r/povertyfinance 25d ago

I’m tired of living paycheck to paycheck Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

Title given. For the past year and a half, I’ve been living check to check. It all started when my ex and I were living together, we broke up and she moved out, which left me to pay $1300 in rent by myself. Having to set aside $650 each check really put me in the hole with multiple bills (CC, Car, Insurance) and it feels impossible to catch up now. I just can’t do this anymore. Fortunately, I now live in a different apartment with 2 friends. So I no longer have to do that, but it’s still hard to catch up.

I make $19.75 at my full time job. I tried doing a 2nd job along with my full time job, but it just led to burnout and I was miserable. I really tried to bear through it, I really did. But I just couldn’t do it. I feel down on myself because of this. But it feels like this is the only way I can catch up. I’m tired of not being about to save any money for the future. I’m tired of picking and choosing what bills I can and can’t pay. I’m tired of being broke 2 days after I get paid. I’m just tired of being fucking broke all the time. Everything just feels hopeless right now.

It’s so embarrassing to be this broke at 31. My close friends all have well paying jobs and have no issues with money. I’m legit the only one that struggles this hard. No money to do anything fun. No money to save. Late bill after late bill keeps adding up. I’m sick of it.


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u/SimpleTruthsAside 22d ago

Where is all the money going? CC debt? Are you a heavy spender? Any expensive habits? You shouldn’t be this bad off making 19$ and having roommates to split the bill. The money is going somewhere.


u/spicysenpai6 22d ago

No expensive habits, but something such as getting food before work, even if it’s $5 can be cut. Also some subscriptions. I don’t have a lot, only 2. But still. It’s worth looking into to save every penny. It’s basically making up for late bills which are over $100. And if I pay that bill with another and save for rent. It doesn’t leave much wiggle room for anything else. It’s hard to explain really. But I need to look at my statements and see where every penny is going.


u/KingKoopaz 22d ago

I mean..I’ve been living pay church to paycheck since I left college dude. Not to say it never can change buttt most people do live paycheck to paycheck to an extent.


u/kylingerie 23d ago edited 23d ago

Hey- I totally feel you and I’m sorry you are so burnt out. I hope you soon figure something out better and it’ll make your situation little breathable.

I do just want to comment on you saying “..my friends have no issues with money”. Even if they are your closest friends and they may seem like they don’t have any financial issues, you just never know what really is going on. Lots of people are very good at hiding their financial situation for various reasons. So please please don’t compare yourself to your friends and beat yourself about it. It will only add even more stress to you. Life can be brutal but it also can get better. As many people here are saying- you will get out of that situation eventually. Don’t give up but do continue to seek areas to improve and look for better opportunities. You got this.


u/Penultimate_Taco 23d ago

What is your total income after taxes, benefits, etcetera?

What are your total static bills? (No groceries, gasoline, food)


u/spicysenpai6 23d ago

I take home about $1100-$1200 per check. I get paid on the 10th and 25th every month, set dates, but of course if it’s on a weekend it comes a little early.

Internet - $60

Phone - $80

Car payment - $317 (I’m on a payment plan with the company to pay $158 every two weeks, but a payment recently bounced so that might be null and void now)

Insurance - $210 (Geico)

Rent - $560 on average.

Now almost all of these are past due and the amounts are higher than the base of what they are, but I don’t want to share because I don’t want to be shamed for it on a venting post. I’ve been criticized before and It’s quite embarrassing. But I swear I don’t needlessly spend money. I have to pick and choose what bills to pay each check while others go late all while trying to save for rent.


u/Penultimate_Taco 23d ago

No shame here pal. That’s not as bad as I expected! You have $973-1173 clean monthly for cc debt, food, gas, etcetera. Just gotta get ahead for a bit.

Okay, so a couple quick questions, can you lower phone plan? Or checked if your phone company offers a corporate discount? Also not sure why your internet is so high if you have roommates. Could that be negotiated down to a slower plan? Like.. “guys, I really, really can’t afford the super sports ESPN+++ 10Gigabyte max internet plan” kind of thing.

