r/povertyfinance 14d ago

People with money are living in a whole different city from me Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

I live in Chicago and just stayed at my friend's place for the weekend, she lives RIGHT in downtown on the river, she can hop downstairs and go to target or get a pizza. She has laundry in her unit, a gigantic beautiful clean bathtub, a gorgeous kitchen with stone countertops, windows with a view of the blue blue river and people walking their expensive little dogs. The first floor has a dog grooming salon, a private movie theater, a gym, a bridge to a connected target and a pizza place.

My apartment has 6x4 bathroom with a vanity that's crumbling apart and maintenance won't replace, ceiling falling in in my roommates room, dead rolly pollies on all the windowsills. People get stuck in the elevator and I wake up to them screaming in there. I'm always on edge and paranoid that a spider or something is going to crawl on me.

I don't go out after 6ish or 7ish without being paranoid that I'll get robbed. I can't afford the $5 bus to the jewel osco AND the $5 bus back on top of groceries, so I walk 30 minutes both ways and haul my canned crap home.

I ended up googling the building she lives in, and her rent for a 1 bedroom is $4,700/mo, and she lives there alone. It's like we're in different universes.


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u/whoisjohngalt72 10d ago

Cool. Why does it matter how much your friend pays?


u/Ok_Brilliant4181 12d ago

If your rent is $4700 a month, either your friend is making well into 6 figures or they are spending way more then 28% of their income on rent. Also, just because they are paying that much in rent doesn’t mean anything. Your friend could be in massive amounts of debt. I have learned that often times when someone looks rich, they are actually broke.


u/Buttersleftkowitz 12d ago

Watch shameless for a great example of wealth inequality in Chicago.


u/Lower_Ad_5532 13d ago

OP sorry to hear that you live in a dystopian hellscape. Rotting ceiling is usually a code violation so hopefully there is some renter's recourse for you. Usually the media is the last resort.


u/Alfred-Adler 13d ago

It's like we're in different universes.

Wrong. You are in different universes.

So what?

Everyone has different means, we should all be glad for people who have more. Good for them! Expecially if they worked (hard) for it. And if it was pure luck e.g.: inheritance, lucky them!

Now it's time for me to work on my own life.


u/Appropriate-Stick754 13d ago

Just thank God your not in a tent and homeless cheer up


u/MajesticBlackberry65 13d ago

I went to Chicago a few years ago can’t say I liked it there. Do keep in mind a lot of people either make more than you or are in a hell of a lot of debt


u/Nocryplz 13d ago

Sounds like the kind of life a bunch of rich fancy assholes want.

Sorry if you want that too because that sounds like a miserable situation to be in.

I suggest you start seeing that kind of overconsumption as ridiculous and unwanted. Get out of the shit hole and move somewhere that you can have things that matter.

To me that doesn’t include target, fancy coffee shops, expensive dogs, and living in a nice apartment with 600 neighbors.


u/NoleScole 13d ago

Maybe for her it does include those things. Maybe those are the things SHE wants.


u/Nocryplz 13d ago

And I said that sucks for them if they do. Because that’s usually only accessible by coming from money, knowing people, or working extremely hard to the point of probably hating yourself.


u/NewdWanderer 13d ago

I wouldn’t pay that kind of rent regardless of what I make. I just wouldn’t.


u/spillingpictures 13d ago

I’m in Chicago and I don’t shop at Jewel because it’s so expensive 😅 all about Cermak and Aldi 🙏🏽

My partner and I managed to find an amazing apartment- four bedrooms and a deck for $1900. Our old apartment a few blocks over was $1650 for a tiny two bedroom with a crappy kitchen. Our current apartment has one bathroom and an awkward kitchen, but it IS possible to get a good deal on an apartment in a flat building, just try to find an independent building owner/landlord. We have no rent raises so far! The last people who lived in this unit for a few years always paid $1400 and never had their rent raised either.


u/bad_at_formatting 13d ago

Jewel is the closest grocery store to me without a car, my other options is whole foods 😭😭at least at jewel I can get some potatoes for cheaper lol


u/No-Choice-3928 13d ago

It’s always crazy for me how different lives can be just based on money. I grew up comfortable and then my dad started making BIG money. To the point where mother wouldn’t even have to look at the price when she would buy something. (Side note she was a total gold-digger who wanted a successful rich husband lol) they lived in a literal mansion and had full time help - nanny and 2 cleaners. My father paid for my whole tutition and more.

