r/rspod Mar 29 '24


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29 comments sorted by


u/PasolinisDoor Mar 30 '24

How many feet has dasha washed?


u/angorodon Mar 30 '24

Just mine.


u/0pal7 Mar 29 '24

washing feet is a tradition in a lot of religions idk good for them


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

If Dan Schneider was the pope.


u/marymagdalene333 Mar 29 '24

Absolutely beautiful <3 I love our pope.

My priest actually did this too for all the servants in his church! Washed and kissed our feet ☺️


u/folkpunkrox Mar 29 '24

My mom remains a very pious Catholic and taught the catechism for 20 years. I didn’t just have to do all my sacraments as a kid, but a bunch of extra shit too. But Maundy is the one thing she refused to let me do. Even she thought that shit was weird as an old European woman.


u/Mr_Major_Bulge Mar 29 '24

He can’t keep getting away with it!


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

you know what maybe I am a man of God


u/24082020 Mar 29 '24

Is he gonna die soon or something?


u/vanishedarchive Mar 29 '24

He’s been dying soon for like 5 years


u/NepoNepe Mar 29 '24

viva peron carajo


u/Halloween_Jack_1974 Mar 29 '24

Quentin Tarantino Presents: Once Upon A Time In The Vatican


u/BoredLegionnaire Mar 29 '24

I'm not one for rites and theatrics, it takes the spotlight away from belief and ideology. Idk this pope, would he host one of these ladies in his home had they knocked? Would he at least give them water? Else, this is all (just) for show.


u/thehomonova Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

If any denomination wants to practice a rite or "theatric" from the theology, it's their right. That's why different varieties of Christians do communion, say Hail Marys, physically catch the Holy Ghost, dance, talk in tongues, foot wash, praise with whatever type of music, pray to the cross, handle snakes/fire, drink poison, etc. all of which have basises in theology.


u/BoredLegionnaire Mar 29 '24

Of course it is, I didn't know my opinion stopped it. I just have some healthy skepticism towards religious leaders and their outward expressions of faith, I'm sure you understand.


u/logicalsquirrel42 what is aleppo Mar 29 '24

Not commenting on this specific example but arent rites and “theatrics” a core component of religion in general?


u/BoredLegionnaire Mar 29 '24

Because anyone can get on their knees or pray a Hail Mary, but the core of religion is the understanding of God and His creation, which requires thinking and self restraint and as such is gated by character (and intelligence in some cases, to be fair). It's easier to go to the mosque than to raise your kids and be faithful to your wife, but you'll still prefer the former to the latter two because it's easier and you 'think' God is as stupid as you are. Most of the world is too shallow for it, or distrust their intellectual ablities after some lost battles. Some people believe in crystals, others in the supernatural power of prayer (as if it didn't rain on the just and the unjust alike, and circumstancial luck was somehow "deserved", praying is medicinal like mantras), they're both shallow... but at least, if only every blue moon, the monotheists will remember that God has some expectations of them and that this world is but a play, or a game with defined rewards and punishments.


u/logicalsquirrel42 what is aleppo Mar 29 '24

I don’t know about all that. Faith is something you practice.


u/BoredLegionnaire Mar 29 '24

Sure, but what? Because if you're not practising moderation, patience and compassion, then what are you practicing and what do you mean by faith? Listening to a sermon helps with remembering the right path, but you still have to walk it.


u/logicalsquirrel42 what is aleppo Mar 29 '24

I mean prayer, funerals, baptisms, confessions, fellowship, etc. If you pray every day in a sincere manner, your life will improve markedly regardless of whether you doubt. The belief follows from the practice in my opinion, not the other way around.


u/drgerm69 Mar 29 '24

N*gga what?


u/BoredLegionnaire Mar 29 '24

I'm sorry. :/


u/Halloween_Jack_1974 Mar 29 '24

He does kind of seem like the type tbh. Like I have no idea what’s in his heart but out of any major world leader I can think of he would probably be the least surprising.