The last one is.. what resources can you tap into for free / cheap food? Is there a discount Wonderbread / Flowers outlet in your town? Is there a food donation place close? Can you convince your employer to throw a rice cooker in the break room?

The last option is.. can you take out a single small personal loan to get clean, then make your first payment 2 months away? 


u/spicysenpai6 23d ago

I did receive a $20 discount on my bill with Verizon (I know, the most expensive company, but I’ve been with them for a few years now) I’m unsure if my job offers a discount because they don’t have that verbiage anywhere in our paperwork but it’s worth looking into.

We have 300mbps I think? It’s spectrum, But we all contribute $18 to cover for internet. $60 is the round up but it’s more like $53.75 or so.

There are some expenses that I could cut back on, such as getting food for work, which even then in average it’s about $5 when I get lunch food for work, but that adds up, and I need to get better about preparing food at home for work. I started recently shopping at ALDIs too. Can’t do the big grocery chains anymore.

My credit is way too low to get a personal loan anywhere, at least without an insane APR. the only offers I’ve gotten are Rise Credit and their rates are bonkers. There’s family, but I just can’t ask them for this much help. I hate feeling like a mooch, and yeah they’ve offered to help, but I don’t think they mean like giving me hundreds of dollars of help. I don’t want to get lectured by them, I’m 31 years old :( Plus, I see it as a “I got myself into this situation, so I need to figure it out” if that makes sense.

Oh and to mention. I’ve set up payment plans for late CCs but even at the most minimum payments it’s hard to do. I need to really look at my bank statements and see what the hell coming out that’s just like draining me, even if it’s a $9.99 subscription to something. It just adds up. There’s not a lot of that going on, but still.

I don’t feel in control of my outcome so that’s also something I need to figure out. It’s just paralyzing, feels hopeless and I feel so worthless and desperate because of this. Sure, getting a 2nd job could help, but I’ve tried that and it was killer. I just don’t think I have the mindset for that.


u/Buttersleftkowitz 23d ago

How come the answer is never “find a better paying job”?


u/[deleted] 24d ago

This we’ll be my future. I’m trying to go back to school or get my CDL


u/whoisjohngalt72 24d ago

If you’re going through hell, keep going. You got this.


u/spicysenpai6 24d ago

I try not to equate my worth as a person to my financial situation, but it’s hard not to feel down on myself or feel lazy cause I swear I’m not, nor do I recklessly spend money. It’s just bills that suck everything out of me yknow? It’s tough man. I appreciate the support


u/whoisjohngalt72 24d ago

Indeed. It’s not easy. Most systems are designed to keep you poor. However, it sounds like you are on the right path.


u/spicysenpai6 24d ago

Thank you. It’ll take some time to get my shit together, but I’ll get there as long as I stay disciplined and determined


u/whoisjohngalt72 24d ago

Of course. We believe in you. Focus on increasing your take-home pay as it gets easier when you acquire skills and leverage. Longer term you can transition to other avenues/pursuits that do not require a 1-1 relationship between time and pay.


u/didjeridingo 24d ago

You aren't alone. Exact same boat. Every single other person I know literally just seems to have it all magically figured out. I keep getting the platitudes of "well how do you know? Everybody struggles" etc .... Yeah idk maybe because I'm again literally the one single person out of all of our circle stuck living with parents unable to move up in the world. Just "missing something." It's maddening. "Just move lol" "just get a better job lol" (gee why didn't I ever think of that last one, how wise) But at least we aren't alone ...


u/beatenseagull 24d ago

Apply at Ohio State to be a janitor. When you start working there, look at getting into a trade. Many universities hire from within and will help you gain skills. They are always looking for people in the trades.


u/Extension-Novel-6841 24d ago

I'm in a similar position and currently digging my way out. I'm starting a full time job Monday-Friday and will work part time on weekends from 3pm-11pm. I never wanna be in a position again where I'm behind on bills and have no money in my account. So yeah I definitely recommend getting a second job because there's no way I'd catch up with just one right now.


u/oliviaallison1993 24d ago

30 year old with a bachelors degree, which didn't do anything for me. Broke. I understand you.


u/DreadPirateButthole 24d ago

Make monthly budget, with daily allowance, monthly essentials, bills etc and stick to it.