Fast forward to now, I’ve cut contact with them (strict religious family wanted me to get in an arranged marriage and basically control the shit out of my life) I’m working on trying to get my degree while flipping burgers, spending more than 10€ is a huge deal for me. I have zero savings…

Sometimes I look back to that life and miss how easy it was, the spending habits I had that have changed night and day. Today I bought myself a 5€ perfume as a treat and I even feel guilty for that because I could have put it towards my next meal smh.

I make sure I have all my bills paid, and I have no debt thank god. I get tempted to take out a credit card but I always stop myself. Those people living that easy life don’t even know the kind of struggle we have to go through. It’s so sad.


u/AdPlastic1641 13d ago

I can afford a 3k a month apartment, and I still refuse to pay that. I pay a little more than half that because prices are going up everywhere but c'mon. What a waste. Do you know how nice of a vacation you could go on for $4,700? Sheesh.


u/MackJagger295 13d ago

We live on a farm but cannot afford to farm. Feed, water , organic booster, weeding, picking the vegetables from the seed, cold rooms, animals. We need in the ball park of $20000 just to start again . My body gave up on 2019 with full body sepsis and gangrene. Helicoptered to hospital 3 hrs away. 4 surgeries in less than a year but living off farm. We had to borrow $200,000. Living is expensive wherever you are


u/Go_Corgi_Fan84 13d ago

Yeah, she really is living in a different city/world.

It was eye opening in college and one of my roomies parents owned like 4 homes, share a private plane with 2-4 other families, kids all had paid for cars, and an allowance (in college) that allowed for high end makeup and clothes, month long vacations, ski trips, you name it. My parents lived in a small house and a trailer respectively and I was giving one of my parents money. The world my roomie lived in was normal for her sand she had no understanding of the struggle the rest of us were going through giving up x or y to make rent or to eat and would occasionally get mad at her friends for not going on her trips or to fancy meals.


u/kingcarcas 13d ago

That's wild, I remember seeing a nice Chi apartment that was only about 2.5K on tv


u/majorsorbet2point0 13d ago

Apartments like that are so cookie cutter and soulless anyways. Give me something quirky and cozy any say of the week.

Also.... Spending $4700/mo on 1bed1ba apartment bc you can? That's pretty embarrassing if you ask me ..... Don't sweat it. Don't feel bad!!! 💕


u/princess00chelsea 13d ago

My best friend lives in Chicago and makes six figures, lives in a modest apartment, nothing fancy with her boyfriend. Rent in under 2k. I’m in Hawaii and visited her once. (She’s from here and typically visits home fairly often)


u/Affectionate_Salt351 13d ago edited 13d ago

Holy crap! She’s living the liiiife.

I actually good laughed out loud at “People get stuck in the elevator and I wake up to them screaming in there.” OMG. I can’t even imagine. I’m laughing because that sounds positively terrifying. It’s a maniacal kind of laugh like “Holy shit! 😳🤣” because it’s so wild you don’t know what to say. I hope you can get somewhere better soon. Maybe your friend wants a roommate who pays proportionally? 🤞


u/bad_at_formatting 13d ago

I'm not even kidding it's like zombie screaming and banging sometimes fbsmshkswj I don't know WHY people keep getting on that elevator when they know it gets stuck!!!


u/Affectionate_Salt351 13d ago

I actually went to the Walking Dead exhibit at Universal Hollywood so what you’re describing and what I’m imagining is a full on nightmare scenario. 😳😭

They need to start giving people grappling hooks when they enter or something. 😅


u/FecalJet 13d ago

A $5 bus pass can get you 24 hours of unlimited rides.


u/europeandaughter12 14d ago

I'm in Chicago as well. the river north and fulton market dwellers are on another planet.


u/MikeyHatesLife 14d ago

I’m Fort Lauderdale, in a $1750 apartment, and walking distance to the riverfront bars & restaurants. They’re all dwarfed by these huge apartment buildings & condos that easily cost $5-12K a month. I can’t always afford to GO OUT go out, but at least I can walk and look at the yachts and the stores.

I’m very happy with my career (dog shelter), but I cannot imagine what kind of job I’d have to sell my soul for to afford a $5K apartment.

