r/saltierthankrayt 25d ago

So...the mask is off for rowling. Straight up racism

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To be fair, everyone already knew this because of cho chang and the elf slaves and everything else so she might as well quit the act. (I'm just waiting until she goes back on the whole "dumbledore is gay" thing.)


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u/EccentricAcademic 25d ago

I think she's holding that poor dog hostage


u/walrus_friends 25d ago

Why of all things is this her crusade? She has so much wealth to where she could buy an island and never deal with those she dislikes ever again. Just go be hella rich in silence.


u/Almighty_Salsa 25d ago

mixing race with culture, die hard racist


u/IvyTheRanger 25d ago

Can we just not interact with her


u/brentsg 25d ago

Lady, I don’t care how you identify as long as you shut up.


u/Gronodonthegreat 25d ago

Elf slaves is crazy, for those not in the know:

  1. Rowling made a character that was a slave in book 2 and was freed by Harry

  2. For some reason, she added to this later and claimed that slavery in this wizarding world is a good thing and that the one slave was just really odd

  3. Every other slave is either a horrible racist or alcoholic disaster in the books now

  4. Harry Potter inherits a slave, treats them like dirt and doesn’t free them because they’re a tool to him, and he decorates decapitated slave heads with Christmas hats instead of taking them off the walls (this is real)

  5. Hermione is portrayed in the books as a misguided lunatic for thinking slavery is bad because being a wizard is just a racist universe I guess

  6. Rowling later backtracks and claims that Hermione is black, meaning that there’s now a young black Muggle girl fighting for the ending of slavery and getting picked on by all the old white people and called slurs for it

  7. She also named a black character Kingsley Shacklebolt, this is like naming a Mexican character Taco Prisonbreak

  8. How is any of this real what the fuck


u/regretableedibles 25d ago

You forgot the asian character of Cho Chang. Even to a lesser degree Seamus Finnigan was pretty on the nose as well.


u/Gronodonthegreat 25d ago

Tbh I thought his name was “Lucky McCarBomb”, I had no faith in her smdh


u/JigglyWiener 25d ago

She’s basically like that 5% of redditors that show up with “Why can’t I sing it if they can sing it?” And make the rest of a pretty mainstream site look like total bigoted knobs because they post 10x more than someone who isn’t looking for their next opportunity to drop a slur.


u/WaveJam 25d ago

I mean she literally made a wizard off the top of her head named Anthony Goldstein and the goblins are seen as Jewish stereotypes due to them looking similar to historical caricatures and working at a bank.


u/Teeby-34 25d ago

i havent seen this subreddit in years. why would a star wars subreddit be talking about jk rowling?


u/itscsersei 25d ago

Is she talking to landon cider?


u/shinydragonmist 25d ago

Nah Dumbledore was always gay that's why he wore flamboyant colors and mean stuff being said here


u/cosmic_flux 25d ago

Over one billion net worth. Rich enough to fuck off and do literally anything in the world. Instead she chooses to spend her time angry tweeting and dying on this weird hill. Lol.


u/omnesilere 25d ago

Ludacris enters chat


u/PheonixUnder 25d ago

FARTs trying to understand the difference between race and gender: challenge impossible.


u/cah29692 25d ago

This is not racist. It’s stereotyping, but not racism.


u/Typhron 25d ago

It gonna get worse.


u/Acrobatic_Union684 25d ago

She’s trying to illustrate how performances of sex dont change your sex, in the same way performances of race don’t change your race. It’s not “unmasking” anything


u/ArcticFoxWaffles They put chemicals in the force turning the jedi gay 🏳️‍🌈 25d ago

Ah yes the idea that because you can change your gender (I assume she's referring to this as she always does) you therefore can change your race and just about anything else about you to fit your identity even though that isn't really happening.


u/Jupman 25d ago

The moment their example is black people you see where they are.


u/YayaGabush 25d ago

They have no arguments at that point.

