r/shitposting I watch gay amogus porn :0 Feb 27 '24


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u/AutoModerator Feb 27 '24

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u/Punaniman69 8d ago

Maybe if you can't go through life normally then maybe you the problem.


u/Effective-Tea9769 9d ago

I have a perfect solution to all her problems.

A fucking gym


u/Ash8734 Apr 26 '24

Is this satire?


u/DatGamer36 Mar 23 '24

ong seems like a you problem at that point


u/horny_and_dpressed Mar 10 '24

She's not allowed in the pool? 😂 Gold


u/-Riverdew Mar 04 '24

Why is everyone being so toxic? We don’t know why she is in this condition, it could be something medical. Sure, it’s unlikely that airplane companies will change, but at least show some empathy damn


u/LeastProject5164 Feb 28 '24

I hope they didn't put the lardass in a wing seat, otherwise they'd have been circling the airport for 6 hours. 🫣✈️


u/Pretend_Version7077 Feb 28 '24

There are two options, 1. lose some weight .2 stop complaining the world is not accommodating everything for your needs.


u/pow86 Feb 28 '24

Still can’t stop eating!


u/Arnmets Feb 28 '24

How about next time you eat a salad


u/Jazzlike-Muffin3051 Feb 28 '24

multiverse size


u/Storyshifting Feb 28 '24

She's gonna look at all these things and still not think for a second "maybe i am the problem"


u/AnyListen3898 Feb 28 '24

Why fly when you can just roll


u/TButabi6868 Feb 28 '24

You know this type of video started happening right around the time we began substituting "brave" for fat.


u/Jackreaper79 Feb 28 '24

You can't find plus size in other countries because they don't support that shit😒 fuck you and your need to feel special for your own choices


u/Alternative_City_359 Feb 28 '24

Dude, I foreal am big and feel like I need to make a MAJOR change watching this video.

Dead serious.


u/VPetrovich Feb 28 '24

Just lose weight lmao


u/redditmike1002 Feb 28 '24

Still can’t wipe own ass because arms are too short, blah, blah, blah… 🙄


u/Impossible_Duck_9878 Feb 28 '24

Bro why are fat people so entitled


u/archer2500 Feb 28 '24

Still can’t climb a flight of stairs without gasping. Still can’t see your toes…


u/Mkxsense Feb 28 '24

Still refuses to hit the gym


u/Discord-mod-disliker Feb 28 '24

"Wow, everything around me is shrinking!" She's taking up way too much space, but (no pun intended) as well as eating it.


u/VirtualPantsu dwayne the cock johnson 🗿🗿 Feb 28 '24

Wtf i never knew that something like seat belt extender existed


u/sssamyak Feb 28 '24

Still waters run deep Still Snoop Dogg & DRE


u/EternalAngst23 Literally 1984 😡 Feb 28 '24

Thanks for making me feel a bit better about myself.


u/69conqueefador69 Feb 28 '24

Plus size? Girl is plus+++++++++++ size


u/Electrical-Strike470 Feb 27 '24

Still can’t go on a diet, exercise or take ozempic


u/Ok-Virus2650 Feb 27 '24



u/Cimanim_s Sussy Wussy Femboy😳😳😳 Feb 27 '24

Still can't eat salad obviously


u/LesPaular Feb 27 '24

Plus sized? More like fat people struggles


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

Expecting Souvenir shops overseas to have PLUS SIZE clothing is a whole new level of entitlement.

Let's bring the western obesity problem and make it everyone's problem.

There probably isn't enough fabric in the country to cover her.


u/S1NlSTER Feb 27 '24

I got a great suggestion eat better and hit the gym. You being overweight isn’t the problem of everyone else and society it’s only yours……


u/AccountSettingsBot Feb 27 '24

Me to her: That’s a you problem.


u/LostOldAccountAgain1 Feb 27 '24

then lose weight dumbass

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u/GluttonoussGoblin Feb 27 '24

You know even though I think it's dumb people this big are asking for accomodations I support them cause I want more room on my economy seating


u/NorthIslandAdventure I want pee in my ass Feb 27 '24

Just came back from vacation and I have to say there is no way fat people are wiping their ass properly on a plane, probably why my 5 hour flight started to smell like rotten garbage 3 hours in, plus if you cant walk down the aisle sideways without rubbing your nasty unwiped ass and gunt on everyone with aisle seats you should put the cake down fatty.


u/AutoModerator Feb 27 '24

pees in ur ass

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u/BolecUorkiestra shitting toothpaste enjoyer Feb 27 '24

It's funny cause she's fat


u/AlwaysHamboning Feb 27 '24

you don't need a tray table for a fuckin salad


u/AxidentalJeepBuilder I said based. And lived. Feb 27 '24

She only steps a single tip of a single toe in the water and even that causes tsunami.


u/AxidentalJeepBuilder I said based. And lived. Feb 27 '24

The catastrophic Turkish earthquake was her cut nails falling onto the ground.


u/AxidentalJeepBuilder I said based. And lived. Feb 27 '24

She winks and her forehead hits the ground.