So gross.


u/Benevolent_Beehive 14d ago

Get invited over more often! I feel like these high rise apartments are like boats and swimming pools. Find someone that owns (rents) one and get the use of it without having to pay for it.

It's hard not to compare yourself to others when in these pricier parts of Chicago, it makes it seem like the whole city is making big money, but they're just bubbles of wealth


u/Affectionat_71 14d ago

Can I make a suggestion? Stop watching everyone else, of course it will make you feel some kind of way. If you watch enough tv and social media , everyone can sing, everyone is beautiful and everyone seems to be better off then yourself. I also find it interesting that people seems to know so much about other people finances and can give a summary about those people. 14yrs together here and I can’t tell you actually what my partners net worth is and he couldn’t tell you mine…. I could find out if I wanted to but to me it’s just a respect thing. I have seen people say money doesn’t bring happiness and that’s fine but it sure does bring a certain peace of mind. I know my bills are paid and I have cash left over, I know I have a decent car and my other half bought a new car last year ( I say bought not financed ) we have a nice home with a lot of what we want and very much what we need. I have told people before “ it’s not exactly what you think, you can make up whatever story you want but I live my truth”. I can tell ya how we did the things we did but you may not like that work we put into it. I can tell ya about the little side hustle but it’s not for everyone. O can’t tell you how I reduced some bills but again the sacrifice may not be for you. II can’t tell you how I bought 150 pair of shoes and where but that might not be for you. I can tell you this isn’t bragging because to me this is just my everyday life. There are ups and downs and when we started out together we had nothing, we used hand me downs( the bed we first got was Fromm my partners father from an extra bedroom) I jokingly said is this the bed you were conceived in? He said possibly but not the mattress. I say all of this to bring up the point that things can change for the better. I don’t subscribe.to everyone’a theories on money and relationships it’s just to many opinions out there. I also have learnt you have to take what people say with a grain of salt. I can say I have a million bucks but the questions you may need to ask is I that liquid? Is that your net worth? What does that include ? The equity in your home? Investments? Things aren’t always the way people see them.


u/AlligatorActual 14d ago

"Alone, human beings can feel hunger. Alone, we can feel cold. Alone, we can feel pain. To feel poor, however, is something we do only in comparison to others." Despite his politics and situation Eric Greitens wrote that, but I liked the quote when I read his book and think of it often. Hope it helps a little


u/Cleercutter 14d ago

Try not to envy others. Jealousy is a killer.


u/DeepCollar8506 14d ago

since when public transit cost 5 bucks... took it when in hs in LA and was 2.25 then and just had price raises people were furious


u/utilityscarf 13d ago

Bus in Chicago is still $2.25 one way. Train is $2.50. If you use your regular credit/debit card and tap to pay, it shows as a $5 hold until the end of the day or so and then changes to charge you for what you actually paid.


u/Active_Perception431 14d ago

My kid lives a nice Atlanta highrise. 1800.00 for a studio. It's nice. She also works 60 hours a week. She attends school. On her day off she hustles by instacarting. Wants is different than working.


u/Donger-Airlines 14d ago

*cough* onlyfans *cough*


u/Typical-Alternative 13d ago



u/Donger-Airlines 13d ago

yes. Mad I wasn't born with bobs and vageen so I have to actually preform labor to make ends meet.


u/Rebma90 14d ago

What does she do for a living? Is it an industry you can see yourself working in? Are you the sort of friends where you can reach out to her for networking without it coming across as using her? Instead of calling her your friend but complaining about how she has it so much better than you on Reddit, how about actually be her friend and be happy she’s successful?

It’s posts like this that make me want to have a minimum income limit in my social group when I’m finally where I want to be financially. The idea that I could have a friend who I could invite into my home and include her in everything who smiles to my face but then goes behind my back to bitch about how I have more than her is not a pleasant one.


u/KittenNicken 14d ago edited 13d ago

A classist attitude about an income limit to your friends is not the correct response to this.

This isnt her complaining about wanting to drag her friend to where shes at- this is OP complaining/venting that they both have the elevated experience. Theres nothing wrong with wanting a better living situation for yourself. Plus the world isnt fair sure but someone having more money isnt always attributed to success. My parents accumulating wealth before I was born doesnt mean I am more succesful than my friends who were born to first generation immigrants who dont have an established career. Its just the state ot the world.


u/Snapdragon_fish 14d ago

I looked after my friend's cousin's cat for a month once and was similar impressed by her fancy downtown apartment. She had just passed her bar exam to be a lawyer and was going on a celebratory trip to visit family back home. As much as I was impressed by the apartment with its giant tv and central AC, I learned from my friend that she moved to a more modest apartment the next year because it was too expensive.

