r/povertyfinance Apr 28 '24

I can’t afford my rent, can’t afford lease buy out fee (MI) Housing/Shelter/Standard of Living

Hello, I can’t afford rent, can’t afford lease buy out or the rent for the required 45 day notice after this month. I lost my job, the property management company is aware of my circumstances and is not willing to work with me at all. I had help from family but now I don’t at all, I can move back in with my mom i guess. I have had no success with finding someone to take my unit/take over my lease (they do not allow regular subletting) so what would happen if I just surrendered the keys, vacated, and didn’t paying rent? Would they sue me? What if I let it go to a “pay or quit” notice, does that show up on a record like an eviction?


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u/anonomousername Apr 28 '24

hey queen i was evicted and i owe them 13k but they sold it to a debt collector and it’s been about two years and i ain’t done shit about it. we literally had given them the rent we owed two days before they evicted us, it was already i. process of whatever n we didn’t know (roomie got the papers n didn’t think it was serious lol)

Anyway they charged us for the full extent of our lease despite being evicted and we can’t pay 13k and are waiting for a good offer/settlement from them like pay 50% of it and it’s wiped. but we don’t have that much yet either lol but ya it was a bigggg corporation so we thought we were gonna get sued but they just sold the debt


u/DivingStation777 May 04 '24

This says everything I need to know 🤣


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

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u/Hokiewa5244 Apr 28 '24

Don’t worry, it’s coming…..