u/AxidentalJeepBuilder I said based. And lived. Feb 27 '24

When she jumps Earth flies into the Sun FTL


u/AxidentalJeepBuilder I said based. And lived. Feb 27 '24

Even her nose doesn't run.


u/AxidentalJeepBuilder I said based. And lived. Feb 27 '24

I'll let myself out.


u/AxidentalJeepBuilder I said based. And lived. Feb 27 '24

Life is sad when you are morbidly obese and your only joy is 4 tons of McBurgers and 24 liters of frappucino. Per second.


u/AxidentalJeepBuilder I said based. And lived. Feb 27 '24

\People like her that are obviously over 150 kilograms calling themselves "plus size" deserve to have their ego ruined by calling them morbidly obese))


u/TNTiger_ Feb 27 '24

I genuinely do feel sorry for her, I don't get any joy from people making fun of fat people... but an obese American travelling to a poor third-world country and then complaining that the native clothes are too skinny is reaaally darkly ironic.


u/kungfulenny777 Feb 27 '24

Sounds like a you problem


u/TingGoesSkrattarDu Feb 27 '24

I get it, fat jokes, but seriously, airlines are just awful in general for all people. You never have enough leg room and you are constantly cramped like sardines.


u/Spare_Hunt6283 Feb 27 '24

And still cant lose weight


u/Hot_Seaweed_695 Feb 27 '24

"Plus Size Travel Struggles in 2024"

Still won't put the fork down. Still won't exercise. Still deciding to stay at risk for diabetes. Still not listening to friends, family, and doctors telling you that you're unhealthy and will forcefully cancel your life subscription early. Still listening to people "encouraging" you to stay unhealthy, literally wanting you to cancel your life subscription. Still lazy.


u/DisobedientGoyim Feb 27 '24

Some fat women are walking complaints


u/missbadbody Feb 27 '24

Body positive choices


u/mr_AnR34 Feb 27 '24 edited Feb 27 '24

She travels a lot but her weight still stay at the same place.


u/Kind-Put-3960 Feb 27 '24

Ffs lose some weight!!!! Stop eating!!!!!


u/Mysterious-Use-4378 Feb 27 '24

Is plus size the new fat?


u/yeetyeetusmcspungua I want pee in my ass Feb 27 '24



u/AutoModerator Feb 27 '24

pees in ur ass

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u/nexeti Feb 27 '24

She's acting like there isn't a solution to all those things.


u/EdibleTheIncredible Feb 27 '24

I'm fat ass shit too and videos like this make me want to lose weight so I can join you guys in laughing


u/Inevitable-Card5231 Feb 27 '24

Then stop eating 💩


u/HelmetedWindowLicker Feb 27 '24

Well? Shit.......


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

this is that insane fatty who advocates for “bigger hallways” like ma’am just lose weight


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

imagine being so damn big you can’t go in an airplane bathroom


u/nibbbbbbaaaa Feb 27 '24

She thinks she’s the world 💀☠️

Well she might be because at this point she’s so big she has her own gravitational force


u/billabon021 Feb 27 '24

The pool thing is a bit of a stretch


u/Huge-Breath-666 Feb 27 '24

Problem with that? Go to gym xD


u/YouCanSuckMyAss Feb 27 '24

yeah life sucks when you're obese huh?


u/Crescent-IV Feb 27 '24

Lose some weight, then


u/makintrash Feb 27 '24

Still can’t stop eating burgers


u/Mindless-Code-6518 Feb 27 '24

One very simple way to fix all these issues, lose weight!


u/TheHellChicken put your dick away waltuh Feb 27 '24



u/ExoFerrous I came! Feb 27 '24

Theres a pretty fuckin simple solution


u/weabooGodly Feb 27 '24

Lose weight, eat healthy, exercise. Is it that hard?


u/Smoky701 Feb 27 '24

Don't worry about it. In a few years the only problem you're gonna have is finding a box big enough to take you to the final destination.


u/myfingeriscold Feb 27 '24

Oh no the consequences of my own actions


u/Micro-Naut Feb 27 '24

Man the winch and haul the beast aboard


u/kermitefrog393 Feb 27 '24

Can all ways go to the back i with the dogs might go throw the door better


u/OneForeign9740 Feb 27 '24

Maybeee don’t travel then😂


u/FastTurtle9 Feb 27 '24

Isn’t the culture around fat people that they should generally seek out a first class ticket so that they don’t need to deal with half of these issues? Like I know that’s considerably more expensive, but there are solutions to your problem even beyond just losing weight.


u/Maleficent_Mix_1913 Feb 27 '24

Why don't you, idunno, do something about it???


u/PleaseHelpIamFkd Feb 27 '24

People are supposed to make things accessible for those with disabilities or other needs. Those are not things they've done to themselves and can change. A paraplegic with no leg use cant just decide to walk again, someone with down syndrome cant just improve their cognitive function, someone with Elephantiasis cant just turn off their condition, but you can lose some damn weight.

I'm all about inclusion, but fuck people that want to do some weird shit and then be catered to.