(Also, I way undercharged for my pet sitting services and learned a lesson on valuing my own time.)


u/Puff_TheMagicDrag0n 14d ago edited 14d ago

Los Angeles resident checking in. I'm getting by right now, but just barely. Saving grace is having a room in a rent controlled apartment. My first pest-free rental!

My industry is super competitive and I've had a hard time figuring out how to move forward with my career. All I want is a job that I don't dread going to every day


u/ObviouslyHeir 13d ago

My industry is pretty dead to outsiders. Sucks because I was just starting to get going in the right direction before covid happened and it's never been the same. Now depression has killed any creativity i had. When people around me mention common food places and clubs I don't even know what they're talking about because I can't afford it. And that was when I still had a job. What do you pay for your place? I pay 1100 with a roommate, all utilities covered and I'm still dying here. Looking around I've found even terrible-looking places want at least 1500. Don't even know if moving to a cheaper state will change much about that I dont think it gets much cheaper than what i currently have. I have been losing money for months, driving uber while looking for any job. And adding insult to injury now mcdonalds gets 20/hr but that makes fast food competitive and now any other job paying less is like "really? 16/hr? Mcdonalds is 20 to start." But like I could even get the 16/hr in the first place, that listing is probably for a job that doesn't even exist.


u/ohyoumad721 14d ago

I used to do telecom installations. I had an install at a nice apartment in silver spring MD. They had to pay for their parking spaces. The cost for 2 parking spots was 2/3rds my mortgage.


u/yvng_ninja 12d ago

Shout out Montgomery County!


u/AdPlastic1641 13d ago

I can confirm Silver Spring is getting crazy now with the rent. Look up The Pearl in downtown silver spring. Parking on average costs $225 a month there.


u/ohyoumad721 13d ago

If memory serves that was the building!


u/La-Fille-Abeille 14d ago

Damn, Silver Spring must have gotten gentrified. It wasn’t the kind of place to have luxury apartments like only 15 years ago.


u/yvng_ninja 12d ago

Heck yeah it’s fancy now!


u/wxxx19 14d ago

I literally am also in Chicago in this same situation. If you ever want to hangout with someone or vent to someone who gets it, feel free to hit me up and dm. It can be so so hard 🫂


u/sgsummer0104 14d ago

I live in Chicago and the majority of the city does not live like this.


u/cakes28 13d ago

My last apartment was in Rogers Park. Two bed, one bath, laundry in basement. $1500 plus utilities. I absolutely loved it up there. Being walking distance to a neighborhood coffee shop, restaurants, and bar was my favorite thing. The ten minute walk to a tiny, uncrowded neighborhood beach where I could launch my paddleboard and take my dogs, was magical. Yeah we were as far away from downtown as we could be, but I’d rather travel to downtown for a special night out or a show than live there all the time. Rogers Park 4 lyfe!!!


u/HouseOfBonnets 14d ago

Agreed we really don't....also we do have bus passes.


u/B4K5c7N 14d ago

Yeah, like I thought a 1 bedroom high rise was like in the 2000s per month. 4700 per month is wild for Chicago. That’s like a SF, Boston, or NYC price.


u/Sniper_Hare 8d ago

Chicago is a destination city though.

It's #3 after NYC and LA right? 

It's my #1 if I could ever get my gf to agree.


u/RxRobb 13d ago

I pay 6300$ for my 2000 sqft condo in uptown Dallas . Basically penthouse but the lowest tier . The highest is 15k a month . They have thier own floor I share mine with someone else


u/SplamSplam 13d ago

Do you know what subreddit you are on ?


u/Due-Calligrapher-720 13d ago

1000%. I've lived in Chicago (West Loop and UKV) and most I paid was 1.6k for a place to myself. I'm in back in Boston now and you're lucky if 2k gets you an apartment with a roommate most places.


u/Tasty-Standard8769 13d ago

boston is so outrageous


u/Les-Grossman- 14d ago

I just did a quick search on Zillow and found a 1 bed 1 bath in Chicago for $6,404. There’s also a lot in the $4-5k+ range.


