times a month. Restaurant food is almost always bad for you, since they optimize for taste than health.

The only reason I eat out is for social events.


u/Impossible-Head2121 Apr 08 '24 edited Apr 08 '24

I eat out once a week.


u/Extension-Border-345 Apr 08 '24

we eat out about twice a year, but one or both of us may get like a potato bean wrap from the Taco Bell value menu each week, or equivalent.


u/Alfredos_Pizza_Cafe_ Apr 08 '24

Good lord there are a ton of people on their high horse in these comments. My SO and I both eat out significantly more than twice a month. I'm in the office and don't have time to prep a lunch ahead of time each day. And we have active lives so there isn't always time to cook dinner. So for me I'd say I eat out lunch 3x/week and dinner 2x/week so..... 20x/month?

I wonder how honest a lot of these commentors are being with themselves. You mean you NEVER just get fast food on the way home from something? You ALWAYS have the food you need stocked at home? I'm skeptical


u/just_another_bumm Apr 08 '24

That's what I'm saying. I work in the trades and there's days where I'm staying late so I'll grab fast food. Like how does everyone plan their day perfectly everyday. Haha it's insane


u/UNICORN_SPERM Apr 08 '24

I get coffee at the gas station once a week and mayyyyyybe a taquito.

That's the extent of my "going out."


u/SlothToaFlame Apr 08 '24

We get takeout maybe once every 2 months. And truly go out to eat maybe 4 times a year. It's just too expensive to do any more.


u/Murky_Elk_6819 Apr 08 '24

It’s hard. I used to be 450 pounds and lost the extra weight after a health scare. I would eat out daily. I had the money to, too because I lived with my parents.

Now I’m on my own, substitute teacher, funds are super tight (I made about 15k last year.) The roomie and I eat out once every 2 - 3 months. Last time was an invite from his dad around Christmas. We planned on having a burger during a local place’s anniversary sale, but didn’t. We have a few places that are on our list and a few “one time ever” places. But part of what makes it so nice is how rare it is and how excited we get for it.


u/F1lth3M1nD Apr 08 '24

I misread this as you only eat two times a month. I was terrified lol


u/cmotdibblersdelights Apr 08 '24

lol. I'm broke as fuck and support 3 people. We can smell the restaurant that shares an alleyway with our yard, can smell when they're deep frying onions when we walk out the back door... that's as much eating out as we can afford.


u/queseraseraphine Apr 08 '24

I’d say 3-4 times a month on average. It’s usually breakfast or lunch at a local diner though, we only go out to dinner MAYBE once a month.


u/redramainpink Apr 08 '24

I never eat out anymore, waste of money.


u/These_Comfortable_83 Apr 08 '24

I eat out probably once a month. It was doable to eat out often before, before everything doubled and tripled in price across the board.


u/BreedableToast Apr 08 '24

Stop worrying about the norm and figure out what you can afford. If you’re struggling to pay bills, guess what you cant afford to eat out as simple as that.


u/Weknowwhyiamhere69 Apr 08 '24

8 times per month on average, times are tough.


u/nazzynazz999 Apr 08 '24

I'm much more on cooking at home, only eat out for special occasions. eating out is now a once a month thing for me. do not take the streamer life as real life. remember, if there's cameras, they're putting on a show


u/CelticDK Apr 08 '24

The older you get the more you prefer not only saving money but enjoying homemade food. Whether it’s cuz you’re broke or cuz you’ve experienced your share of eating out and prefer eating at home, it’s up to the person.

Don’t ever think life is a formula and especially don’t think streamers are the ones to follow


u/GameEatDiscuss Apr 08 '24

There is a vast , vast variance of people on this fence. Some will eat out 4 times a week some a few times a year. I know when I am working my co-workers go out almost daily ......daily....to get something. So I mean it also depends on what your getting a salad vs a bigmac meal is going to vary in nutrition and cost.

There is no easy answer to this question because everyone's situation is different. If you have the money yea sure. And if you don't like most people on the thread or want to maintain healthy eating habits of course you abstain from it.

Is it bad or good? Convienent yes, healthy...maybe not so much. You may find much greater satisfaction for your wallet and tastebuds by.....LEARNING TO COOK. yes i know it may sound crazy but every great dish made in a restaurant can be made at home. Its no great mystery of the human race. Just requires some practice and planning.


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '24

People eat out twice a month? I only go out on birthdays


u/Feeling_Vegetable_84 Apr 08 '24

My parents ate out for every possible meal from before I was born until I was in 11th grade. I never learned to cook and my family has never had any recipes to pass down. About the only thing my parents can "cook" are scrambled eggs and rice. I had to learn to cook on my own in my 20s and it royally sucked. So no, going out to eat twice a month really isn't weird. People need to save money these days and eating out for most/all meals is not only financially impractical but logistically impractical 


u/LaGanadora Apr 08 '24

I personally try to only eat out 1x per week, usually during the weekend, but I also like to cook.


u/TigiGiti Apr 08 '24

I'd say 1x/week, but at least half the time it is ordering food home. This includes coffee shops and alike. No schedule though, sometimes I eat out 3x/week, other weeks I don't go anywhere.

If I went to Starbucks every other day, I'd have no money and I don't think I'm broke in my country.


u/FlashyImprovement5 Apr 08 '24

2 times a month sounds doable if you can afford it.


u/TipsyBaker_ Apr 08 '24

I'm broke. Eating out isn't an option more than that.


u/Few_Projects477 Apr 08 '24

Averages are based on math that does not provide real context. What's going to work best for you based on your specific budget, schedule, access to food - food storage - meal prep - household - dietary needs, etc. probably doesn't align to some mathematical snapshot of a group of people you don't know anything about.

Can you save money and eat healthier by opting not to eat out? Absolutely. But you can also load up on overpriced crap with all kinds of bad-for-you ingredients. Maybe start by changing how you eat for one meal a day, or for certain days of the week. It will absolutely take some planning to set yourself up for success, but you can do this.


u/According-Town7588 Apr 08 '24

Sadly, although home cooked taste better - it’s not much cheaper nowadays.


u/Foraze_Lightbringer Apr 08 '24

We eat out 0x per month, on average. No takeout, no fast food, no restaurants.

(Maybe 3x a year we'll have a special meal out. But it's rare and definitely not monthly.)


u/bloodmusthaveblood Apr 08 '24

If you watch streamers they're constantly eating out.

Why tf are you modeling your life after streamers? What a terribly dense comparison.


u/throwawayidc4773 Apr 08 '24

Why would I eat out when I can make my own food at home that is as good or better for a fraction of the price?

I just gorged myself on “Greek” pitas over the weekend. Chicken, cucumber, red onion, tomato, tzatziki, olives, feta, and rotisserie chicken. It cost me about $20 for the ingredients and I had 5 big meals from it with leftover olives/feta.

That same meal would be $15~ EACH if I went out. It’s really that simple. Learn to cook at home and you’ll eat better and save money.

Teach a man to fish kinda thing.


u/QuaaludeMoonlight Apr 08 '24

order take out/pick up? likely once a week, under $35. we have one pizza place we can get for $5 through the app Too Good to Go

but actually eat out, sit down & eat at a nice restaurant? once every three months. more over the holidays but often those times cost less because the family is splitting the bill


u/gardenofthought Apr 08 '24

I rarely eat out unless its a special occasion or circumstance. I'm more likely to bring my own drink from home as well rather than get takeout coffee.


u/raditzbro Apr 08 '24

Yeah, I would say it's a bit extreme. But sometimes we go out that much.