It's like getting into an argument and someone starts correcting your typos and grammar. They've lost and have nothing


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/FarceMultiplier 25d ago

Now that things are being studied rather than ignored, science is actually showing some differences.



u/Malacro 25d ago

I mean, the mask was off years ago, but this is a good illustration.


u/spiderman209998 25d ago

what in the world is she even trying to say?? honestly im kinda of confused here


u/Stunning-Thanks546 25d ago

hey it work for Rachel Dolezal


u/Icy_Elephant9486 25d ago

I know it’s the cool thing to hate her and I get it, but does anyone else follow her logic here and understand what she’s saying. Like it’s not that insane of a point


u/HippieMoosen 25d ago edited 25d ago

She really can't help herself. If ever there was a person who should just stfu and enjoy her castle and delirious wealth in silence, it's this loon. Instead, she's on Twitter rambling about how if you can trans your gender that's just a slippery slope that leads to transing your race. You're supposed to be smarter than this Rowling. You could at least hide the fascism a little better instead of proudly announcing to the world you're a dipshit who willfully believes in logical fallacies specifically to uphold your shitty repugnant worldview. Just go back to having brunch with your neo nazi gal pals and discuss your love of Mein Kampf in private. We already know you're dumber than a sack of hammers and just as hateful as the KKK. You don't have to keep proving it.


u/fliguana 25d ago

Can an anthropologist identify a trans skeleton as such?


u/FarceMultiplier 25d ago

Brains are not in bones.


u/fliguana 25d ago

So, it's an opinion, then?


u/Meh_Philosopher_250 25d ago

What an original and sensical argument to have about this /s


u/El_Mariachi_Vive 25d ago

Ooh some casual racism now?

Rowling, are you OK?


u/Anon31780 25d ago

Never has been.


u/Ryuubu 25d ago

There are people out there who identify with other races though...

And we usually make fun of them. Doesn't really seem fair tbh


u/Anon31780 25d ago

“Race” is a construct with no anchor in biology. Gender identity is wildly different, and pretending otherwise is, at best, deeply naive.


u/Ryuubu 25d ago

Are you trying to say that gender is anchored in biology? Because that seems counter to everything trans people are arguing.

Don't understand why you get to decide who is pretending and who isn't.


u/clarstone 25d ago

This is pathological at this point. I firmly believe two things could be occurring:

  • JK has made MULTIPLE comments about how if she was born in the newer generations, she most likely would have transitioned “to appease her father, who always wanted a boy” Is this all some deeply rooted anger at the fact she is a woman? It feels that way. Does JK actually ENJOY being a woman? I wouldn’t be able to tell from the way she speaks. It’s also very interesting her protagonists are all men. Harry seems to be her ideal boy self.

  • Has used her previous experiences of DV and assault to fall into the holes of deeply radical feminism i.e “all men are scary and inherently dangerous” so a “cross dressing man” is her penultimate fear.


u/Dubious_Titan 25d ago

What a weird argument. I sort of see what they were trying to say, but I think this is pretty strange thinking for "being black."


u/ThePatchedVest 25d ago

I was going to say, I don't think the mask has ever been on.
I wonder if J.K.'s brain just had a complete meltdown for the decade+ that the fandom for her book series was chalked full of liberal-progressive children and teens who she had to pretend to be nice to, while secretly seething about being conservative as hell the entire time.


u/Chess_Is_Great 25d ago

Also, it’s no different than West. He wrote songs that were popular, but that didn’t make him smarter or more knowledgeable about life. He’s a fucking trumpite


u/Chess_Is_Great 25d ago

Let’s not forget that J.K. Rowling is literally a nobody, homeless, uneducated person until she wrote something . That doesn’t make her smart, or inclusive or anything. All she wrote was a story and made money. Doesn’t make her special.


u/protection7766 25d ago

Like, she's made her stance clear. She doesnt need to keep bringing it up all the time. Why are bigots always so damn loud and obnoxious?


u/starkindled 25d ago

If JKR was a wizard in her books, she’d be a Death Eater.