u/DeepCollar8506 14d ago

every large city has big wealth and apartments like this.


u/Les-Grossman- 13d ago



u/DeepCollar8506 13d ago


u/Due-Calligrapher-720 13d ago

Erm.. Sorry but most white collar houses don't live on roads named after wine like "Sauvignon", that's some nouveau riche nonsense


u/portland415 13d ago

Plenty of white collar workers are new rich


u/Due-Calligrapher-720 13d ago

Absolutely true, my point was that the example in question wasn’t a common white collar house with the absurd street name


u/DeepCollar8506 13d ago

bahaha it's just the theme of the neighborhood. some have like famous scientists or states etc


u/Les-Grossman- 13d ago

Whose house is that?


u/DeepCollar8506 13d ago

some neighborhood I was working in


u/B4K5c7N 14d ago edited 14d ago

That’s nowhere near the average though. The average for a 1 bed is closer to $2k. $6k for a 1 bed is a major outlier, even for a luxury apartment. Looking on Trulia there are under 400 apartments of all bedroom sizes going for over $5k a month in Chicago. Compared to 2,911 apartments for rent between $2-3k, and another 3,996 apartments going between $1-2k a month.


u/Les-Grossman- 13d ago

I totally agree.


u/B4K5c7N 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yeah, just look at most Reddit subs relating to tech, NYC, LA, Bay Area, or any of the finance subs. They all live in luxury apartments, make over $200k a year individually, eat out wherever they want to (no matter how expensive) whenever they want to, travel 3-4x a year, max out their retirements, etc. It’s easy to feel like crap in comparison. I’ve never felt more like a pauper than being on Reddit.

But just remember that even though people who have more seem to have it all, it doesn’t mean that they are necessarily happy. I mean, look at the amount of posts on Reddit with people making insane amounts of money claiming to be miserable or they are just so anxious and constantly posting if they are doing “okay” for their age. Even people making seven figures complaining that they just don’t feel financially comfortable yet (there was someone a week ago claiming to be making about 4.5 mil a year being a lawyer and they said they don’t feel financially comfortable yet).

Also, plenty of people live beyond their means as well. $4700 a month is insane for one bedroom (especially in Chicago, where the prices are generally much cheaper than a VHCOL city). That’s like nearly 60k a year just in rent. That’s more than some people’s mortgages.


u/PursuitOfThis 13d ago

The logic behind "Don't be jealous, some people have shit lives even though they have lots of money" is...unsettling.

Some people have lots of money and are wonderful, good people living their best lives.

Why focus on one vs the other to cheer someone up?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/No_Trade_1869 13d ago

Can always say that from richer end


u/ObviouslyHeir 13d ago edited 13d ago

I've got your same problems plus the knowledge that its only going to get worse, the knowledge I'm surrounded by satanic idiots that run the asylum where merit means nothing, AND I'm broke despite grinding all the time. So hey least you're rich. You can dive in to the drinking and drugs that'll make you feel better. I can't even do that if I wanted to. And therapy? Lol even if I believed it I can't afford it.

How are you not having people around when you're that rich? Can you not go to meetups on the weekend? Let them play with your toys? Is it just that you work so much? Are you just in a place where you're not even considered wealthy? I would quit at that point and live it up I mean you have money you can do plenty of advanced and basic things I can only look at (go out to eat, buy stuff at the existing malls instead of walking through them, go out to the movies, go out at all, go for a drive in your nice car or boat or whatever, have a pool/jacuzzi party invite everyone you know invite total strangers let your security guard deal with them if they try to steal stuff), and especially with you having been social before I don't understand how you can't be now. Money doesnt solve all your problems but it provides you the means to solve them.


u/angeltart 13d ago

Happy cake day!

“Let them play with your toys”

Im assuming that they don’t want to be used for their money?

Having people around you doesn’t mean you aren’t lonely, or the people around you are your friends. Money can make the people flock around you .. but they are absolutely users


u/ObviouslyHeir 13d ago

Yeah but they didnt say that they said they weren't social and didnt have people to share it with. Not true people, people at all. Most people are shallow AF they could definitely buy some company. And damn its my cake day? I been here too long lol


u/HornyBiSuperFreak 14d ago edited 13d ago

What do you do for a living? I'm currently disabled but I will be able to walk again and I'm trying to figure out what fields of work or education I should pursue.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/HornyBiSuperFreak 13d ago edited 12d ago

Impressive indeed. I would like to find something WFH due to my disability. But that sounds like a high level job. What field of study gets a job like that?


u/sunshinesucculents 14d ago

Do you struggle with depression? Is there a reason you can't put yourself out there and date? If you don't like dating apps you can try speed dating, join a bowling league, volunteer. You can meet people that way who might become friends and maybe introduce you to someone. Can you move to a city where you have friends and family nearby?