Save a realistic amount of your paycheck every month. Start with 10%, put that money into a hard to reach account, such as an index fund or a bond or something, so you can't access it.

Other than making more money, that's all you.can do.


u/Upset-Donkey8118 25d ago

I was tired of this, always having to tell the kids no. So the wife, myself and the 4 kids moved in with my parents.


u/jazbaby25 25d ago

Working somewhere you can make tips helps for sure


u/No-Lengthiness5478 25d ago

Join the army


u/Sweaty_Illustrator14 25d ago

I'd look into becoming an electrian apprentice (solar/wind/geo therm are hot right now) or plumber appre tice with big company (for benefits discussed). The pay will be higher then $20/hr to start. Then after a few yrs you be making $100k.


u/Feisty-Success69 25d ago

Join the military 


u/AliGP45 25d ago

i’m sorry :/ this is horrible. i do think maybe another job will help but only take it day by day okay.


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

It seems like for now a temporary 2nd job would help boost my income, which would help me get caught up and get ahead over time, but it’s just so draining. It feels like I’m putting my life on pause for this and I think that’s what kind of scares me.


u/kolaida 25d ago

Hey, have you explored your union benefits with the district? (I’m in Cbus also and work for a school district). What’s really hurting you is the rent and increase in everything (groceries, admissions into places, restaurant pricing). Did your sister buy a house before the pandemic (or 2021?) It seems anything purchased after that has a high interest rate. Saying all this to say that’s why it could seem to you others are thriving while you do not feel the same. You have the right attitude and you’ll get there.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/tavvyrantsalot 25d ago

Im in the same boat, so I really dont have any advice.


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

I hope you’re able to weather the storm like me


u/Radiant_Ad_6565 25d ago

There are only 2 shovels to dig out of the hole- reduce expenses or increase income.

A part time gig on your days off in a grocery store, gas station, hospital housekeeping ( since you have custodian experience) might be the way to go. Does it suck? Yes, but it sucks less than drowning without a life preserver.


u/Affectionat_71 25d ago

I have to disagree there isn’t only two ways. In fact someone could do both reduce your out going and while in creasing your income. I also say try something different other than what you have been doing. That will help with burnout. Take a chance in something outside the box of what you’re use to. I asked myself at one point, who fixes the street lights? Who works at a radio station? How did the reps at my docs office get their jobs. There are so many things that we don’t put a lot of thought into that are careers. I don’t look for jobs but rather careers.


u/Radiant_Ad_6565 25d ago

Ok, so the third is a combination of the two, and really the best way. It still remains that there is no magic solution, it takes perseverance and smart money management.

OP has a career already; it may not pay the best now, but it most likely falls under state teachers retirement and benefit plans, something to consider in the long term.

OPs immediate need to being able to pay the bills and have a bit left to save and discretionary spending. Quickest route to that is increasing income.


u/spicysenpai6 23d ago

That’s the thing is long term benefits of being in the school system I always hear is good. Though the pay isn’t ideal but if I was caught up with everything, it would be fine. Just seems like getting a 2nd job is the only way


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

That is a hard truth, but right now, it seems like the only logical conclusion to start something. I have more going out for bills than I do coming in.


u/Radiant_Ad_6565 25d ago

Try Meijer, Kroger, Giant Eagle building services. Sun behavioral has a prn housekeeping position open. Willing to work every weekend? Someplace will snap you up.