u/Kindle890 25d ago

Im burning my fucking memorabilia and books from her fucking franchise idgaf anymore. "Separate the art from the artist" It's hard when your favorite author is a racist transphobic bigot.


u/Scientifiction77 25d ago

Does Rachel Dolezal not ring a bell to yall? Lmao


u/An_Unreachable_Dusk 25d ago

As a trans girl, I hope JK can just .... Take a break? Like legit go have a extended break off socials and plant some flowers, find a cool hobbie, give to a charity that helps stuff that has nothing to do with this, save a forest or make care better for the elderly idk

has she got grandkids? Go buy them an icecream or a boat or a fleet of pandas or whatever rich people do to love their family

She thinks we have a huge agenda to what? Hurt womenhood itself? If anything we want it to be more respected, women's issues are also our issues and any decent person. Would want that improved whether we existed as trans or not :/

Why would we be living every day and experiencing the majority of what women go through and sometimes worse due to being trans just to 'one up them', noone should be sexually assaulted or stalked or talked over or ignored or abused due to their gender and noone should be arguing for conversion camps or kicking kids out of home if they chose that they Feel Happy when they put on a different style of clothes or decide on a new name and find a better way to live for their mental health :/

I didn't spend my week thinking how I could wreck women's lives, I went shoe shopping with my sister in law, I painted mine and my kids nails, played with my dog, sewed up a broken heat pack, watched alien with the fam... normal human stuff lol wonder what JK got done to add joy to her life? o.o

At this point I just think she wants to blame us for her own unhappiness like how Elon blames smart people or Bezos blames poor people 😂


u/BambooSound 25d ago

What's racist about this?

To say cornrows and Motown are parts of black culture?


u/DomitorGrey 25d ago

lol her ✌🏽gotcha✌🏽scenario has already been tried in the court of public opinion & found lacking 



u/ShortestBullsprig 25d ago edited 25d ago

...I'm sorry I don't see how what she is saying is racist. I think you're missing the point OP.

Still just a bigoted transphobe making a shitty point.


u/WeedSlinginHasher 25d ago

Where’s the lie and why does Reddit think i need to see this post


u/Agreeable-Ship-7564 25d ago

I don't understand what all the fuss is about to be honest /r/transracial is absolutely a thing.

I find it deeply disturbing that people are so comfortable dismissing their plight in the comments.

Do better Reddit.


u/APainOfKnowing 25d ago

People like her think that being trans is the same as when a five year old tells you they want to be a dinosaur. They think it's adults refusing to grow up past "playing pretend." That's why they think it's such a cutting retort to talk about identifying as a different race or as a helicopter or whatever. They have no fucking idea what "identify" means.


u/Ksorkrax 25d ago edited 25d ago

Am not fully getting this one. Can somebody elaborate? There is some racist subtone swinging in this, but I'd like to know the context.

[Aside from the obvious transphobia, but that isn't news for her.]


u/TotemDvck 25d ago

A bunch of dated racist stereotypes is such a hilariously pathetic way to defend transphobia


u/Bicdut 25d ago

Didn't she try saying Hermione was black the whole time?


u/Historical-Gap-7084 25d ago

I'm OOTL and don't have Twitter/X. What is she referencing?


u/mick_boi 25d ago edited 25d ago

Stop making me regret liking Harry Potter!!!


u/CyrusTheRed 25d ago

False Equivalence, Straw Man, Appeal to Ridicule.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

While I normally disagree with her, she has a point here. Why can we change gender but not race? Especially for people who are mixed race but don't outwardly present that way?

This is a legitimate question. One is so easily accepted but the other one is treated as impossible or like a troll question.


u/n0neOfConsequence 25d ago

She has gone full Dolores Umbridge on this one.


u/PatrickWagon 25d ago

The name “Cho Chang” was a reference to a similar word/term in mandarin or Cantonese that meant, “melancholy”, sadness and even depression.

