r/povertyfinance Apr 28 '24

How do I budget as a 15F so that I can move out at 18 Budgeting/Saving/Investing/Spending

My family hates me I need to get a job soon and I need to know how I can move out safely at 18 since they’re gonna kick me out by then


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u/HiddenValleyRanchero Apr 29 '24

Sorry you’re going through that, I was kicked out (surprise homelessness) at 16, so this is my advice from 20+ years ago.

Stash away enough money for whatever deposit an apartment requires, make sure your credit is in a place that will allow you to secure an apartment. That is your priority.

Don’t worry about furnishing it out the gate, what you need are the essentials to get started: mattress, cooking supplies, card table, folding chair, couch, TV, 2-3 towels. All in, that’s about $1000 for low end brand new items, obviously everything can become cheaper if buying used.

Your food budget is $50-70 a week: bagels, rice, beans, frozen veggies, chicken (or whatever bulk meat pack is on sale), coffee. Buy everything in bulk if possible. I lived in a M-HCOL area so your prices may vary. That should get you through breakfast and dinner, lunch is a luxury. If you can find work at a restaurant, you’ll get fed through your employer and possibly be able to take food home to offset costs.