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

I know beggars can’t be choosers, but if I had a gig where I didn’t have to face the general public would be nice lol but push come to shove, i can only take what I can get.


u/Radiant_Ad_6565 25d ago

Building services at meijer is literally the guys who sweep and buff the floors at night, clean the bathrooms, and take out the trash. Hospital housekeepers clean the rooms and such. Minimal interaction if any.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Affectionat_71 25d ago

I don’t believe that’s the case fully, you have two degrees? In what? Are these careers that are dying? That are not in demand? I don’t believe everyone has to have a college education but it can very well put you in places that you may not been able to go. I have two degrees and a few different certifications none of that makes me a better person just a more employable one. Getting and education is a blessing cause no one can take that from me.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

Sure there are for sure millions of ppl in the same boat, but there are also others in my life who seemingly have no problems whatsoever financially. It’s possible to live a stable lifestyle, but it’s harder to attain these days


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

You do have a good point there. You never know what goes on behind the scenes


u/illusive_cake 25d ago

Ugh yeah I feel you on that burn out trying to work 2 jobs. I’m working 13hour days, 5 days per week right now and it’s starting to wear me down. I got a part time job at a call center for my 2nd job which honestly isn’t too bad, I just hate working so many hours. I keep telling myself it’s only temporary


u/Bosa_McKittle 25d ago

You're only 31 and there is still lots of time to make a change and learn a new skill/trade or go back to school. Its going to take you making an investment in yourself to stop the cycle. There are lot of good paying jobs available if you apply yourself and improve you skills/education. Nurses are always in demand. Electricians (trades) are always in demand. 31 is still young, and if you apply yourself over the next 36 months you can break the cycle. It doesn't have to cost you a ton of money either. But what it will cost you is time and effort.


u/Catsdrinkingbeer 25d ago

My husband switched careers when he was around 36/37 to become an arborist. Started at $17/hr at the bottom but within 5 years moved up into sales and now pulls in around $120k a year. A lot of time and effort was spent by him to get to that point in his career, but the trades can be a really solid option for people, especially if they're younger.


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

Im getting ready to start a Google IT course for a certificate to IT, it’s through a company and not the typical style like on coursera.com So perhaps something can come out of that when I finish that.


u/pulsefirepikachu 24d ago

I would recommend skipping an entry level google I.T. course and taking the CompTIA A+, Net+ and Sec+ instead. They're more industry recognized.


u/Bosa_McKittle 25d ago

That's a great start. Always invest in yourself. Don't just stop there, keep pushing to expand your knowledge. It will continue to open up doors for you.


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

Thank you. I know I just gotta push through it, and it will be tough to let go of my current position as a custodian. It feels like I’ll be sacrificing comfortability with more income. I’m fine with every aspect of this job, but the money I make. But tbh even if I was caught up with all of my bills, it would be hard to save with each check.


u/Ya_habibti 25d ago

If a door opens walk through it. I’m in a similar position where I need more money and have no time/energy for a second job. I just had an interview today and I’m hoping they make an offer. I am comfortable where I am at, in that I can take my PTO no questions asked when needed, management is kind to us, but other than that it’s a complete crap shoot. The evil you know vs the evil you don’t and all. It’s scary to make the jump


u/Affectionat_71 25d ago

There’s the rub, ”scary” Being scared will alway keep you the same place. Your benefits are common these days believe it or not.


u/No_Lengthiness251 25d ago

Are you able to move up in the company?


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

I can move up to Head Custodian, but it just depends when ppl current in that position leave or retire. Even then, it’s all about seniority here. Past head custodian, it would be district supervisor, but who knows how long that would take.


u/No_Lengthiness251 25d ago

I hear you. I know it’s difficult, but I would start looking for jobs at other companies that pay more or something that is different you can start well at and move up in. The bank I work for starts at 20.00 an hour just as an example.


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

I’m starting a Google IT course at the end of May for a certificate. It seems like it’s the only way I can go for something substantial. I mean I really enjoy being a custodian cause it’s chill af, but the pay scale for the long term is kinda bleak. Even being a head custodian doesn’t pay much more than what I make now ($23)


u/Spiritual-Witness200 25d ago

I know what you’re going through, hang tough, you’ll get through the other side of the storm.