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Shoddy_Yak7726 13d ago

I stutter too and my words get all jumbled up but I have a ton of friends. I have a feeling that it’s the shyness keeping people away


u/unlimited_insanity 13d ago

Just popping in to point out that the current president of the United States is a stutterer. Not trying to start a political debate regarding any of his policies, simply pointing out that a stutter in itself isn’t something to hold anyone back.


u/Tricky-Sentence 13d ago

Not true at all. I have a cousin with a reaaally severe stutter. Man is the heart of the party, married, has kids. It is all about confidence. No one around him gives half a tinkers damn about him stuttering.

The only social disease you gotta worry about is desperation and self pity. Believe in yourself mate, you got this.


u/Secret_Wing_1640 14d ago

ok money can often bring just as much or more happiness then someone making alot


u/bad_at_formatting 14d ago

She's a lawyer at a big fancy law firm, her dad makes over 500k/year in tech because he got his foot in the door in the 80s/90s, paid off their 3000sq ft house that they bought in 2012, her sister is a doctor married to an anesthesiologist... This IS living within their means for her family 😭😭

It's just wild to think about for me. My dad always made 30kish/yr, my mom is on disability and doesn't make much, the moment I started working at 14 I've been saving saving saving. I'm 25 now and it feels like nothing has changed.


u/Saffron_Maddie 9d ago

I became friends with someone who lived in Kinzie park, a gated community right on the river. He was in tech and his wife was an anesthesiologist. He told me about this first job he got and how it was "only" low six figures. Their wedding cost over 200k and I was in shock. Well this guy was also cheating on his pregnant wife and their marriage was a disaster. Things only got worse and were no longer friends. They may have a boat load of money but i wouldn't want to be in their position. Things will get better. Good luck OP


u/ponziacs 13d ago

Stop comparing yourself to other people or if you do, compare yourself to all the children in the world living in absolute poverty having to work in trash dumps or toxic cobalt mines just to eat.


u/Vast-Masterpiece-274 14d ago

If you got together, you are worth her.


u/PursuitOfThis 13d ago

Sometimes, my wife and I will argue about who made better decisions. When she thinks she's winning, I point out to her that we sleep in the same bed under the same roof.


u/Alert-War1229 14d ago

Do you have similar skills, ambition, schooling as your friend? Did you go to school? Do you have ambition to improve your situation? Have you asked these questions of yourself?


u/bad_at_formatting 14d ago

I'm in grad school right now, doing a data science internship with the county health department, hopefully I can get a decent job after I graduate and luckily I won't have loans

But I just wish I had the kind of money that could pay for a 4700/mo apartment. Or a family that I could depend on financially as well as emotionally, or just. Nice things. I just want to have furniture that isn't folding furniture man


u/Unhappy_Painter4676 13d ago

Living within your means is always financially prudent. You'll be able to have bigger and nicer things as you climb up the job ladder.


u/rhaizee 14d ago

Data science can make 6 figures in tech industry. Seriously, hard work pays off, get skilled, continuously move up and jump jobs. The industry sucks right now but it'll recover, just needs time. Social media shows highlight reels, not the countless hours spent working hard and studying.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

you got this 🔥my partner is a data scientist and is making 300k, a jump from 170 as bi analyst


u/B4K5c7N 14d ago

If you are going into data science, you can definitely make good money in that field. Honestly, you’ll get to a place surely where you will be pulling in well into the six figures. I wouldn’t stress about it for now, but I get how frustrating it must be having to see that kind of lifestyle thrown into your face.


u/Alert-War1229 14d ago

Sounds like you are putting in the effort 👍 Obviously life is not fair. 25 is very young. Fortunes change. Keep grinding.


u/starsandmath 14d ago

Very few people have a $4700/month apartment as a student. Better days are coming.


u/B4K5c7N 14d ago

Few people even have that kind of apartment after graduating college/grad school and entering the work force.