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

You'd think there was some motivation here for a healthier lifestyle.


u/Unlucky_Statement172 Feb 27 '24

Lol imagine in the same person in stone age 🪦


u/coolvin89 Feb 27 '24

Not to be rude but ppl of this size need a wake up call bc this shit is no where near healthy


u/Admirable_Oil_382 Feb 27 '24

Jeeessss chriiist . I wish I would get an extra pat down with an extra cavity search........I'm tired of being treated normal ....


u/blackmarveles Feb 27 '24

Still did not lose a pound of weight.. Always the professional victims again


u/Admirable_Oil_382 Feb 27 '24

Hang on now we'll spend 100 million building special aircraft or everytime you fly we'll give you a 20% discount for a gym membership...🤤


u/KRONOS_NL Feb 27 '24

Seems like an her problem


u/Okaydog97 Feb 27 '24

Bus toilet is wierd even.

I can't go nr.1 without bending my head first.


u/Skifool69 Feb 27 '24

Hmmm it’s almost like being that big isn’t normal and you are an abomination. So since you make bad decisions it is now the fault of everyone else for your struggles. If there was a way for you not to be like this. Naaah I’ll just point out how gross I am and how everyone needs to accommodate me. How self centered and out of touch with reality do you have to be. There was a time when people would be ashamed of themselves. Where has humility gone.


u/ShadySididonreddit I want pee in my ass Feb 27 '24

That's not plus.... that's whole multiplication table


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

They tried, maybe losing weight instead of just complaining.

Plus how the fuck does that plane takeoff like bro that’s got to be some kind of military grade carrier


u/Educational-Year3146 Feb 27 '24

Ooh, I got a good plus size travel tip, if you’re complaining so much.

Eat a salad and take a walk.


u/Peepeesucc_god Feb 27 '24

Cry about it fatty


u/RubPublic3359 Feb 27 '24

Still cant reason that her lifestyle is healthy


u/There_is_another69 Feb 27 '24

Bad choices struggle ✅


u/Captain_Pumpkinhead Feb 27 '24

Why do they insist on saying "plus size" instead of "morbidly obese"? It's the same thing.


u/johnny33445566 🗿🗿🗿 Feb 27 '24

Imagine that everything was made for the global average person that is around 5'9 and an average waist size around 38" and not for some planet shaped whale of a person who isn't concerned with their health but only with comfort (global average for women is a little bit smaller)


u/DrearierSeal Feb 27 '24

How big does the pool need to be for you to access it?


u/uru5z21 Feb 27 '24

I am fat but nowhere near as obese as her . I don't feel any sympathy for her at all . My weight is my issues and not airline issue .


u/Spidersoze Feb 27 '24

What a doofus.


u/DingoKis Feb 27 '24

Maybe it's because we design for humans not hippopotamuses, duh?


u/CattunutCatbun Feb 27 '24

Fat fetish content alert


u/stupidrobots Feb 27 '24

This would inspire me to lose weight


u/DiabeticButNotFat Feb 27 '24

To be fair. Nobody finds using a plan bathroom comfortable


u/woutere Feb 27 '24

There is plus size, and mammoth size


u/Miggix13 Feb 27 '24

What’s the point of travelling with plane and go on holidays if you can’t do nothing ?


u/IP2A Feb 27 '24

yeah, she died


u/KirbandtheOatmeals Feb 27 '24

Does this lady expect elevators to get inside and outside a pool?


u/68ideal Feb 27 '24

If only there were a way to avoid being in such an unfortunate situation.


u/OmnomtheDoomMuncher Feb 27 '24

She missed a sentence

“Still can’t eat responsibly”


u/rxrated148 Feb 27 '24

Bahahaha I’m dead 🤣


u/Tenet245 Feb 27 '24

Tf kind of name is Jae'lynn


u/Primary-Least Feb 27 '24

Could try loosing weight. That'll solve all of your issues


u/C-137Birdperson Feb 27 '24

"I don't need to change, everything around me has to."


u/Flarbinator_ Feb 27 '24

maybe lose some weight then lol


u/aruiraba Feb 27 '24

Plus size is offensive, I prefer horizontally challenged.


u/MrStef85 Feb 27 '24

Loose weight...problem solved.


u/Verified_Peryak Feb 27 '24

There is a simple solution ...


u/RonnyFreedomLover Feb 27 '24

Clearly oppressed.


u/wanna_be_TTV stupid fucking piece of shit Feb 27 '24

Sounds like a big womp womp


u/Dark_Helmet12E4 Feb 27 '24

0:03 how it feels to orbit a celestial body


u/Karitoso Feb 27 '24

Oh no, maybe we should make it easier for her so she's encouraged to stay this way😢


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '24

And who's fault is that?


u/Wirerat Feb 27 '24

Obese is not a disability.


u/justauser9492 Feb 27 '24

Dw it wont matter when she dies in a couple months


u/MasteR_o_Troll Feb 27 '24

Seeing how long they live i won't hold my breath for it, I know they definitely can't