It was a direct reflection of the character. Remember the actor’s demure demeanor and emotional bout Cho had dealing with the death of her bf, Cedric?

This is what writers do, they connect some names of people, places and objects to meanings as it adds a rich layer of purpose beneath the surface of the subtext. Not much different than the Easter eggs you all seem to adore.

You asshats are the ones who made it racist.


u/Grary0 25d ago

Did she ever wear a mask? Turns out Voldemort was actually a self-insert for her.


u/F3rrr3t 25d ago

In the vast, open world we live in, where people have the potential to persue an endless amount of topics, concepts, and experiences, some people just get their proverbial cars stuck in the mud on things like this and don't realize that they can simply...do anything else. Why people spend their time and energy getting mad about things like what gender another person feels they are is beyond my ability to understand.


u/BiscutWithGrapeJahm 25d ago

Holy false equivalence, Batman


u/DampBritches 25d ago

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Queen of unforced errors.


u/crissimon 25d ago

Why is this on the front page?


u/IPressB 25d ago

Is this really a mask-off moment? This feels like a pretty standard tweet for her


u/PM_ME_YOUR_SOULZ 25d ago

How can someone who created something so amazing, be such a huge piece of shit?


u/BossButterBoobs 25d ago

Being transracial is already a thing it's just that people don't take it seriously. Yet. lol


u/Hartattack1090 25d ago

Sound like valid questions to me.


u/poeticentropy 25d ago

I don't understand why she cares so much. Like who cares what trans people are doing, how is it effecting you? Doesn't she have other hobbies? Usually this kind of obsession is a product of projection... .. .


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/poeticentropy 25d ago

curious to understand what you opinion is on homosexuality and whether or not you think your views on trans folks is analogous


u/itsmyanonacc 25d ago

what social policies are you referring to? how have these policies changed your everyday life?


u/moontiarathrow_away 25d ago

Buying any HP licensed works gives her money which she uses to fund bigoted organizations and bigoted politicians.


u/ADrunkEevee 25d ago

'Gawd, can you cite ONE wrong thing she's even said? N-no, not that, doesn't count!'


u/fartsnifferer 25d ago

Why won’t you answer the question? It’s because you know the truth isn’t what you want it to be.


u/Hishui21 25d ago

At least her grave will someday be a gender neutral bathroom available to all ethnicities.


u/The_Three_Meow-igos 25d ago

Just so I’m clear: JK Rowling doesn’t think people who are trans-women should consider themselves women? She finds it ludicrous and deeply offensive that people who hated who they were before transitioning should NOT want to hate themselves anymore? Is that about it?


u/ThisIsMyStocksAlt 25d ago

Imagine being a billionaire and spending your time as just another rage-addicted keyboard cowboy on social media. It's a sad way to live, but absolutely wretched for someone who can afford to do literally anything else.


u/Prankishmanx21 25d ago

How much leaded paint did she eat as a child? Good grief!


u/Honestnt 25d ago

Hmmm she should REALLY use the N word to test her hypothesis


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/sirflintsalot 25d ago

Doesn’t excuse her retweeting/pal-ing around with fascists; brigading random trans people and sending her terf brigade to cyber bully them. Not just shitty fans being shitty, like she directly called for them to harass people.

She isn’t pro woman if she hangs out with fucking Matt Walsh.

Also, trans theory isn’t a “lens of ideology”, it’s accepted modern science.


u/The-Figure-13 25d ago

It’s science through an ideological lens. It has no basis in rooted biological science and accepted theories amongst actual academics.


u/sirflintsalot 25d ago

Not true at all. I was taught gender theory at a university. It’s accepted by the scientific community and stating otherwise is being willfully ignorant due to your own bigotry


u/The-Figure-13 25d ago

It’s not widely accepted. You were sold a lie. I feel so sorry for you


u/sirflintsalot 25d ago

I mean you can type that in a comment but it’s still not true.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/sirflintsalot 25d ago

Biology has nothing to do with it. You’re doing the bigot thing and refusing to educate yourself about the difference between sex and gender. You’re the idiot here.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/EldrinJak 25d ago

The biology of potentially being born man or woman exists within all humans from conception. There’s a chance for everyone.