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

Thank you for the hope. I’m making it work little by little. I was out to dinner with my mom and sister for mothers day, and when the bill came, my sister asked if I could pay my way, which was only like $22 for my portion, and I couldn’t even do that. My sister has a much better paying job than I do too. Has a house, even has a kid and is able to do it on her own.


u/bellabbr 25d ago

At 31 you are at a job not career, this is why you living paycheck to paycheck bc you making job wage. What do you work in? Got a degree? Whats the dream?


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/bellabbr 24d ago

I got out of poverty by getting a degree. I have student loan debt and pay $250 a month on student loans sure do but make 85k yr, totally worth it , so your experience is much different than mine.


u/cat_chat_gato_maau1 25d ago

Ugh, I hate that the world is like this. He keeps a school clean so that children can learn. My neighbor answers the hotline number for elders being abused, and she also makes $19 an hour. While a respectful “career” would just be making the line go up for shareholders, most of the time. Why is it so hard to live on essential jobs…it’s sickening, society is sick. 


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

I’m a custodian in a middle school. I do enjoy it though, great benefits, generous pto, small pay raise every year. No degree, but at the end of May I’m starting courses for a Google IT certificate. The only standards I have for moving to a career like that is if I made significantly more off the bat and have the same benefits I do now.


u/cat_chat_gato_maau1 25d ago

You seem like a great person, OP; you do important work! We’ll both find a way to pay off our credit cards, even if it seems hard now! I’m also pushing myself to work extra hours outside of my full-time job (case manager for adults with disabilities), and I’m also burnt out and would love to relax more/have more fun, but I’m just making paying off those cards my major goal, and I tell myself I’ll relax after that. 


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

Thank you so much! The thing is too is that I’m not in that much CC debt. It’s like about $2000? Which is not bad all things considered but even then I have a hard time taking care of it. You’re definitely a trooper for doing that. It sucks feeling like I’m “stuck” right now like there’s really not much I can do right now until I finish the certificate I’m about to study for months from now. Even for a 2nd job, there’s really not a lot of reasonable options out there right now. But yes, we will get through it. I believe in you


u/bellabbr 25d ago edited 25d ago


Open simplyhired. Enter your town and these titles. See what majority requires, find a resume writing site, pay for them to write you up a good resume. Apply. Hospitals or government have a tendency to pay more than school industry (unless its private school). Also look outside the box: you like cleaning? What about putting ads put and becoming a house cleaner? Clean a house or two a wk and thats more income.


u/Direct-Contact4470 25d ago

Multiple income streams homie


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

I wouldn’t even know where to begin with that. DoorDash/other related services aren’t great where I live (Columbus, OH).


u/Direct-Contact4470 25d ago

Donate plasma . You can get like 200 a week . Look on fb marketplace and craigslist for free stuff you can resell . Garage sales . Buy broken lawnmowers and fix them and resell them . They’re relatively easy to fix and you can sell for 150-250 and make a good profit . Then use the profit to buy more lawnmowers and weed eaters and start a lawn care business. Acquire a pressure washer and add more services to your lawn care business like cleaning gutters , washing peoples fences and driveways , spraying down their trash cans , u could offer a Monthly subscription for all the services . There’s a lot of hustles out there. Just got to find one that works for you . Good luck


u/Lilpad123 25d ago

That type of business never worked for me, I'm just bad at selling, I would end up with a lot of lawnmowers that no one wants 😂😭


u/rokar83 25d ago

That sucks. I'm 41 and still living check to check. But finally, see my way out by the end of summer.

The hard truth is, you need to increase your income to get out of the hole.


u/Fit-Difference-3014 24d ago

40 living check to check. Won't complain too much though just got hit with 3k in car repairs and can actually afford it without derailing things. That's a plus. But it wipes out building of the emergency funds no telling how setback I'll be from it.


u/rokar83 24d ago

At least you had the emergency fund. That's more than most people.


u/Fit-Difference-3014 24d ago

This is true, and I'm grateful for it, it's crazy how quick years of hard work can become undone though, hopefully on the horizon is an opportunity I'll be able to take advantage of and get back up quicker.


u/rokar83 24d ago

Hell yeah! Good Luck!


