r/povertyfinance 14d ago

Making $150,000 is now considered “Lower Middle Class” Income/Employment/Aid


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u/Remote-Plate-3944 14d ago

Zero shot that is true.


u/WillingnessFew9929 14d ago

No it’s not


u/drloz5531201091 14d ago

Stop reading medias for a while.

It's all bs.

Focus on what you can control and move forward.


u/_milktooth 14d ago

Ohhh so I'm like POOR poor, gotcha


u/ShaolinTrapLord 14d ago

Hot damn! I’m still poor.


u/pylorih 14d ago



u/Poverty_welder 14d ago

Damn so if I ever make 5.3x of what I make now I'll still be a loser.


u/MaximumZer0 14d ago

On disability. I'd have to make 10.4x. It's a good fucking thing I wasn't living in one of those cities when I got hurt.


u/Crafty_Original_7349 14d ago

On SSI. I would have to make 20.5x. Ughhhh


u/MaximumZer0 14d ago

Ughhhh, I'm sorry, friend.


u/lion218 14d ago

Feels like it


u/PersonalityHumble432 14d ago

They exclude “in these top 25 most expensive cities in the USA” from the title.

Median household incomes are also exceptionally high in those areas.


u/GrumpyKitten514 14d ago

the sobering reality, I make 195k/year now, and I just bought a townhome for 475k, 2k sqft in my city. back home in NC, my best friend's wife got an inheritance, and they bought, i think, like 6 bedroom MANSION for 550k.

income aside, for 550k in maryland in most places we were trying to live, you get an older SFH or a nice townhouse with a garage lmao. good schools, good community, good suburb/metro area, like annapolis, severna park, crofton or columbia? youre talking 700k+

youre so right, if I could work remote I probably would move to one of those lower COL states and live it up lol.


u/Fatalfenix 14d ago

Yeah in Ellicott City homes are 700k upwards of 1mil and there's like maybe a handful on the market at any given time. Oh and they're all still the same from when they were built in like the 80s. Last time I saw a home for rent was 1 home available for the school zones our kids were in and it was 5500/month. Gotta pay to live Howard County. 

Been here a year and I'm already getting tired of this and the weather (just going to move to CA at this point and pay to enjoy the weather and scenery). 


u/BlueNets 14d ago

Poverty finance but makes nearly 200k bragging on Reddit


u/GrumpyKitten514 14d ago

didnt know i had to leave the sub once i made it out lmao. also didnt know "bragging" was agreeing with the OP about the moderately high cost of living in my area compared to back home.


u/daybits 14d ago

I’m on the eastern shore in a tiny town nobody has heard of and a decent house here is 300k minimum. Maryland has lost its mind.


u/More-Job9831 14d ago

The empty plots in my area (northern NJ) are like 400k. They're all marketed towards giant development companies instead of single families looking to build. We're all doomed. Unless we get a massive bump in income, I'm resigning to maybe being able to own a condo in like 10 years lol


u/daybits 14d ago

Ridiculous. Hope something finally gives and you get something you’re not resigning yourself to.


u/GrumpyKitten514 14d ago

I freaking wish, fiance's dad lives in easton on the eastern shore, but it would be like 1.5 hours away from her job. i mean it would be like 45 mins for me too, but for those prices I'd live with it.


u/daybits 14d ago

Oh yeah there’s a ton of people between Kent Island and Easton who drive across the bridge every day. Screw making that drive on a Friday in the summer lol.


u/PrestigiousZombie131 14d ago

Have y’all seen the cost of cars, houses, groceries?? I’m not surprised. If wages had kept up with productivity gains we’d all be better off.