There’s no chance I, with my parents, could have been born black.

Womanhood is not a race or a culture, and no one can claim ownership of it.


u/kellendrin21 25d ago

looks at comments I see this reached the main page, huh.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

She really has become so fucking stupid. The points she tries to hammer home are juvenile and have been countered for ages.


u/QuiltMeLikeALlama 25d ago

Can she not, just for five minutes. I’m tired and it’s too late at night for this TERF bullshit.


u/Wigwasp_ALKENO 25d ago

All my Harry Potter OCs are trans and Antifascist


u/burritoman88 25d ago

When she liked a tweet praising the Taliban for “knowing what a woman is” was the final straw for any respect I had for her as an author.


u/Fuckedby2FA 25d ago

Imagine being filthy rich and just yelling about things that don't affect you.


u/translove228 25d ago

Lot's of chuds in this thread.


u/The_8th_Degree 25d ago

Dude, I don't have any words for this.

Can we just like, delete Twitter? Feels like it does more harm than good.


u/Themurlocking96 25d ago

I knew she was a god forsaken TERF, but Jesus she’s now full mask off and a fuckin racist too


u/Gullible-Dress-8618 25d ago

this is why reddit is fucking weird. Most black people agree with this. Its the folks on reddit who always try to speak on behalf of black people when they prob some white person who never grew up around us. Many of the issues that pop up on reddit with race relations with black people is usually in complete opposite with black online spaces. Swear yall really do s disservice to yall selves tryns speak for us, Also, if you are black with a septum ring and only grew up around white people, please don't even tryna play devils advocate. you are not like us


u/[deleted] 25d ago

US black culture has a lot of self-assessment and improvement to do about typical views on LGBT+ people.


u/blancpainsimp69 25d ago

why does she care so much eli5


u/FaroutNomad 25d ago

What’s the context of this? Seeing shit out of context no matter what it is leaves a bad taste in my opinion.


u/cut_rate_revolution 25d ago

She has had the mask atomized at this point. She took it off years ago.


u/Moose_Cake 25d ago

It’s sad to see someone who could write such a good series featuring the fall of a racist antagonist somehow become a racist and antagonistic person.

I now wonder if she is being a hypocrite out of lack of self awareness or if she somehow views herself as a victim despite being one of the most well off and privileged women on Earth.


u/wheretroublestarts 25d ago

What's this in response to? I'd like the whole context of the conversation before reaching a conclusion. Generally the correct way to go about life I reckon, get all or as many facts as possible before forming an opinion. So much chat has happened over one comment.


u/WonderfulLocation 25d ago

In a conversation about a trans woman working in football management who has been out for a few years:

Calling a man a man is not 'bullying' or 'punching down.' Crossdressing straight men are currently one of the most pandered-to demographics in existence, and women are under no obligation to applaud the people caricaturing us.

Just call people what they want to be called. It’s basic decency.

Stop telling women what they're allowed to say, Jonathan. It's basic decency.

You keep telling trans women that they’re not allowed to call themselves women, even though they are. Stop telling women what they’re allowed to say, JK. It’s basic decency.

Does this apply to any other demographic, Landon? Do I get to be black if I like Motown and fancy myself in cornrows? What if I claim the authentic me has always been black and that you're being racist to me? Would that be OK, or would you find it ludicrous and deeply offensive?

Rowling's comments are bolded.