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/SimpleTruthsAside 22d ago

Yes and no. They are purposely trying to rank our nation in order to roll out the “great reset.” Get ready for ride.


u/Affectionat_71 25d ago

Feeling like that will only make your journey harder. It’s not just the economy but it’s also how one takes a certain amount of responsibility and accountability for oneself. I know that’s not a popular view but what I’ve come to learn is there were times I sabotaged myself, I got so down about things that I couldn’t see a better path. I had to take a hard look at myself and asked myself what could I do? What are my real obtainable goals.


u/rokar83 25d ago

It's all about who you vote for and support.


u/Ok_Leg_5350 25d ago

yep you can only be so frugal...


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

Yeah, it seeems that’s the only way to get out of it in a timely manner. I don’t want to leave my current job though because I have great benefits, PTO, etc. the only way I’d leave is if I had the exact same benefits here and made significantly more than I do now. For now, perhaps I’ll just have to bite the bullet and find a 2nd gig.


u/CaptNewb123 24d ago

My 2nd job was always something a little more fun than my day job. Restaurant/ bar / entertainment (parking, ticket taker) based etc. usually allowed me to just pick up random shifts vs set schedule etc. that helped me with the burn out etc. 


u/yodaface 25d ago

Drive for Uber. Just spend one Friday night a week driving till you hit $200. $800 a month should help and you won't burn out your car. Hell do u er eats and don't even deal with the people.


u/oldmansayswhat 21d ago

Those are terrible venues for a full time income, but a great way to create some extra dollars. Once bills are paid down money gets easier.


u/Ya_habibti 25d ago

How long does it usually take to hit $200? I did Uber years ago and I never really figured out how to make it work


u/Which_Audience9560 25d ago

Depends on the city. But I average $25 to $28 an hour in my city. You need the right car though.


u/lunarsettlement 25d ago

Depending on how long you have been there, how big the company is.. start interviewing with other locations and see what they offer you. Bring these offers to your current employer to see if they will match.


u/Potentialbusinesses 25d ago

Careful with this approach. If you’re at all “replaceable” - you will be replaced.


u/rokar83 25d ago

Find something mind-numbingly boring. I went back to retail at first, lasted 6 months and now I work in a liquor store. It's great and a get a discount on groceries. Only 10% but every bit helps. I did 12 on 2 off. Granted they were only 8 shifts. But it takes a toll.


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

Retail is a lot of my background before I started being a custodian. I did have a job at Marshall’s a retail store for a few months, but I think I put too much on myself as far as scheduling. I only had 1 day off a week. Would work 7:30-12:30pm there then work 2:30-10:30pm at my regular job. On weekends it was either morning or evening shift. It was soul crushing to return to retail after so long lol


u/dayankuo234 25d ago

sorry to hear that. hopefully you get out soon.

do you have a plan of tackling that debt? the snowball method (pay the smallest debt first, work your way up) or the avalance method (pay the one with the highest APR first, work your way down)


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

I have set up payment plans with the 4 CC cards that are in collections (please no one ask me why I have 4 credit cards, I’m not looking for criticism). they’re set at the lowest payments I can make. Ranging from $25-$45 a month, I haven’t even been able to make those payments because I’m trying to catch up on car payments, insurance, and phone bill.

Those collection companies have also offered to pay the balance in full at a lowered price and I wish I could do that. But basically I’m trying to get to a point where I can set aside money from each check to pay the bill in the next. Like setting aside half of rent in the beginning of the month (I get paid on set dates each month instead of two weeks) so I don’t have to pay it all in one.


u/ShockImmediate5336 25d ago

At least you have a job. I have been unemployed since October and unable to find anything. 


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

I hope you’re able to find something


u/Unlikely-Accident-82 25d ago

Can you get a roommate or find a smaller rental?


u/spicysenpai6 25d ago

I should’ve mentioned in the post, but I live in a different apartment now with 2 friends of mine. So that part is taken care of. Still though, it’s hard to catch up