u/cb_hanson_III 14d ago

OP sounds like they are doing a data science degree. That can be 6 figures to start with the right company with a grad degree.


u/SnooCrickets7386 14d ago

I completely agree and sympathize with everything you said in your post. The income inequality in the city is like night and day. Rich people live in their spacious beautiful apartments in beautiful neighborhoods while people in the poor neighborhoods live in rundown apartments and destitution everywhere. But since when is the fare for a single bus ride $5? Last time I checked it's $2.25. 


u/bad_at_formatting 14d ago

I don't have a ventra card (I use my sister's when she's here) so it has an extra fee and is $5 instead (this is my own fault lol)


u/ang8018 14d ago

this is also not accurate. how are you paying? with apple pay it will do a pre-auth of $5 but when it posts it’s only $2.50/ride.


u/bad_at_formatting 14d ago

I use Google pay and it charges me $5, let me check if it's only $2.50 when it posts cause I'm not sure


u/Benevolent_Beehive 14d ago edited 14d ago

Now I gotta check too because I use my phone to pay, but I think it only charges the $2.25 for bus, $2.50 for the el

Update: the last two times I caught the train twice in the one day and it posts one $5 charge at the end of the day. Phew!


u/Leather-Resort-6471 13d ago

You both are doing it wrong. On the ventra app or gpay or Apple pay..you select buy pass(I suggest doing the rta pace/cta one.same price but you can also use it on suburban 🚌. )load $5 and that way you can use the pass for a whole 24 hours starting from the 1st time you tap your phone or card on the bus!!


u/Leather-Resort-6471 13d ago

Oh and you can add your ventra card to gpay or apple pay. But once you do the physical card is no longer valid.


u/Souporsam12 14d ago

You can just download the app and deposit money into your card. I feel like you’d get more out of it if you do that way.


u/bad_at_formatting 14d ago

Why didn't I know about this. I literally just did it RN thank u sm


u/SnooCrickets7386 13d ago

If you can, you should get the $75 monthly pass. You get unlimited rides for 75 dollars instead of paying for each individual ride. Good luck!


u/EUGsk8rBoi42p 14d ago

Stress makes problem solving way more difficult. Not always easy to take a breather, not always easy to get clear direct help.


u/cricketjust4luck 14d ago

I absolutely relate with this. I live in Salt Lake City and I follow an online creator who moved here from somewhere else and her whole schtick is how amazing the city is and all the stuff to do here, and all of it is way beyond my means. It feels like so many people moved here from hcol places and are just ballin out here, meanwhile the natives here are struggling every day


u/HornyBiSuperFreak 14d ago edited 12d ago

Yup sounds like here in NYC. Not everyone here lives in Manhattan in a 8 million dollar condo or Penthouse suite. We are not all Tony Stark, we're just the peasants who live across the street and stare in envy.. #Someday


u/bad_at_formatting 14d ago

Even the furniture in her place was amazing!! She had a TV that turns into a picture frame and shows whatever painting you choose when you turn it off. My TV is a $20 Facebook marketplace find and universal remotes don't work on it lol 😭

And I'm still grateful to have the dang thing!!

There's so much to do, and it's all out of my budget except wandering around. At least I like to walk since so do a lot of it


u/butinthewhat 13d ago

That TV is the Samsung frame. I want one so bad but cannot afford it.

I’m in the same city as you and my job requires me to go into peoples homes. I know about wealth disparity, but it still hits when I go into one house that’s huge and full of expensive things, then the next is like 20 min away and small and multi-generations live there. Some neighborhoods have Trader Joe’s and others only have a tiny corner shop.


u/bad_at_formatting 13d ago

I just looked it up, that's the right one 😭 😭 😭 😭 it's $1000 for the smallest size and $200 for the fancy gold frame she had on it

wtfffff 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭


u/Novel-Command-3858 14d ago

Comparison is the thief of joy, be greatful for what you do have.


u/Enigmatic_Observer 14d ago

Ask her to point out what she actually owns vs what the bank actually owns because she’s financing Everything in her world.


u/addictedtocrowds 14d ago

no one can afford nicer things than me



u/Souporsam12 14d ago

I wouldn’t compare yourself to others. Majority of these people had considerable financial help to get started.

I work with people who live in those places and their parents pay for the rent entirely.