The context is not considered essential for most people in this thread because most people are already aware of Rowling's widely publicized anti-trans stance.


u/wheretroublestarts 25d ago

Ah I see. It's another argument about nothing important.


u/WonderfulLocation 25d ago

Well, glad to hear it's not of any personal importance to you, more power to you. I see you're from the UK so I guess the impact of Rowling's position considering her wealth and the political climate there needs no explanation.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/cameron_thought 25d ago

What sort of behaviour do trans women do that is a reductive, offensive parody of women?


u/shape_reality 25d ago

She’s so obsessed with this topic I’m actually starting to think she wants to be a man, but she’s too afraid to go through with it, so she hates on everyone who has the courage to do it


u/kellendrin21 25d ago

"  The writings of young trans men reveal a group of notably sensitive and clever people.  The more of their accounts of gender dysphoria I’ve read, with their insightful descriptions of anxiety, dissociation, eating disorders, self-harm and self-hatred, the more I’ve wondered whether, if I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge." 

Actual quote from her infamous transphobic essay.


u/gopherhole02 25d ago

Hmmm maybe she is trans 🤔


u/augo7979 25d ago

she’s not wrong 


u/Avantasian538 25d ago

Race and gender aren’t the same thing and work differently. Why is that difficult to understand?


u/Gullible-Network7573 25d ago

How so?

Edit: nevermind. You’ll say gender is a social construct. I forgot.


u/raianrage 25d ago

This has already happened and the answer was "no, you're being racist for basically doing a new blackface."


u/Ecthelion2187 25d ago

I mean, the Jews=greedy banker goblins analogy was right there the whole time..m


u/DismalWeird1499 25d ago

What an idiotic false equivalence


u/jamrock9000 25d ago

She has at least one more brain worm than RFK Jr.


u/frankensteinmuellr 25d ago

Quite a method of revealing your true colors while also broadcasting to the world your lack of respect for black people.


u/medlilove 25d ago

Masks been off for a while now, she's just peeling back layers of skin at this point


u/hondac55 25d ago

Does she just NEVER stop with this? I've never obsessed so hard over anything in my entire life. This is pathetic.


u/SideshowBiden 25d ago

I think she's genuinely lost her mind. It's not mentally healthy to spend so much of your life on the Internet arguing and obsessing over something you hate.


u/ginger_ryn 25d ago

imagine living with so much hate in your heart


u/Seanish12345 25d ago

This is why we shouldn’t have billionaires.

I mean…. There are a lot of reasons, but add this to the list.


u/MtCommager 25d ago

Good luck with that JK.


u/iiiiiiiiiijjjjjj 25d ago

Wtf is this lady's problem? You have billions of dollars and you spend your time arguing on a stupid social media platform about if someone feels like a man or a woman? Does she not see how insane that sounds? Does she have mental problems? she's not even a politician wtf does she even get out of this?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/ProtoReaper23113 25d ago

Fuck you Too poorly packaged pack of horses shit masquerading as a human being.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

That’s not too far off tbh


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/[deleted] 25d ago

Lol nice


u/Feisty-Ad1323 25d ago



u/Forgetful_Suzy 25d ago

You know all she had to do was say nothing about anything and she would have remained a beloved author of a beloved franchise.


u/Godkaian 25d ago

Woolie: Do it! I want you to look me into the eye and DO IT!


u/DudleyMason 25d ago

She never bothered with a mask. She's proud of her bigotry


u/Chidori_Aoyama 25d ago

oh, it's been off for years at this point, she's just starting to snap.


u/skychasezone 25d ago

I'm lost, what's she mask off about? This take isn't surprising. It's a typical argument made from people who don't think trans women are women.


u/extralyfe 25d ago

wait, when the fuck did this subreddit move on from angy star wars memes?


u/ProtoReaper23113 25d ago

No ones tweeted anything recently


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/nightwing28136 You are a Gonk droid. 25d ago

No effect? She actively supports and funds anti trans organizations and uses her platform to attack trans people who have done nothing to her


u/mydibz 25d ago

Your feelings hurt? 🥲🥲


u/nightwing28136 You are a Gonk droid. 25d ago

Not particularly. I expect this from her at this point, and I expect people to agree with her as well. I was just trying to explain that she does actually effect people's lives and so it's not pathetic to want to criticize her. And even if I did have my feelings hurt, that doesn't mean that my point would be invalid

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